// must be run within Dokuwiki
if (! defined ( 'DOKU_INC' ))
die ();
class syntax_plugin_simplemysqlclient_simplemysqlclient extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin {
* @return string Syntax mode type
public function getType() {
return 'container';
* @return string Paragraph type
public function getPType() {
return 'block';
* @return int Sort order - Low numbers go before high numbers
public function getSort() {
return 260;
* Connect lookup pattern to lexer.
* @param string $mode
* Parser mode
public function connectTo($mode) {
$this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern ( '\{\{simplemysqlclient\}\}', $mode, 'plugin_simplemysqlclient_simplemysqlclient' );
// public function postConnect() {
// $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('','plugin_simplemysqlclient_simplemysqlclient');
// }
* Handle matches of the simplemysqlclient syntax
* @param string $match
* The match of the syntax
* @param int $state
* The state of the handler
* @param int $pos
* The position in the document
* @param Doku_Handler $handler
* The handler
* @return array Data for the renderer
public function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler &$handler) {
$data = array ();
return $data;
* Render xhtml output or metadata
* @param string $mode
* Renderer mode (supported modes: xhtml)
* @param Doku_Renderer $renderer
* The renderer
* @param array $data
* The data from the handler() function
* @return bool If rendering was successful.
public function render($mode, Doku_Renderer &$renderer, $data) {
if ($mode != 'xhtml')
return false;
$renderer->info ['cache'] = false;
if (! $this->isAuthorized ()) {
echo '
' . $this->getLang ( 'missingpermission' ) . '
return true;
$button = $this->getLang ( 'submit_button' );
if(isset($_GET ['q']))
$query = trim ( $_GET ['q'] );
$queryEsc = strtr ( $query, array (
'<' => '<'
) );
$shortcuts = $this->getShortCuts ();
$templates = $this->getTemplates ();
$emptyresult = $this->getLang ( 'emptyresult' );
echo <<
if ($query !== '') {
echo <<
try {
$db = $this->connectToDb ();
if (! $db) {
echo '' . $this->getLang ( 'errordbconnection' ) . '
return true;
if ($db->multi_query ( $query )) {
echo '' . $this->getLang ( 'firstresult' ) . ' ';
do {
$result = $db->store_result ();
if ($result instanceof mysqli_result) {
try {
$rows = $this->fetch_all( $result);
if (sizeof ( $rows ) <= 0) {
echo $this->getLang ( 'emptyresult' );
$cols = empty ( $first ) ? array () : array_keys ( $first );
echo $this->__renderTable ( $cols, $rows );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo '' . $e->getMessage () . '
} finally {
$result->free ();
} else if (is_bool ( $result )) {
$err = mysqli_errno ( $db );
echo $this->getLang ( 'queryexecuted' ) . ($err != 0 ? $this->getLang ( 'no' ) : $this->getLang ( 'yes' ));
} else
var_dump ( $result );
if ($db->more_results ()) {
echo '' . $this->getLang ( 'nextresult' ) . ' ';
} while ( $db->next_result () );
} else {
echo $this->getLang ( 'queriesnotexecuted' );
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo '' . $e->getMessage () . '
} finally {
if ($db) {
$db->close ();
echo '';
return true;
private function fetch_all($result)
if (method_exists('mysqli_result', 'fetch_all')) # Compatibility layer with PHP < 5.3
$res = mysqli_fetch_all ( $result, MYSQLI_ASSOC );
for ($res = array(); $tmp = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC);) $res[] = $tmp;
return $res;
private function __renderTable($cols, $rows) {
* - collect header row according to listed rows
* - transform all listed rows to properly defined HTML table cells
$headers = array ();
$meta = array ();
$counter = 0;
foreach ( $rows as $nr => $row ) {
// convert all values in current row to table cells
$i = 0;
foreach ( $row as $column => $value ) {
$def = $meta [$column];
