debug = new siteexport_debug(); $this->debug->isAJAX = $isAJAX; $this->settings = new settings_plugin_siteexport_settings($this); $this->debug->message("Settings completed: zipFile", $this->settings->zipFile, 1); } } public function getPluginName() { return 'siteexport'; } public function downloadURL() { $params = array('cache' => 'nocache', 'siteexport' => $this->settings->pattern); if ($this->debug->debugLevel() < 5) { // If debug, then debug! $params['debug'] = $this->debug->debugLevel(); } return ml($this->settings->origZipFile, $params, true, '&'); } public function checkIfCacheFileExistsForFileWithPattern($file, $pattern) { if (!@file_exists($file)) { // If the cache File does not exist, move the newly created one over ... $this->debug->message("'{$file}' does not exist. Checking original ZipFile", null, 3); $newCacheFile = mediaFN($this->getSpecialExportFileName($this->settings->origZipFile, $pattern)); if (!@file_exists($newCacheFile)) { $this->debug->message("The export must have gone wrong. The cached file does not exist.", array("pattern" => $pattern, "original File" => $this->settings->origZipFile, "expected cached file" => $newCacheFile), 3); } $status = io_rename($newCacheFile, $file); $this->debug->message("had to move another original file over. Did it work? " . ($status ? 'Yes, it did.' : 'No, it did not.'), null, 2); } else { $this->debug->message("The file does exist!", $file, 2); } } /** * Returns an utf8 encoded Namespace for a Page and input Namespace * @param $NS * @param $PAGE */ public function getNamespaceFromID($NS, &$PAGE) { global $conf; // Check current page - if its an NS add the startpage $NS = (new PageResolver($NS))->resolveId($NS); $NSa = explode(':', $NS); if (!page_exists($NS) && array_pop($NSa) != strtolower($conf['start'])) { // Compare to lowercase since clean lowers it. $NS .= ':' . $conf['start']; $NS = (new PageResolver($NS))->resolveId($NS); } $PAGE = noNS($NS); $NS = getNS($NS); return utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':', '/', $NS)); } /** * create a file name for the page **/ public function getSiteName($ID, $overrideRewrite = false) { global $conf; if (empty($ID)) return false; // Remove extensions if ($overrideRewrite) { $ID = preg_replace("#\.(php|html)$#", '', $ID); } $url = $this->wl($this->cleanID($ID), null, true, null, null, $overrideRewrite); // this must be done with rewriting set to override $uri = @parse_url($url); if ($uri['path'][0] == '/') { $uri['path'] = substr($uri['path'], 1); } return $this->shortenName($uri['path'] . '.' . $this->settings->fileType); } /** * get the Title for the page **/ public function getSiteTitle($ID) { if (useHeading('content') && $ID) { $heading = null; if (class_exists('siteexport_pdfgenerator')) { $heading = p_get_metadata(cleanID($ID),'pdftitle',METADATA_RENDER_USING_SIMPLE_CACHE); } $heading = empty($heading) ? p_get_metadata(cleanID($ID),'breadtitle',METADATA_RENDER_USING_SIMPLE_CACHE) : $heading; $heading = empty($heading) ? p_get_first_heading($ID, true) : $heading; if ($heading) { return $this->xmlEntities($heading); } } $elements = explode(':', $ID); return ucwords($this->xmlEntities(array_pop($elements))); } /** * Encoding ()taken from DW - but without needing the renderer **/ public function xmlEntities($string) { return htmlspecialchars($string, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } /** * Create name for the file inside the zip and the replacements **/ public function shortenName($NAME) { $NS = $this->settings->exportNamespace; $NAME = preg_replace("%^" . preg_quote(DOKU_BASE, '%') . "%", "", $NAME); $NAME = preg_replace("%^((_media|_detail)/)?(" . preg_quote($NS, '%') . "/)?%", "", $NAME); if (strstr($NAME, '%')) { $NAME = rawurldecode($NAME); } $this->debug->message("Shortening file to '$NAME'", null, 1); return $NAME; } /** * Remove unwanted chars from ID * * Cleans a given ID to only use allowed characters. Accented characters are * converted to unaccented ones * * @author Andreas Gohr * @param string $raw_id The pageid to clean * @param boolean $ascii Force ASCII * @param boolean $media Allow leading or trailing _ for media files */ public function cleanID($raw_id, $ascii = false, $media = false) { global $conf; global $lang; static $sepcharpat = null; global $cache_cleanid; $cache = & $cache_cleanid; // check if