// // available at http://phpthumb.sourceforge.net // // and/or https://github.com/JamesHeinrich/phpThumb // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// // // phpThumb.demo.object.php // // James Heinrich // // // // Example of how to use phpthumb.class.php as an object // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Note: phpThumb.php is where the caching code is located, if // you instantiate your own phpThumb() object that code is // bypassed and it's up to you to handle the reading and // writing of cached files, if appropriate. die('For security reasons, this demo is disabled by default. Please comment out line '.__LINE__.' in '.basename(__FILE__)); require_once '../phpthumb.class.php'; // create phpThumb object $phpThumb = new phpThumb(); // create 3 sizes of thumbnail $thumbnail_widths = array(160, 320, 640); $capture_raw_data = false; // set to true to insert to database rather than render to screen or file (see below) foreach ($thumbnail_widths as $thumbnail_width) { // this is very important when using a single object to process multiple images $phpThumb->resetObject(); // set data source -- do this first, any settings must be made AFTER this call $phpThumb->setSourceFilename('images/loco.jpg'); // for static demo only //$phpThumb->setSourceFilename($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']); // or $phpThumb->setSourceData($binary_image_data); // or $phpThumb->setSourceImageResource($gd_image_resource); // PLEASE NOTE: // You must set any relevant config settings here. The phpThumb // object mode does NOT pull any settings from phpThumb.config.php //$phpThumb->setParameter('config_document_root', '/home/groups/p/ph/phpthumb/htdocs/'); //$phpThumb->setParameter('config_cache_directory', '/tmp/persistent/phpthumb/cache/'); // set parameters (see "URL Parameters" in phpthumb.readme.txt) $phpThumb->setParameter('w', $thumbnail_width); //$phpThumb->setParameter('h', 100); //$phpThumb->setParameter('fltr', 'gam|1.2'); //$phpThumb->setParameter('fltr', 'wmi|../watermark.jpg|C|75|20|20'); // set options (see phpThumb.config.php) // here you must preface each option with "config_" $phpThumb->setParameter('config_output_format', 'jpeg'); $phpThumb->setParameter('config_imagemagick_path', '/usr/local/bin/convert'); //$phpThumb->setParameter('config_allow_src_above_docroot', true); // needed if you're working outside DOCUMENT_ROOT, in a temp dir for example // generate & output thumbnail $output_filename = './thumbnails/'.basename($_FILES['userfile']['name']).'_'.$thumbnail_width.'.'.$phpThumb->config_output_format; if ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { // this line is VERY important, do not remove it! $output_size_x = imagesx($phpThumb->gdimg_output); $output_size_y = imagesy($phpThumb->gdimg_output); if ($output_filename || $capture_raw_data) { if ($capture_raw_data && $phpThumb->RenderOutput()) { // RenderOutput renders the thumbnail data to $phpThumb->outputImageData, not to a file or the browser $mysqli->query("INSERT INTO `table` (`thumbnail`) VALUES ('".mysqli_real_escape_string($phpThumb->outputImageData)."') WHERE (`id` = '".mysqli_real_escape_string($id)."')"); } elseif ($phpThumb->RenderToFile($output_filename)) { // do something on success echo 'Successfully rendered:
'; } else { // do something with debug/error messages echo 'Failed (size='.$thumbnail_width.'):
'.implode("\n\n", $phpThumb->debugmessages).'
'; } $phpThumb->purgeTempFiles(); } else { $phpThumb->OutputThumbnail(); } } else { // do something with debug/error messages echo 'Failed (size='.$thumbnail_width.').
'; echo '
'; echo '

'; } }