Lexer->addSpecialPattern('\{\(rater>[^}]*?\)\}',$mode,'plugin_rater'); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler &$handler){ $match = substr($match,8,-2); //strip markup from start and end //handle params $data = array(); $params = explode('|',$match); //Default Value $data['rater_id'] = 1; $data['rater_name'] = "this"; $data['rater_type'] = "rate"; $data['rater_end'] = "never"; $data['rater_trace'] = "ip"; $data['rater_tracedetails'] = '0'; $data['rater_headline'] = "on"; $data['stat_sort'] = "id"; foreach($params as $param){ $splitparam = explode('=',$param); if ($splitparam[1] != '') { if ($splitparam[0]=='id') {$data['rater_id'] = $splitparam[1]; // unique item id /*continue;*/} if ($splitparam[0]=='name') {$data['rater_name'] = $splitparam[1]; // descriptive item name $needles = array(":","/","\\"); $data['rater_name'] = str_replace($needles, "_", $data['rater_name']); } if ($splitparam[0]=='type') {$data['rater_type'] = $splitparam[1]; // rate or vote or stat /*continue;*/} if ($splitparam[0]=='end') {$data['rater_end'] = $splitparam[1]; // date or never /*continue;*/} if ($splitparam[0]=='trace') {$data['rater_trace'] = $splitparam[1]; // ip, user name, none /*continue;*/} if ($splitparam[0]=='tracedetails') {$data['rater_tracedetails'] = $splitparam[1]; // ip, user name, none /*continue;*/} if ($splitparam[0]=='headline') {$data['rater_headline'] = $splitparam[1]; // ip, user name, none /*continue;*/} if ($splitparam[0]=='sort') {$data['rater_stat_sort'] = $splitparam[1]; // ip, user name, none /*continue;*/} if ($splitparam[0]=='img') {$data['rater_img'] = $splitparam[1]; // ip, user name, none /*continue;*/} if ($splitparam[0]=='zoom') {$data['rater_zoom'] = $splitparam[1]; // ip, user name, none /*continue;*/} if ($splitparam[0]=='sid') {$data['rater_sid'] = $splitparam[1]; // ip, user name, none /*continue;*/} if ($splitparam[0]=='ns') {$data['rater_ns'] = $splitparam[1]; // ip, user name, none /*continue;*/} } } return $data; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Create output */ function render($mode, Doku_Renderer &$renderer, $data) { global $ID; global $lang; global $conf; if ($mode == 'xhtml'){ $renderer->info['cache'] = false; // Config settings $rater_ip_voting_restriction = $this->getConf('voting_restriction'); // restrict ip address voting (true or false) $rater_ip_vote_qty = $this->getConf('vote_qty'); // how many times an ip address / user name can vote $rater_already_rated_msg = sprintf($this->getConf('already_rated_msg'),$rater_ip_vote_qty); $rater_not_selected_msg = $this->getConf('not_selected_msg'); $rater_thankyou_msg = $this->getConf('thankyou_msg'); $rater_generic_text = $this->getConf('generic_text'); // generic item text $rater_end_of_line_char = $this->getConf('eol_char'); // to separate the records if($rater_end_of_line_char == '') $rater_end_of_line_char = '\n'; $msg_ratingend = $this->getLang('msg_ratingend'); $msg_ratingended = $this->getLang('msg_ratingended'); $msg_votend = $this->getLang('msg_votend'); $msg_votended = $this->getLang('msg_votended'); $btn_submit = $this->getLang('btn_submit'); $rater_id = trim($data['rater_id']); $rater_name = trim($data['rater_name']); $rater_headline = trim($data['rater_headline']); $rater_stat_sort = trim($data['rater_stat_sort']); $rater_img = $data['rater_img']; $rater_zoom = $data['rater_zoom']; $rater_sid = $data['rater_sid']; $rater_ns = $data['rater_ns']; if (!isset($data['rater_end'])) {$data['rater_end']='never'; $rater_end='never';} else {$rater_end=$data['rater_end'];} if(!isset($data['rater_tracedetails'])) $data['rater_tracedetails']='0'; if(!isset($rater_id)) $rater_id = 1; $rater_item_name = $data['rater_name']; // item name what is to be rated if(!isset($rater_item_name)) $rater_item_name=$rater_generic_text; $rater_type = $data['rater_type']; if(!isset($rater_type)) $rater_type="stars"; // DO NOT MODIFY BELOW THIS LINE $rater_filename = metaFN('rater_'.$data['rater_id'].'_'.$data['rater_name'].'_'.$data['rater_type'], '.rating'); $rater_rating=0; $rater_stars=""; $rater_stars_txt=""; $rater_rating=0; $rater_votes=0; $rater_msg=""; $today = date('d.m.Y'); // check to trace ip or user name $user_grp = pageinfo(); $rater_realname = $user_grp['userinfo']['name']; if ($data['rater_trace']==='user') { $rater_ip = $user_grp['userinfo']['name']; } else { $rater_ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); } /******************************************************************************/ // Rating action if(isset($_REQUEST["rate".$rater_id])){ if(isset($_REQUEST["rating_".$rater_id])){ while(list($key,$val)=each($_REQUEST["rating_".$rater_id])){ $rater_rating=$val; } $rater_file=fopen($rater_filename,"a+"); $rater_str=""; $rater_str = rtrim(fread($rater_file, 1024*8),$rater_end_of_line_char); if($rater_str!=""){ if($rater_ip_voting_restriction){ $rater_data=explode($rater_end_of_line_char,$rater_str); $rater_ip_vote_count=0; foreach($rater_data as $d){ $rater_tmp=explode("|",$d); $rater_oldip=str_replace($rater_end_of_line_char,"",$rater_tmp[1]); if($rater_ip==$rater_oldip){ $rater_ip_vote_count++; } } if($rater_ip_vote_count > ($rater_ip_vote_qty - 1)){ $rater_msg=$rater_already_rated_msg; }else{ fwrite($rater_file,$rater_rating."|".$rater_ip.$rater_end_of_line_char); $rater_msg=$rater_thankyou_msg; } }else{ fwrite($rater_file,$rater_rating."|".$rater_ip.$rater_end_of_line_char); $rater_msg=$rater_thankyou_msg; } }else{ fwrite($rater_file,$rater_rating."|".$rater_ip.$rater_end_of_line_char); $rater_msg=$rater_thankyou_msg; } fclose($rater_file); }else{ $rater_msg=$rater_not_selected_msg; } } /******************************************************************************/ if ($rater_type=="rate") { // Get current rating $r1 = '0'; $r2 = '0'; $r3 = '0'; $r4 = '0'; $r5 = '0'; $rater_votes = '0'; $rater_sum = '0'; if(is_file($rater_filename)){ $tmp_array = $this->calc_rater_rating($rater_filename); $rater_rating = $tmp_array[0][0]; $r1 += $tmp_array[0][1]; $r2 += $tmp_array[0][2]; $r3 += $tmp_array[0][3]; $r4 += $tmp_array[0][4]; $r5 += $tmp_array[0][5]; $rater_votes += $tmp_array[0][6]; $rater_sum += $tmp_array[0][7]; } else{ $rater_file=fopen($rater_filename,"w"); fclose($rater_file); } // Assign star image $rater_stars = $this->assign_star_image($rater_rating); $anker_id = 'rateanker_'. uniqid((double)microtime()*1000000,1); // build the return value for details if (($rater_end!='never') && (strtotime($today) > strtotime($rater_end))) { $ret_details = '
'; $alink_Details = '(Details)'; } elseif (($rater_end!='never') || (strtotime($today) <= strtotime($rater_end))) { $ret_details = '
'; $alink_Details = '(Details)';} else { $ret_details ='