$headers [$column] = $def ['label'] ? $def ['label'] : $column;
$class = $def ['format'] ? $def ['format'] : 'na';
$class .= ' col' . ++ $i;
$value = $this->valueFromDB ( $column, $value, $def );
$cell = $this->renderValue ( $column, $value, $def, false, false );
$row [$column] = "" . $cell . " \n";
// prepend cell for counter
array_unshift ( $row, '' . ++ $counter . " \n" );
// convert set of values into HTML table row
$classes = array ();
if ($nr == 0)
$classes [] = 'first';
if ($nr == count ( $rows ) - 1)
$classes [] = 'last';
$classes [] = ($nr % 2) ? 'even' : 'odd';
$classes [] = 'row' . ($nr + 1);
$classes = implode ( ' ', $classes );
$rows [$nr] = '' . implode ( '', $row ) . " \n";
// finally convert all HTML table rows into single HTML table body
$rows = implode ( '', $rows );
* compile header row
// ensure to have row of headers (missing on an empty list of rows)
if (empty ( $headers ))
foreach ( $cols as $column ) {
unset ( $def );
if (is_array ( $meta [$column] ))
$def = $meta [$column];
else {
// missing meta information on current "column name"
// --> might be an alias definition
// --> extract originally selected column name from that
$pos = strripos ( $column, ' AS ' );
if ($pos !== false) {
$temp = substr ( $column, $pos + 4 );
if ($meta [$temp]) {
// found definition on extracted column name
$def = $meta [$temp];
$column = $temp;
$headers [$column] = $def ['label'] ? $def ['label'] : $column;
foreach ( $headers as $column => $label ) {
$headers [$column] = "$label \n";
// compile row of header cells
$headers = implode ( '', $headers );
* render list of rows as HTML table
$width = intval ( $this->options ['width'] ) ? ' width="' . $this->options ['width'] . '"' : '';
$trClass = $this->options ['wikistyle'] ? '' : ' class="data-list"';
$tableClass = $this->options ['wikistyle'] ? ' class="inline"' : '';
$table = <<
return $table;
protected function valueFromDB($column, $value, $def) {
switch ($def ['format']) {
case 'image' :
case 'file' :
if (is_null ( $value ))
return null;
if ($value === '||')
return null;
// parse file for internally used structure
$a = strpos ( $value, '|' );
if (! $a)
// externally provided file --> don't touch
return (strlen ( $value ) > 0);
$b = strpos ( $value, '|', $a + 1 );
if (! $b)
// externally provided file --> don't touch
return true;
$temp = array (
'mime' => substr ( $value, 0, $a ),
'name' => substr ( $value, $a + 1, $b - $a - 1 ),
'file' => substr ( $value, $b + 1 )
if (! preg_match ( '#^[a-z0-9-]+/[+a-z0-9-]+$#i', $temp ['mime'] ))
// externally provided file --> don't touch
return true;
if (trim ( $temp ['name'] ) === '')
// externally provided file --> don't touch
return true;
return $temp;
case 'date' :
if ($def ['options'] ['unixts'])
return $value;
if ((trim ( $value ) === '') || ($value == '0000-00-00'))
return 0;
return self::parseDBDateTime ( $value, true );
case 'time' :
return $value;
case 'datetime' :
if ($def ['options'] ['unixts'])
return $value;
$value = substr ( $value, 0, 19 );
if ((trim ( $value ) === '') || ($value == '0000-00-00T00:00:00') || ($value == '0000-00-00 00:00:00'))
return 0;
return self::parseDBDateTime ( $value, false );
case 'bool' :
$value = trim ( $value );
switch ($def ['options'] ['booltype']) {
case 'int' :
return (intval ( $value ) != 0);
case 'xmark' :
return (strtolower ( $value [0] ) == 'x');
case 'yesno' :
default :
return (strtolower ( $value [0] ) == 'y');
case 'enum' :
$value = trim ( $value );
$value = array_search ( $value, $def ['options'] ['selectables'] );
if ($value === false)
$value = null;
$value = intval ( $value );
case 'related' :
if (is_numeric ( $value ))
$value = intval ( $value );
case 'monetary' :
case 'real' :
* @todo manage decimal point conversions
case 'url' :
case 'email' :
case 'phone' :
case 'fax' :
case 'text' :
case 'integer' :
// keep value as is ...
