* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace FreeDSx\Ldap\Search; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Exception\FilterParseException; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Search\Filter\AndFilter; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Search\Filter\FilterInterface; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Search\Filter\MatchingRuleFilter; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Search\Filter\OrFilter; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Search\Filter\SubstringFilter; /** * Parses LDAP filter strings. RFC 4515. * * @author Chad Sikorra */ class FilterParser { protected const MATCHING_RULE = '/^([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)?(\:dn)?(\:([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+))?$/'; /** * @var string */ protected $filter = ''; /** * @var int */ protected $length = 0; /** * @var int */ protected $depth = 0; /** * @var null|array * @psalm-var null|array<0|positive-int, array{startAt?: int, endAt: null|int}> */ protected $containers; /** * @param string $filter */ public function __construct(string $filter) { $this->filter = $filter; $this->length = strlen($filter); } /** * @param string $filter * @return FilterInterface * @psalm-return AndFilter|Filter\ApproximateFilter|Filter\EqualityFilter|Filter\GreaterThanOrEqualFilter|Filter\LessThanOrEqualFilter|Filter\NotFilter|Filter\PresentFilter|MatchingRuleFilter|OrFilter|SubstringFilter * @throws FilterParseException */ public static function parse(string $filter): FilterInterface { if ($filter === '') { throw new FilterParseException('The filter cannot be empty.'); } return (new self($filter))->parseFilterString(0, true)[1]; } /** * @param int $startAt * @param bool $isRoot * @return array * @psalm-return array{0: int|null, 1: AndFilter|Filter\ApproximateFilter|Filter\EqualityFilter|Filter\GreaterThanOrEqualFilter|Filter\LessThanOrEqualFilter|Filter\NotFilter|Filter\PresentFilter|MatchingRuleFilter|OrFilter|SubstringFilter} * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function parseFilterString(int $startAt, bool $isRoot = false): array { if ($this->isAtFilterContainer($startAt)) { [$endsAt, $filter] = $this->parseFilterContainer($startAt, $isRoot); } else { [$endsAt, $filter] = $this->parseComparisonFilter($startAt, $isRoot); } if ($isRoot && $endsAt !== $this->length) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'Unexpected value at end of the filter: %s', substr($this->filter, $endsAt) )); } return [$endsAt, $filter]; } /** * @param int $pos * @return bool */ protected function isAtFilterContainer(int $pos): bool { if (!$this->startsWith(FilterInterface::PAREN_LEFT, $pos)) { return false; } foreach (FilterInterface::OPERATORS as $compOp) { if ($this->startsWith($compOp, $pos + 1)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Parse a filter container. Always returns the ending position followed by the filter container. * * @param int $startAt * @param bool $isRoot * @return array * @psalm-return array{0: int, 1: AndFilter|Filter\NotFilter|OrFilter} * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function parseFilterContainer(int $startAt, bool $isRoot): array { if ($this->containers === null) { $this->parseContainerDepths(); } $this->depth += $isRoot ? 0 : 1; if (!isset($this->containers[$this->depth])) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'The container at position %s is unrecognized. Perhaps there\'s an unmatched "(".', $startAt )); } $endAt = $this->containers[$this->depth]['endAt'] ?? 0; $operator = substr($this->filter, $startAt + 1, 1); if ($operator === FilterInterface::OPERATOR_NOT) { return [$endAt, $this->getNotFilterObject($startAt, $endAt)]; } $startAt += 2; $filter = $operator === FilterInterface::OPERATOR_AND ? new AndFilter() : new OrFilter(); while ($endAt !== ($startAt + 1)) { [$startAt, $childFilter] = $this->parseFilterString($startAt ?? 0); $filter->add($childFilter); } return [$endAt, $filter]; } /** * Parse a comparison operator. Always returns the ending position followed by the filter. * * @param int $startAt * @param bool $isRoot * @return array * @psalm-return array{0: int, 1: Filter\ApproximateFilter|Filter\EqualityFilter|Filter\GreaterThanOrEqualFilter|Filter\LessThanOrEqualFilter|Filter\PresentFilter|MatchingRuleFilter|SubstringFilter} * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function parseComparisonFilter(int $startAt, bool $isRoot = false): array { $parenthesis = $this->validateComparisonFilter($startAt, $isRoot); $endAt = !$parenthesis && $isRoot ? $this->length : $this->nextClosingParenthesis($startAt) + 1; $attributeEndsAfter = null; $filterType = null; $valueStartsAt = null; for ($i = $startAt; $i < $endAt; $i++) { foreach (FilterInterface::FILTERS as $op) { if ($this->filter[$i] === $op) { $filterType = $op; } elseif (($i + 1) < $endAt && $this->filter[$i] . $this->filter[$i + 1] === $op) { $filterType = $op; } if ($filterType !== null) { break; } } if ($filterType !== null) { $attributeEndsAfter = $i - $startAt; $valueStartsAt = $i + strlen($filterType); break; } } $this->validateParsedFilter($filterType, $startAt, $valueStartsAt, $endAt); $attribute = substr( $this->filter, $startAt + ($parenthesis ? 