'; $alink_Details = '';} if ($data['rater_tracedetails']==='1') { if ($alink_Details === '') { $alink_Details = '(Details)'; } $ret_details .= '1 Star '.$r1.' visitor votes
'; $ret_details .= '2 Stars '.$r2.' visitor votes
'; $ret_details .= '3 Stars '.$r3.' visitor votes
'; $ret_details .= '4 Stars '.$r4.' visitor votes
'; $ret_details .= '5 Stars '.$r5.' visitor votes'; } $ret_details .= '

'; // Output rate $rater_img_xhtml = ""; if($rater_img!=false) { // render the image link and output centralized within rater box $info = array(); $rater_img_xhtml = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions("{{".$rater_img."}}"),$info); $rater_img_xhtml = str_replace("

","",$rater_img_xhtml); $rater_img_xhtml = str_replace("

","",$rater_img_xhtml); $rater_img_xhtml = ''.$rater_img_xhtml.''.NL; } $ret .= '
'.NL; $ret .= $rater_img_xhtml; $ul_rater_item_name = str_replace("_"," ",$rater_item_name); if($rater_headline !== "off") { $ret .= ''.NL; } $ret .= ''; } $ret .= ''; if($rater_msg!="") $ret .= "
"; $ret .= '
'.$rater_stars_txt.' stars '.$rater_stars_txt.' from '.$rater_votes.' votes '.$alink_Details.'
'; if (($rater_end!='never') && (strtotime($today) > strtotime($rater_end))) { $rater_msg =''; } else { $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; $ret .= ''; //
'; $ret .= '
'; } /******************************************************************************/ elseif ($rater_type=="vote") { // Get current rating if(is_file($rater_filename)){ $rater_file=fopen($rater_filename,"r"); $rater_str=""; $rater_str = fread($rater_file, 1024*8); if($rater_str!=""){ $rater_data=explode($rater_end_of_line_char,$rater_str); $rater_votes=count($rater_data)-1; $vote1='0'; $vote2='0'; foreach($rater_data as $d){ $d=explode("|",$d); if ($d[0]==='1') { $vote1 = $vote1 +1; $who1 .= $d[1]."
"; } elseif ($d[0]==='2') { $vote2 = $vote2 +1; $who2 .= $d[1]."
"; } } } else{ $vote1='0'; $vote2='0'; } fclose($rater_file); } $rater_img_xhtml = ""; if($rater_img!=false) { // render the image link and output centralized within rater box $info = array(); $rater_img_xhtml = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions("{{".$rater_img."}}"),$info); $rater_img_xhtml = str_replace("

","",$rater_img_xhtml); $rater_img_xhtml = str_replace("

","",$rater_img_xhtml); $rater_img_xhtml = ''.$rater_img_xhtml.''.NL; } //check if vote period already ended if (($rater_end!='never') && (strtotime($today) > strtotime($rater_end))) {$rater_endmsg = sprintf($msg_votended,date('d.m.Y',strtotime($data['rater_end']))).'
';} elseif (($rater_end!='never') || (strtotime($today) <= strtotime($rater_end))) {$rater_endmsg = sprintf($msg_votend,date('d.m.Y',strtotime($data['rater_end']))).'
';} else {$rater_endmsg ='';} // build the return value for details if details option is on $ret_details = '

'.$rater_endmsg; if ($data['rater_tracedetails']==='1') { $ret_details .= 'Pro


'. $who1.'

'; $ret_details .= 'Contra


'. $who2.'

'; } $ret_details .= '