it's already in the memory cache if (isset($cache[(string) $raw_id])) { return $cache[(string) $raw_id]; } $sepchar = $conf['sepchar']; if ($sepcharpat == null) // build string only once to save clock cycles $sepcharpat = '#\\' . $sepchar . '+#'; $id = trim((string) $raw_id); // NO LowerCase for us! - Preserve it, that is why the call is missing here. //alternative namespace seperator $id = strtr($id, ';', ':'); if ($conf['useslash']) { $id = strtr($id, '/', ':'); } else { $id = strtr($id, '/', $sepchar); } if ($conf['deaccent'] == 2 || $ascii) $id = utf8_romanize($id); if ($conf['deaccent'] || $ascii) $id = utf8_deaccent($id, -1); // We want spaces to be preserved when they are in the link. global $UTF8_SPECIAL_CHARS2; $UTF8_SPECIAL_CHARS2_SAVE = (string) $UTF8_SPECIAL_CHARS2; $UTF8_SPECIAL_CHARS2 = str_replace(' ', '', $UTF8_SPECIAL_CHARS2); //remove specials $id = utf8_stripspecials($id, $sepchar, '\*'); $UTF8_SPECIAL_CHARS2 = $UTF8_SPECIAL_CHARS2_SAVE; if ($ascii) $id = utf8_strip($id); //clean up $id = preg_replace($sepcharpat, $sepchar, $id); $id = preg_replace('#:+#', ':', $id); $id = ($media ? trim($id, ':.-') : trim($id, ':._-')); $id = preg_replace('#:[:\._\-]+#', ':', $id); $cache[(string) $raw_id] = $id; return($id); } /** * This builds a link to a wikipage - changed for internal use here * * It handles URL rewriting and adds additional parameter if * given in $more * * @author Andreas Gohr */ public function wl($id='',$more='',$abs=false,$sep='&', $IDexists=true, $overrideRewrite=false, $hadBase=false){ global $conf; $this->debug->message("Starting to build WL-URL for '$id'", $more, 1); if(is_array($more)){ $intermediateMore = ''; foreach( $more as $key => $value) { if ( strlen($intermediateMore) > 0 ) { $intermediateMore .= $sep; } if ( !is_array($value) ) { $intermediateMore .= rawurlencode($key) . '='; $intermediateMore .= rawurlencode($value); continue; } foreach( $value as $val ) { if ( strlen($intermediateMore) > 0 ) { $intermediateMore .= $sep; } $intermediateMore .= rawurlencode($key) . '[]='; $intermediateMore .= rawurlencode($val); } } $more = $intermediateMore; } else { $more = str_replace(',', $sep, $more); } $id = idfilter($id); if ($abs) { $xlink = DOKU_URL; if (!$IDexists && !$hadBase) { // If the file does not exist, we have to remove the base. This link my be one to an parallel BASE. $xlink = preg_replace('#' . DOKU_BASE . '$#', '', $xlink); } } else if ($IDexists || $hadBase) { // if the ID does exist, we may add the base. $xlink = DOKU_BASE; } else { $xlink = ""; } // $this->debug->message("internal WL function Before Replacing: '$xlink'", array(DOKU_REL, DOKU_URL, DOKU_BASE, $xlink), 2); $xlink = preg_replace('#(?debug->message("'$xlink'", array(DOKU_REL, DOKU_URL, DOKU_BASE, $xlink), 2); if ($overrideRewrite) { $this->debug->message("Override enabled.", null, 1); $id = strtr($id, ':', '/'); $xlink .= $id; if ($more) $xlink .= '?' . $more; } else { if ($conf['userewrite'] == 2) { $xlink .= DOKU_SCRIPT . '/' . $id; if ($more) $xlink .= '?' . $more; }elseif ($conf['userewrite']) { $xlink .= $id; if ($more) $xlink .= '?' . $more; }elseif ($id) { $xlink .= DOKU_SCRIPT . '?id=' . $id; if ($more) $xlink .= $sep . $more; } else { $xlink .= DOKU_SCRIPT; if ($more) $xlink .= '?' . $more; } } $this->debug->message("internal WL function result: '$xlink'", null, 2); return $xlink; } /** * Create the export file name - this is the file where everything is being stored * @param $FILE String name of the file * @param $PATTERN String additional pattern for re-using old files */ public function getSpecialExportFileName($FILE, $PATTERN = null) { if (empty($FILE)) { $FILE = $this->settings->origZipFile; } if (empty($PATTERN) && empty($this->settings->pattern)) { $this->debug->message("Generating an internal md5 pattern. This will go wrong - and won't cache properly.", null, 3); $PATTERN = md5(microtime(false)); } // Set Pattern Global for other stuff if (empty($this->settings->pattern)) { $this->settings['pattern'] = $PATTERN; } else { $PATTERN = $this->settings->pattern; } $FA = explode('.', $FILE); $EXT = array_pop($FA); array_push($FA, 'auto'); array_push($FA, $PATTERN); array_push($FA, $EXT); $fileName = implode('.', $FA); $this->debug->message("Export Filename for '$FILE' will be: '$fileName'", null, 2); return $fileName; } public function