doDebug = !empty($_REQUEST['tocDebug']); $this->emptyNSToc = !empty($_REQUEST['emptyTocElem']); $this->functions = $functions; $this->NS = $NS; } private function isNotEmpty( $val ) { return !empty($val); } private function shortenByTranslation(&$inputURL, $deepSearch = false) { // Mandatory: we allways want '/' insteadf of ':' here $inputURL = str_replace(':', '/', $inputURL); $checkArray = $this->translation ? $this->translation->translations : array(noNS($this->NS)); $url = explode('/', $inputURL); $URLcount = count($url); for ($i = 0; $i < $URLcount ; $i++) { if (in_array($url[$i], $checkArray)) { // Rauswerfen und weg $url[$i] = ''; break; } if (!$deepSearch) { break; } // Ok, remove anyway $url[$i] = ''; } $inputURL = implode('/', $url); $inputURL = preg_replace("$\/+$", "/", $inputURL); if (strlen($inputURL) > 0 && substr($inputURL, 0, 1) == '/') { $inputURL = substr($inputURL, 1); } return $inputURL; } /** * Build the Java Documentation TOC XML **/ public function __getJavaHelpTOCXML($DATA) { if (count($DATA) == 0) { return false; } $this->debug("#### STARTING ####"); $TOCXML = "\n"; $MAPXML = "\n"; // Go through the pages $CHECKDATA = array(); $nData = $DATA; $DATA = array(); $check = array(); $startPageID = null; foreach ( $nData as $elem ) { // Check if available $anchor = ( !empty($elem['anchor']) ? '#' . $elem['anchor'] : '' ); $elem['url'] = $this->functions->getSiteName($elem['id'], true); // Override - we need a clean name $elem['mapURL'] = $elem['url']; $this->shortenByTranslation($elem['url']); // only add an url once if ( in_array($elem['url'], $CHECKDATA) ) { continue; } if ( !isset($elem['exists']) ) { $elem['exists'] = page_exists( (new PageResolver( $elem['id'] ))->resolveId($elem['id']) ); $this->functions->debug->message("EXISTS previously not set.", $elem, 1); } // if not there, no map ids will be generated $elem['mapID'] = intval($elem['exists']) == 1 ? $this->functions->getMapID($elem['id'], $elem['anchor'], $check) : array(); $elem['tags'] = explode(' ', p_get_metadata($elem['id'], 'context tags', true)); // thats from the tag plugin $elem['tags'] = array_filter($elem['tags'], array($this, 'isNotEmpty')); $elem['tags'] = array_map(array($this->functions, 'cleanId'), $elem['tags']); if ( empty($elem['depth']) ) { $elem['depth'] = count(explode('/', $elem['url'])); } $CHECKDATA[] = $elem['url']; if ( $startPageID == null ) { $startPageID = $elem['mapID'][0]; } if ( empty( $elem['name'] ) || $elem['name'] == noNs($elem['id']) ) { $elem['name'] = $this->functions->getSiteTitle($elem['id']); if ( is_array($elem['mapID']) && empty( $elem['mapID'] ) ) { array_push($elem['mapID'], noNs($elem['id'])); } $this->debug("no name, get site title " . $elem['name']); $this->debug($elem); } // Go on building mapXML $this->shortenByTranslation($elem['mapURL'], true); // true to already remove all language stuff - false if not foreach ( $elem['mapID'] as $VIEWID ) { $MAPXML .= "\n\t"; } $elem['tocNS'] = getNS(cleanID($elem['url'])); $elem['tocNS'] = $this->shortenByTranslation($elem['tocNS'], true); $elem['tocNS'] = strlen($elem['tocNS']) > 0 ? explode('/', $elem['tocNS']) : array(); $this->functions->debug->message("This will be the TOC elements data:", $elem, 1); $this->__buildTOCTree($DATA, $elem['tocNS'], $elem); } $this->debug("#### Writing TOC Tree ####"); $TOCXML .= $this->__writeTOCTree($DATA) . "\n"; $this->debug("#### DONE: Writing TOC Tree ####"); $MAPXML .