* * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ use dokuwiki\Extension\ActionPlugin; use dokuwiki\Extension\Event; use dokuwiki\Extension\EventHandler; use dokuwiki\Logger; use dokuwiki\Sitemap\Item; /** * DokuWiki Plugin dokuwikispatial (Action Component). * * @license BSD license * @author Mark C. Prins */ class action_plugin_spatialhelper extends ActionPlugin { /** * Register for events. * * @param EventHandler $controller * DokuWiki's event controller object. */ final public function register(EventHandler $controller): void { // listen for page add / delete events // http://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:event:indexer_page_add $controller->register_hook('INDEXER_PAGE_ADD', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handleIndexerPageAdd'); $controller->register_hook('IO_WIKIPAGE_WRITE', 'BEFORE', $this, 'removeFromIndex'); // http://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:event:sitemap_generate $controller->register_hook('SITEMAP_GENERATE', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handleSitemapGenerateBefore'); // using after will only trigger us if a sitemap was actually created $controller->register_hook('SITEMAP_GENERATE', 'AFTER', $this, 'handleSitemapGenerateAfter'); // handle actions we know of $controller->register_hook('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handleActionActPreprocess', []); // handle HTML eg. /dokuwiki/doku.php?id=start&do=findnearby&geohash=u15vk4 $controller->register_hook( 'TPL_ACT_UNKNOWN', 'BEFORE', $this, 'findnearby', ['format' => 'HTML'] ); // handles AJAX/json eg: jQuery.post("/dokuwiki/lib/exe/ajax.php?id=start&call=findnearby&geohash=u15vk4"); $controller->register_hook( 'AJAX_CALL_UNKNOWN', 'BEFORE', $this, 'findnearby', ['format' => 'JSON'] ); // listen for media uploads and deletes $controller->register_hook('MEDIA_UPLOAD_FINISH', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handleMediaUploaded', []); $controller->register_hook('MEDIA_DELETE_FILE', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handleMediaDeleted', []); $controller->register_hook('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'handleMetaheaderOutput'); $controller->register_hook('PLUGIN_POPULARITY_DATA_SETUP', 'AFTER', $this, 'popularity'); } /** * Update the spatial index for the page. * * @param Event $event * event object */ final public function handleIndexerPageAdd(Event $event): void { // $event→data['page'] – the page id // $event→data['body'] – empty, can be filled by additional content to index by your plugin // $event→data['metadata'] – the metadata that shall be indexed. This is an array where the keys are the // metadata indexes and the value a string or an array of strings with the values. // title and relation_references will already be set. $id = $event->data ['page']; $indexer = plugin_load('helper', 'spatialhelper_index'); $indexer->updateSpatialIndex($id); } /** * Update the spatial index, removing the page. * * @param Event $event * event object */ final public function removeFromIndex(Event $event): void { // event data: // $data[0] – The raw arguments for io_saveFile as an array. Do not change file path. // $data[0][0] – the file path. // $data[0][1] – the content to be saved, and may be modified. // $data[1] – ns: The colon separated namespace path minus the trailing page name. (false if root ns) // $data[2] – page_name: The wiki page name. // $data[3] – rev: The page revision, false for current wiki pages. Logger::debug("Event data in removeFromIndex.", $event->data); if (@file_exists($event->data [0] [0])) { // file not new if (!$event->data [0] [1]) { // file is empty, page is being deleted if (empty($event->data [1])) { // root namespace $id = $event->data [2]; } else { $id = $event->data [1] . ":" . $event->data [2]; } $indexer = plugin_load('helper', 'spatialhelper_index'); if ($indexer !