name(), '.png')) return false; $plot = $this->replace_extension($file->name(), '.png', '.plot'); return $project->file($plot) != NULL; } /** * returns a project file that can make $name */ public function handle($project, $file) { $plot = $this->replace_extension($file->name(), '.png', '.plot'); $source = new PlotDefinition(array('type' => SOURCE, 'name' => $plot)); $source->add_content(file_get_contents($project->path() . $plot)); $target = new PlotTarget($project, $file, $source); return $target; } } class PlotTarget extends ProjectGenerated { private $plot = NULL; public function __construct($project, $file, $source) { $deps = $file->dependency(); if (!in_array($source->name(), $deps)) $deps[] = $source->name(); $this->deps = $deps; $this->name = $file->name(); $this->plot = $source; } public function makable() { return true; } public function make($working_path) { // This will import the file using each column as a serie if (!$this->plot->valid()) { $file = $this->plot->name(); $error = $this->plot->error(); $this->log($working_path, "Plot file $file is invalid: $error"); return 1; } $data = new pData(); $columns = array(); $all_columns = array(); $x_column = $this->plot->property('x_column') - 1; if ($x_column === NULL) $x_column = 0; $data_file = $this->plot->data_property('name'); $deliminator = $this->plot->data_property('deliminator'); $has_header = $this->plot->data_property('header') == 'yes'; foreach ($this->plot->columns() as $column => $name) { if ($column != $x_column + 1) $columns[] = $column - 1; $all_columns[] = $column - 1; } $data->ImportFromCSV($working_path . $data_file, $deliminator, $all_columns, $has_header); foreach ($columns as $column) { $name = $this->plot->column($column + 1); $data->AddSerie('Serie' . $column); $data->SetSerieName($name, "Serie" . $column); } $max_col = -1; $max_val = NULL; foreach ($data->GetData() as $record) { foreach ($columns as $column) { $point = $record['Serie' .$column]; if ($max_val === NULL || $point > $max_val) { $max_val = $point; $max_col = $column; } } } $x_label = $this->plot->axis_property('x', 'label'); if ($x_label) $data->SetXAxisName($x_label); else $data->SetXAxisName($this->plot->column($x_column + 1)); $x_unit = $this->plot->axis_property('x', 'unit'); if ($x_unit) $data->SetXAxisUnit($x_unit); $y_label = $this->plot->axis_property('y', 'label'); reset($columns); if ($y_label) $data->SetYAxisName($y_label); else $data->SetYAxisName($this->plot->column(current($columns) + 1)); $y_unit = $this->plot->axis_property('y', 'unit'); if ($y_unit) $data->SetyAxisUnit($y_unit); $width = $this->plot->property('width'); if (!$width) $width = 640; $height = $this->plot->property('height'); if (!$height) $height = 480; $plot = new pChart($width, $height); $font_name = $this->plot->property('font-name'); if (!$font_name) $font_name = 'tahoma.ttf'; $font_name = 'lib/plugins/projects/pchart/fonts/' . $font_name; $font_size = $this->plot->property('font_size'); if (!$font_size) $font_size = 12; $plot->setFontProperties($font_name, $font_size); $h = $font_size + 10; $left_margin = 0; foreach ($data->GetData() as $record) { $position = imageftbbox($font_size, 0, $font_name, $record['Serie' . $max_col]); $text_width = $position[2] - $position[0]; if ($text_width > $left_margin) $left_margin = $text_width; } $left_margin += 2 * $h; $plot->setGraphArea($left_margin, 2 * $h, $width - $h, $height - 2 * $h); $background = $this->plot->property('background'); if (!