return $value;
protected function isAuthorized() {
global $INPUT;
$remoteUser = $INPUT->server->str ( 'REMOTE_USER' );
if (! $remoteUser) {
return false;
global $USERINFO;
$groups = $USERINFO ['grps'];
$allowedUserGroups = $this->getConf ( 'allowedUserGroups' );
$allowedUserGroups = utf8_strtolower ( $allowedUserGroups );
$members = explode ( ',', $allowedUserGroups );
$members = array_map ( 'trim', $members );
$members = array_unique ( $members );
$members = array_filter ( $members );
// compare cleaned values
foreach ( $members as $member ) {
if ($member == 'ALL')
return true;
if (in_array ( $member, $groups ))
return true;
else {
if ($member == $remoteUser)
return true;
return false;
protected function renderValue($column, $value, $def, $mayBeSkipped = false, $inEditor = false) {
if (is_null ( $value ) && ($def ['type'] != 'data'))
return $mayBeSkipped ? null : '';
switch ($def ['format']) {
case 'text' :
return trim ( $value );
case 'image' :
case 'file' :
if ($value === true)
return '' . $this->getLang ( 'fileexternalfound' ) . ' ';
else if ($value === false)
return '' . $this->getLang ( 'fileexternalnotfound' ) . ' ';
else {
$temp = is_array ( $value ) ? trim ( implode ( '', $value ) ) : '';
if (! $inEditor)
$url .= '&thumb=150';
if ($def ['format'] === 'image')
return " getLang ( 'fileimagealt' ), $column, $value ['mime'] ) . "\" />";
return "getLang ( 'filedlhint' ) . '">' . $this->getLang ( 'cmddl' ) . ' ';
case 'email' :
if ((trim ( $value ) === '') && $mayBeSkipped)
return null;
return DokuWiki_Plugin::email ( $value, $email );
case 'url' :
if ((trim ( $value ) === '') && $mayBeSkipped)
return null;
return DokuWiki_Plugin::external_link ( $value );
case 'phone' :
case 'fax' :
if ((trim ( $value ) === ''))
return null;
return $value;
case 'bool' :
if (! $value)
return null;
return $value ? '✗' : '–';
case 'date' :
if (! $value)
return $mayBeSkipped ? null : '';
return strftime ( strtok ( trim ( $this->getConf ( 'dformat' ) ), ' ' ), $value );
case 'datetime' :
if (! $value)
return $mayBeSkipped ? null : '';
return strftime ( $this->getConf ( 'dformat' ), $value );
case 'time' :
if ($value && (substr ( $value, - 3 ) == ':00') && (strlen ( $value ) > 5))
$value = substr ( $value, 0, - 3 );
return $value;
case 'integer' :
case 'monetary' :
case 'real' :
if (! $value && $mayBeSkipped)
return null;
return $value;
case 'enum' :
case 'related' :
if (is_integer ( $value ))
$value = $def ['options'] ['selectables'] [$value];
return $value;
default :
return $value;
private function getTemplates() {
$ret = '' . $this->getLang ( 'templatesLabel' ) . ' ';
$text = $this->getLang ( 'template.1.text' );
if ($text == '') {
return '';
for($i = 1; $i <= true; $i ++) {
$text = $this->getLang ( 'template.' . $i . '.text' );
if ($text == '') {
return $ret;
$sql = $this->getLang ( 'template.' . $i . '.sql' );
$ret = $ret . '' . $text . ' ';
return $ret;
private function getShortCuts() {
$ret = '' . $this->getLang ( 'shortcutslabel' ) . ' ';
$text = $this->getLang ( 'shortcut.1.text' );
if ($text == '') {
return '';
for($i = 1; true; $i ++) {
$text = $this->getLang ( 'shortcut.' . $i . '.text' );
if ($text == '') {
return $ret;
$sql = $this->getLang ( 'shortcut.' . $i . '.sql' );
$sql = str_replace ( '#DATABASENAME#', $this->getConf ( 'dbName' ), $sql );
$ret = $ret . '' . $text . ' ';
return $ret;
private function connectToDb() { // DB-Verbindung herstellen - eRent
$serverName = $this->getConf ( 'serverName' );
$userName = $this->getConf ( 'userName' );
$passWord = $this->getConf ( 'passWord' );
$dbName = $this->getConf ( 'dbName' );
$dbCon = new mysqli ( $serverName, $userName, $passWord, $dbName );
mysqli_autocommit ( $dbCon, TRUE );
mysqli_set_charset ( $dbCon, 'utf8' ); // muss auf UTF8 umgesetzt werden
mysqli_select_db ( $dbCon, $dbName ); // DB-Auswahl
return $dbCon;
// vim:ts=4:sw=4:et: