or // http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html. // // // change below values to adjust preferences // var $quizID; var $mode; var $rndquest; var $rndchoice; var $highscore; var $showintro; var $current_question = 1; var $error = ''; var $in_question = 0; var $in_section = ''; var $parseQuiz_cache = null; var $quizobj; function quiz($quizID, &$param) { $this->quizID = $quizID; $this->mode = $param['learning']; $this->rndquest = $param['rndquest']; $this->rndchoice = $param['rndchoice']; $this->highscore = $param['highscores']; $this->showintro = $param['showintro']; $this->quizobj = plugin_load('syntax','quiz'); if (!($this->mode < 0 || $this->mode > 1 )) { $this->error = 'Error: "' . $this->mode .'" is not a valid quiz mode. Valid modes are "test (0)" and "learning (1)"'; } } function do_quiz_here() { if (isset($_POST['next_question'])) { $next = $_POST['next_question']; // + 1; if ((!isset($_POST['answers'][$next - 1])) && ($next > 1)) { $next = $next - 1; } } else { unset($_POST); $next = 0; } return $this->print_question($next); } function print_question($question_num) { $html = ""; $question_num = (int)$question_num; $data = $this->parseQuiz(); if ($data !== false) { $a = $data['questions'][$question_num]; $count_a = count($data['questions']); if ($question_num <= $count_a) { if ($question_num <= 0) { $html .= '


'; $html .= $data['intro']; if (($question_num != 0) && ($this->highscore )) $html .= $this->print_highscore(); $html .= '
'; } else { $html .= '

'.$data['title'].' - '.$question_num.'/'.$count_a.'

'; if ($this->showintro) $html .= $data['intro']; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; } $html .= '
'; $html .= '' . "\n"; $html .= '' . "\n"; $html .= '' . "\n"; $html .= '' . "\n"; $html .= '' . "\n"; $html .= '' . "\n"; if ($question_num <= 0) { $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; if (($question_num == 0) && ($this->highscore )) { $html .= ''; } $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; } else { $html .= '
'; // se si torna alla domanda precedente, cancella i dati doppi $temp = $_POST['answers'][$question_num]; if (isset($_POST['prev'])) { unset($_POST['answers'][$question_num]); } // // se presenti, aggiunge in POST i dati delle risposte precedenti if (isset($_POST) && isset($_POST['answers'])) { foreach ($_POST['answers'] as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { $html .= '' . "\n"; } else { foreach ($value as $literal_key => $valueison) { $html .= '' . "\n"; } } } } // if ($a['type'] == 'single') { for($n=1; $n<=count($a['choices']); $n++) { $state = ''; if ($temp == $n) $state = ' checked'; $html .= ' 
' . "\n"; } } else { if ($a['type'] == 'text') { $html .= '
' . "\n"; } else { if ($a['type'] == 'multi') { for($n=1; $n<=count($a['choices']); $n++) { $state = ''; if (isset($temp[$n]) && ($temp[$n] =='on')) $state = ' checked'; $html .='  
' . "\n"; } } } } $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; if ($question_num > 1) { $html .= ''; } $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; } } else { // mostra le risposte giuste //display test results $total_answers = count($_POST['answers']); $total_correct_answers = 0; $total_score = 0; foreach ($_POST['answers'] as $_question_num => $_users_answer) { if ($this->checkanswer($_question_num)) { $total_correct_answers++; $total_score = $total_score + $data['questions'][$_question_num]['score']; } } $html .= '

'.$data['title'].' - '.$this->quizobj->getLang('quiz_result').'

