publistf Plugin for DokuWiki ============================ NOTE: This plugin build on the bib2tpl which has not been support since 2013, I am looking at [bibtexbrowser]( as a possible replacement for parsing and generating output of Bibtex. Includes the content of BibTeX files in DokuWiki pages in a flexible way. All documentation for this plugin can be found at Additionally, use parameter author:page:authorpage if you want links to websites of coauthors added automatically to the bibtex entries. The specified authorpage page or file requires author URLs followed by their names (as they appear fully formatted), and will automatically replace Author Name with [[Author_URL|Author Name]] (modified by Karl Moritz Hermann ) If you install this plugin manually, make sure it is installed in lib/plugins/publist/ - if the folder is called different it will not work! Please refer to for additional info on how to install plugins in DokuWiki. ### Copyright and License Copyright (C) 2010 Raphael Reitzig Copyright (C) 2013 Jorge Juan Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Hans-Nikolai Viessmann See COPYING and file headers for license info.