<?php /** * This file is part of the FreeDSx SASL package. * * (c) Chad Sikorra <Chad.Sikorra@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace FreeDSx\Sasl\Encoder; use FreeDSx\Sasl\Exception\SaslEncodingException; use FreeDSx\Sasl\Message; use FreeDSx\Sasl\SaslContext; use function dechex, explode, implode, preg_match, sprintf, str_pad, strlen, substr; /** * Responsible for encoding / decoding DIGEST-MD5 messages. * * @author Chad Sikorra <Chad.Sikorra@gmail.com> */ class DigestMD5Encoder implements EncoderInterface { protected const MATCH_KEY = '/(([a-zA-Z-]+)=)/'; protected const MATCH_QD_STR_VAL = '/("((.*?)(?<!\\\))")/'; protected const MATCH_DIGITS = '/([0-9]+)/'; protected const MATCH_ALPHA_NUMERIC = '/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)/'; protected const MATCH_LHEX = '/([0-9a-fA-F]{1,})/'; protected const ONCE_ONLY = [ 'stale', 'maxbuf', 'charset', 'algorithm', 'nonce', 'cnonce', 'nc', 'qop', 'digest-uri', 'response', 'cipher', ]; /** * @var string */ protected $binary; /** * @var int */ protected $pos = 0; /** * @var int */ protected $length = 0; /** * Tracks the number of times a specific option is encountered during decoding. */ protected $occurrences = []; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function decode(string $data, SaslContext $context): Message { return $this->parse($data, !$context->isServerMode()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function encode(Message $message, SaslContext $context): string { $response = ''; foreach ($message->toArray() as $key => $value) { if ($response !== '') { $response .= ','; } $response .= $key . '=' . $this->encodeOptValue( $key, $value, $context->isServerMode() ); } return $response; } protected function startParsing(string $binary): void { $this->binary = $binary; $this->pos = 0; $this->length = strlen($binary); $this->occurrences = []; } protected function endParsing(): void { $this->binary = ''; $this->pos = 0; $this->length = 0; $this->occurrences = []; } /** * @throws SaslEncodingException */ protected function parse(string $digest, bool $isServerMode): Message { $this->startParsing($digest); $message = new Message(); while ($this->pos < $this->length) { $keyMatches = null; if (!preg_match(self::MATCH_KEY, substr($this->binary, $this->pos), $keyMatches)) { throw new SaslEncodingException('The digest is malformed. Expected a key, but none was found.'); } $this->pos += strlen($keyMatches[1]); if (!isset($this->binary[$this->pos])) { throw new SaslEncodingException('Unexpected end of digest. Expected a value following a key.'); } $message->set($keyMatches[2], $this->parseOptValue($keyMatches[2], $isServerMode)); } $this->endParsing(); return $message; } /** * @return mixed * @throws SaslEncodingException */ protected function parseOptValue(string $opt, bool $isServerMode) { $value = null; switch ($opt) { case 'realm': case 'nonce': case 'username': case 'cnonce': case 'authzid': case 'digest-uri': $value = $this->parseQuotedValue(); break; case 'qop': case 'cipher': if ($isServerMode) { $value = $this->parseQuotedCommaList(); } else { $value = $this->parseRegex(self::MATCH_ALPHA_NUMERIC, 'The value is malformed.'); } break; case 'stale': $value = $this->parseExact('true'); break; case 'maxbuf': $value = $this->parseRegex(self::MATCH_DIGITS, 'Expected a series of digits for a key value.'); break; case 'algorithm': $value = $this->parseExact('md5-sess'); break; case 'charset': $value = $this->parseExact('utf-8'); break; case 'nc': $value = $this->parseLHexValue(8); break; case 'response': case 'rspauth': $value = $this->parseLHexValue(32); break; default: throw new SaslEncodingException(sprintf( 'Digest option %s is not supported.', $opt )); break; } if (isset($this->binary[$this->pos]) && $this->binary[$this->pos] !== ',') { throw new SaslEncodingException(sprintf( 'Expected a comma following digest value for %s.', $opt )); } if (isset($this->binary[$this->pos]) && $this->binary[$this->pos] === ',') { $this->pos++; } if (isset($this->occurrences[$opt]) && in_array($opt, self::ONCE_ONLY, true)) { throw new SaslEncodingException(sprintf('The option "%s" may occur only once.', $opt)); } elseif (isset($this->occurrences[$opt])) { $this->occurrences[$opt]++; } else { $this->occurrences[$opt] = 1; } return $value; } /** * @return mixed * @throws SaslEncodingException */ protected function encodeOptValue(string $name, $value, bool $isServerMode) { $encoded = null; switch ($name) { case 'realm': case 'nonce': case 'username': case 'cnonce': case 'authzid': case 'digest-uri': $encoded = '"' . str_replace(['\\', '"'], ['\\\\', '\"'], $value) . '"'; break; case 'qop': case 'cipher': if ($isServerMode) { $encoded = '"' . implode(',', (array) $value) . '"'; } else { $encoded = (string) $value; } break; case 'stale': $encoded = 'true'; break; case 'maxbuf': case 'algorithm': case 'charset': $encoded = (string) $value; break; case 'nc': $encoded = str_pad(dechex($value), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); break; case 'response': case 'rspauth': $encoded = $this->encodeLHexValue($value, 32); break; default: throw new SaslEncodingException(sprintf( 'Digest option %s is not supported.', $name )); break; } return $encoded; } /** * @throws SaslEncodingException */ protected function parseExact(string $expected): string { $length = strlen($expected); if (substr($this->binary, $this->pos, $length) !== $expected) { throw new SaslEncodingException(sprintf( 'Expected the directive value to be "%s", but it is not.', $expected )); } $this->pos += $length; return $expected; } /** * @throws SaslEncodingException */ protected function parseQuotedValue(): string { if (!preg_match(self::MATCH_QD_STR_VAL, substr($this->binary, $this->pos), $matches)) { throw new SaslEncodingException('The value is malformed. Expected a qdstr-val.'); } $this->pos += strlen($matches[1]); return stripslashes($matches[2]); } /** * @throws SaslEncodingException */ protected function parseQuotedCommaList(): array { $value = $this->parseQuotedValue(); return explode(',', $value); } /** * @throws SaslEncodingException */ protected function parseLHexValue(int $length): string { if (!preg_match(self::MATCH_LHEX, substr($this->binary, $this->pos), $matches)) { throw new SaslEncodingException('Expected a hex value.'); } if (strlen($matches[1]) !== $length) { throw new SaslEncodingException(sprintf('Expected the hex value to be %s characters long.', $length)); } $this->pos += strlen($matches[1]); return $matches[1]; } /** * @throws SaslEncodingException */ protected function parseRegex(string $regex, string $errorMessage) { if (!preg_match($regex, substr($this->binary, $this->pos), $matches)) { throw new SaslEncodingException($errorMessage); } $this->pos += strlen($matches[1]); return $matches[1]; } /** * @throws SaslEncodingException */ protected function encodeLHexValue(string $data, int $length): string { if (strlen($data) !== $length) { throw new SaslEncodingException(sprintf('Expected the encoded hex value to be %s characters long.', $length)); } return $data; } }