* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace FreeDSx\Ldap\Search\Filter; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Asn1; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Exception\EncoderException; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Type\AbstractType; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Type\IncompleteType; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Type\OctetStringType; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Type\SequenceType; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Entry\Attribute; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Exception\ProtocolException; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Exception\RuntimeException; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Protocol\LdapEncoder; /** * Represents a substring filter. RFC 4511, * * SubstringFilter ::= SEQUENCE { * type AttributeDescription, * substrings SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF substring CHOICE { * initial [0] AssertionValue, -- can occur at most once * any [1] AssertionValue, * final [2] AssertionValue } -- can occur at most once * } * * @author Chad Sikorra */ class SubstringFilter implements FilterInterface { use FilterAttributeTrait; protected const CHOICE_TAG = 4; /** * @var null|string */ protected $startsWith; /** * @var null|string */ protected $endsWith; /** * @var string[] */ protected $contains = []; /** * @param string $attribute * @param null|string $startsWith * @param null|string $endsWith * @param string ...$contains */ public function __construct(string $attribute, ?string $startsWith = null, ?string $endsWith = null, string ...$contains) { $this->attribute = $attribute; $this->startsWith = $startsWith; $this->endsWith = $endsWith; $this->contains = $contains; } /** * Get the value that it should start with. * * @return null|string */ public function getStartsWith(): ?string { return $this->startsWith; } /** * Set the value it should start with. * * @param null|string $value * @return $this */ public function setStartsWith(?string $value) { $this->startsWith = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the value it should end with. * * @return null|string */ public function getEndsWith(): ?string { return $this->endsWith; } /** * Set the value it should end with. * * @param null|string $value * @return $this */ public function setEndsWith(?string $value) { $this->endsWith = $value; return $this; } /** * Get the values it should contain. * * @return string[] */ public function getContains(): array { return $this->contains; } /** * Set the values it should contain. * * @param string ...$values * @return $this */ public function setContains(string ...$values) { $this->contains = $values; return $this; } /** * @throws RuntimeException */ public function toAsn1(): AbstractType { if ($this->startsWith === null && $this->endsWith === null && count($this->contains) === 0) { throw new RuntimeException('You must provide a contains, starts with, or ends with value to the substring filter.'); } $substrings = Asn1::sequenceOf(); if ($this->startsWith !== null) { $substrings->addChild(Asn1::context(0, Asn1::octetString($this->startsWith))); } foreach ($this->contains as $contain) { $substrings->addChild(Asn1::context(1, Asn1::octetString($contain))); } if ($this->endsWith !== null) { $substrings->addChild(Asn1::context(2, Asn1::octetString($this->endsWith))); } return Asn1::context(self::CHOICE_TAG, Asn1::sequence( Asn1::octetString($this->attribute), $substrings )); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function toString(): string { $filter = self::PAREN_LEFT . $this->attribute . self::FILTER_EQUAL; $value = ''; if (count($this->contains) !== 0) { $value = array_map(function ($value) { return Attribute::escape($value); }, $this->contains); $value = '*' . implode('*', $value) . '*'; } if ($this->startsWith !== null) { $startsWith = Attribute::escape($this->startsWith); $value = ($value === '' ? $startsWith . '*' : $startsWith) . $value; } if ($this->endsWith !== null) { $endsWith = Attribute::escape($this->endsWith); $value = $value . ($value === '' ? '*' . $endsWith : $endsWith); } return $filter . $value . self::PAREN_RIGHT; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return SubstringFilter * @throws EncoderException */ public static function fromAsn1(AbstractType $type) { $encoder = new LdapEncoder(); $type = $type instanceof IncompleteType ? $encoder->complete($type, AbstractType::TAG_TYPE_SEQUENCE) : $type; if (!($type instanceof SequenceType && count($type->getChildren()) === 2)) { throw new ProtocolException('The substring type is malformed'); } $attrType = $type->getChild(0); $substrings = $type->getChild(1); if (!($attrType instanceof OctetStringType && $substrings instanceof SequenceType && count($substrings) > 0)) { throw new ProtocolException('The substring filter is malformed.'); } [$startsWith, $endsWith, $contains] = self::parseSubstrings($substrings); return new self($attrType->getValue(), $startsWith, $endsWith, ...$contains); } /** * @psalm-return array{0: mixed|null, 1: mixed|null, 2: list} * @throws ProtocolException */ protected static function parseSubstrings(SequenceType $substrings): array { $startsWith = null; $endsWith = null; $contains = []; /** @var AbstractType $substring */ foreach ($substrings->getChildren() as $substring) { if ($substring->getTagClass() !== AbstractType::TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC) { throw new ProtocolException('The substring filter is malformed.'); } # Starts With and Ends With can occur only once each. Contains can occur multiple times. if ($substring->getTagNumber() === 0) { if ($startsWith !== null) { throw new ProtocolException('The substring filter is malformed.'); } else { $startsWith = $substring; } } elseif ($substring->getTagNumber() === 1) { $contains[] = $substring->getValue(); } elseif ($substring->getTagNumber() === 2) { if ($endsWith !== null) { throw new ProtocolException('The substring filter is malformed.'); } else { $endsWith = $substring; } } else { throw new ProtocolException('The substring filter is malformed.'); } } return [ ($startsWith !== null) ? $startsWith->getValue() : null, ($endsWith !== null) ? $endsWith->getValue() : null, $contains ]; } }