Lexer->addSpecialPattern('----+ *photogallery(?: [ a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?-+\n.*?\n?----+', $mode, 'plugin_photogallery'); } /** * Handle the match - parse the data * * @param string $match The text matched by the patterns * @param int $state The lexer state for the match * @param int $pos The character position of the matched text * @param Doku_Handler $handler The Doku_Handler object * @return bool|array Return an array with all data you want to use in render, false don't add an instruction */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler){ global $ID; $data = array(); // get lines $lines = explode("\n", $match); array_pop($lines); // get command $cmd = array_shift($lines); $cmd = str_replace('photogallery', '', $cmd); $cmd = trim($cmd, '- '); if (!strpos('show|link',$cmd)) { $cmd = 'show'; } $data['command'] = $cmd; // set the defaults $data['phpthumb'] = $this->getConf('use_phpThumb'); $data['autoplay'] = $this->getConf('autoplay'); $data['pw'] = $this->getConf('poster_width'); $data['ph'] = $this->getConf('poster_height'); $data['tw'] = $this->getConf('thumbnail_width'); $data['th'] = $this->getConf('thumbnail_height'); $data['iw'] = $this->getConf('viewport_width'); $data['ih'] = $this->getConf('viewport_height'); $data['vprot'] = $this->getConf('viewport_rotate'); $data['panar'] = $this->getConf('panorama_ratio'); $data['panw'] = $this->getConf('panorama_width'); $data['panh'] = $this->getConf('panorama_height'); $data['posteralign'] = $this->getConf('posteralign'); $data['filter'] = ''; $data['fullsize'] = $this->getConf('fullsize'); $data['sort'] = $this->getConf('sort'); $data['limit'] = 0; $data['offset'] = 0; $data['ns'] = getNS($ID); $this->_setConfOptions($data,$this->getConf('options')); // parse additional options $params = $this->getConf('options'); $params = preg_replace('/[,&\?]+/',' ',$params); $params = explode(' ',$params); foreach($params as $param){ if($param === '') continue; if($param == 'titlesort'){ $data['sort'] = 'title'; }elseif($param == 'datesort'){ $data['sort'] = 'date'; }elseif($param == 'modsort'){ $data['sort'] = 'mod'; }elseif(preg_match('/^=(\d+)$/',$param,$match)){ $data['limit'] = $match[1]; }elseif(preg_match('/^\+(\d+)$/',$param,$match)){ $data['offset'] = $match[1]; }elseif(is_numeric($param)){ $data['cols'] = (int) $param; }elseif(preg_match('/^(\d+)([xX])(\d+)$/',$param,$match)){ if($match[2] == 'X'){ $data['iw'] = $match[1]; $data['ih'] = $match[3]; }else{ $data['tw'] = $match[1]; $data['th'] = $match[3]; } }elseif(strpos($param,'*') !== false){ $param = preg_quote($param,'/'); $param = '/^'.str_replace('\\*','.*?',$param).'$/'; $data['filter'] = $param; }else{ if(substr($param,0,2) == 'no'){ $data[substr($param,2)] = false; }else{ $data[$param] = true; } } } // Check phpThumb requirements if ($data['phpthumb'] == true){ if (!$this->_phpThumbCheck()){ msg($this->getLang('phpthumbdisabled'),2); $data['phpthumb'] = false; } } // parse info foreach ($lines as $line) { // ignore comments preg_match('/^(.*?(? $value){ if ((!isset($data[$key])) and (isset($rdata[$key]))){ $data[$key] = $value; } } break; } } } } return $data; } /** * Create output or save the data * * @param $format string output format being rendered * @param $renderer Doku_Renderer the current renderer object * @param $data array data created by handler() * @return boolean rendered correctly? */ function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $R, $data){ global $ID; global $conf; $this->metaAliases = $this->getMetaTagAliases(); $cmd = $data['command']; if($mode == 'xhtml'){ if($this->_auth_check($data)){ $R->info['cache'] = false; // Disable global render cache $this->_photo_gallery($data, $R); // Start gallery } elseif($cmd == 'show') msg(sprintf($this->getLang('notauthorized'),$data['ns']),-1); return true; }elseif($mode == 'metadata'){ // NOM da rivedere $rel = p_get_metadata($ID,'relation',METADATA_RENDER_USING_CACHE); $img = $rel['firstimage']; if(empty($img)){ $files = $this->_findimages($data); } return true; } return false; } function _phpThumbCheck(){ $fperm = fileperms(PHOTOGALLERY_PGFETCH_FILE); if (($fperm & PHOTOGALLERY_PGFETCH_EXE_PERM) != PHOTOGALLERY_PGFETCH_EXE_PERM){ msg($this->getLang('phpthumbexecerror'),-1); if (@chmod(PHOTOGALLERY_PGFETCH_FILE, $fperm | PHOTOGALLERY_PGFETCH_EXE_PERM)){ msg($this->getLang('phpthumbexecpermset'),1); return true; } else{ msg($this->getLang('phpthumbpermseterror'),-1); return false; } } return true; } /** * Does the gallery formatting */ function _photo_gallery($data, $R){ global $conf; global $lang; global $ID; global $auth; global $USERINFO; $cmd = $data['command']; if (empty($data['rss'])) { if(($cmd == 'show') and (!$this->_media_folder_exists($data['ns']))){ $R->doc .= '
'; return true; }elseif (($cmd == 'link') and (!page_exists($data['pg']))){ $R->doc .= '
'; return true; } } $files = $this->_findimages($data); // anything found? if(!count($files)){ $R->doc .= '
'; return; } // in not exists create in the media folder a zip file containing all the images and link it if (isset($data['zipfile'])) if (class_exists('ZipArchive')){ $zip = $data['ns'].":".$data['zipfile']; $this->_createzipfile($files, mediaFN($zip)); if($this->_zip_auth_check($data)){ $data['ziplink'] = $R->internalmedia($zip,$this->getLang('lnk_download'),null,null,null,null,'linkonly',true); } } else msg($this->getLang('zipdisabled'),2); // output pg-container $R->doc .= '
'.DOKU_LF; // output pg-poster and pg-description if ($data['posteralign'] == 'right'){ $this->_description($files,$data,$R); $this->_poster($files,$data,$R); } else{ $this->_poster($files,$data,$R); $this->_description($files,$data,$R); } // Close container $R->doc .= '
'.DOKU_LF; return; } /** * Gather all photos matching the given criteria */ function _findimages(&$data){ global $conf; $files = array(); // is a media RSS feed ? if (!empty($data['rss'])) { $files = $this->_loadRSS($data['ns']); } else { $dir = utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$data['ns'])); // just current level or deep recursion into namespace? $depth = !empty($data['recursive']) ? 0 : 1; search($files, $conf['mediadir'], 'search_media', array('depth'=>$depth), $dir); } // done, yet? $len = count($files); if (!$len) return $files; if ($len == 1) return $files; // filter images for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++) { if ($data['fullsize'] == true) $files[$i]['fullsize'] = true; $fname = $files[$i]['file']; if (preg_match('/\_([a-z]+?)\_\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/',$fname,$matches)){ $modifier = $matches[1]; if(($modifier == 'fullsize') || ($data['fullsize'] == 1)) // Show in full size $files[$i]['fullsize'] = true; elseif($modifier == 'poster') // Is a video poster image, remove from list $files[$i]['isimg'] = false; } if (!$files[$i]['isimg']) { if (preg_match('/(.*?)\.(avi|mov|mp4)$/',$fname,$matches)) { // Is a video $files[$i]['isvid'] = true; $poster = getNS($files[$i]['id']).':'.$matches[1].'_poster_.jpg'; // NOM: così i poster possono solo essere jpeg if(media_exists($poster)) $files[$i]['poster'] = $poster; } else { array_splice($files, $i, 1); // unset will not reindex the array, so putting the poster on first position fails $len--; $i--; } } else { if ($data['filter']) { if(!preg_match($data['filter'],noNS($files[$i]['id']))) unset($files[$i]); // NOM da verificare unset come sopra se si decide di usare filter } } } if ($len<1) return $files; // sort? if ($data['sort'] == 'random') { shuffle($files); } else { if( $data['sort'] == 'date') { usort($files,array($this,'_datesort')); } elseif ($data['sort'] == 'mod') { usort($files,array($this,'_modsort')); } elseif($data['sort'] == 'title') { usort($files,array($this,'_titlesort')); } // reverse? if (!empty($data['reverse'])) $files = array_reverse($files); } // offset? if( $data['offset']) { $offset = $data['offset']; $files = array_slice($files, $offset); } else { $offset = 0; } // puts poster element in first array position $i = array_search($data['posterimg'] ?? [], array_column($files, 'file')); if ($i != $offset){ $tmp = $files[$offset]; $files[$offset] = $files[$i]; $files[$i] = $tmp; } // limit? if ($data['limit']) $files = array_slice($files,0,$data['limit']); return $files; } /** * Loads images from a MediaRSS or ATOM feed */ function _loadRSS($url){ require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/FeedParser.php'); $feed = new FeedParser(); $feed->set_feed_url($url); $feed->init(); $files = array(); // base url to use for broken feeds with non-absolute links $main = parse_url($url); $host = $main['scheme'].'://'. $main['host']. (($main['port'])?':'.$main['port']:''); $path = dirname($main['path']).'/'; foreach($feed->get_items() as $item){ if ($enclosure = $item->get_enclosure()){ // skip non-image enclosures if($enclosure->get_type()){ if(substr($enclosure->get_type(),0,5) != 'image') continue; }else{ if(!preg_match('/\.(jpe?g|png|gif)(\?|$)/i', $enclosure->get_link())) continue; } // non absolute links $ilink = $enclosure->get_link(); if(!preg_match('/^https?:\/\//i',$ilink)){ if($ilink[0] == '/'){ $ilink = $host.$ilink; }else{ $ilink = $host.$path.$ilink; } } $link = $item->link; if(!preg_match('/^https?:\/\//i',$link)){ if($link[0] == '/'){ $link = $host.$link; }else{ $link = $host.$path.$link; } } $files[] = array( 'id' => $ilink, 'isimg' => true, 'file' => basename($ilink), // decode to avoid later double encoding 'title' => htmlspecialchars_decode($enclosure->get_title(),ENT_COMPAT), 'desc' => strip_tags(htmlspecialchars_decode($enclosure->get_description(),ENT_COMPAT)), 'width' => $enclosure->get_width(), 'height' => $enclosure->get_height(), 'mtime' => $item->get_date('U'), 'ctime' => $item->get_date('U'), 'detail' => $link, ); } } return $files; } /** * usort callback to sort by file lastmodified time */ function _modsort($a,$b){ if($a['mtime'] < $b['mtime']) return -1; if($a['mtime'] > $b['mtime']) return 1; return strcmp($a['file'],$b['file']); } /** * usort callback to sort by EXIF date */ function _datesort($a,$b){ $da = $this->_meta($a,'cdate'); $db = $this->_meta($b,'cdate'); if($da < $db) return -1; if($da > $db) return 1; return strcmp($a['file'],$b['file']); } /** * usort callback to sort by EXIF title */ function _titlesort($a,$b){ $ta = $this->_meta($a,'title'); $tb = $this->_meta($b,'title'); return strcmp($ta,$tb); } /** * Does the lightgallery gallery formatting */ function _lightgallery($files,$data,$pgid){ $ret = ''; $ret .= ''.DOKU_LF; return $ret; } /** * Defines how a poster should look like */ function _poster($files,$data,$R){ $pgid = 'pg-'.substr(md5($data['ns']),4); if ($data['posteralign'] == 'right') $R->doc .= '
'.DOKU_LF; else $R->doc .= '
'.DOKU_LF; $img = $files[0]; $cmd = $data['command']; // calculate poster size $w = $data['pw']; $h = $data['ph']; $dim = array('w'=>$w,'h'=>$h); //prepare link attributes $a = array(); if ($cmd == 'show'){ $href = ''; $a['data-pg-id'] = $pgid; $a['class'] = 'pg-start'; } else{ $href = wl($data['pg'], 'gallery0#lg=1&slide=0'); } $aatt = buildAttributes($a); //prepare img attributes $i = array(); $src = ml($img['id'],$dim); $i['width'] = $w; $i['height'] = $h; $i['alt'] = $this->_meta($img,'title'); $iatt = buildAttributes($i); // Generate output $R->doc .= ''.DOKU_LF; $R->doc .= ''.DOKU_LF; $R->doc .= '
'; $R->doc .= ''; $R->doc .= '
'.DOKU_LF; $R->doc .= '
'.DOKU_LF; if ($cmd == 'show'){ $R->doc .= $this->_lightgallery($files,$data,$pgid); // Call lightGallery init function $ch = strval(intval($data['th'])+20); $auto = $data['autoplay'] ? 'true' : 'false'; $R->doc .= ''.DOKU_LF; // Override styles to match thumb size $R->doc .= ''; } $R->doc .= '
'.DOKU_LF; } /** * Defines how a description should look like */ protected function _description($files,$data,$R){ $imgcnt = 0; $vidcnt = 0; foreach ($files as $file){ if ($file['isimg']) $imgcnt++; elseif ($file['isvid']) $vidcnt++; } if ($data['posteralign'] == 'right') $R->doc .= '
'.DOKU_LF; else $R->doc .= '
'.DOKU_LF; $R->header($data['title'],2,0); $R->doc .= '

