int('qs_script_max_time'); } else { $script_max_time = 60; } if( !ini_get('safe_mode') ){ set_time_limit($script_max_time); } $qs_start_time=time(); $priority = ""; qs_formatQuery() ; echo "
"; if(isset($_POST['priority']) && $_POST['priority']) { $priority = $INPUT->str('priority'); if($priority == 'country' && isset($_POST['user_agent'])) { $priority = 'agent'; } } switch ($priority) { case 'page': $page = rawurldecode($INPUT->str('page')); $keys =array_keys($_POST); foreach($keys as $key) { if(strpos($key,'date') !== false) { $temp = array(); $month = rawurldecode($INPUT->str($key)); $temp = qs_process_pages ($page,$month); qs_format_pages($temp, $month); } } break; case 'ip': if(isset($_POST['ip']) && $_POST['ip']) { echo rawurlencode(ip_data()) . "\n"; } break; case 'country': if(isset($_POST['country_code']) && $_POST['country_code']) { qs_process_country($_POST['country_code'],$_POST['country_name']) . "\n"; } break; case 'agent': if(isset($_POST['user_agent'])) { qs_process_agents($_POST['user_agent']); } break; default: echo "Please check your query. It cannot be completed in its present form. You do not seem to have chosen a priority.
"; echo "If this persists, please post an error report either to the quickstats site at
or to the quickstats page at"; } echo "Total Accesses: " . qs_total_accesses(0) . ''; $extime = time() - $qs_start_time; if($extime) { echo "
Execution Time: " . $extime . ' seconds'; } echo '
'; exit; function qs_total_accesses($n) { static $total=0; if(is_numeric($n)) { $total += $n; } return $total; } function ip_data($ip=false,$p_brief=false) { $row = ""; $table = ''; $date = rawurldecode($_POST['date']); if($ip === false) $ip =rawurldecode($_POST['ip']); if($p_brief) { $result = ip_row(array('ip','ua'), $ip,$date); if($result) { $table .= '' . cell("$ip ",'caption',false,$p_brief) . ''; $table .= qs_header(array('month','access','country','agent')); $table .= $result; } } else { $result = ip_row(array('ip','page_users','ua', 'qs_data'), $ip,$date); if($result) { $table .= '' . cell("Data for IP address: $ip ",'caption',false,$p_brief) . ''; $table .= qs_header(array('month','access','page','country','agent','search','ns','name','val')); $table .= $result; } } $keys = $keys =array_keys($_POST); foreach($keys as $key) { if(strpos($key,'date_') !== false) { $date = rawurldecode($_POST[$key]); $table .= '' . cell(' ', $type='td', $colspan='9') . ''; if($p_brief) { $table .= ip_row(array('ip','ua'), $ip,$date); } else { $table .= ip_row(array('ip','page_users','ua', 'qs_data'), $ip,$date); } } } return $table . '
'; } function qs_data(&$ar,$ip) { $search_terms = ""; if(!is_array($ar)) return cell('   '); foreach($ar as $word =>$data) { $word = htmlentities($word); $word = str_replace('%','%',$word); if(isset($data[$ip])) { $search_terms .= "   $word (" . $data[$ip] . ')
'; } } if($search_terms) { return cell($search_terms); } else return cell('   '); } function qs_check_time() { global $qs_start_time, $script_max_time; $tm=time(); if($tm-$qs_start_time > $script_max_time-1) { echo "Timed out after $script_max_time seconds. See the Query How-To