'; // Output vote // $ret .= '
'; $ret .= ''.NL; $ret .= $rater_img_xhtml; if($_REQUEST["info"]!="ppp") { $addMSG = '';} else { $addMSG = $rater_already_rated_msg.'
';} $anker_id = 'voteanker_'.$data['rater_id'].'_'.$data['rater_name']; $ul_rater_item_name = str_replace("_"," ",$rater_item_name); if($rater_headline !== "off") { $ret .= ''.NL; } $ret .= ''; } else $ret .=''; if($rater_msg!="") $ret .= "
"; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= '
'; $ret .= $addMSG.''. '('.$vote1.') '. ''. '('.$vote2.')'; if($data['rater_tracedetails']==='1') { $ret .= '(Details)
'. '
'; // $ret .= '
'; } /******************************************************************************/ elseif (($rater_type=="stat") || ($rater_type=="localstat")) { global $conf; // 1. load all rating files into array // create an array of all rating files $delim1 = ".rating"; $delim2 = ".txt"; clearstatcache(); $listRatingFiles = $this->list_files_in_array($conf['metadir'], $delim1, $params_array); // create a list of all page-files, consider ns syntax parameer if(strlen($rater_ns)>1) { if(is_file($conf['datadir']."/".str_replace(":","/",$rater_ns))) { $listPages = array($conf['datadir']."/".str_replace(":","/",$rater_ns)); } else { $r_datadir = $conf['datadir']."/".str_replace(":","/",$rater_ns); $listPages = $this->list_rec_files_in_array($r_datadir, $delim2, $params_array); } } else { $r_datadir = $conf['datadir']; $listPages = $this->list_rec_files_in_array($r_datadir, $delim2, $params_array); } // loop through all wiki pages $returns['ratings'] = array(); $returns['votings'] = array(); if ($rater_type=="stat") { foreach($listPages as &$page_filepath) { //read the content of the page file to be analyzed for rater items $body = ''; $body = file_get_contents($page_filepath); // find all rater items on this page file $links = array(); // define('LINK_PATTERN', "/\{\{.*\}\}/"); $body = preg_replace('/.*?<\/code>/si', '', $body); define('LINK_PATTERN', "(rater>[^}]*)"); // check for rater syntax on current page if( preg_match(LINK_PATTERN, $body) ) { preg_match_all(LINK_PATTERN, $body, $links); } // loop through all rater items of this page // needs: $links, $listRatingFiles, $page_filepath, $returns // returns: $found_ratings, $found_votings if (count($links)>0) $returns = $this->rater_on_page($links, $listRatingFiles, $page_filepath, $returns); } } elseif ($rater_type=="localstat") { $tmp = pageinfo(); $body = ''; $body = file_get_contents($tmp['filepath']); // find all rater items on this page file $links = array(); // define('LINK_PATTERN', "/\{\{.*\}\}/"); $body = preg_replace('/.*?<\/code>/si', '', $body); define('LINK_PATTERN', "(rater>[^}]*)"); // check for rater syntax on current page if( preg_match(LINK_PATTERN, $body) ) { preg_match_all(LINK_PATTERN, $body, $links); } if (count($links)>0) $returns = $this->rater_on_page($links, $listRatingFiles, $tmp['filepath'], $returns); } $found_ratings = $returns['ratings']; $found_votings = $returns['votings']; // calculate ratings for ($a=0;$acalc_rater_rating($rater_filename); $rater_rating = $tmp_array[0][0]; if($rater_rating=='') $rater_rating='0.00'; if ($tmp_array[0][1] < 1) { $tmp_array[0][1] = '0'; } if ($tmp_array[0][2] < 1) { $tmp_array[0][2] = '0'; } if ($tmp_array[0][3] < 1) { $tmp_array[0][3] = '0'; } if ($tmp_array[0][4] < 1) { $tmp_array[0][4] = '0'; } if ($tmp_array[0][5] < 1) { $tmp_array[0][5] = '0'; } if ($tmp_array[0][6] < 1) { $tmp_array[0][6] = '0'; } if ($tmp_array[0][7] < 1) { $tmp_array[0][7] = '0'; } $found_ratings[$a][] = array('value' => $rater_rating); $rater_stars = $this->assign_star_image($rater_rating); $found_ratings[$a][] = array('image' => $rater_stars); $found_ratings[$a][] = array($tmp_array[0][1],$tmp_array[0][2],$tmp_array[0][3],$tmp_array[0][4],$tmp_array[0][5],$tmp_array[0][6]); } } // sort array if($rater_stat_sort=='') $rater_stat_sort = 'value' ; $found_ratings = $this->array_sort($found_ratings, $rater_stat_sort, SORT_DESC); // script template $ret_script = ''; // calculate votes for ($a=0;$acalc_rater_voting($rater_filename); // returns array($rater_votes, $r1, $who1, $r2, $who2, $rater_sum) $rater_voting = $tmp_array[0][0]; if($rater_voting=='') $rater_voting='0'; if ($tmp_array[0][1] < 1) { $tmp_array[0][1] = '0'; } // no thumb-up votes so far if ($tmp_array[0][3] < 1) { $tmp_array[0][3] = '0'; } // no thumb-down votes so far $found_votings[$a][] = array('value' => $rater_voting); $found_votings[$a][] = array($tmp_array[0][1], $tmp_array[0][2],$tmp_array[0][3],$tmp_array[0][4]); $found_votings[$a][] = array('votes' => $tmp_array[0][0],); //number_format(($rater_sum/$rater_votes), 2, '.', ''); if(($tmp_array[0][1]+$tmp_array[0][3])>0) $calc_result=($tmp_array[0][1]/($tmp_array[0][1]+$tmp_array[0][3])*100); else $calc_result=0; $rater_thumbs = '
Pro ('.$tmp_array[0][1].') '. ' '.number_format($calc_result,2,'.','').'%  '.NL; if($data['rater_tracedetails']=== '1') { $rater_thumbs .= $ret_script1. '(Details)
'. ''. '
'.NL; } if(($tmp_array[0][1]+$tmp_array[0][3])>0) $calc_result=($tmp_array[0][3]/($tmp_array[0][1]+$tmp_array[0][3])*100); else $calc_result=0; $rater_thumbs .= '
Contra ('.$tmp_array[0][3].') '. ' '.number_format($calc_result,2,'.','').'%  '.NL; if($data['rater_tracedetails']=== '1') { $rater_thumbs .= $ret_script2. '(Details)
'. ''. '
'.NL; } $found_votings[$a][] = array('image' => $rater_thumbs); } } // sort array if($rater_stat_sort=='') $rater_stat_sort = 'value' ; $found_ratings = $this->array_sort($found_ratings, $rater_stat_sort, SORT_DESC); // script to make table sortable $ret .=' '; $d2=""; // output statistic table if (strlen($rater_zoom) >0) { $d2 = 'Thumbs'.NL; } if($rater_sid!=false) { $d2 .= 'ID'.NL; } $ret .= ' '.$d2.' '; foreach($found_ratings as $findings) { $dtls_id = uniqid((double)microtime()*1000000,1); $alink_id++; $blink_id = 'statanker_'.$alink_id; $anker_id = 'anker_'.$alink_id; $info = array(); $d3 =""; $d1=array(); if (strlen($rater_zoom) >0) { $d1=explode("?",$findings['img']); if(strlen($d1[0])>1) { $rater_img_xhtml = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions("{{".trim($d1[0])."?".$rater_zoom."}}"),$info); $rater_img_xhtml = str_replace("

