$lang['export_options'] = "Export options";
$lang['save'] = "Save";
$lang['cancel'] = "Cancel";
$lang['export'] = "Export";
$lang['invalid_value'] = "Invalid value";
$lang['updated_value_from'] = "Value is updated from";
$lang['show_hierarchy'] = "Show hierarchy";
$lang['on_level'] = "On level";
$lang['on_this_level'] = "On this level";
$lang['became_protected'] = "Became protected";
$lang['value_set_to'] = "Value set to";
$lang['but_ignored'] = "but ignored";
$lang['in_config'] = "In global config";
$lang['this_is_extended'] = "The value is extended (not in global config)";
$lang['default_is'] = "Default value is";
$lang['local_is'] = "Local value is";
$lang['on'] = "on";
$lang['off'] = "off";
$lang['empty_string'] = "empty string";
$lang['default_value'] = "default value";
$lang['js']['pending_change'] = "There is a pending change!";
$lang['js']['pending_change_explain'] = "You can not leave the level until changes are saved/canceled or the save query didn't finished.
Changes are highlighted with yellow cell background.";
$lang['js']['saving_changes'] = "Saving changes...";
$lang['js']['preparing_export'] = "Preparing for Export...";
$lang['js']['loading_level'] = "Loading level...";
$lang['js']['loading_hierarchy'] = "Loading hierarchy...";
$lang['changes_saved'] = "Changes are saved.";
$lang['changes_not_saved'] = "Changes are not saved!";
$lang['invalid_values'] = "Invalid values!";