/* * pgn4web javascript chessboard * copyright (C) 2009-2013 Paolo Casaschi * see README file and http://pgn4web.casaschi.net * for credits, license and more details */ @import url("fonts/pgn4web-font-LiberationSans.css"); @import url("fonts/pgn4web-font-ChessSansUsual.css"); html, body { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; } body { padding: 1.75em; font-family: 'pgn4web Liberation Sans', sans-serif; color: black; background: white; } div, span, table, tr, td { font-family: 'pgn4web Liberation Sans', sans-serif; /* fixes IE9 body css issue */ } .boardTable { border-style: double; border-color: black; border-width: 3px; width: 358px; height: 358px; } .pieceImage { width: 40px; height: 40px; } .whiteSquare, .blackSquare, .highlightWhiteSquare, .highlightBlackSquare { width: 42px; height: 42px; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; } .whiteSquare, .highlightWhiteSquare { border-color: #EFF4EC; background: #EFF4EC; } .blackSquare, .highlightBlackSquare { border-color: #C6CEC3; background: #C6CEC3; } .highlightWhiteSquare, .highlightBlackSquare { border-style: inset; border-color: gray; } .selectControl { /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */ } .optionSelectControl { } .buttonControlPlay, .buttonControlStop, .buttonControl { /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */ } .buttonControlSpace { /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */ } .searchPgnButton { /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */ } .searchPgnExpression { /* a "width" attribute here must use the !important flag to override default settings */ } .move, .variation, .comment { line-height: 1.4em; font-weight: normal; } .move, .variation, .commentMove { font-family: 'pgn4web ChessSansUsual', 'pgn4web Liberation Sans', sans-serif; } a.move, a.variation, .commentMove { white-space: nowrap; } .move, .variation { text-decoration: none; } a.move:hover, a.variation:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .move { color: black; } .comment, .variation, .label { color: gray; } a.variation { color: gray; } .moveOn, .variationOn { background: #DAF4D7; }