* @ChangeLog: * 2009/08/19: Added Custom text button from Steve * 2009/08/20: Added Custom text and hidden value for cancel button * 2013/05/27: Starting rebuild for Weatherwax release * 2013/09/08: Rewrite debug function to use the dokuwiki's debug function. * 2014/03/12: Fixed script.js: removed image after execution * 2014/03/20: Completed render functions * 2014/03/26: Added a newline if the output type is set to choice * 2014/03/26: Fixed Slider value passing to post action * 2014/03/31: Fixed bad space parse for date field */ //---- CONSTANT and INCLUSION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) { define('DOKU_INC','/'.realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); } if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) { define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); } // Run Command Constant if(!defined('RC_EXP_COMMAND')) define('RC_EXP_COMMAND','command'); if(!defined('RC_EXP_OUTPUT_TYPE')) define('RC_EXP_OUTPUT_TYPE','outputType'); if(!defined('RC_EXP_ARG')) define('RC_EXP_ARG','arg'); if(!defined('RC_EXP_RUNBUTTONTEXT')) define('RC_EXP_RUNBUTTONTEXT','runButtonText'); if(!defined('RC_EXP_CANCELBUTTONTEXT')) define('RC_EXP_CANCELBUTTONTEXT','cancelButtonText'); if(!defined('RC_ARG_HIDDEN')) define('RC_ARG_HIDDEN','hidden'); if(!defined('RC_ARG_TEXT')) define('RC_ARG_TEXT','text'); if(!defined('RC_ARG_LIST')) define('RC_ARG_LIST','list'); if(!defined('RC_ARG_AUTOCOMPLETE')) define('RC_ARG_AUTOCOMPLETE','autocomplete'); if(!defined('RC_ARG_SLIDER')) define('RC_ARG_SLIDER','slider'); if(!defined('RC_ARG_SPINNER')) define('RC_ARG_SPINNER','spinner'); if(!defined('RC_ARG_DATE')) define('RC_ARG_DATE','date'); if(!defined('RC_CONST_NO_CANCEL_BUTTON')) define('RC_CONST_NO_CANCEL_BUTTON','none'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_runcommand extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { var $currentCommand = 0; // Global variable var $binaryOutput = False; // Type of output, as default is not a binary value function debug($msg,$msgLevel) { // DEBUG // Write log on data/cache/debug.log if ($this->getConf('rc_debug_level') >= $msgLevel) { dbglog("RC:".$msg); } } // Runcommand analyze byself its component; it use only the main tag analyzer by dokuwiki // BY_DOC: modes which have a start and end token but inside which no other modes should be applied function getType() { return 'protected'; } // BY_DOC: The plugin output will be inside a paragraph (or another block element), no paragraphs will be inside function getPType() { return 'normal'; } // BY_DOC: Returns a number used to determine in which order modes are added, also see parser, order of adding modes and getSort list. function getSort() { return 432; } // BY_DOC: This function is inherited from Doku_Parser_Mode 2). Here is the place to register the regular expressions needed to match your syntax. function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('.*?',$mode,'plugin_runcommand'); } // BY_DOC: to prepare the matched syntax for use in the renderer // This plugin works with the state: DOKU_LEXER_ENTER, DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCH and DOKU_LEXER_EXIT function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler){ //if ($state <> DOKU_LEXER_ENTER) { exit; }; $argId = 1; $match = substr($match,12,-13); // remove form wrap $this->debug("HANDLE:MATCH=".$match,3); $lines = explode("\n",$match); $cmds = array(); // Process all lines from runcommand body foreach($lines as $line){ $line = trim($line); // Skip empty lines if(!$line) continue; $this->debug("HANDLE:LINE=".$line,3); //Split a line into its components $objLine=explode("|",$line); // Identify the base type for this line switch($objLine[0]){ case RC_EXP_COMMAND: $field=array('key' => RC_EXP_COMMAND, 'value' => $objLine[1]); break; case RC_EXP_OUTPUT_TYPE: $field=array('key' => RC_EXP_OUTPUT_TYPE, 'value' => $objLine[1]); // Check if is a binary output if ($objLine[1] == 'binary') { $binaryOutput = True; } break; case RC_EXP_RUNBUTTONTEXT: $field=array('key' => RC_EXP_RUNBUTTONTEXT, 'value' => $objLine[1]); break; case RC_EXP_CANCELBUTTONTEXT: $field=array('key' => RC_EXP_CANCELBUTTONTEXT, 'value' => $objLine[1]); break; default: // This line is an argument. $argName = $objLine[0]; $this->debug("HANDLE:argName=".$argName,2); $argLabel = $objLine[1]; $this->debug("HANDLE:argLabel=".$argLabel,2); $argFlags=preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $objLine[2],-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $this->debug("HANDLE:argFlags=".$argFlags,2); $argField=explode("=",$objLine[3]); $argType = $argField[0]; $this->debug("HANDLE:argType=".$argType,2); switch($argType) { case RC_ARG_HIDDEN: case RC_ARG_TEXT: $argValue = $argField[1]; break; case RC_ARG_LIST: $argValue = $this->parseFieldList($argField[1]); break; case RC_ARG_AUTOCOMPLETE: $argValue = $this->parseFieldAutocomplete($argField[1]); break; case RC_ARG_SLIDER: $argValue = $this->parseFieldSlider($argField[1]); break; case RC_ARG_SPINNER: $argValue = $this->parseFieldSpinner($argField[1]); break; case RC_ARG_DATE: $argValue = $this->parseFieldDate($argField[1]); break; default: return null; }; $field=array('key' => RC_EXP_ARG, 'name' => $argName, 'label' => $argLabel, 'flags' => $argFlags, 'type' => $argType, 'value' => $argValue); break; }; array_push($cmds, $field); }; $this->debug("HANDLE:---------- PARSING -------------------------------------",1); $this->debug("HANDLE:".print_r($cmds,true),1); return $cmds; } function parseFieldList($args){ $fields = explode(";",$args); $result = array(); foreach ($fields as $field) { if(!$field) continue; $temp = explode(":",$field); if ($temp[0] == 'default') { $defaultValue=$temp[1]; } else { $result[] = array('item' => $temp[0], 'value' => $temp[1], 'default' => '0'); } } return $result; } function parseFieldAutocomplete($args){ return preg_split('/;/', $args,-1,PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } function parseFieldSlider($args){ preg_match_all("/([^;=]+):([^;=]+)/", $args, $r); return array_combine($r[1], $r[2]); } function parseFieldSpinner($args){ preg_match_all("/([^;=]+):([^;=]+)/", $args, $r); return array_combine($r[1], $r[2]); } function parseFieldDate($args){ preg_match_all("/([^;=]+):([^;=]+)/", $args, $r); return array_combine($r[1], $r[2]); } function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) { global $currentCommand; // Global variable who keep the unique Id of the runcommand form. $currentCommand += 1; // Rendering phase have 2 bocks, the jquery/javascript block and the form block where are defined the field objects. $jqueryBlock="\n"; $jqueryBlock .= " });\n\n"; $renderer->doc .= $jqueryBlock. $htmlBlock; $renderer->doc .= "

"; } } //---- Button -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Create a button field */ function renderFormButton($name, $label, $flags, $action) { // $flags is actually unused for this field global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $this->debug("RENDER:FORMBUTTON:".$name."=".$value,3); return "\n"; } /** Define JQuery button config */ function renderJQueryButton($name, $style) { global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $this->debug("RENDER:JQUERYBUTTON:".$name."=".$value,3); return "jQuery( \"#".$id."\" ).button({ icons: { primary: \"".$style."\" }});\n"; } //---- Hidden -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Create an hidden field */ function renderFormHidden($name, $label, $flags, $value) { // $label and $flags are actually unused for this field global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $this->debug("RENDER:FORMHIDDEN:".$name."=".$value,3); return "\n"; } //---- TextBox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Create a text field */ function renderFormTextBox($name, $label, $flags, $value) { global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $this->debug("RENDER:FORMTEXTBOX:".$name."=".$value,3); $result = ""; foreach ($flags as $flag) { if ($flag == "newline") $result = "


\n"; else $result = $result."\n"; } return $result; } //---- List ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Create a list field */ function renderFormListBox($name, $label, $flags, $value) { global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $this->debug("RENDER:FORMLISTBOX:".$name."=".$value,3); $result = "\n"; foreach ($flags as $flag) { if ($flag == "newline") $result = "


