/* See license.txt for terms of usage */ .panelNode-script { overflow: hidden; font-family: monospace; } /************************************************************************************************/ .scriptTooltip { position: fixed; z-index: 2147483647; padding: 2px 3px; border: 1px solid #CBE087; background: LightYellow; font-family: monospace; color: #000000; } /************************************************************************************************/ .sourceBox { /* TODO: xxxpedro problem with sourceBox and scrolling elements */ /*overflow: scroll; /* see issue 1479 */ position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .sourceRow { white-space: nowrap; -moz-user-select: text; } .sourceRow.hovered { background-color: #EEEEEE; } /************************************************************************************************/ .sourceLine { -moz-user-select: none; margin-right: 10px; border-right: 1px solid #CCCCCC; padding: 0px 4px 0 20px; background: #EEEEEE no-repeat 2px 0px; color: #888888; white-space: pre; font-family: monospace; /* see issue 2953 */ } .noteInToolTip { /* below sourceLine, so it overrides it */ background-color: #FFD472; } .useA11y .sourceBox .sourceViewport:focus .sourceLine { background-color: #FFFFC0; color: navy; border-right: 1px solid black; } .useA11y .sourceBox .sourceViewport:focus { outline: none; } .a11y1emSize { width: 1em; height: 1em; position: absolute; } .useA11y .panelStatusLabel:focus { outline-offset: -2px !important; } .sourceBox > .sourceRow > .sourceLine { cursor: pointer; } .sourceLine:hover { text-decoration: none; } .sourceRowText { white-space: pre; } .sourceRow[exe_line="true"] { outline: 1px solid #D9D9B6; margin-right: 1px; background-color: lightgoldenrodyellow; } .sourceRow[executable="true"] > .sourceLine { content: "-"; color: #4AA02C; /* Spring Green */ font-weight: bold; } .sourceRow[exe_line="true"] > .sourceLine { background-image: url(chrome://firebug/skin/exe.png); color: #000000; } .sourceRow[breakpoint="true"] > .sourceLine { background-image: url(chrome://firebug/skin/breakpoint.png); } .sourceRow[breakpoint="true"][condition="true"] > .sourceLine { background-image: url(chrome://firebug/skin/breakpointCondition.png); } .sourceRow[breakpoint="true"][disabledBreakpoint="true"] > .sourceLine { background-image: url(chrome://firebug/skin/breakpointDisabled.png); } .sourceRow[breakpoint="true"][exe_line="true"] > .sourceLine { background-image: url(chrome://firebug/skin/breakpointExe.png); } .sourceRow[breakpoint="true"][exe_line="true"][disabledBreakpoint="true"] > .sourceLine { background-image: url(chrome://firebug/skin/breakpointDisabledExe.png); } .sourceLine.editing { background-image: url(chrome://firebug/skin/breakpoint.png); } /************************************************************************************************/ .conditionEditor { z-index: 2147483647; position: absolute; margin-top: 0; left: 2px; width: 90%; } .conditionEditorInner { position: relative; top: -26px; height: 0; } .conditionCaption { margin-bottom: 2px; font-family: Lucida Grande, sans-serif; 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} .upsideDown .conditionEditorInner1 { padding-left: 33px; background: url(condBordersUps.png) repeat-y; } .upsideDown .conditionEditorInner2 { padding-right: 25px; background: url(condBordersUps.png) repeat-y 100% 0; } .upsideDown .conditionEditorTop1 { background: url(condCornersUps.png) no-repeat 100% 0; margin-left: 33px; height: 25px; } .upsideDown .conditionEditorTop2 { position: relative; left: -33px; width: 33px; height: 25px; background: url(condCornersUps.png) no-repeat; } .upsideDown .conditionEditorBottom1 { background: url(condCornersUps.png) no-repeat 100% 100%; margin-left: 33px; height: 43px; } .upsideDown .conditionEditorBottom2 { position: relative; left: -33px; width: 33px; height: 43px; background: url(condCornersUps.png) no-repeat 0 100%; } /************************************************************************************************/ .breakpointsGroupListBox { overflow: hidden; } .breakpointBlockHead { position: relative; padding-top: 4px; } .breakpointBlockHead > .checkbox { margin-right: 4px; 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font-family: monospace; color: Gray; } .breakpointBlock-breakpoints > .groupHeader { display: none; } .breakpointBlock-monitors > .breakpointCode { padding: 0; } .breakpointBlock-errorBreakpoints .breakpointCheckbox, .breakpointBlock-monitors .breakpointCheckbox { display: none; } .breakpointHeader { margin: 0 !important; border-top: none !important; }