"; exit; } } function ip_row($which,$index,$date,$show_country=true, $show_ip=false,$check_agent=false) { global $UserAgentArray; global $PAGE_USERS_ARRAY; $accesses = 0; if(isset($_POST['country_code'])) { $country_code = rawurldecode($_POST['country_code']); } else $country_code = false; qs_check_time(); $row = ''; if($show_ip) { $row .= cell($index,'th'); } $row .= cell(str_replace('_','/',$date). '   '); foreach($which as $type) { if($type == 'ua' && $UserAgentArray !== false) { $temp = $UserAgentArray; } else if ($type == 'page_users' && $PAGE_USERS_ARRAY !== false) { $temp = $PAGE_USERS_ARRAY; } else $temp = load_data($type,$date); if($type == 'qs_data' ) { if(!empty($temp)) { $row .= qs_data($temp['words'] ,$index); $row .= qs_data($temp['ns'] ,$index); $row .= qs_data($temp['extern']['name'] ,$index); $row .= qs_data($temp['extern']['val'] ,$index); } else $row .= cell(' ') . cell(' ') . cell(' ') . cell(' '); } else if(!empty($temp) && isset($temp[$index])) { if($type == 'page_users') { sort($temp[$index]); $row .= cell(implode('
',$temp[$index])); } else if($type == 'ua') { $data = $temp[$index]; $cc = array_shift($data); $country=qs_get_country_name($cc) ; if($country_code && $cc != $country_code) { //return cell("Country of IP ($country) does not match: " . qs_get_country_name($country_code),'td',9 ); return null; } $uas = '  ' . implode('
  ',$data); if($check_agent && strpos($uas, $check_agent) === false) return null; if($show_country) $row .= cell('   ' ." $country"); $row .= cell($uas); } else { $row .= cell($temp[$index]); $accesses += $temp[$index]; } } else { $row .= cell(' '); } } if($row) { qs_total_accesses($accesses); } return $row . ''; } function qs_header($which) { $thds = array('ip'=>'IP', 'month'=>'Month', 'access'=>'Accesses', 'page'=>'Pages','country'=>'Country', 'agent'=>'UserAgent', 'search'=>'Search Terms', 'ns'=>'Namespaces', 'name'=>'Query String
Names', 'val'=>'Query String
Values'); $header =''; foreach($which as $th) { $header .= cell($thds[$th],'th'); } return $header . ''; } function cell($data, $type='td', $colspan="",$p_brief=false) { $class = "padded"; if($colspan) $colspan = "colspan='$colspan'"; if($type == 'caption' && !$p_brief) { $class .= ' qs_cap'; } else if($type == 'caption' ) { $class .= ' qs_bold_left'; } return "<$type class='$class' $colspan nowrap valign='top'>$data"; } function load_data($which,$date) { $meta_path = rawurldecode($_POST['meta_path']); $file['ip'] = $meta_path . $date .'/ip.ser'; $file['misc_data'] = $meta_path . $date .'/misc_data.ser'; $file['pages'] =$meta_path . $date .'/pages.ser'; $file['ua'] =$meta_path . $date .'/ua.ser'; $file['qs_data'] =$meta_path . $date .'/qs_data.ser'; $file['page_users'] =$meta_path . $date .'/page_users.ser'; $file['page_totals'] = $meta_path .'page_totals.ser'; $temp= unserialize(io_readFile($file[$which],false)); if(!$temp) $temp = array(); return $temp; } function get_page_row($ip, $date, $p_brief=false,$agent=false) { $table = ""; if($p_brief) { $result = ip_row(array('ip','ua'), $ip,$date,true,true,$agent); if($result) { $table .= $result; } } else { $result = ip_row(array('ip','page_users','ua', 'qs_data'), $ip,$date,true,false,$agent); if($result) { $table .= '' . cell("Data for IP address: $ip ",'caption',false,$p_brief) . ''; $table .= qs_header(array('month','access','page','country','agent','search','ns','name','val')); $table .= $result; } } return $table; } /** * @param $pages: array returned from qs_process_pages() * outputs header of page name and page access, then ip data for the ip using ip_row */ function qs_format_pages($pages,$month) { global $PAGE_USERS_ARRAY; $PAGE_USERS_ARRAY = load_data('page_users',$month); if(isset($_POST['user_agent'])) { $agent = $_POST['user_agent']; } else $agent = false; if(isset($_POST['p_brief'])) { foreach($pages as $page=>$ar) { $page = rawurlencode($page); $header = "


\n"; $header .= '

Total accesses for ' . $page . ': ' . $ar['accesses'] . '

' . "\n"; $header .= "\n"; $header_displayed = false; $close_div = false; foreach($ar['ips'] as $ip) { $ipdata = get_page_row($ip, $month, isset($_POST['p_brief']),$agent) ; if($ipdata) { if(!$header_displayed) { echo $header; echo qs_header(array('ip','month','access','country','agent')); $header_displayed = true; $close_div = true; } echo rawurlencode($ipdata); } } if($close_div) echo "
\n"; } } else { foreach($pages as $page=>$ar) { $page = rawurlencode($page); foreach($ar['ips'] as $ip) { $ipdata = get_page_row($ip, $month, isset($_POST['p_brief']),$agent) ; if($ipdata) { echo "


\n"; echo '

Total accesses for ' . $page . ': ' . $ar['accesses'] . '

