* Requirments
1. Sphinx Search with xmlpipe2 support
2. Sqlite

* Install
1. unpack archive into lib/plugins direcotory of your wiki
2. change directory to lib/plugins/sphinxsearch
3. run first time Sphinx Search indexer
   $indexer -c sphinx.conf dk_main
4. after indexer will complete indexsation, run first time searchd,
by default searchd port is 3313, so be sure this port is free
   $searchd -c sphinx.conf
5. Setup cronjob to periodically reindex your dokuwiki files

* Troubleshooting
1. PHP Allocate memory problem
This plugin used dokuwiki page parser which used too much memory,
so you can solve this problem by incresing you php memory settings:
   1) through php.ini
        memory_limit = 1024M
   2) through php script
        ini_set('memory_limit', '1024M');
   3) through .htaccess file
        php_value memory_limit "1024M"