*/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'admin.php'); /** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the admin function * need to inherit from this class */ class admin_plugin_permissioninfo extends DokuWiki_Admin_Plugin { /** * If information about which user is in which group is displayed */ var $show_group_info = true; /** * return sort order for position in admin menu */ function getMenuSort() { return 145; } /** * handle user request */ function handle() { global $conf; global $auth; global $INPUT; $this->auth = $auth; // If the auth class can't list users or groups, retrieve user and group information from ACL if($this->auth->canDo('getUsers')) { $getUserFunc = array($this->auth, 'retrieveUsers'); } else { // Can't determine user/group association from ACL $this->show_group_info = false; $getUserFunc = array($this, "_getUsersFromACL"); } if($this->auth->canDo('getGroups')) $getGroupFunc = array($this->auth, 'retrieveGroups'); else $getGroupFunc = array($this, '_getGroupsFromACL'); // Collect user and group names $this->users = call_user_func($getUserFunc); $this->groups = call_user_func($getGroupFunc); ksort($this->groups); // Get permissions for each group and set the data in $this->aclGroupPermissions $this->_aclGroupPermissions(); // Get explicit user permissions from ACL and set the data in $this->aclUserPermissions $this->_aclUserPermissions(); // Associate groups with users and set the data in $this->group2user $this->_group2user(); // If we show permissions for an individual user, collect its permissions if($INPUT->has('show') && $INPUT->has('user')) { $this->_userPermissions($INPUT->str('user')); } } /** * output Overview page with groups or permissionpage for individual user, all * depending on $_REQUEST['show'] */ function html() { global $INPUT; switch($INPUT->str('show','overview')) { case 'userpermissions': $this->_showUserPermissions(); break; case 'overview': default: $this->_groupOverview(); } } /** * Shows an overview for users in groups and permissions assigned to groups */ function _groupOverview() { $id = cleanID($this->getLang('menu')); ptln('


"); echo $this->locale_xhtml('help'); foreach($this->groups as $gname => $g) { // container for group information ptln('
'); // print group header ptln('
', 2); ptln("


", 4); ptln('
', 2); ptln('
', 2); // print acl settings for this group ptln('
', 4); $this->_permissionTable($this->aclGroupPermissions[$gname], "permissions".$gname); // print users in group if(!empty($this->group2user[$gname])) { ptln('
', 4); ptln('
', 4); foreach($this->group2user[$gname] as $u) { $url = wl($ID, array( 'do' => "admin", 'page' => $this->getPluginName(), 'show' => 'userpermissions', 'user' => $u )); $u_enc = auth_nameencode($u); $lnk = 'aclUserPermissions[$u_enc])?'class="special"':"").'>'; ptln($lnk. hsc($this->users[$u]['name']) .'', 6); } ptln('
'); } // close content div ptln('
', 2); //end container ptln('
'); } } /** * Show permissions for individual user, highlight permissions that were * assigned explicitly to this user. */ function _showUserPermissions() { $head = sprintf($this->getLang('pi_permissionfor'), hsc($this->username)); $id = cleanID($head); ptln('


"); echo $this->locale_xhtml('help_userpermissions'); // Link to Overview $url =wl($ID, array( 'do' => "admin", 'page' => $this->getPluginName(), 'show' => 'overview' )); ptln('


"); ptln('
'); $this->_permissionTable($this->userPermissions, 'Userpermissions'); ptln('
'); } /** * Print permissions for a user or group * @param array $acldata namespace/page_name=>permission pairs * @param string $id ID for the div that surrounds the table */ function _permissionTable($acldata) { $displayed_permissions = array( AUTH_READ, AUTH_EDIT, AUTH_CREATE, AUTH_UPLOAD, AUTH_DELETE ); ptln("
"); if(empty($acldata)) { ptln("