' . ($data['description'] ?? '') . '

'; $R->doc .= '

'; $info = ''; $this->_addString($info,$imgcnt,sprintf($this->getLang('imagescnt'),$imgcnt)); $this->_addString($info,$vidcnt,sprintf($this->getLang('videoscnt'),$vidcnt),', '); $R->doc .= $info; if (isset($data['ziplink'])){ $R->doc .= ' - '.$data['ziplink']; } $R->doc .= '

'; $R->doc .= '

' . ($data['copyright'] ?? '') . '

'.DOKU_LF; $R->doc .= '
'.DOKU_LF; } /** * Defines the lightGallery images markup */ protected function _image(&$img,$data,$idx){ // unsupported file if (empty($img['isimg']) && empty($img['isvid'])) return ''; $tpar = array(); $ipar = array(); $ID = $img['id']; $tw = $data['tw']; $th = $data['th']; // NOM Sistemare le dimensioni dei poster dei video if (!empty($img['isvid'])){ $vsrc = ml($ID); //$vsrc = ml($ID,$tdim); $topt = 'zc=C'; // Crop to given size if ( !empty($img['poster'])){ $ID = $img['poster']; $topt .= '!fltr=over|../images/video_frame.png'; $img['meta'] = new JpegMeta(mediaFN($ID)); $mw = (int) $this->_meta($img,'width'); $mh = (int) $this->_meta($img,'height'); $iw = $data['iw']; $ih = $data['ih']; } else { $tpar['src'] = 'video_thumb.png'; $ipar['src'] = 'video_poster.jpg'; $iw = ''; $ih = ''; } } else { $mw = (int) $this->_meta($img,'width'); $mh = (int) $this->_meta($img,'height'); // Test for panorama aspect ratio $img_ar = ($mw > $mh ? $mw/$mh : $mh/$mw); if (preg_match('/([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/',$data['panar'],$matches)) $max_ar = $matches[1]/$matches[2]; $ispan = ($img_ar > $max_ar); if ($ispan){ $vpw = $data['panw']; $vph = $data['panh']; } else{ $vpw = $data['iw']; $vph = $data['ih']; } if (($mh > $mw) and ($data['vprot'])) // Invert viewport for portrait images list($vpw,$vph) = array($vph,$vpw); if ($ispan) { // Panorama aspect ratio if ($data['phpthumb'] == true) { $topt = 'far=1'; // Force aspect ratio if ($mw > $mh){ // Landscape $tw = floor($data['th'] * 0.6 * $img_ar); $cropw = floor(($tw - $data['tw']) / 2); $topt .= "!fltr=crop|$cropw|$cropw"; $topt .= '!fltr=over|../images/pano_landscape.png'; } else{ // Portrait or square $th = floor($data['tw'] * 0.6 * $img_ar); $croph = floor(($th - $data['th']) / 2); $topt .= "!fltr=crop|0|0|$croph|$croph"; $topt .= '!fltr=over|../images/pano_portrate.png'; } } } else { // Normal image $topt = 'zc=C'; // Crop to given size } // Calculates new image sizes fitting into viewport if (!empty($img['fullsize'])) { // Override image size for fullsize $iw = $mw; $ih = $mh; } else { if (!empty($data['crop'])) { $ratio = $this->_fill_ratio($mw,$mh,$vpw,$vph); $iw = floor($mw * $ratio); $ih = floor($mh * $ratio); if ($iw > $vpw) $iw = $vpw; if ($ih > $vph) $ih = $vph; $iopt = 'zc=C'; // Crop to given size } else { $ratio = $this->_fit_ratio($mw,$mh,$vpw,$vph); $iw = floor($mw * $ratio); $ih = floor($mh * $ratio); $iopt = 'iar=1'; // Simple resize } } // Shows HR overlay if ($iw * $ih > 12000000){ $topt .