* @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) */ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'action.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/AddDocument.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/Pageinfo.php'); require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/ConnectionException.php'; class action_plugin_solr extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin { const PAGING_SIZE = 100; /** * Quuery params used in all search requests to Solr * * @var array */ protected $common_params = array( 'q.op' => 'AND', 'wt' => 'phps', 'debugQuery' => 'false', 'start' => 0 ); /** * Query params used in search requests to Solr that highlight snippets * * @var array */ protected $highlight_params = array( 'hl' => 'true', 'hl.fl' => 'content', 'hl.snippets' => 4, 'hl.simple.pre' => '!!SOLR_HIGH!!', 'hl.simple.post' => '!!END_SOLR_HIGH!!' ); public $highlight2html = array( '!!SOLR_HIGH!!' => '', '!!END_SOLR_HIGH!!' => '' ); protected $allowed_actions = array('solr_search', 'solr_adv_search'); /** * return some info */ function getInfo(){ return array( 'author' => 'Gabriel Birke', 'email' => 'birke@d-scribe.de', 'date' => '2011-12-21', 'name' => 'Solr (Action component)', 'desc' => 'Update the Solr index during the indexing event, show search page.', 'url' => 'http://www.d-scribe.de/', ); } /** * Register the handlers with the dokuwiki's event controller */ function register(&$controller) { $controller->register_hook('INDEXER_TASKS_RUN', 'BEFORE', $this, 'updateindex'); $controller->register_hook('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'BEFORE', $this, 'allowsearchpage'); $controller->register_hook('TPL_ACT_UNKNOWN', 'BEFORE', $this, 'dispatch_search'); $controller->register_hook('AJAX_CALL_UNKNOWN', 'BEFORE', $this, 'quicksearch'); $controller->register_hook('IO_WIKIPAGE_WRITE', 'AFTER', $this, 'delete_index'); } /** * Update Solr index * * This event handler is called from the lib/exe/indexer.php file. */ function updateindex(&$event, $param) { global $ID; $helper = $this->loadHelper('solr', true); // Look for index file, if not modified, return if(!$helper->needs_indexing($ID)){ print "solr_indexer: index for $ID up to date".NL; return; } // get index lock $lock = $helper->lock_index(); // gather page info $writer = new XmlWriter(); $writer->openMemory(); $info = new Solr_Pageinfo($ID); $doc = new Solr_AddDocument($writer); $doc->start(); $doc->addPage($info->getFields()); $doc->end(); // post to SOLR try { $result = $helper->solr_query('update', 'commit=true', 'POST', $writer->outputMemory()); $xml = simplexml_load_string($result); // Check response if($xml->getName() != "response") { print "solr_indexer: Unexpected response:\n$result\n"; } else { print "solr_indexer: index was updated\n"; // update index file $helper->update_idxfile($ID); } } catch(ConnectionException $e) { print "solr_indexer: Request failed: ".$e->getMessage().NL; } // release lock @rmdir($lock); // Stop event propagation to avoid script timeout $event->preventDefault(); $event->stopPropagation(); } /** * Event handler for displaying the search result page */ function dispatch_search(&$event, $param) { // only handle our actions if(!in_array($event->data, $this->allowed_actions)) { return; } $method = 'page_'.$event->data; $this->$method(); $event->preventDefault(); $event->stopPropagation(); } /** * Display advanced search form and handle the sent form fields */ protected function page_solr_adv_search() { global $QUERY; $helper = $this->loadHelper('solr', true); echo $helper->htmlAdvancedSearchform(); // Build search string $q = ''; if(!empty($_REQUEST['search_plus'])) { $val = utf8_stripspecials(utf8_strtolower($_REQUEST['search_plus'])); $q .= $this->search_words($val, '+', '*'); } elseif(!empty($QUERY)) { $val = utf8_stripspecials(utf8_strtolower($QUERY)); $q .= $this->search_words($val, '+', '*'); } if(!empty($_REQUEST['search_exact'])) { $q .= ' +"'.$_REQUEST['search_exact'].'"'; } if(!empty($_REQUEST['search_minus'])) { $val = utf8_stripspecials(utf8_strtolower($_REQUEST['search_minus'])); $q .= $this->search_words($val, '-', '*'); } if(!empty($_REQUEST['search_ns'])) { foreach($_REQUEST['search_ns'] as $ns) { if(($ns = trim($ns)) != '') { $q .= ' idpath:'.strtr($ns, ':','/'); } } } if(!empty($_REQUEST['search_fields'])) { foreach($_REQUEST['search_fields'] as $key => $value) { //$value = utf8_stripspecials(utf8_strtolower($value)); if(!$value) { continue; } $q .= $this->search_words($value, ''.$key.':', '*'); } } $q = trim($q); // remove first space // Don't search with empty params if(!$q) { return; } $content_params = array_merge($this->common_params, $this->highlight_params, array( 'q' => $q, 'rows' => self::PAGING_SIZE, // 'q.op' => 'OR' )); //print("

