if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) { jQuery(function () { showMessage('Service Worker active!', 'success'); }); const serviceWorkerScript = DOKU_BASE + 'doku.php?do=pwaoffline_serviceworker'; navigator.serviceWorker .register(serviceWorkerScript, { scope: '.' } ) .then(function (registration) { if (registration.active) { registration.active.postMessage({ type: 'getLastUpdate', }); registration.active.postMessage({ type: 'getHashVersion', }); } } ) ; navigator.serviceWorker.addEventListener('message', function swMessageListener(event){ console.log('[Main Script] received message: ', event.data); switch(event.data.type) { case 'lastUpdate': jQuery.get(DOKU_BASE + 'lib/exe/ajax.php', { call: 'plugin_pwaoffline', ts: event.data.ts, }).done(function (data) { navigator.serviceWorker.controller.postMessage({ type: 'updatePages', pages: data, }); }); break; case 'swHashVersion': if (event.data.hash !== JSINFO.plugins.pwaoffline.swHashVersion) { showMessage( `You are using an outdated serviceWorker! active: ${event.data.hash} current: ${JSINFO.plugins.pwaoffline.swHashVersion}`, 'notify' ); return; } showMessage('ServiceWorker is up-to-date!', 'success'); } }); } else { jQuery(function () { showMessage('Service Worker not supported!', 'error'); }); } function reportStorageUsage() { /** * @param {int} size the size in byte * @returns {string} The size in mebibyte with appended unit */ function getAsStringMiB(size) { const CONVERSION_FACTOR = 1024; return Math.round(size/(CONVERSION_FACTOR * CONVERSION_FACTOR) * 10) / 10 + ' MiB'; } if (!navigator.storage) { showMessage('Storage API is not available?', 'notify'); return; } navigator.storage.estimate().then(estimate => { const perc = Math.round((estimate.usage / estimate.quota) * 100 * 100) / 100; const severity = perc > 80 ? 'error' : perc > 20 ? 'notify' : 'info'; const usage = getAsStringMiB(estimate.usage); const quota = getAsStringMiB(estimate.quota); const msg = 'Current storage usage on this device for this origin: ' + usage + '/' + quota; showMessage(msg + ' ( ' + perc + ' % )', severity); }); } function showMessage(message, severity) { let $msgArea = jQuery('div.pwaOfflineMSGArea'); if (!$msgArea.length) { $msgArea = jQuery('
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