# This plugin is not maintained anymore
This plugin integrates [PlantUML](http://plantuml.sourceforge.net) into the [DukuWiki](http://www.dokuwiki.org) wiki engine.
It allows to generate UML graph images from simple description text block.
# Features
* Create any UML graph supported by PlantUML.
* Generated images are PNGs.
* Generated images are cached and regenerated when needed.
* Toolbar button (optional)
* Control the display witdh, height and alignment.
* Works with the PlantUML webservice and/or a local installation.
# Local Rendering
Requirements (for local PlantUML installation):
* [plantuml.jar](http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/download.html)
* [Java runtime](http://www.java.com/download)
* [Graphviz](http://www.graphviz.org) _You don't need this if you only want to generate sequence diagrams_
See [PlantUML Installation Notes](http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/faqinstall.html) for troubleshooting.
# Remote Rendering
The plugin can use PlantUML server to generate diagrams. So nothing is required to be installed on the server running DokuWiki.
However, the server must have a access to the Web. This can be an issue if you're on a Corporate network for example.
If you set java and plantuml location in the configuration (in the Administration section of DokuWiki), then java will be used to compress the url.
# Sample
This block describes a sequence diagram:
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response
and results in:
# Control display size
Inside the start tag *``*, you can specify the width and/or height of the image using one of the following ways:
# Image Title
By default, html img title attribute is set to "PlantUML Graph". You can specify your own graph title like this:
Note: Multiple words need to be placed in double quotes.
# Contributors
* [Willi Schönborn](https://github.com/whiskeysierra): rewrite of the syntax plugin with many additional features