getCacheFileNameForPattern($PATTERN = null) { if ($PATTERN == null) { $PATTERN = $this->settings->pattern; } return getCacheName($this->getSpecialExportFileName($this->settings->origZipFile, $PATTERN), '.' . basename(mediaFN($this->settings->origZipFile))); } /** * @param integer $counter */ public function startRedirctProcess($counter) { global $ID; $URL = wl($ID); $additionalParameters = $_REQUEST; $additionalParameters['startcounter'] = $counter; $additionalParameters['pattern'] = $this->settings->pattern; unset($additionalParameters['id']); unset($additionalParameters['u']); unset($additionalParameters['p']); unset($additionalParameters['r']); unset($additionalParameters['http_credentials']); $this->addAdditionalParametersToURL($URL, $additionalParameters); $this->debug->message("Redirecting to '$URL'", null, 2); send_redirect($URL); exit(0); // Should not be reached, but anyways } /** * Builds additional Parameters into the URL given * @param $URL * @param $newAdditionalParameters */ public function addAdditionalParametersToURL(&$URL, $newAdditionalParameters) { // Add additionalParameters if (!empty($newAdditionalParameters)) { foreach ($newAdditionalParameters as $key => $value) { if (empty($key) || empty($value)) { continue; } if (is_array($value)) { foreach (array_values($value) as $aValue) { // Array Handling $URL .= (strstr($URL, '?') ? '&' : '?') . $key . "[]=$aValue"; } } else { $append = "$key=$value"; $URL .= empty($append) || strstr($URL, $append) ? '' : (strstr($URL, '?') ? '&' : '?') . $append; } } } } /** * Cleans the wiki variables and returns a rebuild URL that has the new variables at hand * @param $data */ public function prepare_POSTData($data) { $NS = array_key_exists( 'ns', $data ) ? $data['ns'] : ( array_key_exists( 'id', $data ) ? $data['id'] : ':' ); $this->removeWikiVariables($data); $data['do'] = 'siteexport'; $additionalKeys = ''; ksort($data); $this->debug->message("Prepared POST data:", $data, 1); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } $this->debug->message("Found inner Array:", $value, 1); asort($value); foreach ($value as $innerKey => $aValue) { if (is_numeric($innerKey)) { $innerKey = ''; } $additionalKeys .= "&$key" . "[$innerKey]=$aValue"; } unset($data[$key]); } return wl($NS, $data, true, '&') . $additionalKeys; } /** * Parses a String into a $_REQUEST Like variant. You have to tell if a decode of the values is needed * @param $inputArray * @param $decode */ public function parseStringToRequestArray($inputArray, $decode=false) { global $plugin_controller; $outputArray = $inputArray; if ( !is_array($inputArray) ) { $intermediate = str_replace("&", "&", $inputArray); $outputArray = array(); foreach( explode("&", $intermediate) as $param ) { list($key, $value) = array_pad( explode("=", $param, 2), 2, null ); // This is needed if we do want to calculate $_REQUEST for a non HTTP-Request if ( $decode) { $value = urldecode($value); } if ( empty($key) ) { continue; } // Don't check on Value, because there may be only the key that should be preserved if ( substr($key, -2) == '[]' ) { $key = substr($key, 0, -2); if ( !is_array($outputArray[$key]) ) { $outputArray[$key] = array(); } array_push($outputArray[$key], $value); // Array Handling } else { $outputArray[$key] = $value; } } } if (!empty($outputArray['diPlu'])) { $allPlugins = array(); foreach ($plugin_controller->getList(null, true) as $plugin) { // check for CSS or JS if (!file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN . $plugin . "/script.js") && !file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN . $plugin . "/style.css")) { continue; } $allPlugins[] = $plugin; } if (count($outputArray['diPlu']) > (count($allPlugins)/2)) { $outputArray['diInv'] = 1; $outputArray['diPlu'] = array_diff($allPlugins, $outputArray['diPlu']); } } return $outputArray; } /** * Remove certain fields from the list. * @param $removeArray * @param $advanced * @param $isString */ public function removeWikiVariables(&$removeArray, $advanced = false, $isString = false) { $removeArray = $this->parseStringToRequestArray($removeArray); $removeKeys = array(); // 2010-08-23 - If there is still the media set, retain the id for e.g. detail.php if (!isset($removeArray['media'])) { $removeKeys[] = 'id'; } unset($removeArray['do']); $removeKeys[] = 'ns'; $removeKeys[] = 