* @author Gerry Weissbach */ if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if (!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN', DOKU_INC . 'lib/plugins/'); require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/parser/xhtml.php'; use dokuwiki\File\PageResolver; use dokuwiki\File\MediaResolver; /** * The Renderer */ class renderer_plugin_siteexport_pdf extends Doku_Renderer_xhtml { public $acronymsExchanged = null; private $hasSeenHeader = false; private $currentLevel = 0; public $levels = array( '======'=>1, '====='=>2, '===='=>3, '==='=>4, '=='=>5 ); public $info = array( 'cache' => true, // may the rendered result cached? 'toc' => true, // render the TOC? 'forceTOC' => false, // shall I force the TOC? 'scriptmode' => false, // In scriptmode, some tags will not be encoded => '<%', '%>' ); public $headingCount = array( 1=>0, 2=>0, 3=>0, 4=>0, 5=>0 ); public function document_start() { global $TOC, $ID, $INFO; parent::document_start(); // Cheating in again $newMeta = p_get_metadata($ID, 'description tableofcontents', false); // 2010-10-23 This should be save to use if (!empty($newMeta) && count($newMeta) > 1) { // $TOC = $this->toc = $newMeta; // 2010-08-23 doubled the TOC $TOC = $newMeta; } } public function document_end() { parent::document_end(); // Prepare the TOC global $TOC, $ID; $meta = array(); // NOTOC, and no forceTOC if ($this->info['toc'] === false && !($this->info['forceTOC'] || $this->meta['forceTOC'])) { $TOC = $this->toc = array(); $meta['internal']['toc'] = false; $meta['description']['tableofcontents'] = array(); $meta['forceTOC'] = false; } else if ($this->info['forceTOC'] || $this->meta['forceTOC'] || (utf8_strlen(strip_tags($this->doc)) >= $this->getConf('documentlengthfortoc') && count($this->toc) > 1)) { $TOC = $this->toc; // This is a little bit like cheating ... but this will force the TOC into the metadata $meta = array(); $meta['internal']['toc'] = true; $meta['forceTOC'] = $this->info['forceTOC'] || $this->meta['forceTOC']; $meta['description']['tableofcontents'] = $TOC; } // allways write new metadata p_set_metadata($ID, $meta); $this->doc = preg_replace('#\s*

#', '', $this->doc); } public function header($text, $level, $pos, $returnonly = false) { global $conf; global $ID; global $INFO; if ($text) { $hid = $this->_headerToLink($text, true); //only add items within configured levels $this->toc_additem($hid, $text, $level); // adjust $node to reflect hierarchy of levels $this->node[$level-1]++; if ($level < $this->lastlevel) { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->lastlevel-$level; $i++) { $this->node[$this->lastlevel-$i-1] = 0; } } $this->lastlevel = $level; /* There should be no class for "sectioneditX" if there is no edit perm */ if ($INFO['perm'] > AUTH_READ && $level <= $conf['maxseclevel'] && count($this->sectionedits) > 0 && $this->sectionedits[count($this->sectionedits)-1][2] === 'section') { $this->finishSectionEdit($pos-1); } $headingNumber = ''; $useNumbered = p_get_metadata($ID, 'usenumberedheading', true); // 2011-02-07 This should be save to use if ($this->getConf('usenumberedheading') || !empty($useNumbered) || !empty($INFO['meta']['usenumberedheading']) || isset($_REQUEST['usenumberedheading'])) { // increment the number of the heading $this->headingCount[$level]++; // build the actual number for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) { // reset the number of the subheadings if ($i > $level) { $this->headingCount[$i] = 0; } // build the number of the heading $headingNumber .= $this->headingCount[$i] . '.'; } $headingNumber = preg_replace("/(\.0)+\.?