int('w'); $HEIGHT = $INPUT->int('h'); $CACHE = calc_cache($INPUT->str('cache')); $opt = $INPUT->str('opt'); // phpThumb options $mimetypes = getMimeTypes(); if(!$INPUT->str('src')){ //get input $MEDIA = stripctl(getID('media', false)); // no cleaning except control chars - maybe external $REV = & $INPUT->ref('rev'); //sanitize revision $REV = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $REV); list($EXT, $MIME, $DL) = mimetype($MEDIA, false); if($EXT === false) { $EXT = 'unknown'; $MIME = 'application/octet-stream'; $DL = true; } // check for permissions, preconditions and cache external files list($STATUS, $STATUSMESSAGE) = checkFileStatus($MEDIA, $FILE, $REV, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); // prepare data for plugin events $data = array( 'media' => $MEDIA, 'file' => $FILE, 'orig' => $FILE, 'mime' => $MIME, 'download' => $DL, 'cache' => $CACHE, 'ext' => $EXT, 'width' => $WIDTH, 'height' => $HEIGHT, 'status' => $STATUS, 'statusmessage' => $STATUSMESSAGE, 'ispublic' => media_ispublic($MEDIA), ); // handle the file status $evt = new Doku_Event('FETCH_MEDIA_STATUS', $data); if($evt->advise_before()) { // redirects if($data['status'] > 300 && $data['status'] <= 304) { if (defined('SIMPLE_TEST')) return; //TestResponse doesn't recognize redirects send_redirect($data['statusmessage']); } // send any non 200 status if($data['status'] != 200) { http_status($data['status'], $data['statusmessage']); } // die on errors if($data['status'] > 203) { print $data['statusmessage']; if (defined('SIMPLE_TEST')) return; exit; } } $evt->advise_after(); unset($evt); //handle image resizing/cropping/phpThumbing if((substr($MIME, 0, 5) == 'image') && ($WIDTH || $HEIGHT)) { if ($opt){ $data['file'] = $FILE = media_photogallery_image($data['file'],$EXT,$WIDTH,$HEIGHT,$opt); } else { if($HEIGHT && $WIDTH) { $data['file'] = $FILE = media_crop_image($data['file'], $EXT, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); } else { $data['file'] = $FILE = media_resize_image($data['file'], $EXT, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); } } } // finally send the file to the client $evt = new Doku_Event('MEDIA_SENDFILE', $data); if($evt->advise_before()) { sendFile($data['file'], $data['mime'], $data['download'], $data['cache'], $data['ispublic'], $data['orig']); } // Do something after the download finished. $evt->advise_after(); // will not be emitted on 304 or x-sendfile } else{ $FILE = PHOTOGALLERY_IMAGES_FILE.$INPUT->str('src'); list($EXT, $MIME, $DL) = mimetype($FILE, false); list($STATUS, $STATUSMESSAGE) = checkLocalFileStatus($FILE, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); // // send any non 200 status if($STATUS != 200) { http_status($STATUS, $STATUSMESSAGE); } if ($opt) $FILE = media_photogallery_image($FILE,$EXT,$WIDTH,$HEIGHT,$opt); else $FILE = media_crop_image($FILE, $EXT, $WIDTH, $HEIGHT); sendFile($FILE, $MIME, $DL, $CACHE, false, $FILE); } // END DO main /** * Check local image file for preconditions and return correct status code * * READ: MIME, EXT, CACHE * WRITE: FILE, array( STATUS, STATUSMESSAGE ) * * @author Marco Nolletti * * @param string $file reference to the file variable * @param int $width * @param int $height * @return array as array(STATUS, STATUSMESSAGE) */ function checkLocalFileStatus($file, $width=0, $height=0) { global $MIME, $EXT, $CACHE, $INPUT; //media to local file if(empty($file)) { return array(400, 'Bad request'); } // check token for resized images if (($width || $height) && media_get_token($file, $width, $height) !== $INPUT->str('tok')) { return array(412, 'Precondition Failed'); } //check file existance if(!file_exists($file)) { return array(404, 'Not Found'); } return array(200, null); } function media_photogallery_image($file, $ext, $w, $h, $opt){ //die(); // create phpThumb object $phpThumb = new phpThumb(); // this is very important when using a single object to process multiple images $phpThumb->resetObject(); // set data source -- do this first, any settings must be made AFTER this call $phpThumb->setSourceFilename($file); // $phpThumb->setParameter('config_document_root', '/home/groups/p/ph/phpthumb/htdocs/'); // $phpThumb->setParameter('config_allow_src_above_docroot', true); // needed if you're working outside DOCUMENT_ROOT, in a temp dir for example $phpThumb->setParameter('config_output_format', 'jpg'); $phpThumb->setParameter('config_imagemagick_path', '/usr/local/bin/convert'); $phpThumb->setParameter('config_temp_directory', DOKU_INC.'data/cache/'); $phpThumb->setParameter('config_prefer_imagemagick', true); $phpThumb->setParameter('config_disable_debug',true); $phpThumb->setParameter('config_cache_directory',null); $phpThumb->setParameter('w', $w); $phpThumb->setParameter('h', $h); foreach (explode('!',$opt) as $par) { preg_match('/^(.+)=(.+)$/', $par, $options); $phpThumb->setParameter($options[1], $options[2]); } // generate & output thumbnail $output_filename = getCacheName($file,'.media.'.$w.'x'.$h.'.photogallery.'.$phpThumb->config_output_format); if ($phpThumb->GenerateThumbnail()) { // this line is VERY important, do not remove it! if ($output_filename) { if ($phpThumb->RenderToFile($output_filename)) { // do something on success return $output_filename; //echo 'Successfully rendered:
'; } else { // do something with debug/error messages echo 'Failed (size='.$thumbnail_width.'):
'.implode("\n\n", $phpThumb->debugmessages).'
'; } $phpThumb->purgeTempFiles(); } else { $phpThumb->OutputThumbnail(); } } else { // do something with error messages echo 'Failed (size='.$thumbnail_width.').
'; echo '
'; echo '

'; } }