1 : 0), (int) $attributeEndsAfter - ($parenthesis ? 1 : 0) ); $value = substr( $this->filter, (int) $valueStartsAt, $endAt - (int) $valueStartsAt - ($parenthesis ? 1 : 0) ); if ($attribute === '') { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'The attribute is missing in the filter near position %s.', $startAt )); } return [$endAt, $this->getComparisonFilterObject((string) $filterType, $attribute, $value)]; } /** * Validates some initial filter logic and determines if the filter is wrapped in parenthesis (validly). * * @param int $startAt * @param bool $isRoot * @return bool * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function validateComparisonFilter(int $startAt, bool $isRoot): bool { $parenthesis = true; # A filter without an opening parenthesis is only valid if it is the root. And it cannot have a closing parenthesis. if ($isRoot && !$this->startsWith(FilterInterface::PAREN_LEFT, $startAt)) { $parenthesis = false; $pos = false; try { $pos = $this->nextClosingParenthesis($startAt); } catch (FilterParseException $e) { } if ($pos !== false) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf('The ")" at char %s has no matching parenthesis', $pos)); } # If this is not a root filter, it must start with an opening parenthesis. } elseif (!$isRoot && !$this->startsWith(FilterInterface::PAREN_LEFT, $startAt)) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'The character "%s" at position %s was unexpected. Expected "(".', $this->filter[$startAt], $startAt )); } return $parenthesis; } /** * Validate some basic aspects of the filter after it is parsed. * * @param string|null $filterType * @param int|null $startsAt * @param int|null $startValue * @param int $endAt * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function validateParsedFilter(?string $filterType, ?int $startsAt, ?int $startValue, $endAt): void { if ($filterType === null) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'Expected one of "%s" in the filter after position %s, but received none.', implode(', ', FilterInterface::FILTERS), $startsAt )); } if ($startValue === null || $startValue === $endAt - 1) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'Expected a value after "%s" at position %s, but got none.', $filterType, $startValue )); } } /** * @param string $operator * @param string $attribute * @param string $value * @return FilterInterface * @psalm-return Filter\ApproximateFilter|Filter\EqualityFilter|Filter\GreaterThanOrEqualFilter|Filter\LessThanOrEqualFilter|Filter\PresentFilter|MatchingRuleFilter|SubstringFilter * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function getComparisonFilterObject(string $operator, string $attribute, string $value): FilterInterface { if ($operator === FilterInterface::FILTER_LTE) { return Filters::lessThanOrEqual($attribute, $this->unescapeValue($value)); } elseif ($operator === FilterInterface::FILTER_GTE) { return Filters::greaterThanOrEqual($attribute, $this->unescapeValue($value)); } elseif ($operator === FilterInterface::FILTER_APPROX) { return Filters::approximate($attribute, $this->unescapeValue($value)); } elseif ($operator === FilterInterface::FILTER_EXT) { return $this->getMatchingRuleFilterObject($attribute, $this->unescapeValue($value)); } if ($value === '*') { return Filters::present($attribute); } if (preg_match('/\*/', $value) !== 0) { return $this->getSubstringFilterObject($attribute, $value); } else { return Filters::equal($attribute, $this->unescapeValue($value)); } } /** * @param string $attribute * @param string $value * @return MatchingRuleFilter * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function getMatchingRuleFilterObject(string $attribute, string $value): MatchingRuleFilter { if (preg_match(self::MATCHING_RULE, $attribute, $matches) === 0) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf('The matching rule is not valid: %s', $attribute)); } $matchRuleObj = new MatchingRuleFilter(null, null, $value); $matchingRule = $matches[4] ?? ''; $attrName = $matches[1] ?? ''; $useDnAttr = isset($matches[2]); # RFC 4511, If the matchingRule field is absent, the type field MUST be present [..] if ($matchingRule === '' && $attrName === '') { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'If the matching rule is absent the attribute type must be present, but it is not: %s', $attribute )); } if ($attrName !== '') { $matchRuleObj->setAttribute($attrName); } if ($matchingRule !== '') { $matchRuleObj->setMatchingRule($matchingRule); } $matchRuleObj->setUseDnAttributes($useDnAttr); return $matchRuleObj; } /** * @param string $attribute * @param string $value * @return SubstringFilter * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function getSubstringFilterObject(string $attribute, string $value): SubstringFilter { $filter = new SubstringFilter($attribute); $substrings = preg_split('/\*/', $value, -1, PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (!is_array($substrings)) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'Unable to parse the substring filter for attribute %s.', $attribute )); } $contains = []; foreach ($substrings as $substring) { $substringValue = $this->unescapeValue($substring[0]); $substringType = (int) $substring[1]; if ($substringType === 0) { $filter->setStartsWith($substring[0]); } elseif (($substringType + strlen($substringValue)) === strlen($value)) { $filter->setEndsWith($substring[0]); } else { $contains[] = $substringValue; } } $filter->setContains(...$contains); return $filter; } /** * @param int $startAt * @param int $endAt * @return FilterInterface * @psalm-return Filter\NotFilter * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function getNotFilterObject(int $startAt, int $endAt): FilterInterface { if ($this->isAtFilterContainer($startAt + 2)) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'The "not" filter at position %s cannot contain multiple filters.', $startAt )); } $info = $this->parseComparisonFilter($startAt + 2); if (($info[0] + 1) !== $endAt) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'The value after the "not" filter value was unexpected: %s', substr($this->filter, $info[0] + 1, $endAt - ((int) $info[0] + 1)) )); } return Filters::not($info[1]); } /** * @param string $char * @param int $pos * @return bool */ protected function startsWith(string $char, int $pos): bool { return isset($this->filter[$pos]) && $this->filter[$pos] === $char; } /** * This seems like a potential minefield. But the general idea is to loop through the complete filter to get the * start and end positions of each container along the way. The container index marks the depth, with the lowest (0) * being the furthest out and the higher numbers being closer inside. We skip positions inside the for loop when a * comparison filter is encountered to only capture beginning and end parenthesis of containers. * * Each container encountered has its end point marked by detecting the closing parenthesis then we loop through known * detected containers starting at the highest level that have no endpoints marked yet and working our way down. * * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function parseContainerDepths(): void { $this->containers = $this->containers ?? []; $child = null; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->length; $i++) { # Detect an unescaped left parenthesis if ($this->filter[$i] === FilterInterface::PAREN_LEFT) { [$i, $child] = $this->parseContainerStart((int)$i, $child); # We have reached a closing parenthesis of a container, work backwards from those defined to set the ending. } elseif ($this->filter[$i] === FilterInterface::PAREN_RIGHT) { $this->parseContainerEnd((int)$i); } } if ($this->containers !== null) { foreach ($this->containers as $info) { if ($info['endAt'] === null) { throw new FilterParseException('The filter has an unmatched "(".'); } } } } /** * @param int $startAt * @return int * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function nextClosingParenthesis(int $startAt) { for ($i = $startAt; $i < $this->length; $i++) { # Look for the char, but ignore it if it is escaped if ($this->filter[$i] === FilterInterface::PAREN_RIGHT) { return $i; } } throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'Expected a matching ")" after position %s, but none was found', $startAt )); } /** * @param string $value * @return string */ protected function unescapeValue(string $value) { return (string) preg_replace_callback('/\\\\([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/', function ($matches) { return hex2bin($matches[1]); }, $value); } /** * @psalm-param 0|positive-int $child * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function parseContainerStart(int $i, ?int $child): array { # Is the parenthesis followed by an (ie. |, &, !) operator? If so it can contain children ... if (isset($this->filter[$i + 1]) && in_array($this->filter[$i + 1], FilterInterface::OPERATORS, true)) { $child = $child === null ? 0 : $child + 1; $this->containers[$child] = ['startAt' => $i, 'endAt' => null]; $i += 2; # Container inside the container ... if ($this->isAtFilterContainer($i)) { $i--; # Comparison filter inside the container... } elseif (isset($this->filter[$i]) && $this->filter[$i] === FilterInterface::PAREN_LEFT) { $i = $this->nextClosingParenthesis($i); # An empty container is not allowed... } elseif (isset($this->filter[$i]) && $this->filter[$i] === FilterInterface::PAREN_RIGHT) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'The filter container near position %s is empty.', $i )); # Any other conditions possible? This shouldn't happen unless the filter is malformed.. } else { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'Unexpected value after "%s" at position %s: %s', $this->filter[$i - 1] ?? '', $i + 1, $this->filter[$i + 1] ?? '' )); } # If there is no operator this is a standard comparison filter, just find the next closing parenthesis } else { $i = $this->nextClosingParenthesis($i + 1); } return [$i, $child]; } /** * @throws FilterParseException */ protected function parseContainerEnd(int $i): void { $matchFound = false; foreach (array_reverse((array) $this->containers, true) as $ci => $info) { if ($info['endAt'] === null) { $this->containers[$ci]['endAt'] = $i + 1; $matchFound = true; break; } } if (!$matchFound) { throw new FilterParseException(sprintf( 'The closing ")" at position %s has no matching parenthesis', $i )); } } }