= "\n"; $this->debug($DATA); $this->debug($TOCXML); $this->debug($MAPXML); return array($TOCXML, $MAPXML, $startPageID); } /** * Prepare the TOC Tree **/ private function __buildTOCTree(&$DATA, $currentNSArray, $elemToAdd) { global $conf; // Actual level if (empty($currentNSArray)) { $elemToAdd['isStartPage'] = noNS($elemToAdd['id']) == $conf['start']; // $key = empty($elemToAdd['name']) || 1==1 ? noNS($elemToAdd['id']) : $elemToAdd['name']; $key = noNS($elemToAdd['id']); $DATA[$key] = $elemToAdd; return; } $currentLevel = array_shift($currentNSArray); $nextLevel = &$DATA[$currentLevel]; if (empty($nextLevel)) { $nextLevel = array('pages' => array()); } else { $nextLevel = &$DATA[$currentLevel]['pages']; } $this->__buildTOCTree($nextLevel, $currentNSArray, $elemToAdd); } /** * Create a single TOC Item **/ private function __TOCItem($item, $depth, $selfClosed = true) { $this->debug("creating toc item"); $this->debug($item); $targetID = $item['mapID'][0] ?? ''; if (empty($targetID)) { $targetID = $this->functions->cleanID($item['name']); $this->debug("no map ID, using: " . $targetID); } return "\n" . str_repeat("\t", max($depth, 0)+1) . ""; } /** * Create a single TOC Item **/ private function __TOCItemClose($depth) { return "\n" . str_repeat("\t", max($depth, 0)+1) . ""; } /** * Write the whole TOC TREE **/ private function __writeTOCTree($CURRENTNODE, $CURRENTNODENAME = null, $DEPTH = 0) { global $conf; $XML = ''; $didOpenItem = false; if (!is_array($CURRENTNODE) || empty($CURRENTNODE)) { // errr … no. return $XML; } // This is an element! if (!empty($CURRENTNODE['id']) && empty($CURRENTNODE['pages'])) { // This has to be an item - only -! return $this->__TOCItem($CURRENTNODE, $DEPTH); } // Look for start page if (!empty($CURRENTNODE[$conf['start']])) { // YAY! StartPage found. $didOpenItem = !(count(empty($CURRENTNODE['pages']) ? $CURRENTNODE : $CURRENTNODE['pages']) == 0); $XML .= $this->__TOCItem($CURRENTNODE[$conf['start']], $DEPTH, !$didOpenItem); unset($CURRENTNODE[$conf['start']]); } else if (!empty($CURRENTNODE['element'])) { $didOpenItem = !(count($CURRENTNODE['pages']) == 0); $XML .= $this->__TOCItem($CURRENTNODE['element'], $DEPTH, !$didOpenItem); unset($CURRENTNODE['element']); } else if ($CURRENTNODENAME != null) { // We have a parent node for what is comming … lets honor that $didOpenItem = !(count($CURRENTNODE) == 0); $XML .= $this->__TOCItem(array('name' => $CURRENTNODENAME), $DEPTH, !$didOpenItem); } else { // Woohoo … empty node? do not count up! $DEPTH--; } $this->debug("-- This is the current node --"); $this->debug($CURRENTNODE); // Circle through the entries foreach (empty($CURRENTNODE['pages']) ? $CURRENTNODE : $CURRENTNODE['pages'] as $NODENAME => $ELEM) { // a node should have more than only one entry … otherwise we will not tell our name! $XML .= $this->__writeTOCTree($ELEM, count($ELEM) >= 1 ? ( !empty($ELEM['name']) ? $ELEM['name'] : $NODENAME ) : null, $DEPTH+1); } // Close and return return $XML . ($didOpenItem ? $this->__TOCItemClose($DEPTH) : ''); } /** * Build the Eclipse Documentation TOC XML **/ public function __getTOCXML($DATA, $XML = "\n\n") { $pagesArray = array(); // Go through the pages foreach ($DATA as $elem) { $site = $elem['id']; $elems = explode('/', $this->functions->getSiteName($site)); // Strip Site array_pop($elems); // build the topic Tree $this->__buildTopicTree($pagesArray, $elems, $site); } $XML .= $this->__addXMLTopic($pagesArray, 'toc'); return $XML; } /** * Load the topic Tree for the TOC - recursive **/ private function __buildTopicTree(&$PAGES, $DATA, $SITE, $INSERTDATA = null) { if (empty($DATA) || !is_array($DATA)) { if ($INSERTDATA == null) { $INSERTDATA = $SITE; } // This is already a namespace if (is_array($PAGES[noNS($SITE)])) { // The root already exists! if (!empty($PAGES[noNS($SITE)][noNS($SITE)])) { if (strstr($PAGES[noNS($SITE)][noNS($SITE)], $SITE)) { // The SITE is in the parent Namespace, and the current Namespace has an index with same name $PAGES['__' . noNS($SITE)] = $INSERTDATA; } else { $PAGES['__' . noNS($SITE)] = $PAGES[noNS($SITE)][noNS($SITE)]; $PAGES[noNS($SITE)][noNS($SITE)] = $INSERTDATA; } } else { $PAGES[noNS($SITE)][noNS($SITE)] = $INSERTDATA; } } else { // just a Page $PAGES[noNS($SITE)] = $INSERTDATA; } return; } $NS = array_shift($DATA); if (!is_array($PAGES[$NS])) $PAGES[$NS] = empty($PAGES[$NS]) ? array() : array($PAGES[$NS]); $this->__buildTopicTree($PAGES[$NS], $DATA, $SITE, $INSERTDATA); return; } /** * Build the Topic Tree for TOC.xml **/ private function __addXMLTopic($DATA, $ITEM = 'topic', $LEVEL = 0, $NODENAME = '') { global $conf; $DEPTH = str_repeat("\t", $LEVEL); if (!is_array($DATA)) { return $DEPTH . '<' . $ITEM . ' label="' . $this->functions->getSiteTitle($DATA) . '" ' . ($ITEM != 'topic' ? 