","",$rater_img_xhtml); $rater_img_xhtml = str_replace("

","",$rater_img_xhtml); } else $rater_img_xhtml=" "; $d3 = ''.NL; } if ($rater_sid!=false) { $d3 .= ''; } $ret .= ''. $d3. ''. ''. ''; } foreach($found_votings as $findings) { // build the return value for details if details option is on $dtls_id = uniqid((double)microtime()*1000000,1); $alink_id++; $blink_id = 'statanker_'.$alink_id; $anker_id = 'anker_'.$alink_id; $info = array(); $d3 = ''; $d1=array(); if($data['rater_tracedetails']=== '1') { // build the return value for details $ret_details = '

'; $ret_details .= 'Pro


'. $findings[0][1].'

'; $ret_details .= 'Contra


'. $findings[0][3].'

'; $ret_details .= '

'; } if (strlen($rater_zoom) >0) { $d1=explode("?",$findings['img']); if(strlen($d1[0])>1) { $rater_img_xhtml = p_render('xhtml',p_get_instructions("{{".trim($d1[0])."?".$rater_zoom."}}"),$info); $rater_img_xhtml = str_replace("

","",$rater_img_xhtml); $rater_img_xhtml = str_replace("

","",$rater_img_xhtml); } else $rater_img_xhtml=" "; $d3 = ''; } if ($rater_sid!=false) { $d3 .= ''; } $ret .= ''. $d3. ''. ''. ''. ''; } $ret .= '
Item Value Details
'.$findings['item'].''.$findings[0]['value'].''.$ret_script1. ''.$findings[0]['value'].' stars'. '  '.$findings[2][5].' votes '; if($data['rater_tracedetails']=== '1') { $ret_details ='

'; $ret_details .= '1 Star '.$findings[2][0].' visitor votes
'; $ret_details .= '2 Stars '.$findings[2][1].' visitor votes
'; $ret_details .= '3 Stars '.$findings[2][2].' visitor votes
'; $ret_details .= '4 Stars '.$findings[2][3].' visitor votes
'; $ret_details .= '5 Stars '.$findings[2][4].' visitor votes'; $ret_details .= '