'; if ($this->showintro) $html .= $data['intro']; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $percent = round(($total_correct_answers / $total_answers) * 100, 2); $html .= sprintf($this->quizobj->getLang('quiz_resulttext'), $total_correct_answers, $total_answers, $percent); $html .= '
'; $html .= $this->quizobj->getLang('quiz_score').$total_score . '
'; $html .= '
'; // descrizione del risultato per scaglioni if ($data['scores']) { foreach ($data['scores'] as $scores) { if (($total_score >= $scores['range'][0]) && ($total_score <= $scores['range'][1])) { $html .= '
'; $html .= $scores['text']; $html .= '
'; } } } $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; if ($this->mode == 1 && $question_num > 1) { $html .= "
"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $count_a; $i++) { $html .= $this->learning_mode_print_answer($i ); } } $scorelist = $this->updateScore($total_score, $percent); $html .= '
'; } } else { $html .= $this->quiz_error(); } return $html; } function learning_mode_print_answer($question_num) { $ok = false; if ($this->checkanswer($question_num, &$answers)) { $ok = true; $div = "correct"; } else { $div = "wrong"; } $a = $this->parseQuiz(); $a = $a['questions'][$question_num]; $html = ""; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= $question_num.") ".$a['question']; //." ".$img; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= ''; if ($a['explanation'] != '') { $html .= '
' . $a['explanation'].''; } $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; return $html ; } function checkanswer($question, $answer_array = null) { $result = false; if ($this->parseQuiz() !== false && $question > 0) { $data = $this->parseQuiz(); $a = $data['questions'][$question]; $your_answer = ''; $correct_answer = ''; if ($a['type'] == 'single') { $your_answer = $_POST['answers'][$question]; for($n=1; $n<=count($a['choices']); $n++) { $answer_array[$n] = ($n == $your_answer?1:0); } $result = $a['choices'][$your_answer]['correct']; } else { if ($a['type'] == 'text') { $your_answer = $_POST['answers'][$question]; $answer_array[1] = $your_answer; $result = (strtolower($your_answer) == strtolower($a['answers'][0])); } else { if ($a['type'] == 'multi') { $your_answers = $_POST['answers'][$question]; ksort($your_answers); $result = true; for($n=1; $n<=count($a['choices']); $n++) { $answer_array[$n] = (isset($your_answers[$n])? 1:0); if ( (($answer_array[$n] == 1) && !$a['choices'][$n]['correct']) || (($answer_array[$n] == 0) && $a['choices'][$n]['correct']) ) { $result = false; } } } } } } return $result; } function quiz_error() { return $this->error; } function parseQuiz() { if ($this->parseQuiz_cache === null) { $page = $this->quizID; $quizz = array(); $pos = strrpos(utf8_decode($page), ':'); $pageName = p_get_first_heading($page); if($pageName == NULL) { if($pos != FALSE) { $pageName = utf8_substr($page, $pos+1, utf8_strlen($page)); } else { $pageName = $page; } $pageName = str_replace('_', ' ', $pageName); } $quizz['title'] = $pageName; $select= rawWiki($page); $lines = explode("\n", $select); $nr = count($lines); $hRender = new Doku_Renderer_xhtml(); $nquest = 0; $quizz['questions'] = array(); for($n=0; $n<$nr; $n++) { if (substr($lines[$n], 0, 6) == "======") continue; if (substr($lines[$n], 0, 5) == "=====") { $temp = str_replace("=====",'',$lines[$n]); $tmp_array = array(); $tmp_array['range']= explode("-", $temp); for($k=$n+1; $k<$nr; $k++) { if ((trim($lines[$k]) == '') || (substr($lines[$k], 0, 5) != "=====")) { $tmp_array['text'] .= $lines[$k]."\n"; } else { $n = $k - 1; $k = $nr + 1; } }; $tmp_array['text'] = $hRender->render($tmp_array['text']); $quizz['scores'][]= $tmp_array; }; if ((trim($lines[$n]) == '') || (substr($lines[$n], 0, 4) != " * ")) { if ($nquest == 0) $quizz['intro'] .= $lines[$n]."\n"; continue; } $nquest++;; $tmp = $hRender->render(str_replace(" * ",'',$lines[$n])); $tmp = substr($tmp, 4); $tmp = substr($tmp, 0, -5); $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['question'] = $tmp; $nchoices = 0; $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['choices'] = array(); $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['answers'] = array(); $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['score']= 1; $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['explanation'] = ''; $temp_choices = array(); for($k=$n+1; $k<$nr; $k++) { if (trim($lines[$k]) == '') continue; if (substr($lines[$k], 0, 6) == " - ") { $nchoices++; $tmp = $hRender->render(str_replace(" - ",'',$lines[$k])); $tmp = substr($tmp, 4); $tmp = substr($tmp, 0, -5); $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['choices'][$nchoices]['text'] = $tmp; $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['choices'][$nchoices]['correct'] = false; } elseif (substr($lines[$k], 0, 7) == " * [") { $temp = str_replace(" * [",'',$lines[$k]); $temp = ereg_replace("].*", "", $temp); $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['answers'] = explode("|", $temp); sort($quizz['questions'][$nquest]['answers']); for($i=0; $irender(str_replace(" * ",'',$lines[$k])); $tmp = substr($tmp, 4); $tmp = substr($tmp, 0, -5); $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['explanation'] = $tmp; } else { $n = $k - 1; $k = $nr + 1; } } if ($this->rndchoice) $this->kshuffle($quizz['questions'][$nquest]['choices']); if (count($quizz['questions'][$nquest]['choices']) == 0) { $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['type'] = 'text'; } elseif (count($quizz['questions'][$nquest]['answers']) > 1) { $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['type'] = 'multi'; } else { $quizz['questions'][$nquest]['type'] = 'single'; } } if ($this->rndquest) $this->kshuffle($quizz['questions']); $quizz['intro'] = $hRender->render($quizz['intro']); $this->parseQuiz_cache = $quizz; } return $this->parseQuiz_cache; } // sequenza casuale, fissa per sessione function kshuffle(&$items) { $temp = $items; srand(hexdec(session_id())); shuffle($temp); for($k=1; $k<=count($temp); $k++) { $items[$k] = $temp[$k-1]; } } // visualizza i migliori 10 punteggi function print_highscore() { // get score file contents $pfile = metaFN(md5($this->quizID), '.quiz'); $scorelist = unserialize(@file_get_contents($pfile)); $temp = $scorelist['rows']; usort($temp, array($this,'cmp')); $temp = array_slice($temp, 0, 10); $html = ""; $html .= '