'topic' : 'href') . '="' . $this->functions->getSiteName($DATA) . "\" />\n"; } // Is array from this point on list($indexTitle, $indexFile) = $this->__getIndexItem($DATA, $NODENAME); if (empty($indexTitle)) $indexTitle = $this->functions->getSiteTitle($conf['start']); if (!empty($indexFile)) $indexFile = ($ITEM != 'topic' ? 'topic' : 'href') . "=\"$indexFile\""; $isEmptyNode = count($DATA) == 1 && empty($indexFile); if (!$isEmptyNode && ($this->emptyNSToc || count($DATA) > 0)) { $XML = "$DEPTH<$ITEM label=\"$indexTitle\" $indexFile>"; } else { $XML = ""; } if (!$isEmptyNode && count($DATA) > 0) $XML .= "\n"; foreach ($DATA as $NODENAME => $NS) { $XML .= $this->__addXMLTopic($NS, (!($this->emptyNSToc || count($DATA) > 1) && $ITEM != 'topic' ? $ITEM : 'topic'), $LEVEL+(!$isEmptyNode ? 1 : 0), $NODENAME); } if (!$isEmptyNode && count($DATA) > 0) $XML .= "$DEPTH"; if (!$isEmptyNode && ($this->emptyNSToc || count($DATA) > 0)) { $XML .= "\n"; } return $XML; } /** * Get the context XML **/ public function __getContextXML($DATA) { $XML = "\n\n\n"; $check = array(); foreach ($DATA as $elem) { $ID = $elem['id']; $meta = p_get_metadata($ID, 'context', true); if (empty($meta['id'])) { continue; } $TITLE = empty($meta['title']) ? $this->functions->getSiteTitle($ID) : $meta['title']; // support more than one view IDs ... for more than one reference $VIEWIDs = $this->functions->getMapID($elem['id'], $elem['anchor'], $check); $DESCRIPTION = $this->functions->xmlEntities(p_get_metadata($ID, 'description abstract')); // Build topic Links $url = $this->functions->getSiteName($ID); $this->shortenByTranslation($url); $TOPICS = array($url => $TITLE . " (Details)"); $REFS = p_get_metadata($ID, 'relation references', true); if (is_array($REFS)) foreach ($REFS as $REL => $EXISTS) { if (!$EXISTS) { continue; } $TOPICS[$this->functions->getSiteName($REL)] = $this->functions->getSiteTitle($REL); } // build XML - include multi view IDs foreach ($VIEWIDs as $VIEWID) { $XML .= "\t\n"; $XML .= "\t\t$DESCRIPTION\n"; foreach ($TOPICS as $URL => $LABEL) { $XML .= "\t\t\n"; } $XML .= "\t\n"; } } $XML .= ""; return $XML; } /** * Determine if this is an index - and if so, find its Title **/ private function __getIndexItem(&$DATA, $NODENAME = '') { global $conf; if (!is_array($DATA)) { return; } $indexTitle = ''; $indexFile = ''; foreach ($DATA as $NODE => $indexSearch) { // Skip next Namespaces if (is_array($indexSearch)) { continue; } // Skip if this is not a start if ($NODE != $conf['start']) { continue; } $indexTitle = $this->functions->getSiteTitle($indexSearch); $indexFile = $indexSearch; unset($DATA[$NODE]); break; } if (empty($indexFile) && !empty($DATA[$NODENAME])) { $indexTitle = $this->functions->getSiteTitle($DATA[$NODENAME]); $indexFile = $DATA[$NODENAME]; unset($DATA[$NODENAME]); } return array($indexTitle, $this->functions->getSiteName($indexFile)); } private $doDebug = false; private static $didDebug = false; public function debug($data, $final = false) { if ( ! $this->doDebug ) { return; } if ( !$this->didDebug ) { print "
            $this->didDebug = true;
        if ( is_array($data) ) {
        } else {
            print str_replace("<", "<", str_replace(">", ">", $data));;
        print "\n\n";

        if ( $final ) {
            print "
"; exit; } } }