'call'; $removeKeys[] = 'sectok'; $removeKeys[] = 'rndval'; $removeKeys[] = 'tseed'; $removeKeys[] = 'http_credentials'; $removeKeys[] = 'u'; $removeKeys[] = 'p'; $removeKeys[] = 'r'; $removeKeys[] = 'base'; $removeKeys[] = 'siteexport'; $removeKeys[] = 'DokuWiki'; if ( array_key_exists( 'renderer', $removeArray ) && $removeArray['renderer'] == 'xhtml') { $removeArray['do'] = 'export_' . $removeArray['renderer']; $removeKeys[] = 'renderer'; } // Keep custom options if ( array_key_exists( 'customoptionname', $removeArray ) && is_array($removeArray['customoptionname']) && is_array($removeArray['customoptionvalue']) && count($removeArray['customoptionname']) == count($removeArray['customoptionvalue'])) { for ($index = count($removeArray['customoptionname']); $index >= 0; $index--) { $removeArray[$removeArray['customoptionname'][$index]] = $removeArray['customoptionvalue'][$index]; } $removeKeys[] = 'customoptionname'; $removeKeys[] = 'customoptionvalue'; } if ($advanced) { if ( array_key_exists( 'renderer', $removeArray ) && $removeArray['renderer'] != 'xhtml' && !empty($removeArray['renderer'])) { $removeArray['do'] = 'export_' . $removeArray['renderer']; } // 2010-08-25 - Need fakeMedia for some _detail cases with rewrite = 2 if (isset($removeArray['fakeMedia'])) { $removeKeys[] = 'media'; $removeKeys[] = 'fakeMedia'; } /* remove internal params */ $removeKeys[] = 'ens'; $removeKeys[] = 'renderer'; $removeKeys[] = 'site'; $removeKeys[] = 'namespace'; $removeKeys[] = 'exportbody'; $removeKeys[] = 'addParams'; $removeKeys[] = 'template'; $removeKeys[] = 'eclipseDocZip'; $removeKeys[] = 'useTocFile'; $removeKeys[] = 'JavaHelpDocZip'; $removeKeys[] = 'depth'; $removeKeys[] = 'depthType'; $removeKeys[] = 'startcounter'; $removeKeys[] = 'pattern'; $removeKeys[] = 'TOCMapWithoutTranslation'; $removeKeys[] = 'debug'; } foreach($removeKeys as $key) { unset($removeArray[$key]); } if ($isString && is_array($removeArray)) { $intermediate = $removeArray; $removeArray = array(); foreach ($intermediate as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value)) { foreach (array_values($value) as $aValue) { // Array Handling $removeArray[] = $key . "[]=$aValue"; } } else { $value = trim($value); $removeArray[] = "$key" . (((empty($value) && intval($value) !== 0)) || $value == '' ? '' : "=$value"); // If the Value is empty, the Key must be preserved } } $removeArray = implode("&", $removeArray); // The & made problems with the HTTPClient / Apache. It should not be a problem to have & } } /** * returns a hashed name for the parameters * @param $parameters */ public function hashNameForParameters($parameters) { return md5($parameters); } /** * Takes an URL and transforms it into the path+query part * Used several times, e.g. for genering the hash for the cache file * @param string $url */ public function urlToPathAndParams($url) { $query = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); $path = preg_replace(":^" . DOKU_REL . ":", "", parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH)); return "{$path}?{$query}"; } /** * Transforms an $_REQUEST into a Hash that can be used for cron and cache file * @param $request */ public function requestParametersToCacheHash($request) { $params = $this->urlToPathAndParams($this->prepare_POSTData($request)); $this->debug->message("Calculated the following Cache Hash URL: ", $params, 2); return $this->hashNameForParameters($params); } /** * Check a replaceURL against a baseURL - and make the replaceURL relative against it * @param replaceURL String URL which will be made relative if needed * @param baseURL String URL which is the reference to be made relative against * @param existingPageID Array */ public function getRelativeURL($replaceURL, $baseURL, $existingPageID = null) { // Base is always absolute without anything at the beginning if (preg_match("#^(\.\./)+#", $baseURL)) { $this->debug->message("The baseURL was not absolute.", $baseURL, 1); return $replaceURL; } $origReplaceURL = $replaceURL; $replaceURL = preg_replace("#^(\.