tags * */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../conf.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/tools.php'); require_once DOKU_PLUGIN . 'syntax.php'; require_once DOKU_INC . 'inc/geshi.php'; class CodeBlock extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { private $pos = NULL; private $text_pos = NULL; private $text = NULL; private $text_end = NULL; private $end = NULL; private $name = NULL; /** * return some info */ function getInfo(){ return array( 'author' => 'Junling Ma', 'email' => 'junlingm@gmail.com', 'url' => 'http://www.math.uvic.ca/~jma' ); } function tag_name() { return NULL; } function getType() { return 'protected'; } function getSort() { return 8; } function syntax_mode() { return "plugin_projects_" . $this->tag_name(); } function connectTo($mode) { if ($this->tag_name() == NULL) return; $tag = $this->tag_name(); $this->Lexer->addEntryPattern('<' . $tag . '.*?>(?=.*?)', $mode, $this->syntax_mode()); } function postConnect() { if ($this->tag_name() == NULL) return; $tag = $this->tag_name(); $syntax_mode = "plugin_projects_$tag"; $this->Lexer->addExitPattern('', $this->syntax_mode()); } /** * Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, &$handler){ switch ($state) { case DOKU_LEXER_ENTER : $doc = $match . "tag_name() . ">"; $xml = DOMDocument::loadXML($doc); $data = array(); foreach ($xml->firstChild->attributes as $name => $node) $data[$name] = $node->value; $data["pos"] = $pos; $data['text_pos'] = $pos + strlen($match); return $data; case DOKU_LEXER_EXIT : return array("end" => $pos + strlen($match) - 1, 'text_end' => $pos); case DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : // skip the first blank line after the tag $l = strlen($match); $i = 0; while ($match[$i] == ' ' || $match[$i] == "\t" || $match[$i] == "\r") { if ($i == $l) break; $i++; } if ($i < $l && $match[$i] == "\n") $i++; $match = substr($match, $i); $pos = $pos + $i; // skip the trailing spaces and the last \n $l = strlen($match) - 1; if ($l >= 0 && $match[$l] == "\n") $l--; $match = substr($match, 0, $l + 1); return array("code" => $match, 'pos' => $pos); } return NULL; } /** * Create output */ protected function add_content($file, $content) {} function render($mode, &$renderer, $data) { if (!is_array($data)) return; if ($mode == 'metadata') { if (!isset($data['code'])) return; global $ID; $file = $renderer->meta['ProjectFile']; if ($file != NULL) $this->add_content($file, $data['code']); return; } if ($mode == 'xhtml') { if (isset($data['highlight'])) $this->lang = $data['highlight']; else if (!isset($this->lang) || !$this->lang) { global $ID; $this->lang = p_get_metadata($ID, 'ProjectFile:highlight', false); if (!isset($this->lang) || !$this->lang) $this->lang = $this->language(); if (!isset($this->lang) || !$this->lang) $this->lang = "unspecified"; } $this->render_xhtml($renderer, $data); } } private function render_xhtml(&$renderer, $data) { if (isset($data['text_pos'])) { $this->text_pos = $data['text_pos']; $this->name = $data['name']; return; } if (isset($data['code'])) { $this->text = $data['code']; $this->text_pos = $data['pos']; $this->text_end = $this->text_pos + strlen($this->text); return; } if (isset($data['end'])) { if ($this->text_end == NULL) $this->text_end = $data['text_end']; $this->end = $data['end']; // render $renderer->doc .= "
"; $this->render_header($renderer, $data); render_code($renderer, $this->text, $this->lang); // end render $renderer->doc .= "
"; } } function render_header(&$renderer, $data) { $type = ucfirst($this->tag_name()); $name = $this->name; // header $renderer->doc .= "
"; // type $renderer->doc .= "
"; // name $renderer->doc .= "
$name "; $this->render_buttons($renderer, $this->end); //end name $renderer->doc .= "
"; //end header $renderer->doc .= "
"; } function render_buttons(&$renderer, $end) { // edit button global $ID; if (auth_quickaclcheck($ID) <= AUTH_READ) return; $renderer->doc .= "
"; include_once(DOKU_INC . 'inc/html.php'); $range = $this->text_pos . "-" . $this->text_end; $tag = $this->tag_name(); $name = $this->name; if ($name) { $id = $tag . '_' . $name; $name = $tag . ' ' . $name; } else { $id = $tag; $name = $tag; } $data = array( "secid" => $id, 'target' => 'projects_wiki_file', 'name' => $name, 'range' => $range, 'lang' => $this->lang); $renderer->doc .= trigger_event('HTML_SECEDIT_BUTTON', $data, 'html_secedit_get_button'); $renderer->doc .= "
"; } } ?>