[prot,value]) for the level. function __construct(settingshierarchy $hierarchy, settingslevel $parent = null, $path){ $this->_parent = $parent; $this->_hierarchy = $hierarchy; $this->path = ':'.ltrim($path,':'); } function getLevelNameRelative(){ if ($this->path == ':'){ global $lang; return '['.$lang['mediaroot'].']'; } if (!$this->_parent){ return $this->path; } $val = substr($this->path,strlen($this->_parent->path)); if ($val[0] == ':') $val = substr($val,1); return $val; } function getHierarchy(){ return $this->_hierarchy; } function getCurrent($key){ /* 1, if there is protected value then that (here) 2, if there is value for level then that (in getCurrentNoProt) 3, parent's current value (in getCurrentNoProt) */ if (($v = $this->getProtected($key)) !== null) {return $v;} return $this->getCurrentNoProt($key); } private function getCurrentNoProt($key){ // getCurrentNoProt: getProtected() may return getCurrent() value, but getCurrent() value checks getProtected()... we need a getCurrent() without calling getProtected() /* 1, if there is protected value then that (in getCurrent) 2, if there is value for level then that (here) 3, parent's current value (here) */ if (($v = @$this->_values[$key]['value']) !== null){ return $v; } if ($this->_parent) { return $this->_parent->getCurrent($key); } /* root's current: 1, if there is protected, then that (done) 2, if root has value then that (done) 3, if config's local then that 4, config's default */ if (($v = $this->_hierarchy->getLocal($key)) !== null) {return $v;} return $this->_hierarchy->getDefault($key); } function getDefault($key){ /* 1, if there is a protected value then that 2, parents's current value */ if (($v = $this->getProtected($key)) !== null) {return $v;} if ($this->_parent){ return $this->_parent->getCurrent($key); } /* root's default: 1, if config's protected then that (done) 2, if config's local then that 3, config's default */ if (($v = $this->_hierarchy->getLocal($key)) !== null) {return $v;} return $this->_hierarchy->getDefault($key); } function getLocal($key){ /* 1, if there is a protected value then null 2, if the level has value then that 3, null */ if (($v = $this->getProtected($key)) !== null) {return null;} if (($v = @$this->_values[$key]['value']) !== null){ return $v; } return null; } function getProtected($key){ /* 1, if there is a protected value from parent then that 2, if there is a protection on this level then the current value 3, null */ if (($v = $this->getParentProtected($key)) !== null) {return $v;} if (@$this->_values[$key]['protect']){ return $this->getCurrentNoProt($key); } return null; } function getParentProtected($key){ if ($this->_parent){ // check parent level. return $this->_parent->getProtected($key); } return $this->_hierarchy->getProtected($key); } function isLevelValue($key){ return isset($this->_values[$key]['value']); } function getLevelValue($key){ return @$this->_values[$key]['value']; } function isLevelValueIgnored($key){ return (isset($this->_values[$key]['value']) && ($this->getParentProtected($key) !== null)); } function isLevelProtected($key){ return isset($this->_values[$key]['protect']); } function setValues(array $values){ // setValues should always be called before getSettings. If not, just ignore. if ($this->_settings === null) $this->_values = $values; } function getValues(){ return $this->_values; } function getValuesRecursive(){ $ret = array(); $v = $this->getValues(); if (!empty($v)){ $ret[$this->path] = $v; } foreach($this->_children as $child){ $ret = array_merge($ret,$child->getValuesRecursive()); } return $ret; } function getAllValues(){ $ret = array(); foreach ($this->_hierarchy->getFieldConfig() as $key=>$meta){ $ret[$key] = $this->getCurrent($key); } return $ret; } function getParent(){ return $this->_parent; } protected function _getSettings(){ if (!$this->_settings){ foreach ($this->_hierarchy->getFieldConfig() as $key=>$meta){ $this->_settings[$key] = new settingswrapper($key,$this,$meta,$this->_values[$key]); } } return $this->_settings; } function checkValues($data){ $set = $this->_getSettings(); $check_success = true; foreach ($data as $key=>$new){ if (isset($new['config'])){ if (!$set[$key]->tryUpdate($new['config'])){ // returns false on error $check_success = false; }else{ $par_val = $this->getDefault($key); if ($set[$key]->_value !== null && $par_val !== $set[$key]->_value){ $this->_values[$key]['value'] = $set[$key]->_value; // we do need to save value, as it's not default. (default == parent's value) }else{ unset($this->_values[$key]['value']); // we do need to delete the value, as it's default. } } } if (isset($new['protect'])){ if ($new['protect'] === 'false') $new['protect'] = false; if ($new['protect'] === 'true') $new['protect'] = true; $par_val = $this->getParentProtected($key); $toset = $par_val ? null : $new['protect']; $set[$key]->setProtect($toset); if ($toset) $this->_values[$key]['protect'] = true; // we only save if a level is protected. else unset($this->_values[$key]['protect']); } if (empty($this->_values[$key])) unset($this->_values[$key]); } if (!$check_success){ $this->_markChanged(array_keys($data)); } return $check_success; } protected function _markChanged($keys){ $set = $this->_getSettings(); foreach ($keys as $key){ $set[$key]->markChanged($key); } } protected function _getTitle(){ return sprintf(settingshierarchy::$helper->getLang('settings_for_%s'),$this->path); } protected function _getButtons(){ return " "; } function showHtml(){ // DECIDE: non-ajax compatibility: plain posts and js states in hidden fields? // $ret .= ""; $ret .= "
"; $ret .= ""; $ret .= ""; $ret .= " "; return $ret; } function getExport($options){ $level = new settingslevel_export($this->_hierarchy,$this,$this->path); $level->setOptions($options); return $level; } function getPath(){ return $this->path; } function isRoot(){ return !$this->_parent; } function getLevel(array $path){ if (empty($path)){ return $this; } $child = array_shift($path); if ($child == ''){ global $conf; $child = $conf['start']; } if (!($c = @$this->_children[$child])){ $this->_children[$child] = new static($this->_hierarchy,$this,$this->path.':'.$child); $c = $this->_children[$child]; } return $c->getLevel($path); } function addLevel($path,$values){ if (!is_array($path)){ $path = explode(':',ltrim($path,':')); // explode path if not already exploded. } if (empty($path)){ $this->setValues($values); return; } $child = array_shift($path); if ($child == '') { global $conf; $child = $conf['start']; } if (!($c = @$this->_children[$child])){ $this->_children[$child] = new static($this->_hierarchy,$this,$this->path.':'.$child); $c = $this->_children[$child]; } $c->addLevel($path,$values); } function getChildren(){ return $this->_children; } } class settingslevel_export extends settingslevel{ private $_title = null; function setOptions($options){ $this->_title = @$options['title']; } protected function _getTitle(){ return $this->_title !== null ? $this->_title : settingshierarchy::$helper->getLang('export_options');; } protected function _getButtons(){ return " "; } function getAllValues(){ $ret = array(); foreach ($this->_hierarchy->getFieldConfig() as $key=>$meta){ if ($meta['_ignore_for_export']) continue; $ret[$key] = $this->getCurrent($key); } return $ret; } protected function _getSettings(){ if (!$this->_settings){ foreach ($this->_hierarchy->getFieldConfig() as $key=>$meta){ if ($meta['_ignore_for_export']) continue; $this->_settings[$key] = new settingswrapper_export($key,$this,$meta,$this->_values[$key]); } } return $this->_settings; } } } // class_exists