\./)+#", '', $replaceURL); // Remove ../ at beginning to get the absolute path if ($replaceURL == $origReplaceURL) { $this->debug->message("The replaceURL was already absolute.", $replaceURL, 1); return $replaceURL; } $replaceParts = explode('/', $replaceURL); $fileName = array_pop($replaceParts); // Get file $baseParts = explode('/', $baseURL); array_pop($baseParts); // Remove file. We only need the path to this location. $this->debug->message("State before kicking.", array($replaceParts, $baseParts), 1); // Kick all ../ $originalBasePartsCount = count($baseParts); $didKickSomeParts = 0; // true means, that some parts of the base URL were identical while (count($replaceParts) > 0 && count($baseParts) > 0) { if ($baseParts[0] == $replaceParts[0]) { // Beginning is OK, so remove it. array_shift($replaceParts); array_shift($baseParts); $didKickSomeParts++; } else { break; } } $this->debug->message("Found URL '{$replaceURL}' that is relative to current page '{$baseURL}'.", array($replaceParts, $baseParts), 1); // Remove everything that is identical $replaceParts[] = $fileName; // do the final link calculation $finalLink = str_repeat('../', count($baseParts)) . implode('/', $replaceParts); // Means nothing was kicked, so other plugin $isExternalPage = count($baseParts) == $originalBasePartsCount; // the new page is in the same plugin, with a different subcontext and same language $isExternalPage = $isExternalPage || ($didKickSomeParts == 1 && $baseParts[0] != $replaceParts[0] && $baseParts[1] == $replaceParts[1] ); // find out if this is outside of our own export context, beyond the baseURL $offsiteTemplate = $this->getConf("offSiteLinkTemplate"); $this->debug->message("Checking for offsite links", array( "baseParts" => count($baseParts), "originalBaseParts" => $originalBasePartsCount, "ExistingPageID" => $existingPageID, "finalLink" => $finalLink, "offsiteTemplate" => $offsiteTemplate, "isExternalPage" => $isExternalPage, "didKickSomeParts" => $didKickSomeParts ), 1); if ( $isExternalPage && $existingPageID != null && !empty($offsiteTemplate)) { $offsiteTemplate = str_replace('RAWID', $existingPageID, $offsiteTemplate); $check = null; $mapID = $this->getMapID($existingPageID, null, $check); $offsiteTemplate = str_replace('CONTEXTID', array_pop($mapID), $offsiteTemplate); $offsiteTemplate = str_replace('LINK', $finalLink, $offsiteTemplate); $this->debug->message("Replacing finalLink '${finalLink}' with offsiteLink '${offsiteTemplate}'", null, 1); $finalLink = $offsiteTemplate; } return $finalLink; } public function mapIDWithAnchor(&$n, $key, $postfix) { if (empty($postfix)) return; $n .= '-' . $postfix; } public function getMapID($elemID, $postfix, &$check) { $meta = p_get_metadata($elemID, 'context', true); if (empty($meta['id'])) { $title = empty($meta['title']) ? $this->getSiteTitle($elemID) : $meta['title']; $meta['id'] = sectionID($this->cleanId($title), $check); } $mapID = explode('|', $meta['id']); array_walk($mapID, array($this, 'mapIDWithAnchor'), $postfix); return $mapID; } public function hasAuthentication() { $user = $this->getConf('defaultAuthenticationUser'); $password = $this->getConf('defaultAuthenticationPassword'); return empty($user) ? false : array( 'user' => $user, 'password' => $password ); } public function authenticate() { if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']) && $this->hasAuthentication()) { $authentication = $this->hasAuthentication(); $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic ' . base64_encode($authentication['user'] . ':' . $authentication['password']); $this->debug->message("Re-authenticating with default user from configuration", $authentication['user'], 3); return auth_setup(); } return false; } /** * Check the secret CSRF token, regardless of the current authorization * * @param null|string $token security token * @param null|boolean $softfail if a message is to be thrown. * @return bool success if the token matched */ public function checkSecurityToken($token = null, $softfail = true) { /** @var Input $INPUT */ $secToken = $this->getSecurityToken(); if ( empty( $secToken) && empty ( $token ) ) return false; if($secToken != $token) { if ( $softfail !== true ) msg('Security Token did not match. Possible CSRF attack.', -1); return false; } return true; } /** * Return a secret token to be used for CSRF attack prevention * This is known to be flawed by default * * @author Andreas Gohr * @link * @link * @link * * @return string */ public function getSecurityToken() { /** @var Input $INPUT */ global $INPUT; return PassHash::hmac('md5', session_id().'siteexport', 'siteexport_salt'.auth_cookiesalt()); } }