= '!fltr=over|../images/image_hr.png'; } } $tpar['w'] = $tw; $tpar['h'] = $th; $ipar['w'] = $iw; $ipar['h'] = $ih; if (!empty($data['rss'])) $tpar['media'] = $ID; else { $tpar['media'] = idfilter($ID); $ipar['media'] = $tpar['media']; } if ($data['phpthumb'] == true) { $tpar['opt'] = $topt; $ipar['opt'] = $iopt; } $ipar['tok'] = media_get_token($ID,$iw,$ih); $tpar['tok'] = media_get_token($ID,$tw,$th); $isrc = PHOTOGALLERY_PGFETCH_REL.'?'. buildURLparams($ipar,'&'); $tsrc = PHOTOGALLERY_PGFETCH_REL.'?'. buildURLparams($tpar,'&'); // prepare attributes $ta = array(); $ta['alt'] = $this->_caption($img,$data); $tatt = buildAttributes($ta); // HTML rendering $ret =''; $video = ''; if (!empty($img['isvid'])) { $video .= ''.DOKU_LF; $ret .= '
  • '.DOKU_LF; } else { $ret .= '
  • '.DOKU_LF; } $ret .= ''.DOKU_LF; $ret .= $video; $ret .= '
  • '.DOKU_LF; return $ret; } /** * Return the metadata of an item * * Automatically checks if a JPEGMeta object is available or if all data is * supplied in array */ function _meta($img,$opt){ if (!empty($img['meta'])) { // map JPEGMeta calls to opt names switch($opt){ case 'title': return $img['meta']->getField($this->metaAliases['img_title']); case 'desc': return $img['meta']->getField($this->metaAliases['img_caption']); case 'keywords': return $img['meta']->getField($this->metaAliases['img_keywords']); case 'cdate': return $img['meta']->getField($this->metaAliases['img_date']); case 'width': return $img['meta']->getField($this->metaAliases['img_width']); case 'height': return $img['meta']->getField($this->metaAliases['img_height']); default: return ''; } }else{ // just return an empty field return $img[$opt] ?? ''; } } /** * Use the existing DokuWiki-configuration to find all aliases for a given image meta-information * * This is based on @see tpl_get_img_meta() * * @return array */ protected function getMetaTagAliases() { $config_files = getConfigFiles('mediameta'); foreach ($config_files as $config_file) { if(file_exists($config_file)) { include($config_file); } } /** @var array $fields the included array with metadata */ $tagAliases = array(); foreach($fields as $tag){ $t = array(); if (!empty($tag[0])) { $t = array($tag[0]); } if (isset($tag[3]) && is_array($tag[3])) { $t = array_merge($t,$tag[3]); } $tagAliases[$tag[1]] = $t; } return $tagAliases; } /** * Calculates the multiplier needed to resize the image to the given * dimensions * */ function _fit_ratio($w, $h, $maxw, $maxh){ $ratio = 1; if($w > $maxw){ $ratio = $maxw/$w; if($h * $ratio > $maxh){ $ratio = $maxh/$h; } } elseif($h > $maxh){ $ratio = $maxh/$h; if($w * $ratio > $maxw){ $ratio = $maxw/$w; } } return $ratio; } function _fill_ratio($w, $h, $maxw, $maxh){ $ratio = 1; if($w > $maxw){ $ratio = $maxw/$w; if($h * $ratio < $maxh){ $ratio = $maxh/$h; } } elseif($h > $maxh){ $ratio = $maxh/$h; if($w * $ratio < $maxw){ $ratio = $maxw/$w; } } return $ratio; } /** * Return the caption for the image */ function _caption($img,$data){ $ret = ''; if (!empty($data['showtitle'])) { $title = $this->_meta($img,'title'); if(isset($title)){ $ret .= '