$background) $background = array('R' => 255, 'G' => 255, 'B' => 255); else $background = html_color_to_RGB($background); $plot->drawGraphArea($background['R'], $background['G'], $background['B']); // pick the largest scale $plot->drawXYScale($data->GetData(), $data->GetDataDescription(), 'Serie' . $max_col, 'Serie' . $x_column, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, 0); $line_no = 0; $colors = array(); foreach ($columns as $column) { $name = $this->plot->column($column + 1); $style = $this->plot->line_style($name, 'style'); $line_color = $this->plot->line_style($name, 'color'); if (!$line_color) $colors[$name] = array('R' => 0, 'G' => 0, 'B' => 0); else $colors[$name] = html_color_to_RGB($line_color); $plot->setColorPalette($line_no, $colors[$name]['R'], $colors[$name]['G'], $colors[$name]['B']); if (!$style || $style == 'line' || $style == 'both') { $line_width = $this->plot->line_style($name, 'width'); if (!$line_width) $line_width = 1; $dot_size = $this->plot->line_style($name, 'dot-size'); if (!$dot_size) $dot_size = 0; $plot->setLineStyle($line_width, $dot_size); $plot->drawXYGraph($data->GetData(), $data->GetDataDescription(), 'Serie' . $column, 'Serie' . $x_column, $line_no); } if ($style == 'point' || $style == 'both') { $radius = $this->plot->line_style($name, 'radius'); if (!$radius) $radius = 5; $plot->drawXYPlotGraph($data->GetData(), $data->GetDataDescription(), 'Serie' . $column, 'Serie' . $x_column, $line_no, $radius, $radius - 2); } $line_no++; } $title = $this->plot->property('title'); foreach ($columns as $column) $data->removeSerie('Serie' . $column); $in_legend = array(); $description = $data->GetDataDescription(); $description['Description'] = array(); $palette_id = 0; foreach ($columns as $column) { $name = $this->plot->column($column + 1); if (in_array($name, $in_legend)) continue; $in_legend[] = $name; $description['Description']['Serie' . $column] = $name; $plot->setColorPalette($palette_id, $colors[$name]['R'], $colors[$name]['G'], $colors[$name]['B']); ++$palette_id; } $legend_box_size =$plot->getLegendBoxSize($description); $legend_position = $this->plot->property('legend-position'); if (!$legend_position) $legend_position = 'top-left'; switch ($legend_position) { case 'top-left': $legend_left = 0; $legend_top = 0; break; case 'top': $legend_left = ($width - $h - $left_margin - $legend_box_size[0]) / 2; $legend_top = 0; break; case 'top-right': $legend_left = $width - $left_margin - $h - $legend_box_size[0]; $legend_top = 0; break; case 'left': $legend_left = 0; $legend_top = ($height - 4 * $h - $legend_box_size[1]) / 2; break; case 'center': $legend_left = ($width - $h - $left_margin - $legend_box_size[0]) / 2; $legend_top = ($height - 4 * $h - $legend_box_size[1]) / 2; break; case 'right': $legend_left = $width - $left_margin - $h - $legend_box_size[0]; $legend_top = ($height - 4 * $h - $legend_box_size[1]) / 2; break; case 'bottom-left': $legend_left = 0; $legend_top = $height - 4 * $h - $legend_box_size[1]; break; case 'bottom': $legend_left = ($width - $h - $left_margin - $legend_box_size[0]) / 2; $legend_top = $height - 4 * $h - $legend_box_size[1]; break; case 'bottom-right': $legend_left = $width - $left_margin - $h - $legend_box_size[0]; $legend_top = $height - 4 * $h - $legend_box_size[1]; break; } $plot->drawLegend($left_margin + $legend_left, 2 * $h + $legend_top, $description, 255, 255, 255, 100, 100, 100, 0, 0, 0, true); $plot->drawTitle($h, 0, $title, 0, 0, 0, $width-$h, $h * 2, 100); $plot->Render($this->path($working_path)); $file_name =$this->plot->name(); $plot_name =$this->name(); $this->log($working_path, "Successfully plotted $file_name as $plot_name\ntitle: $title\n"); return 0; } } ?>