$/", '', $headingNumber) . ' '; } // write the header $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.' AUTH_READ && $level <= $conf['maxseclevel']) { $class[] = $this->startSectionEdit($pos, array( 'target' => 'section', 'name' => $text ) ); } if ( !empty($headingNumber) ) { $class[] = 'level' . trim($headingNumber); if ( intval($headingNumber) > 1 ) { $class[] = 'notfirst'; } else { $class[] = 'first'; } } if ( !empty($class) ) { $this->doc .= ' class="' . implode(' ', $class) . '"'; } $this->doc .= '>'; $this->doc .= $this->_xmlEntities($headingNumber . $text); $this->doc .= "".DOKU_LF; } else if ( $INFO['perm'] > AUTH_READ ) { if ( $this->hasSeenHeader ) { $this->finishSectionEdit($pos); } // write the header $name = rand() . $level; $sectionEdit = $this->startSectionEdit($pos, array( 'target' => 'section_empty', 'name' => $name)); $this->doc .= DOKU_LF.''.DOKU_LF; } $this->hasSeenHeader = true; } public function section_open($level) { $this->currentLevel = $level; parent::section_open($level); } public function p_open() { $this->doc .= DOKU_LF . '

' . DOKU_LF; } public function listu_open($classes = null) { $this->doc .= '

    ' . DOKU_LF; } public function listo_open($classes = null) { $this->doc .= '
      ' . DOKU_LF; } public function finishSectionEdit($end = null, $hid = null) { return ''; } /** * @param string $type */ public function startSectionEdit($start, $data) { return ''; } /** * Wrap centered media in a div to center it */ public function _media ($src, $title=NULL, $align=NULL, $width=NULL, $height=NULL, $cache=NULL, $render = true) { $out = ''; if($align == 'center'){ $out .= '
      '; } $out .= parent::_media ($src, $title, $align, $width, $height, $cache, $render); if($align == 'center'){ $out .= '
      '; } return $out; } public function internalmedia($src, $title = NULL, $align = NULL, $width = NULL, $height = NULL, $cache = NULL, $linking = NULL, $return = false) { global $ID; list($src,$hash) = explode('#',$src,2); $src = (new MediaResolver(getNS($ID)))->resolveId($src); $exists = media_exists( $src ); $noLink = false; $render = ($linking == 'linkonly') ? false : true; $link = $this->_getMediaLinkConf($src, $title, $align, $width, $height, $cache, $render); list($ext,$mime,$dl) = mimetype($src); if(substr($mime,0,5) == 'image' && $render){ $link['url'] = ml($src,array('id'=>$ID,'cache'=>$cache),($linking=='direct')); if ( substr($mime,0,5) == 'image' && $linking='details' ) { $noLink = true;} } elseif($mime == 'application/x-shockwave-flash' && $render){ // don't link flash movies $noLink = true; } else{ // add file icons $class = preg_replace('/[^_\-a-z0-9]+/i','_',$ext); $link['class'] .= ' mediafile mf_'.$class; $link['url'] = ml($src,array('id'=>$ID,'cache'=>$cache),true); } if($hash) { $link['url'] .= '#'.$hash; } //markup non existing files if (!$exists) { $link['class'] .= ' wikilink2'; } //output formatted if ($linking == 'nolink' || $noLink) { $this->doc .= $link['name']; } else { $this->doc .= $this->_formatLink($link); } } /** * Render an internal Wiki Link * * $search,$returnonly & $linktype are not for the renderer but are used * elsewhere - no need to implement them in other renderers * * @author Andreas Gohr */ public function internallink($id, $name = NULL, $search = NULL, $returnonly = false, $linktype = 'content') { global $conf; global $ID; // default name is based on $id as given $default = $this->_simpleTitle($id); // now first resolve and clean up the $id $id = (new PageResolver( $ID ))->resolveId($id); $exists = media_exists( $id ); $name = $this->_getLinkTitle($name, $default, $isImage, $id, $linktype); if (!