'; $ret_script1 = str_ireplace('$blink_id', $blink_id, $ret_script); $ret .= '(Details)'. ''.NL; } $ret .= '
'.$findings['item'].''.$findings[2]['votes'].' votes '.$findings[3]['image']. '
'.NL; } // Render $renderer->doc .= $ret; } } /******************************************************************************/ function assign_star_image($rater_rating) { // Assign star image if ($rater_rating <= 0 ){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/00star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="Not Rated";} if ($rater_rating >= 0.5){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/05star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="0.5";} if ($rater_rating >= 1 ){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/1star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="1";} if ($rater_rating >= 1.5){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/15star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="1.5";} if ($rater_rating >= 2 ){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/2star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="2";} if ($rater_rating >= 2.5){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/25star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="2.5";} if ($rater_rating >= 3 ){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/3star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="3";} if ($rater_rating >= 3.5){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/35star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="3.5";} if ($rater_rating >= 4 ){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/4star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="4";} if ($rater_rating >= 4.5){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/45star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="4.5";} if ($rater_rating >= 5 ){$rater_stars = DOKU_BASE."lib/plugins/rater/img/5star.gif";$rater_stars_txt="5";} return $rater_stars; } /******************************************************************************/ function array_sort($array, $on, $order) { $new_array = array(); $sortable_array = array(); if (count($array) > 0) { foreach ($array as $k => $v) { if (is_array($v)) { foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) { if ($k2 == $on) { $sortable_array[$k] = $v2; } } } else { $sortable_array[$k] = $v; } } switch ($order) { case SORT_ASC: asort($sortable_array); break; case SORT_DESC: arsort($sortable_array); break; } foreach ($sortable_array as $k => $v) { $new_array[$k] = $array[$k]; } } return $new_array; } /******************************************************************************/ function calc_rater_rating($rater_filename) { $rater_end_of_line_char = $this->getConf('eol_char'); if($rater_end_of_line_char == '') $rater_end_of_line_char = '\n'; $rater_file=fopen($rater_filename,"r"); $rater_str=""; $rater_str = fread($rater_file, 1024*8); if($rater_str!=""){ $rater_data=explode($rater_end_of_line_char,$rater_str); $rater_votes=count($rater_data)-1; $rater_sum=0; foreach($rater_data as $d){ $d=explode("|",$d); $rater_sum+=$d[0]; // collect votes per level to display the details if ($d[0] === '1' ){$r1 = $r1 + 1;} if ($d[0] === '2' ){$r2 = $r2 + 1;} if ($d[0] === '3' ){$r3 = $r3 + 1;} if ($d[0] === '4' ){$r4 = $r4 + 1;} if ($d[0] === '5' ){$r5 = $r5 + 1;} } if($rater_votes>0) $rater_rating=number_format(($rater_sum/$rater_votes), 2, '.', ''); } fclose($rater_file); $tmp_array[] = array($rater_rating,$r1,$r2,$r3,$r4,$r5,$rater_votes,$rater_sum); return $tmp_array; } /******************************************************************************/ function calc_rater_voting($rater_filename) { $rater_end_of_line_char = $this->getConf('eol_char'); if($rater_end_of_line_char == '') $rater_end_of_line_char = '\n'; $rater_file=fopen($rater_filename,"r"); $rater_str=""; $rater_str = fread($rater_file, 1024*8); if($rater_str!=""){ $rater_data=explode($rater_end_of_line_char,$rater_str); $rater_votes=count($rater_data)-1; $rater_sum=0; foreach($rater_data as $d){ $d=explode("|",$d); $rater_sum++; if($d[1]=="") $d[1] = $this->getLang('foreigner'); // text & styling // collect votes per level to display the details if ($d[0] === '1' ){$r1++;$who1 .= $d[1]."
";} if ($d[0] === '2' ){$r2++;$who2 .= $d[1]."
";} } if (!$r1) { $r1='0'; $who1 = ''; } if (!$r2) { $r2='0'; $who2 = ''; } $rater_rating=$r1." : ".$r2; } fclose($rater_file); $tmp_array[] = array($rater_votes, $r1, $who1, $r2, $who2, $rater_sum); // echo '
'; return $tmp_array; } /******************************************************************************/ // search given directory store all files into array function list_files_in_array($dir, $delim) { $listDir = array(); if($handler = opendir($dir)) { while (FALSE !== ($sub = readdir($handler))) { if ($sub !== "." && $sub !== "..") { if(is_file($dir."/".$sub)) { $x = strpos(basename($dir."/".$sub),$delim); if(($x > 0)){ $listDir[] = $dir."/".$sub; } //if(DEBUG) echo sprintf("