    '; } } if (!empty($data['showdescription'])) { $desc = $this->_meta($img,'desc'); if(!empty($desc)){ $ret .= '


    '; } } if (!empty($data['showkeywords'])) { $keywords = $this->_meta($img,'keywords'); if(!empty($keywords)){ $ret .= '


    '; } } if (!empty($data['showinfo'])) { $ret .= $this->_exif($img); } if (!empty($data['showfname'])) { $ret .= '


    '; } if (!empty($data['showlink'])) { $ret .= '

    ' . '

    '; } return $ret; } /** * Return the EXIF data for the image */ function _exif($img){ // Read EXIF data $jpeg = $img['meta'] ?? null; $ret = ''; if($jpeg){ $make = $jpeg->getField(array('Exif.Make','Exif.TIFFMake')); $model = $jpeg->getField(array('Exif.Model','Exif.TIFFModel')); $model = preg_replace('/^'.$make.' /','',$model); $shutter = $jpeg->getShutterSpeed(); $fnumber = $jpeg->getField(array('Exif.FNumber')); $iso = $jpeg->getField(array('Exif.ISOSpeedRatings')); $date = $jpeg->getDateField('EarliestTimeStr'); $yy = substr($date ,0,4); $mm = substr($date ,5,2); $dd = substr($date ,8,2); $date = $dd.'/'.$mm.'/'.$yy; $ret .= $date; $this->_addString($ret,$make.$model,$make.' '.$model, ' - '); $this->_addString($ret,$shutter,$shutter.'s',', '); $this->_addString($ret,$fnumber,'f/'.$fnumber,', '); $this->_addString($ret,$iso,'ISO '.$iso,', '); $this->_addString($ret,$ret,null,null,'


    '); } return $ret; } /** * Creates a compressed zip file */ function _createzipfile($files,$zipfile,$overwrite = false) { //if the zip file already exists and overwrite is false, return false if(file_exists($zipfile) && !$overwrite) return false; if(count($files)) { //create the archive $zip = new ZipArchive(); if($zip->open($zipfile,$overwrite ? ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE : ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE) !== true) { return false; } //add the files foreach($files as $img) { $file = mediaFN($img['id']); $zip->addFile($file,basename(dirname($file)).'/'.basename($file)); } //close the zip -- done! $zip->close(); //check to make sure the file exists return file_exists($zipfile); } else { return false; } } /** * Check ACLs on Gallery */ protected function _auth_check($data){ global $USERINFO; global $INPUT; global $auth; global $conf; if (!$auth) return false; $user = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER'); if (is_null($user)) return false; $groups = $USERINFO['grps'] ?? []; if (!empty($data['authlist'])) { $authlist = $data['authlist'] . ','. $conf['superuser']; return auth_isMember($authlist, $user, $groups); } return true; } /** * Check ACLs on Zip link */ function _zip_auth_check($data){ global $INPUT; global $USERINFO; global $auth; global $conf; if(!$auth) return false; $user = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER'); if(is_null($user)) return false; $groups = $USERINFO['grps'] ?? []; $authlist = $data['zipauthlist']; if (isset($authlist)){ $authlist .= ','.$conf['superuser']; return auth_isMember($authlist, $user, $groups); } else return true; } /** * Return if a namespace has exists as media folder */ function _media_folder_exists($ns){ global $conf; return is_dir($conf['mediadir'].'/'.utf8_encodeFN(str_replace(':','/',$ns))); } /** * Sets additional comma separated options */ function _setConfOptions(&$data, $optstr){ $opts = explode(',', $optstr); foreach ($opts as $opt) $data[trim($opt)] = true; } /** * Adds a string to $source only if $check is true. */ function _addString(&$source, $check, $value = '', $separator = '', $prefix = '', $suffix = ''){ if($check){ if($source) $source .= $separator; $source .= $value; $source = $prefix.$source.$suffix; } } } // $jpeg = new JpegMeta(mediaFN($img['id'])); // if($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg') { // //try to use the caption from IPTC/EXIF // require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/JpegMeta.php'); // $jpeg = new JpegMeta(mediaFN($src)); // if($jpeg !== false) $cap = $jpeg->getTitle(); // $exif_data = exif_read_data($path,'IFD0',0); // $emake = $exif_data['Make']; // $emodel = $exif_data['Model']; // $emodel = str_replace($emake,"",$emodel); // $eexposuretime = $exif_data['ExposureTime']; // // $efnumber = $exif_data['FNumber']; // $efnumber = $exif_data['COMPUTED']['ApertureFNumber']; // $eiso = $exif_data['ISOSpeedRatings']; // $edate = $exif_data['DateTimeOriginal']; // $yy = substr($edate ,0,4); // $mm = substr($edate ,5,2); // $dd = substr($edate ,8,2); // $h = substr($edate ,11,2); // $m = substr($edate ,14,2); // $s = substr($edate ,17,2); // $date = $dd.'/'.$mm.'/'.$yy; // $time = $h.':'.$m.':'.$s; // return $date." - ".$emake." ".$emodel.", ".$eexposuretime."s, ".$efnumber.", ISO ".$eiso; // $page = $this->_apply_macro($page, $parent_id); // resolve_pageid(getNS($parent_id), $page, $exists); // resolve shortcuts and clean ID // if (auth_quickaclcheck($page) >= AUTH_READ) // $pages[] = $page; // function _showname($img,$data){ // //prepare link // $lnk = ml($img['id'],array('id'=>$ID),false); // // prepare output // $ret .= hsc($img['file']);