ul.settingstree_explorer{ list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .settingstree_explorer_root{ font-size: 90%; width: 100%; margin: 1em 0; min-height: 300px; max-height: 800px; float: left; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #ccc; text-align: left; } .settingstree_explorer_root .folder > .li > a:before, .settingstree_explorer_root.folder > .li > a:before{ content: ""; display: inline-block; width: 9px; height: 9px; margin-right: 5px; } .settingstree_explorer_root .folder.open> .li > a:before, .settingstree_explorer_root.folder.open> .li > a:before{ background: url('../../images/minus.gif'); } .settingstree_explorer_root .folder.closed> .li > a:before, .settingstree_explorer_root.folder.closed> .li > a:before{ background: url('../../images/plus.gif'); } .settingstree_explorer_root .folder.closed> ul.settingstree_explorer, .settingstree_explorer_root.folder.closed> ul.settingstree_explorer{ display: none; } .settingstree_explorer_root .folder.open.loading> .li:after, .settingstree_explorer_root.folder.open.loading> .li:after{ content: "Loading..."; margin-left: 10px; display: block; } .settingstree_explorer_selected{ font-weight: bold; } /* settingstree and the hierarchy history goes to left column (25%) */ .settingstree_left{ float: left; width: 25%; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } .settingstree_left_column{ clear: left; } /* explorertree takes 25%, this takes the rest */ .settingstree_right{ float: right; width: 75%; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } .settingstree_area #config__manager table tr td .input_area input, .settingstree_area #config__manager table tr td .input_area textarea, .settingstree_area #config__manager table tr td .input_area select, .settingstree_area #config__manager table tr td .input_area div.input { width: 100%; margin: 0; } .settingstree_area #config__manager td.label{ position: relative; padding: 1.2em 1em 0.6em 1em; } .settingstree_area #config__manager td.label span.outkey{ margin: 0; top: 1px; left: 2px; position: absolute; } .settingstree_area #config__manager table tr .input_area{ padding: 2px; } .settingstree_area #config__manager table tr .protect_area.changed, .settingstree_area #config__manager table tr .input_area.changed{ background: wheat; } .settingstree_area #config__manager table tr .protect_area { width: 150px; } .settingstree_area #config__manager table tr .protect_area label{ margin-right: 1em; } .settingstree_area #config__manager table tr.protected .protect_area label{ color: #888; } .settingstree_area .settingstree_buttons{ padding: 10px; text-align: right; } .settingstree_area .settingstree_buttons button{ border-radius: 5px; font-size: 120%; margin: 0 0.5em; padding: 0.3em 0.6em; } .settingstree_area .settingstree_buttons #settingstree_save_button, .settingstree_area .settingstree_buttons #settingstree_export_button{ background: lightgreen; } .settingstree_area .settingstree_buttons #settingstree_cancel_button, .settingstree_area .settingstree_buttons #settingstree_close_button{ background: lightgrey; } .settingstree_area .settingstree_error_area{ margin: 0 1em; } .settingstree_area .settingstree_error_area >.error *{ clear: none; } ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > span > code, .settingstree_area .error code{ padding: 1px 4px 1px; } .settingstree_area button.settingstree_button_show_hierarchy{ position: absolute; font-size: 70%; top: 1px; right: 2px; display: block; background-color: #fff; color: #000; padding: 1px; z-index: 1; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li.highlighted_level > b{ background: lightyellow; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history > li.title{ color: #000; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history > li.title >b{ display: inline; font-weight: bold; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > b{ display: block; color: #555; x-font-weight: normal; padding: 0 2px; margin-left: -2px; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > b.value{ color: #000; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > b.protect{ color: #000; } /*.settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > b.value:before{ content: '+v '; color: blue; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > b.protect:before{ content: '+p '; color: red; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > b.protect.value:before{ content: '+vp '; color: red; }*/ .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history{ font-size: 90%; padding: 0.3em; border: 1px solid #ccc; list-style-type:none; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > span{ color: #333; display: block; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > span._d{ color: #3a3; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > span._v{ color: #33a; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > span._v > i._i{ color: #a33; font-style: normal; font-size: 90%; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li > span._p{ color: #a33; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li{ margin-left: 0.8em; } .settingstree_left_column ul.settings_hierarchy_history li ul{ list-style-type:none; } body > #settingstree_grayout{ /* background-grayout covering the whole screen, and fixed to prevent scrollout*/ position: fixed; z-index: 1000; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.3); } #settingstree_grayout > #settingstree_export_popup_container{ /* container helper to positioning */ position: relative; width: 0px; margin: 0 auto; height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } #settingstree_export_popup_container > .settingstree_export_popup_layer{ /* box that contains the popup contents. negative margin to force centered layout and automatic scrolling inside because the it is fixed.*/ position: absolute; padding: 2px; max-height: 100%; overflow: auto; border: 1px solid #888; box-shadow: 2px 1px 4px #000; background: #fff; z-index: 1; } #settingstree_export_popup_container > .settingstree_export_popup_close_button:after{ /* button at the top right corner of the layer.*/ position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: 0px; line-height: 18px; font-size: 20px; content: "x"; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; margin-top: -15px; margin-left: -15px; cursor: pointer; width: 20px; height: 20px; background: #fff; border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 50%; padding: 2px; box-shadow: 1px 0px 2px #000; } @media (max-width:799px){ body > #settingstree_grayout{ padding: 30px 0; } #settingstree_export_popup_container > .settingstree_export_popup_layer{ margin: 0 -288px; width: 570px; } #settingstree_export_popup_container > .settingstree_export_popup_close_button:after{ left: 288px; } } @media (min-width: 800px) and (max-width:1024px){ body > #settingstree_grayout{ padding: 70px 0; } #settingstree_export_popup_container > .settingstree_export_popup_layer{ margin: 0 -388px; width: 770px; } #settingstree_export_popup_container > .settingstree_export_popup_close_button:after{ left: 388px; } } @media (min-width: 1025px){ body > #settingstree_grayout{ padding: 100px 0; } #settingstree_export_popup_container > .settingstree_export_popup_layer{ margin: 0 -488px; width: 970px; } #settingstree_export_popup_container > .settingstree_export_popup_close_button:after{ left: 488px; } } .tpl_dokuwiki #dokuwiki__pagetools { z-index: 3; /* this is needed, because we use absolute positioned buttons, and it looks crappy with default template... other templates should include this for their static positioned parts anyway... */ }