<?php /** * This file is part of the FreeDSx LDAP package. * * (c) Chad Sikorra <Chad.Sikorra@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace FreeDSx\Ldap\Server\ServerRunner; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Exception\EncoderException; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Exception\RuntimeException; use FreeDSx\Ldap\LoggerTrait; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Protocol\Queue\ServerQueue; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Protocol\ServerProtocolHandler; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Server\ChildProcess; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Server\RequestHandler\HandlerFactory; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Server\RequestHandler\RequestHandlerInterface; use FreeDSx\Socket\Socket; use FreeDSx\Socket\SocketServer; /** * Uses PNCTL to fork incoming requests and send them to the server protocol handler. * * @author Chad Sikorra <Chad.Sikorra@gmail.com> */ class PcntlServerRunner implements ServerRunnerInterface { use LoggerTrait; /** * The time to wait, in seconds, before we run some clean-up tasks to then wait again. */ private const SOCKET_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT = 5; /** * The max time to wait (in seconds) for any child processes before we force kill them. */ private const MAX_SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME = 15; /** * @var SocketServer */ protected $server; /** * @var array */ protected $options; /** * @var ChildProcess[] */ protected $childProcesses = []; /** * @var bool */ protected $isMainProcess = true; /** * @var int[] These are the POSIX signals we handle for shutdown purposes. */ protected $handledSignals = []; /** * @var bool */ protected $isPosixExtLoaded; /** * @var bool */ protected $isServerSignalsInstalled = false; /** * @var bool */ protected $isShuttingDown = false; /** * @var array<string, mixed> */ protected $defaultContext = []; /** * @param array $options * @psalm-param array{request_handler?: class-string<RequestHandlerInterface>} $options * @throws RuntimeException */ public function __construct(array $options = []) { if (!extension_loaded('pcntl')) { throw new RuntimeException('The PCNTL extension is needed to fork incoming requests, which is only available on Linux.'); } $this->options = $options; // posix_kill needs this...we cannot clean up child processes without it on shutdown... $this->isPosixExtLoaded = extension_loaded('posix'); // We need to be able to handle signals as they come in, regardless of what is going on... pcntl_async_signals(true); $this->handledSignals = [ SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM, SIGQUIT, ]; $this->defaultContext = [ 'pid' => posix_getpid(), ]; } /** * @throws EncoderException */ public function run(SocketServer $server): void { $this->server = $server; try { $this->acceptClients(); } finally { if ($this->isMainProcess) { $this->handleServerShutdown(); } } } /** * Check each child process we have and see if it is stopped. This will clean up zombie processes. */ private function cleanUpChildProcesses(): void { foreach ($this->childProcesses as $index => $childProcess) { // No use for this at the moment, but define it anyway. $status = null; $result = pcntl_waitpid( $childProcess->getPid(), $status, WNOHANG ); if ($result === -1 || $result > 0) { unset($this->childProcesses[$index]); $socket = $childProcess->getSocket(); $this->server->removeClient($socket); $socket->close(); $this->logInfo( 'The child process has ended.', array_merge( $this->defaultContext, ['child_pid' => $childProcess->getPid()] ) ); } } } /** * Accept clients from the socket server in a loop with a timeout. This lets us to periodically check existing * children processes as we listen for new ones. */ private function acceptClients(): void { $this->logInfo( 'The server process has started and is now accepting clients.', $this->defaultContext ); do { $socket = $this->server->accept(self::SOCKET_ACCEPT_TIMEOUT); if ($this->isShuttingDown) { if ($socket) { $this->logInfo( 'A client was accepted, but the server is shutting down. Closing connection.', $this->defaultContext ); $socket->close(); } break; } // If there was no client received, we still want to clean up any children that have stopped. if ($socket === null) { $this->cleanUpChildProcesses(); continue; } $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { // In parent process, but could not fork... $this->logAndThrow( 'Unable to fork process.', $this->defaultContext ); } elseif ($pid === 0) { // This is the child's thread of execution... $this->runChildProcessThenExit( $socket, posix_getpid() ); } else { // We are in the parent; the PID is the child process. $this->runAfterChildStarted( $pid, $socket ); } } while ($this->server->isConnected()); } /** * Install signal handlers responsible for sending a notice of disconnect to the client and stopping the queue. */ private function installChildSignalHandlers( ServerProtocolHandler $protocolHandler, array $context ): void { foreach ($this->handledSignals as $signal) { $context = array_merge( $context, ['signal' => $signal] ); pcntl_signal( $signal, function () use ($protocolHandler, $context) { // Ignore it if a signal was already acknowledged... if ($this->isShuttingDown) { return; } $this->isShuttingDown = true; $this->logInfo( 'The child process has received a signal to stop.', $context ); $protocolHandler->shutdown($context); } ); } } /** * Install signal handlers responsible for ending all child processes gracefully, sending a SIG_KILL if necessary. */ private function installServerSignalHandlers(): void { foreach ($this->handledSignals as $signal) { $this->isServerSignalsInstalled = pcntl_signal( $signal, function () { $this->handleServerShutdown(); } ); } } /** * Attempts to shut down the server end all child processes in a graceful way... * * 1. Set a marker on the class signaling we are shutting down. This will reject incoming clients. * 2. First sends a SIG_TERM to all child processes asking them to shut down and send a notice to the client. * 3. Waits for child processes to stop / clean them up. * 4. Force ends any remaining child process after a max time by sending a SIG_KILL. * 5. Cleans up any child socket resources. * 6. Stops the main socket server process. */ private function handleServerShutdown(): void { // Want to make sure we are only handling this once... if ($this->isShuttingDown) { return; } $this->isShuttingDown = true; $this->logInfo( 'The server shutdown process has started.', $this->defaultContext ); // We can't do anything else without the posix ext ... :( if (!$this->isPosixExtLoaded) { $this->cleanUpChildProcesses(); return; } // Ask nicely first... $this->endChildProcesses(SIGTERM); $waitTime = 0; while (!empty($this->childProcesses)) { // If we reach max wait time, attempt to force end them and then stop. if ($waitTime >= self::MAX_SHUTDOWN_WAIT_TIME) { $this->forceEndChildProcesses(); break; } $this->cleanUpChildProcesses(); // We are still waiting for some children to shut down, wait on them. if (!empty($this->childProcesses)) { sleep(1); $waitTime += 1; } } $this->server->close(); $this->logInfo( 'The server shutdown process has completed.', $this->defaultContext ); } /** * Iterates through each child process and sends the specified signal. */ private function endChildProcesses( int $signal, bool $closeSocket = false ): void { foreach ($this->childProcesses as $childProcess) { $context = array_merge( $this->defaultContext, ['child_pid' => $childProcess->getPid()] ); $message = ($signal === SIGKILL) ? 'Force ending child process.' : 'Sending graceful signal to end child process.'; $this->logInfo( $message, $context ); posix_kill( $childProcess->getPid(), $signal ); if ($closeSocket) { $childProcess->closeSocket(); } } } /** * In the child process we install a different set of signal handlers. Then we run the protocol handler and exit * with a zero error code. * * @throws EncoderException */ private function runChildProcessThenExit( Socket $socket, int $pid ): void { $context = ['pid' => $pid]; $this->isMainProcess = false; $serverProtocolHandler = new ServerProtocolHandler( new ServerQueue($socket), new HandlerFactory($this->options), $this->options ); $this->installChildSignalHandlers( $serverProtocolHandler, $context ); $this->logInfo( 'Handling LDAP connection in new child process.', $context ); $serverProtocolHandler->handle(); $this->logInfo( 'The child process is ending.', $context ); exit(0); } /** * When a new Socket is received, we do the following: * * 1. If the server has not installed its signal handlers, do that first. * 2. Add the ChildProcess to the list of running child processes. * 3. Clean-up any currently running child processes. */ private function runAfterChildStarted( int $pid, Socket $socket ): void { if (!$this->isServerSignalsInstalled) { $this->installServerSignalHandlers(); } $this->childProcesses[] = new ChildProcess( $pid, $socket ); $this->logInfo( 'A new client has connected.', array_merge( ['child_pid' => $pid], $this->defaultContext ) ); $this->cleanUpChildProcesses(); } /** * After try to stop processes nicely, we instead: * * 1. Clean up and existing processes. * 2. Send a SIG_KILL to each child. * 3. Clean up the list of child processes. */ private function forceEndChildProcesses(): void { // One last check before we force end them all. $this->cleanUpChildProcesses(); if (empty($this->childProcesses)) { return; } $this->endChildProcesses( SIGKILL, true ); $this->cleanUpChildProcesses(); } }