\n", $dir."/".$sub); } } } closedir($handler); } return $listDir; } /******************************************************************************/ // search given directory recursively and store all files into array function list_rec_files_in_array($dir, $delim, $excludes) { $max_count_files = 10; $listDir = array(); if($handler = opendir($dir)) { while (FALSE !== ($sub = readdir($handler))) { if ($sub !== "." && $sub !== "..") { if(is_file($dir."/".$sub)) { $x = strpos(basename($dir."/".$sub),".txt"); if(($delim === '.txt') && ($x > 0)){ $listDir[] = $dir."/".$sub; } elseif($delim === 'all') { $listDir[] = $dir."/".$sub; } } elseif(is_dir($dir."/".$sub)) { $listDir[$sub] = $this->list_rec_files_in_array($dir."/".$sub, $delim,$excludes); } } } closedir($handler); } $listDir = $this->array_flat($listDir); sort($listDir); return $listDir; } /******************************************************************************/ // flatten the hierarchical arry to store path + file at first "column" function array_flat($array) { $out=array(); foreach($array as $k=>$v){ if(is_array($array[$k])) { $out=array_merge($out,$this->array_flat($array[$k])); } else { $out[]=$v; } } return $out; } /******************************************************************************/ // to elaborate the ns:page for stat link to rater obj on the pages function __savedir($page_filepath) { global $conf; $savedir = $this->getConf('savedir'); if($savedir == '') $savedir='data'; $savedir = str_replace("../", "", $savedir); $savedir = str_replace("./", "", $savedir); $y_pos = stripos($page_filepath, $savedir."/pages"); $t1 = substr($page_filepath, $y_pos); $t1 = substr(str_replace( ".txt" , "" , $t1 ) , strlen($savedir."/pages"), 9999); // turn it into wiki link without "pages" $t2 = str_replace("/", ":", $t1); $t2 = substr($t2, 1, strlen($t2)); //echo '('.$savedir.') '.$t2.'
'; return $t2; } /******************************************************************************/ // search and load all rater objects of a given page function rater_on_page($links, $listRatingFiles, $page_filepath, $returns) { foreach($links as $wse) { foreach($wse as $link) { // strip präfix "rater>" = left 6 signs and last sign = ")" $link = substr($link,6,-1); $type = ''; $img = ''; $name = ''; // ignore all "type=stat" references if ((stripos($link,"type=stat") === false) && (stripos($link,"type=localstat") === false)) { // extract rater file name $fileReference = explode("|",$link); foreach ($fileReference as $param) { if(stripos($param,"id=")!== false) { $rater_id = substr($param,4); } elseif(stripos($param,"name=")!== false) { $name = substr($param,5); $needles = array(":","/","\\"); $name = str_replace($needles, "_", $name); } elseif(stripos($param,"type=")!== false) { $type = substr($param,5); } elseif(stripos($param,"img=")!== false) { $img = substr($param,4); } } $cFlag = false; // loop through rater list to find matching rater foreach($listRatingFiles as $ratingFile) { // check if rater name is part of path if(stripos($ratingFile,$this->sonderzeichen($rater_id.'_'.$name.'_'.$type))>0) { //extract page file name $p_filename = basename($page_filepath); //cut everything before pages/ from link $t2 = $this->__savedir($page_filepath); // make a link out of it //$t1 = html_wikilink(':'.$t2, $rater_id.' '.$name); $t1 = html_wikilink(':'.$t2, $name); // differ between rate and vote if (stripos($ratingFile,'rate.rating')>0){ $rate_counter = $rate_counter+1; // store page file and rater file link for output $returns['ratings'][] = array('id' => $rater_id, 'item' => $t1 , 'file' => basename($ratingFile), 'img' => $img); $cFlag = true; break; } elseif (stripos($ratingFile,'vote.rating')>0){ $vote_counter = $vote_counter+1; // store page file and rater file link for output $returns['votings'][] = array('id' => $rater_id, 'item' => $t1 , 'file' => basename($ratingFile), 'img' => $img); $cFlag = true; break; } } } // link on page but rater file not existent due to no votes registerd so far if($cFlag === false) { $mis_counter = $mis_counter+1; //extract page file name $p_filename = basename($page_filepath); //cut everything before pages/ from link $t2 = $this->__savedir($page_filepath); // make a link out of it $t1 = html_wikilink(':'.$t2,$rater_id.' '.$name); // store page file where rater file not existent $found_nok[] = $t1 . " : " . basename($ratingFile); } } } } return $returns; } /******************************************************************************/ function sonderzeichen($string) { // utf8 decoding in function call not valid anymore, following deleted there // utf8_decode($rater_id.'_'.$name.'_'.$type) // former replacements for German umlauts now in language files defined // $search = array(" ", "ä", "ö", "ü", "Ä", "Ö", "Ü", "ß", "´", "&"); // $replace = array("_", "ae", "oe", "ue", "Ae", "Oe", "Ue", "ss", "", ""); $search = explode(",",$this->getLang('search')); $replace = explode(",",$this->getLang('replace')); $string = str_replace($search, $replace, $string); return $string; } /******************************************************************************/ }