<?php /** * This file is part of the FreeDSx LDAP package. * * (c) Chad Sikorra <Chad.Sikorra@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace FreeDSx\Ldap\Operation\Request; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Asn1; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Exception\EncoderException; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Exception\PartialPduException; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Type\AbstractType; use FreeDSx\Asn1\Type\SequenceType; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Exception\ProtocolException; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Protocol\LdapEncoder; use FreeDSx\Ldap\Protocol\ProtocolElementInterface; use function count; /** * An Extended Request. RFC 4511, 4.12 * * ExtendedRequest ::= [APPLICATION 23] SEQUENCE { * requestName [0] LDAPOID, * requestValue [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL } * * @author Chad Sikorra <Chad.Sikorra@gmail.com> */ class ExtendedRequest implements RequestInterface { protected const APP_TAG = 23; /** * Represents a request to cancel an operation. RFC 3909. */ public const OID_CANCEL = ''; /** * Represents a request to issue a StartTLS to encrypt the connection. */ public const OID_START_TLS = ''; /** * Represents a "whoami" request. RFC 4532. */ public const OID_WHOAMI = ''; /** * Represents a Password Modify Extended Operation. RFC 3062. */ public const OID_PWD_MODIFY = ''; /** * @var string */ protected $requestName; /** * @var null|AbstractType|ProtocolElementInterface|string */ protected $requestValue; /** * @param string $requestName * @param null|AbstractType|ProtocolElementInterface|string $requestValue */ public function __construct(string $requestName, $requestValue = null) { $this->requestName = $requestName; $this->requestValue = $requestValue; } /** * @param string $requestName * @return $this */ public function setName(string $requestName) { $this->requestName = $requestName; return $this; } /** * @return string */ public function getName(): string { return $this->requestName; } /** * @param AbstractType|ProtocolElementInterface|string|null $requestValue * @return $this */ public function setValue($requestValue) { $this->requestValue = $requestValue; return $this; } /** * @return AbstractType|ProtocolElementInterface|string|null */ public function getValue() { return $this->requestValue; } /** * @return AbstractType * @throws EncoderException */ public function toAsn1(): AbstractType { $asn1 = Asn1::sequence(Asn1::context(0, Asn1::octetString($this->requestName))); if ($this->requestValue !== null) { $value = $this->requestValue; $encoder = new LdapEncoder(); if ($value instanceof AbstractType) { $value = $encoder->encode($value); } elseif ($value instanceof ProtocolElementInterface) { $value = $encoder->encode($value->toAsn1()); } $asn1->addChild(Asn1::context(1, Asn1::octetString($value))); } return Asn1::application(self::APP_TAG, $asn1); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * @return self */ public static function fromAsn1(AbstractType $type) { return new self(...self::parseAsn1ExtendedRequest($type)); } /** * @param AbstractType $type * @return AbstractType * @throws ProtocolException * @throws EncoderException * @throws PartialPduException */ protected static function decodeEncodedValue(AbstractType $type): ?AbstractType { [1 => $value] = self::parseAsn1ExtendedRequest($type); return $value !== null ? (new LdapEncoder())->decode($value) : null; } /** * @param AbstractType $type * @return array * @throws ProtocolException * @psalm-return array{0: mixed, 1: mixed|null} */ protected static function parseAsn1ExtendedRequest(AbstractType $type) { if (!($type instanceof SequenceType && (count($type) === 1 || count($type) === 2))) { throw new ProtocolException('The extended request is malformed'); } $oid = null; $value = null; foreach ($type->getChildren() as $child) { if ($child->getTagClass() === AbstractType::TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC && $child->getTagNumber() === 0) { $oid = $child; } elseif ($child->getTagClass() === AbstractType::TAG_CLASS_CONTEXT_SPECIFIC && $child->getTagNumber() === 1) { $value = $child; } } if ($oid === null) { throw new ProtocolException('The extended request is malformed'); } if ($value !== null) { $value = $value->getValue(); } return [$oid->getValue(), $value]; } }