*/ class approvel_test extends DokuWikiTest { protected $pluginsEnabled = array('publish'); public function setUp(){ parent::setUp(); global $USERINFO; $USERINFO = array( 'pass' => '179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81', 'name' => 'Arthur Dent', 'mail' => 'arthur@example.com', 'grps' => array ('admin','user'), ); global $default_server_vars; $default_server_vars['REMOTE_USER'] = 'testuser'; //Hack until Issue splitbrain/dokuwiki#1099 is fixed $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'] = 'testuser'; global $conf; global $AUTH_ACL; $conf['useacl'] = 1; $conf['superuser'] = '@admin'; $AUTH_ACL = array( '* @ALL 4', '* @admin 16',); } /** * @coversNothing */ public function test_unaprroved_banner_exists() { saveWikiText('foo', 'bar', 'foobar'); $request = new TestRequest(); $response = $request->get(array('id' => 'foo'), '/doku.php?id=foo'); $this->assertTrue( strpos($response->getContent(), '
') !== false, 'The "not approved banner" is missing on a page which has not yet been aprroved with standard config.' ); } /** * @coversNothing */ public function test_aprroval_succesful() { saveWikiText('foo', 'bar', 'foobar'); $request = new TestRequest(); $response = $request->get(array(), '/doku.php?id=foo&publish_approve=1'); $this->assertTrue( strpos($response->getContent(), '
') !== false, 'Approving a page failed with standard options.' ); } /** * @coversNothing */ public function test_no_aprroved_banner() { global $conf; $conf['plugin']['publish']['hide_approved_banner'] = 1; saveWikiText('foo', 'bar', 'foobar'); $request = new TestRequest(); $response = $request->get(array(), '/doku.php?id=foo&publish_approve=1'); $this->assertTrue( strpos($response->getContent(), '