getUserEntry($username); if ($entry === null) return null; return $this->entry2User($entry); } /** * Get the LDAP entry for the given user * * @param string $username * @return Entry|null */ protected function getUserEntry($username) { if (!$this->autoAuth()) return null; $samaccountname = $this->simpleUser($username); $userprincipal = $this->qualifiedUser($username); $filter = Filters::and( Filters::equal('objectClass', 'user'), Filters::or( Filters::equal('sAMAccountName', $samaccountname), Filters::equal('userPrincipalName', $userprincipal) ) ); $this->debug('Searching ' . $filter->toString(), __FILE__, __LINE__); try { $attributes = $this->userAttributes(); $entries = $this->ldap->search(Operations::search($filter, ...$attributes)); } catch (OperationException $e) { $this->fatal($e); return null; } if ($entries->count() !== 1) return null; return $entries->first(); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function setPassword($username, $newpass, $oldpass = null) { if (!$this->autoAuth()) return false; $entry = $this->getUserEntry($username); if ($entry === null) { $this->error("User '$username' not found", __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if ($oldpass) { // if an old password is given, this is a self-service password change // this has to be executed as the user themselves, not as the admin if ($this->isAuthenticated !== $this->prepareBindUser($username)) { if (!$this->authenticate($username, $oldpass)) { $this->error("Old password for '$username' is wrong", __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } $entry->remove('unicodePwd', $this->encodePassword($oldpass)); $entry->add('unicodePwd', $this->encodePassword($newpass)); } else { // run as admin user $entry->set('unicodePwd', $this->encodePassword($newpass)); } try { $this->ldap->update($entry); } catch (OperationException $e) { $this->fatal($e); return false; } return true; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function getGroups($match = null, $filtermethod = self::FILTER_EQUAL) { if (!$this->autoAuth()) return []; $filter = Filters::and( Filters::equal('objectClass', 'group') ); if ($match !== null) { // FIXME this is a workaround that removes regex anchors and quoting as passed by the groupuser plugin // a proper fix requires splitbrain/dokuwiki#3028 to be implemented $match = ltrim($match, '^'); $match = rtrim($match, '$'); $match = stripslashes($match); $filter->add(Filters::$filtermethod('cn', $match)); } $this->debug('Searching ' . $filter->toString(), __FILE__, __LINE__); $search = Operations::search($filter, 'cn'); $paging = $this->ldap->paging($search); $groups = []; while ($paging->hasEntries()) { try { $entries = $paging->getEntries(); } catch (OperationException $e) { $this->fatal($e); return $groups; // we return what we got so far } foreach ($entries as $entry) { /** @var Entry $entry */ $groups[$entry->getDn()->toString()] = $this->cleanGroup($this->attr2str($entry->get('cn'))); } } asort($groups); return $groups; } /** * Fetch users matching the given filters * * @param array $match * @param string $filtermethod The method to use for filtering * @return array */ public function getFilteredUsers($match, $filtermethod = self::FILTER_EQUAL) { if (!$this->autoAuth()) return []; $filter = Filters::and(Filters::equal('objectClass', 'user')); if (isset($match['user'])) { $filter->add(Filters::$filtermethod('sAMAccountName', $this->simpleUser($match['user']))); } if (isset($match['name'])) { $filter->add(Filters::$filtermethod('displayName', $match['name'])); } if (isset($match['mail'])) { $filter->add(Filters::$filtermethod('mail', $match['mail'])); } if (isset($match['grps'])) { // memberOf can not be checked with a substring match, so we need to get the right groups first $groups = $this->getGroups($match['grps'], $filtermethod); $groupDNs = array_keys($groups); if ($this->config['recursivegroups']) { $gch = $this->getGroupHierarchyCache(); foreach ($groupDNs as $dn) { $groupDNs = array_merge($groupDNs, $gch->getChildren($dn)); } $groupDNs = array_unique($groupDNs); } $or = Filters::or(); foreach ($groupDNs as $dn) { // domain users membership is in primary group if ($this->dn2group($dn) === $this->config['primarygroup']) { $or->add(Filters::equal('primaryGroupID', 513)); continue; } // find members of this exact group $or->add(Filters::equal('memberOf', $dn)); } $filter->add($or); } $this->debug('Searching ' . $filter->toString(), __FILE__, __LINE__); $attributes = $this->userAttributes(); $search = Operations::search($filter, ...$attributes); $paging = $this->ldap->paging($search); $users = []; while ($paging->hasEntries()) { try { $entries = $paging->getEntries(); } catch (OperationException $e) { $this->fatal($e); break; // we abort and return what we have so far } foreach ($entries as $entry) { $userinfo = $this->entry2User($entry); $users[$userinfo['user']] = $userinfo; } } ksort($users); return $users; } /** @inheritDoc */ public function cleanUser($user) { return $this->simpleUser($user); } /** @inheritDoc */ public function cleanGroup($group) { return PhpString::strtolower($group); } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function prepareBindUser($user) { // add account suffix return $this->qualifiedUser($user); } /** * Initializes the Group Cache for nested groups * * @return GroupHierarchyCache */ public function getGroupHierarchyCache() { if ($this->gch === null) { if (!$this->autoAuth()) return null; $this->gch = new GroupHierarchyCache($this->ldap, $this->config['usefscache']); } return $this->gch; } /** * userPrincipalName in the form @ * * @param string $user * @return string */ protected function qualifiedUser($user) { $user = $this->simpleUser($user); // strip any existing qualifiers if (!