' . "\n\n"; echo rawurlencode($ipdata); echo "
\n"; } } } } } /** * @param $needle: page name or partial name from $_POST * @param $month: formatted for path name: month_year * @return: array of page_names=>accesses for qs_format_pages() */ function qs_pages_search_i ($needle = null,$month) { $pages = load_data('pages',$month); if(!isset($pages['page'])) { return array(); } if(isset($pages['page'][$needle]))return array($needle=>$pages['page'][$needle]); $ret_ar = array(); foreach($pages['page'] as $key => $val) { if(stristr($key, $needle) !== false) { $ret_ar[$key] = $val; } } return $ret_ar; } /** * @param $page: page name or partial name from $_POST * @return array of [page_names] = array(accesses=>integer, ips=>array(ip_addresses)) */ function qs_process_pages ($page, $month) { $temp = array(); $page_users = load_data('page_users',$month); $found = qs_pages_search_i($page,$month); if(!$found) { return $temp; } foreach($found as $page=>$accesses) { if(isset($page_users[md5($page)])) { $temp[$page] = array('accesses'=>$accesses, 'ips'=>$page_users[md5($page)]); } } return $temp; } function qs_output_countries($date,$cc,$country) { global $UserAgentArray; $ua_data = load_data('ua',$date); $UserAgentArray = $ua_data; if(!empty($ua_data)) { foreach($ua_data as $ip=>$ar) { if(isset($ar[0]) && $ar[0] == $cc) { echo rawurlencode(ip_row(array('ip','page_users','ua', 'qs_data'), $ip,$date,false,true)); echo "\n"; } } } $UserAgentArray = false; } function qs_process_country($cc,$country_name) { $p_brief = false; echo ''; echo rawurlencode(cell($country_name,'caption') ."\n"); echo qs_header(array('ip','month','access','page','agent','search','ns','name','val')); $date = rawurldecode($_POST['date']); qs_output_countries($date,$cc,$country_name) ; $keys =array_keys($_POST); foreach($keys as $key) { if(strpos($key,'date_') !== false) { $date = rawurldecode($_POST[$key]); qs_output_countries($date,$cc,$country_name) ; } } echo '
'; } function qs_output_agents($agents,$date) { foreach($agents as $ip) { echo rawurlencode(ip_row(array('ip','page_users','ua', 'qs_data'), $ip,$date,true,true)); } } function qs_process_agents($agent=null) { if(!$agent) return; echo ''; echo rawurlencode(cell($agent,'caption') ."\n"); echo qs_header(array('ip','month','access','page','country','agent','search','ns','name','val')); $date = rawurldecode($_POST['date']); $agents = qs_agent_search_i ($agent,$date); qs_output_agents($agents,$date) ; $keys =array_keys($_POST); foreach($keys as $key) { if(strpos($key,'date_') !== false) { $date = rawurldecode($_POST[$key]); $agents = qs_agent_search_i ($agent,$date) ; qs_output_agents($agents,$date) ; } } echo '
'; } function qs_agent_search_i ($needle = null,$month) { global $agents; $agents = load_data('ua',$month); $ret_ar = array(); foreach($agents as $ip => $val) { if(isset($val[1]) && stristr($val[1], $needle) !== false) { //$ret_ar[$key] = $val; $ret_ar[] = $ip; } } return $ret_ar; } function qs_formatQuery() { global $INPUT; $months = array("",'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); $fields = array('country_name'=>'Country', 'user_agent'=>'User Agent', 'priority'=>'Priority', 'ip'=>'IP Address', 'page'=>'<Namespace:>Page', 'date'=>'Month/Year' ); $ip_set = false; $priority = false; echo "\n" . '' . "\n"; $str = ""; foreach($fields as $field=>$label) { if(!isset($_POST[$field])) continue; $value = rawurldecode($INPUT->str($field)); switch($field) { case 'date': $str .= "'; break; case 'priority': $priority = $value; $str .= "'; break; case 'ip': $str .= "'; $ip_set = true; break; default: $str .= "'; break; } } if($ip_set && $priority != 'ip') { $str .= ''; } $str .= "
$label: "; $keys=array_keys($_POST); foreach($keys as $key) { if(strpos($key,'date') !== false) { list($mon,$year) = explode('_',$_POST[$key]); $str .= $months[$mon] . ' ' . $year .'  '; } } $str .= ' $label: "; $str .= $value . '    $label: "; $str .= $value . '    $label: "; $str .= $value . '    
IP Addresses are matched only where priority is set to IP (and secondary fields are ignored)
\n"; echo "$str
"; } function display_post_data() { $keys =array_keys($_POST); $data = "
" . print_r($_POST,true)  . '
'; echo $data; $data .= "
" . print_r($keys,true)  . '
'; echo $data . DOKU_INC; exit; } ?>