%s.'; $lang['nsnotexists'] = 'Warning, the folder related to namespace %s does not exist.'; $lang['pgnotexists'] = 'Warning, the page %s does not exist.'; $lang['phpthumbexecerror'] = 'PhotoGallery error: pgImg.php is not executable'; $lang['phpthumbexecpermset'] = 'Successfully set execute permission for pgImg.php'; $lang['phpthumbpermseterror'] = 'Unable to set execute permission for pgImg.php'; $lang['phpthumbdisabled'] = 'Warning, phpThumb cannot be used; please disable it in plugin configuration to suppress error messages'; $lang['zipdisabled'] = 'Cannot create archive because ZIP estension is not loaded'; // menu entry for admin plugins $lang['menu'] = 'PhotoGallery info page';