* @author Gerry Weissbach */ // must be run within Dokuwiki if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC', /** @scrutinizer ignore-type */ realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../') . '/'); if (!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN', DOKU_INC . 'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN . 'action.php'); class action_plugin_siteexport_startup extends DokuWiki_Action_Plugin { /** * Register Plugin in DW **/ public function register(Doku_Event_Handler $controller) { $controller->register_hook('INIT_LANG_LOAD', 'BEFORE', $this, 'siteexport_check_template'); $controller->register_hook('DOKUWIKI_STARTED', 'AFTER', $this, 'siteexport_check_template'); $controller->register_hook('ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS', 'BEFORE', $this, 'siteexport_check_export'); $controller->register_hook('TPL_ACT_UNKNOWN', 'BEFORE', $this, 'siteexport_addpage'); $controller->register_hook('TPL_METAHEADER_OUTPUT', 'BEFORE', $this, 'siteexport_metaheaders'); $controller->register_hook('JS_CACHE_USE', 'BEFORE', $this, 'siteexport_check_js_cache'); $controller->register_hook('TOOLBAR_DEFINE', 'AFTER', $this, 'siteexport_toolbar_define'); $controller->register_hook('TEMPLATE_PAGETOOLS_DISPLAY', 'BEFORE', $this, 'siteexport_add_page_export'); $controller->register_hook('MENU_ITEMS_ASSEMBLY', 'AFTER', $this, 'siteexport_add_svg_page_export', array()); } private function hasSiteexportHeaders() { $headers = function_exists('getallheaders') ? getallheaders() : null; return is_array($headers) && array_key_exists('X-Site-Exporter', $headers); } /** * Check for Template changes **/ public function siteexport_check_template() { global $conf, $INFO; if ( $this->hasSiteexportHeaders() || defined('SITEEXPORT_TPL') ) { // This is a request via the HTTPProxy of the SiteExporter ... set config to what we need here. $conf['useslash'] = 1; } if ( !defined('SITEEXPORT_TPL') ) { return; } $conf['template'] = SITEEXPORT_TPL; } /** * Check for Template changes in JS **/ public function siteexport_check_js_cache(Doku_Event &$event) { global $conf, $INFO; if ( !defined('SITEEXPORT_TPL') ) { return; } $event->data->key .= SITEEXPORT_TPL; $event->data->cache = getCacheName($event->data->key,$event->data->ext); } public function siteexport_check_export(Doku_Event &$event) { global $conf; $keys = is_array($event->data) ? array_keys($event->data) : null; $command = is_array($keys) ? array_shift($keys) : $event->data; if ( $command == 'export_siteexport_pdf') { $event->data = 'show'; $conf['renderer_xhtml'] = 'siteexport_pdf'; } if ( $command == 'siteexport_addpage' && $this->__executeCommand() ) { $event->preventDefault(); } } public function siteexport_addpage(Doku_Event &$event) { if ( $event->data != 'siteexport_addpage' || ! $this->__executeCommand() ) { return; } if ( ! $functions=& plugin_load('helper', 'siteexport') ) { msg("Can't initialize"); return false; } $functions->__siteexport_addpage(); $event->preventDefault(); } public function siteexport_add_page_export(Doku_Event &$event) { global $ID; if ( $this->__executeCommand() ) { $event->data['items'][] = '
  • ' . tpl_link(wl($ID, array('do' => 'siteexport_addpage')), 'Export Page', 'class="action siteexport_addpage" title="Export Page (Siteexport)"', 1) . '
  • '; require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN . 'siteexport/inc/functions.php'); $functions = new siteexport_functions(); $check = array(); $mapIDs = $functions->getMapID($ID, null, $check); $mapID = array_shift($mapIDs); if ( !empty($mapID) ) { $event->data['items'][] = '
  • ' . tpl_link('', 'Copy Map-ID: '.$mapID.'', 'class="action siteexport_mapid" title="Show Map-ID"" data-mapid="'.$mapID.'" onclick="copyMapIDToClipBoard.call(this); return false;"', 1) . '
  • '; } } } public function siteexport_add_svg_page_export(Doku_Event $event) { /* if this is not a page OR ckgedit/ckgedoku is not active -> return */ if($event->data['view'] != 'page') return; array_splice($event->data['items'], -1, 0, [new \dokuwiki\plugin\siteexport\MenuItem()]); } public function siteexport_metaheaders(Doku_Event &$event) { global $conf; $template = defined('SITEEXPORT_TPL') ? SITEEXPORT_TPL : $conf['template']; $head =& $event->data; foreach( $head['script'] as &$script ) { if ( !empty($script['src']) && strstr($script['src'], 'js.php') ) { $script['src'] .= '&template=' . $template; } } return true; } public function siteexport_toolbar_define(Doku_Event &$event) { if ( $this->hasSiteexportHeaders() ) { // Remove Toolbar // This is pr 5.4 syntax. $event->data = array(); } } private function __executeCommand() { return ($this->getConf('allowallusers') || auth_isadmin() || auth_ismanager()); } }