== null) { $indexer->deleteFromIndex($id); } } } } /** * Add a new SitemapItem object that points to the KML of public geocoded pages. * * @param Event $event */ final public function handleSitemapGenerateBefore(Event $event): void { $path = mediaFN($this->getConf('media_kml')); $lastmod = @filemtime($path); $event->data ['items'] [] = new Item(ml($this->getConf('media_kml'), '', true, '&', true), $lastmod); } /** * Create a spatial sitemap or attach the geo/kml map to the sitemap. * * @param Event $event * event object, not used */ final public function handleSitemapGenerateAfter(Event $event): bool { // $event→data['items']: Array of SitemapItem instances, the array of sitemap items that already // contains all public pages of the wiki // $event→data['sitemap']: The path of the file the sitemap will be saved to. if (($helper = plugin_load('helper', 'spatialhelper_sitemap')) !== null) { $kml = $helper->createKMLSitemap($this->getConf('media_kml')); $rss = $helper->createGeoRSSSitemap($this->getConf('media_georss')); if (!empty($this->getConf('sitemap_namespaces'))) { $namespaces = array_map('trim', explode("\n", $this->getConf('sitemap_namespaces'))); foreach ($namespaces as $namespace) { $kmlN = $helper->createKMLSitemap($namespace . $this->getConf('media_kml')); $rssN = $helper->createGeoRSSSitemap($namespace . $this->getConf('media_georss')); Logger::debug( "handleSitemapGenerateAfter, created KML / GeoRSS sitemap in $namespace, succes: ", $kmlN && $rssN ); } } return $kml && $rss; } return false; } /** * trap findnearby action. * This additional handler is required as described at: https://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:event:tpl_act_unknown * * @param Event $event * event object */ final public function handleActionActPreprocess(Event $event): void { if ($event->data !== 'findnearby') { return; } $event->preventDefault(); } /** * handle findnearby action. * * @param Event $event * event object * @param array $param * associative array with keys * 'format'=> HTML | JSON * @throws JsonException if anything goes wrong with JSON encoding */ final public function findnearby(Event $event, array $param): void { if ($event->data !== 'findnearby') { return; } $event->preventDefault(); $results = []; global $INPUT; if (($helper = plugin_load('helper', 'spatialhelper_search')) !== null) { if ($INPUT->has('lat') && $INPUT->has('lon')) { $results = $helper->findNearbyLatLon($INPUT->param('lat'), $INPUT->param('lon')); } elseif ($INPUT->has('geohash')) { $results = $helper->findNearby($INPUT->str('geohash')); } else { $results = ['error' => hsc($this->getLang('invalidinput'))]; } } $showMedia = $INPUT->bool('showMedia', true); switch ($param['format']) { case 'JSON': $this->printJSON($results); break; case 'HTML': // fall through to default default: $this->printHTML($results, $showMedia); break; } } /** * Print seachresults as HTML lists. * * @param array $searchresults * @throws JsonException if anything goes wrong with JSON encoding */ private function printJSON(array $searchresults): void { header('Content-Type: application/json'); echo json_encode($searchresults, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR | JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); } /** * Print seachresults as HTML lists. * * @param array $searchresults * @param bool $showMedia */ private function printHTML(array $searchresults, bool $showMedia = true): void { $pages = (array)($searchresults ['pages']); $media = (array)$searchresults ['media']; $lat = (float)$searchresults ['lat']; $lon = (float)$searchresults ['lon']; $geohash = (string)$searchresults ['geohash']; if (isset($searchresults ['error'])) { echo '