search string: $q

"); print $this->locale_xhtml('searchpage'); print '
'; $this->search_query($content_params); print '
'; } protected function search_words($str, $prefix='', $suffix='') { $words = preg_split('/\s+/', $str); $search_words = ''; foreach($words as $w) { $search_words .= ' ' . $prefix . $w . $suffix; } return $search_words; } /** * Do a simple search and display search results */ protected function page_solr_search() { global $QUERY; $val = utf8_strtolower($QUERY); $q_title .= $this->search_words($val, 'title:', '*'); $q_text .= $this->search_words($val, '', '*'); // Prepare the parameters to be sent to Solr $title_params = array_merge($this->common_params, array('q' => $q_title, 'rows' => self::PAGING_SIZE)); $content_params = array_merge($this->common_params, $this->highlight_params, array( 'q' => $q_text, 'rows' => self::PAGING_SIZE, 'x-dw-query-type' => 'content' // Dummy parameter to make this query identifyable in handlers for the SOLR_QUERY event )); // Other plugins can manipulate the parameters trigger_event('SOLR_QUERY_TITLE', $title_params); trigger_event('SOLR_QUERY_CONTENT', $content_params); $query_str_title = substr($this->array2paramstr($title_params), 1); $helper = $this->loadHelper('solr', true); // Build HTML result print $this->locale_xhtml('searchpage'); flush(); //do a search for page titles try { $title_result = unserialize($helper->solr_query('select', $query_str_title)); } catch(ConnectionException $e) { echo $this->getLang('search_failed'); } if(!empty($title_result['response']['docs'])){ print '
'; print '


'; $helper->html_render_titles($title_result, 'search_quickhits'); print '
'; print '
'; } flush(); // Output search print '
'; $this->search_query($content_params); print '
'; } /** * Query Solr and render search result. * * If the result contains more documents than the PAGING_SIZE constant, * do another Solr request with increased 'start' parameter. * * @param array $params Solr Search query params */ protected function search_query($params){ global $QUERY; $helper = $this->loadHelper('solr', true); $start = empty($params['start']) ? 0 : $params['start']; $query_str = substr($this->array2paramstr($params), 1); // Solr query for content try { $content_result = unserialize($helper->solr_query('select', $query_str)); //echo "
";print_r($content_result);echo "
"; } catch(Exception $e) { echo $this->getLang('search_failed'); return; } $q_arr = preg_split('/\s+/', $QUERY); $num_snippets = $this->getConf('num_snippets'); if(!empty($content_result['response']['docs'])){ $num = $start+1; if(!$start) { print '


'; } foreach($content_result['response']['docs'] as $doc){ $id = $doc['id']; if(auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ) { continue; } $data = array('result' => $content_result, 'id' => $id, 'html' => array()); $data['html']['head'] = html_wikilink(':'.$id, useHeading('navigation')?null:$id, $q_arr); if(!$num_snippets || $num < $num_snippets){ if(!empty($content_result['highlighting'][$id]['content'])){ // Escape and other tags $highlight = htmlspecialchars(implode('... ', $content_result['highlighting'][$id]['content'])); // replace highlight placeholders with HTML $highlight = str_replace( array_keys($this->highlight2html), array_values($this->highlight2html), $highlight ); $data['html']['body'] = '
'; } } $num++; // Enable plugins to add data or render result differently. print trigger_event('SOLR_RENDER_RESULT_CONTENT', $data, array($this, '_render_content_search_result')); flush(); } if($content_result['response']['numFound'] > $content_result['response']['start'] + self::PAGING_SIZE) { $params['start'] = $content_result['response']['start'] + self::PAGING_SIZE; $this->search_query($params); } } elseif(!$start) { // if the first search result returned nothing, print nothing found message print '
'; } } public function _render_content_search_result($data) { return '
'.implode('', $data['html']).'
'; } /** * Convert an associative array to a parameter string. * Array values are urlencoded * * @param array $params * @return string */ protected function array2paramstr($params) { $paramstr = ''; foreach($params as $p => $v) { $paramstr .= '&'.$p.'='.rawurlencode($v); } return $paramstr; } /** * Allow the solr_search action if the global variable $QUERY is not empty */ public function allowsearchpage(&$event, $param) { global $QUERY; if(!in_array($event->data, $this->allowed_actions)) return; if(!$QUERY && $event->data == 'solr_search') { $event->data = 'show'; return; } $event->preventDefault(); } /** * Handle AJAX request for quickly displaying titles */ public function quicksearch(&$event, $params){ if($event->data != 'solr_qsearch') { return; } $q_arr = preg_split('/\s+/', $_REQUEST['q']); $q_title = ''; // construct query string with field name and wildcards foreach($q_arr as $val) { $val = utf8_stripspecials(utf8_strtolower($val)); $q_title .= ' title:'.$val.'*'; } $title_params = array_merge($this->common_params, array('q' => $q_title)); // Other plugins can manipulate the parameters trigger_event('SOLR_QUERY_TITLE', $title_params); $query_str_title = substr($this->array2paramstr($title_params), 1); $helper = $this->loadHelper('solr', true); //do quick pagesearch // Solr query for title try { $title_result = unserialize($helper->solr_query('select', $query_str_title)); //echo "
";print_r($title_result);echo "
"; } catch(ConnectionException $e) { echo $this->getLang('search_failed'); } if(!empty($title_result['response']['docs'])){ print ''.$this->getLang('quickhits').''; $helper->html_render_titles($title_result); } flush(); $event->preventDefault(); $event->stopPropagation(); } /** * This event handler deletes a page from the Solr index when it is deleted * in the wiki. */ public function delete_index(&$event, $params){ // If a revision is stored, do nothing if(!empty($event->data[3])) { return; } // If non-empty content is saved, do nothing if(!empty($event->data[0][1])) { return; } // create page ID from event data $id = $event->data[1] ? "{$event->data[1]}:{$event->data[2]}" : $event->data[2]; $helper = $this->loadHelper('solr', true); // send delete command to Solr $query = $this->array2paramstr(array( 'stream.body' => "{$id}", 'commit' => "true" )); try { $helper->solr_query('update', $query); } catch(ConnectionException $e) { msg($this->getLang('delete_failed'), -1); dbglog($e->getMessage(), $this->getLang('delete_failed')); } } }