\n"; else $result = $result."\n"; } return $result; } //---- Autocomplete -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function renderFormAutoComplete($name, $label, $flags, $value) { global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $this->debug("RENDER:FORMAUTOCOMPLETE:".$name."=".$value,3); $result = ""; foreach ($flags as $flag) { if ($flag == "newline") $result = "


\n"; else $result = $result."\n"; } return $result; } function renderJQueryAutoComplete($name, $label, $value) { // $flags is actually unused for this field global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $result = "var availableTags".$currentCommand." = [ "; foreach($value as $listObj) { $result .= "\"".$listObj."\", "; } $result = substr($result, 0, -1)." ];\n"; $result .= "jQuery(\"#".$id."\" ).autocomplete({ source: availableTags".$currentCommand." });\n"; return $result; } //---- Slider -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function renderJQuerySlider($name, $min, $max, $value, $step) { global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $result = "jQuery( \"#".$id."_sli\" ).slider({ "; $result .= "min: ".$min.", max: ".$max.", value: ".$value.", step: ".$step.", orientation: \"horizontal\", animate: true, "; $result .= "slide: function( event, ui ) { jQuery( \"#".$id."\" ).val(ui.value ); "; $result .= "} });\n"; return $result; } function renderFormSlider($name, $label, $flags, $value) { global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $this->debug("RENDER:FORMSLIDER:".$name."=".$value,3); $result = ""; $result .= ""; $result .= "
"; foreach ($flags as $flag) { if ($flag == "newline") $result = "


\n"; else $result = $result."\n"; } return $result; } //---- Spinner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function renderJQuerySpinner($name, $min, $max, $value) { global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; return "jQuery( \"#".$id."\" ).spinner({ min: \"".$min."\", max: \"".$max."\" }).val(\"".$value."\");\n"; } function renderFormSpinner($name, $label, $flags, $value) { // $flags is actually unused for this field global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $this->debug("RENDER:FORMSPINNER:".$name."=".$value,3); $result = ""; $result .= ""; foreach ($flags as $flag) { if ($flag == "newline") $result = "


\n"; else $result = $result."\n"; } return $result; } //---- Date ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function renderJQueryDate($name, $dateFormat) { global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; if ($dateFormat == null) { // If the user don't give the date format it use the default format. $dateFormat = $this->getConf('rc_default_dateformat'); }; return "jQuery( \"#".$id."\" ).datepicker({ dateFormat: '".$dateFormat."' }); \n"; } function renderFormDate($name, $label, $flags, $value) { global $currentCommand; $id = str_replace(" ","_",$name).$currentCommand; $this->debug("RENDER:FORMDATE:".$name."=".$value,3); $result = ""; $result .= ""; foreach ($flags as $flag) { if ($flag == "newline") $result = "


"; else $result = $result."\n"; } return $result; } /** * Prepare the command for execution */ function prepareCommand($cmd) { if ($this->getConf('safe_scripts') == 0) { return $cmd; } else { $base_dir= DOKU_INC.$this->getConf('script_dir')."/"; $result = ""; $cmdRows = explode(';',$cmd); //if ($debugLevel) { $this->debug($cmdRows); }; foreach ($cmdRows as $cmdRow){ //if ($debugLevel) { $this->debug("row=".$cmdRow); }; $cmdRow = ltrim($cmdRow); $result .= $base_dir.$cmdRow."; "; }; return substr($result, 0, -2); } } // /** // * Create javascript line that load value of an input box // */ // function renderScriptInput($id, $name) { // //if ($debugLevel) { $this->debug("=> renderScriptInput(".$id.", ".$name.")"); }; // return "var ".$name." = jQuery(\"form[id='rcform".$id."']>input[id='".$name."']\").val();\n"; // } // /** // * Create javascript line that load value of a combo box // */ // function renderScriptCombo($id, $name) { // if ($debugLevel) { $this->debug("=> renderScriptCombo(".$id.", ".$name.")"); }; // return "var ".$name." = jQuery(\"form[id='rcform".$id."']>select[id='".$name."']\").val();\n"; // } // // function renderWrongSyntax() { // return "
"; // } } // End of class