$isImage) { if ($exists) { $class = 'wikilink1'; } else { $class = 'wikilink2'; $link['rel'] = 'nofollow'; } } else { $class = 'media'; } //keep hash anchor list($id, $hash) = explode('#', $id, 2); if (!empty($hash)) $hash = $this->_headerToLink($hash); //prepare for formating $link['target'] = $conf['target']['wiki']; $link['style'] = ''; $link['pre'] = ''; $link['suf'] = ''; // highlight link to current page if ($id == $ID) { $link['pre'] = ''; $link['suf'] = ''; } $link['more'] = ''; $link['class'] = $class; $link['url'] = wl($id); $link['name'] = $name; $link['title'] = $this->_getLinkTitle(null, $default, $isImage, $id, $linktype); //add search string if ($search) { ($conf['userewrite']) ? $link['url'] .= '?' : $link['url'] .= '&'; if (is_array($search)) { $search = array_map('rawurlencode', $search); $link['url'] .= 's[]=' . join('&s[]=', $search); } else { $link['url'] .= 's=' . rawurlencode($search); } } //keep hash if ($hash) $link['url'] .= '#' . $hash; //output formatted if ($returnonly) { return $this->_formatLink($link); } else { $this->doc .= $this->_formatLink($link); } } public function acronym($acronym) { if (empty($this->acronymsExchanged)) { $this->acronymsExchanged = $this->acronyms; $this->acronyms = array(); foreach ($this->acronymsExchanged as $key => $value) { $this->acronyms[str_replace('_', ' ', $key)] = $value; } } parent::acronym($acronym); } /** * @param string $string */ public function _xmlEntities($string) { $string = parent::_xmlEntities($string); $string = htmlentities($string, 8, 'UTF-8'); $string = $this->superentities($string); if ($this->info['scriptmode']) { $string = str_replace(array("<%", "%>", "<?", "?>"), array("<%", "%>", ""), $string); } return $string; } // Unicode-proof htmlentities. // Returns 'normal' chars as chars and weirdos as numeric html entites. /** * @param string $str */ public function superentities( $str ){ // get rid of existing entities else double-escape $str2 = ''; $str = html_entity_decode(stripslashes($str),ENT_QUOTES,'UTF-8'); $ar = preg_split('/(? 1) || /* multi-byte [unicode] */ ($o > 127) // || /* <- control / latin weirdos -> */ // ($o <32 || $o > 126) || /* <- control / latin weirdos -> */ // ($o >33 && $o < 40) ||/* quotes + ambersand */ // ($o >59 && $o < 63) /* html */ ) { // convert to numeric entity $c = mb_encode_numericentity($c, array(0x0, 0xffff, 0, 0xffff), 'UTF-8'); } $str2 .= $c; } return $str2; } public function preformatted($text) { $this->doc .= '
      '; parent::preformatted($text); $this->doc .= '
      '; } public function _highlight($type, $text, $language = NULL, $filename = NULL, $options = NULL) { $this->doc .= '
      '; parent::_highlight($type, $text, $language, $filename, $options); $this->doc .= '
      '; } /** * API of the imagereference plugin * https://github.com/i-net-software/dokuwiki-plugin-imagereference * * Allows to specify special imagecaption tags that the renderer (mpdf) can use */ public function imageCaptionTags(&$imagereferenceplugin) { if ( !$imagereferenceplugin->accepts('table') ) { return array( '
      ', // $captionStart '
      ', // $captionEnd '
      ', // $underCaptionStart '
      ' // $underCaptionEnd ); } return null; } /** * Render a page local link * * @param string $hash hash link identifier * @param string $name name for the link * @param bool $returnonly whether to return html or write to doc attribute * @return void|string writes to doc attribute or returns html depends on $returnonly */ public function locallink($hash, $name = null, $returnonly = false) { global $ID; $name = $this->_getLinkTitle($name, $hash, $isImage); $hash = $this->_headerToLink($hash); $title = $name; $doc = ''; $doc .= $name; $doc .= ''; if($returnonly) { return $doc; } else { $this->doc .= $doc; } } } //Setup VIM: ex: et ts=4 enc=utf-8 :