10 '.$this->quizobj->getLang('quiz_highscore').' ('.$scorelist['total'].')

'; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; foreach ($temp as $row) { $html .= ""; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ''; $html .= ""; } $html .= "
User IP Score % Date
"; return $html; } // Comparison function function cmp($a, $b) { if ($a['score'] == $b['score']) { return 0; } return ($a['score'] > $b['score']) ? -1 : 1; } // aggiorna il file dei risultati function updateScore($userscore, $percent) { // get score file contents $pfile = metaFN(md5($this->quizID), '.quiz'); $score = unserialize(@file_get_contents($pfile)); if(!isset($score['total'])) $score['total'] = 0; if(!isset($score['rows'])) { $score['rows'] = array(); } if(!isset($score['ips'])) $score['ips'] = array(); if(!isset($score['users'])) $score['users'] = array(); $ip = clientIP(true); $score['total']++; $tmp = '(anonymous)'; if($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) $tmp = $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']; $score['users'][] =$tmp; $score['ips'][] = $ip; $score['rows'][$score['total']]['percent'] = $percent; $score['rows'][$score['total']]['score'] = $userscore; $score['rows'][$score['total']]['user'] = $tmp; $score['rows'][$score['total']]['ip'] = $ip; $score['rows'][$score['total']]['timestamp'] = time(); if($fh = fopen($pfile, 'w')) { fwrite($fh, serialize($score)); fclose($fh); } return $score; } } ?>