$this->config['suffix']) { $this->error('No account suffix set. Logins may fail.', __FILE__, __LINE__); } return $user . '@' . $this->config['suffix']; } /** * Removes the account suffix from the given user. Should match the SAMAccountName * * @param string $user * @return string */ protected function simpleUser($user) { $user = PhpString::strtolower($user); $user = preg_replace('/@.*$/', '', $user); $user = preg_replace('/^.*\\\\/', '', $user); return $user; } /** * Transform an LDAP entry to a user info array * * @param Entry $entry * @return array */ protected function entry2User(Entry $entry) { // prefer userPrincipalName over sAMAccountName $user = $this->simpleUser($this->attr2str($entry->get('userPrincipalName'))); if($user === '') $user = $this->simpleUser($this->attr2str($entry->get('sAMAccountName'))); $user = [ 'user' => $user, 'name' => $this->attr2str($entry->get('DisplayName')) ?: $this->attr2str($entry->get('Name')), 'mail' => $this->attr2str($entry->get('mail')), 'dn' => $entry->getDn()->toString(), 'grps' => $this->getUserGroups($entry), // we always return groups because its currently inexpensive ]; // handle password expiry info $lastChange = $this->attr2str($entry->get('pwdlastset')); if ($lastChange) { $lastChange = (int)substr($lastChange, 0, -7); // remove last 7 digits (100ns intervals to seconds) $lastChange -= 11_644_473_600; // convert from 1601 to 1970 epoch } $user['lastpwd'] = (int)$lastChange; $user['expires'] = !($this->attr2str($entry->get('useraccountcontrol')) & self::ADS_UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD); // get additional attributes foreach ($this->config['attributes'] as $attr) { $user[$attr] = $this->attr2str($entry->get($attr)); } return $user; } /** * Get the list of groups the given user is member of * * This method currently does no LDAP queries and thus is inexpensive. * * @param Entry $userentry * @return array */ protected function getUserGroups(Entry $userentry) { $groups = []; if ($userentry->has('memberOf')) { $groupDNs = $userentry->get('memberOf')->getValues(); if ($this->config['recursivegroups']) { $gch = $this->getGroupHierarchyCache(); foreach ($groupDNs as $dn) { $groupDNs = array_merge($groupDNs, $gch->getParents($dn)); } $groupDNs = array_unique($groupDNs); } $groups = array_map([$this, 'dn2group'], $groupDNs); } $groups[] = $this->config['defaultgroup']; // always add default // resolving the primary group in AD is complicated but basically never needed // $gid = $userentry->get('primaryGroupID')->firstValue(); if ($gid == 513) { $groups[] = $this->cleanGroup($this->config['primarygroup']); } sort($groups); return $groups; } /** @inheritDoc */ protected function userAttributes() { $attr = parent::userAttributes(); $attr[] = new Attribute('sAMAccountName'); $attr[] = new Attribute('userPrincipalName'); $attr[] = new Attribute('Name'); $attr[] = new Attribute('primaryGroupID'); $attr[] = new Attribute('memberOf'); $attr[] = new Attribute('pwdlastset'); $attr[] = new Attribute('useraccountcontrol'); return $attr; } /** * Queries the maximum password age from the AD server * * Note: we do not check if passwords actually are set to expire here. This is encoded in the lower 32bit * of the returned 64bit integer (see link below). We do not check this because it would require us to * actually do large integer math and we can simply assume it's enabled when the age check was requested in * DokuWiki configuration. * * @link * @param bool $useCache should a filesystem cache be used if available? * @return int The maximum password age in seconds */ public function getMaxPasswordAge($useCache = true) { global $conf; $cachename = getCacheName('maxPwdAge', '.pureldap-maxPwdAge'); $cachetime = @filemtime($cachename); // valid file system cache? use it if ($useCache && $cachetime && (time() - $cachetime) < $conf['auth_security_timeout']) { return (int)file_get_contents($cachename); } if (!$this->autoAuth()) return 0; $attr = new Attribute('maxPwdAge'); try { $entry = $this->ldap->read( $this->getConf('base_dn'), [$attr] ); } catch (OperationException $e) { $this->fatal($e); return 0; } if (!$entry) return 0; $maxPwdAge = $entry->get($attr)->firstValue(); // MS returns 100 nanosecond intervals, we want seconds // we operate on strings to avoid integer overflow // we also want a positive value, so we trim off the leading minus sign // only then we convert to int $maxPwdAge = (int)ltrim(substr($maxPwdAge, 0, -7), '-'); file_put_contents($cachename, $maxPwdAge); return $maxPwdAge; } /** * Extract the group name from the DN * * @param string $dn * @return string */ protected function dn2group($dn) { [$cn] = explode(',', $dn, 2); return $this->cleanGroup(substr($cn, 3)); } /** * Encode a password for transmission over LDAP * * Passwords are encoded as UTF-16LE strings encapsulated in quotes. * * @param string $password The password to encode * @return string */ protected function encodePassword($password) { $password = "\"" . $password . "\""; if (function_exists('iconv')) { $adpassword = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-16LE', $password); } elseif (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) { $adpassword = mb_convert_encoding($password, "UTF-16LE", "UTF-8"); } else { // this will only work for ASCII7 passwords $adpassword = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($password); $i++) { $adpassword .= "$password[$i]\000"; } } return $adpassword; } }