' . hsc($searchresults ['error']) . '

'; return; } // print a HTML list echo '

' . $this->getLang('results_header') . '

' . DOKU_LF; echo '
' . DOKU_LF; if ($pages !== []) { $pagelist = '
    ' . DOKU_LF; foreach ($pages as $page) { $pagelist .= '
  1. ' . html_wikilink( ':' . $page ['id'], useHeading('navigation') ? null : noNS($page ['id']) ) . ' (' . $this->getLang('results_distance_prefix') . $page ['distance'] . ' m) ' . $page ['description'] . '
  2. ' . DOKU_LF; } $pagelist .= '
' . DOKU_LF; echo '

' . $this->getLang('results_pages') . hsc( ' lat;lon: ' . $lat . ';' . $lon . ' (geohash: ' . $geohash . ')' ) . '

'; echo '
' . DOKU_LF; echo $pagelist; echo '
' . DOKU_LF; } else { echo '

' . hsc($this->getLang('nothingfound')) . '

'; } if ($media !== [] && $showMedia) { $pagelist = '
    ' . DOKU_LF; foreach ($media as $m) { $opts = []; $link = ml($m ['id'], $opts, false); $opts ['w'] = '100'; $src = ml($m ['id'], $opts); $pagelist .= '
  1. (' . $this->getLang('results_distance_prefix') . $m ['distance'] . ' m) ' . '
  2. ' . DOKU_LF; } $pagelist .= '
' . DOKU_LF; echo '

' . $this->getLang('results_media') . hsc( ' lat;lon: ' . $lat . ';' . $lon . ' (geohash: ' . $geohash . ')' ) . '

' . DOKU_LF; echo '
' . DOKU_LF; echo $pagelist; echo '
' . DOKU_LF; } echo '

' . $this->getLang('results_precision') . $searchresults ['precision'] . ' m. '; if (strlen($geohash) > 1) { $url = wl( getID(), ['do' => 'findnearby', 'geohash' => substr($geohash, 0, -1)] ); echo '' . $this->getLang('search_largerarea') . '.

' . DOKU_LF; } echo '
' . DOKU_LF; } /** * add media to spatial index. * * @param Event $event */ final public function handleMediaUploaded(Event $event): void { //data[0] path/to/new/media.file (normally read from $_FILES, potentially could come from elsewhere) //data[1] file name of the file being uploaded //data[2] future directory id of the file being uploaded //data[3] the mime type of the file being uploaded //data[4] true if the uploaded file exists already //data[5] (since 2011-02-06) the PHP function used to move the file to the correct location Logger::debug("handleMediaUploaded::event data", $event->data); // check the list of mimetypes // if it's a supported type call appropriate index function if (str_contains($event->data [3], 'image/jpeg')) { $indexer = plugin_load('helper', 'spatialhelper_index'); if ($indexer !== null) { $indexer->indexImage($event->data [2]); } } // TODO add image/tiff // TODO kml, gpx, geojson... } /** * removes the media from the index. * @param Event $event event object with data */ final public function handleMediaDeleted(Event $event): void { // data['id'] ID data['unl'] unlink return code // data['del'] Namespace directory unlink return code // data['name'] file name data['path'] full path to the file // data['size'] file size // remove the media id from the index $indexer = plugin_load('helper', 'spatialhelper_index'); if ($indexer !== null) { $indexer->deleteFromIndex('media__' . $event->data ['id']); } } /** * add a link to the spatial sitemap files in the header. * * @param Event $event the DokuWiki event. $event->data is a two-dimensional array of all meta headers. * The keys are meta, link and script. * * @see http://www.dokuwiki.org/devel:event:tpl_metaheader_output */ final public function handleMetaheaderOutput(Event $event): void { // TODO maybe test for exist $event->data ["link"] [] = ["type" => "application/atom+xml", "rel" => "alternate", "href" => ml($this->getConf('media_georss')), "title" => "Spatial ATOM Feed"]; $event->data ["link"] [] = ["type" => "application/vnd.google-earth.kml+xml", "rel" => "alternate", "href" => ml($this->getConf('media_kml')), "title" => "KML Sitemap"]; } /** * Add spatialhelper popularity data. * * @param Event $event * the DokuWiki event */ final public function popularity(Event $event): void { $versionInfo = getVersionData(); $plugin_info = $this->getInfo(); $event->data['spatialhelper']['version'] = $plugin_info['date']; $event->data['spatialhelper']['dwversion'] = $versionInfo['date']; $event->data['spatialhelper']['combinedversion'] = $versionInfo['date'] . '_' . $plugin_info['date']; } }