cache_dir = 'cache'; //path to cache directory on your server from this script. Chmod 777!
//$rss->date_format = 'M d, Y g:i:s A'; //date format of RSS item. See PHP date() function for possible input.
$rss->date_format = $conf['dformat']; //date format of RSS item. See PHP date() function for possible input from Dokuwikidate
////Beginners don't need to configure past here////////////////////
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// outputRSS_XML()- Outputs the "title", "link", "description", and "pubDate" elements of an RSS feed in XML format
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
function outputRSS_XML($url) {
global $rss;
$cacheseconds=(int) $_GET["cachetime"]; //typecast "cachetime" parameter as integer (0 or greater)
$rss->cache_time = $cacheseconds;
if ($rs = $rss->get($url)) {
echo "\n