'); ptln("
"); return; } ptln(" "); $s = ""; foreach($displayed_permissions as $p) $s .= "",6); $even = false; foreach($acldata as $item => $perm) { $additional_class = empty($this->explicitUserPermissions[$item]) ? "" : " explicitUserPermission"; ptln('', 6); if(preg_match('/\*\s*$/', $item)) ptln('', 9); else ptln('',9); foreach($displayed_permissions as $p) { if($p & $perm) ptln('', 9); else ptln('', 9); } $even = !$even; } ptln("
".$this->getLang('pi_resource')."".$this->getLang('acl_perm'.$p).""; ptln($s."
"); ptln(" "); } /** * This just gets a very rudimentary user and not very useful user list - * only users who have special permissions in the ACL are listed. * @return array This array is structured similar to the array returned by an auth class. */ function _getUsersFromACL() { global $AUTH_ACL; $users = array(); foreach($AUTH_ACL as $a) { // Don't parse comments if(preg_match('/^#/', $a)) continue; if(preg_match('/^[^\s]+\s([^@\s]+)/', $a, $matches)) { $usr_arr = array('name' => $matches[1], 'grps' => array()); $users[$matches[1]] = $usr_arr; } } return $users; } /** * This function retrieves group names from the acl file. * Since none of the existing auth classes supports groups, I don't know * what output to expect from them. I assume a two-dimensional hash similar * to that from Auth->retrieveUsers. * @return array */ function _getGroupsFromACL() { global $AUTH_ACL; $groups = array(); foreach($AUTH_ACL as $a) { // Don't parse comments if(preg_match('/^#/', $a)) continue; if(preg_match('/^[^\s]+\s@([^\s]+)/', $a, $matches)) { $grp_arr = array('name' => $matches[1]); $groups[urldecode($matches[1])] = $grp_arr; } } return $groups; } /** * sets $this->aclGroupPermissions in the form of a[groupname][namespace/page_name]=permission */ function _aclGroupPermissions() { $AUTH_ACL = $this->_auth_loadACL(); //without %USER% replacement $gp = array(); foreach($AUTH_ACL as $a) { // Don't parse comments if(preg_match('/^#/', $a)) continue; if(preg_match('/^([^\s]+)\s@([^\s]+)\s(\d+)/', $a, $matches)) { $gp[$matches[2]][$matches[1]] = $matches[3]; } } $this->aclGroupPermissions = array(); foreach($gp as $grpname => $permissions) { ksort($permissions); $this->aclGroupPermissions[urldecode($grpname)] = $permissions; } } /** * sets $this->aclUserPermissions in the form of a[username][namespace/page_name]=permission */ function _aclUserPermissions() { global $AUTH_ACL; $up = array(); foreach($AUTH_ACL as $a) { // Don't parse comments if(preg_match('/^#/', $a)) continue; if(preg_match('/^([^\s]+)\s([^@\s]+)\s(\d+)/', $a, $matches)) { $up[$matches[2]][$matches[1]] = $matches[3]; } } $this->aclUserPermissions = array(); foreach($up as $usrname => $permissions) { ksort($permissions); $this->aclUserPermissions[$usrname] = $permissions; } } /** * Build an Array in $this->group2user that associates user names with users * The users are sorted by last name */ function _group2user() { $g2u = array(); foreach(array_keys($this->groups) as $g) $g2u[$g] = array(); foreach($this->users as $username => $properties) { foreach($properties['grps'] as $grpname) $g2u[$grpname][$username] = array_pop(explode(' ', $properties['name'])); // Store last name of user here for Sorting } $this->group2user = array(); foreach($g2u as $grpname => $users) { // Sort users in each group by last name asort($users); $this->group2user[$grpname] = array_keys($users); } } /** * Collects permission data for an individual user from the ACL. It * collects permission data from the groups of the user and from the * explicitly assigned permissions for the user. * The data is stored in the form of two arrays: * $this->userPermissions Namespace/Page => Permission pairs * $this->explicitUserPermissions Namespace/Page => Permission pairs */ function _userPermissions($username) { // Build regular expression for the username an its groups $userdata = $this->auth->getUserData($username); $this->username = $userdata['name']; $search_string = preg_quote(auth_nameencode($username), '/'); foreach($userdata['grps'] as $g) $search_string .= '|@'.preg_quote(auth_nameencode($g), '/'); $perm_regex = '/^([^\s]+)\s('.$search_string.')\s(\d+)/'; // Search through permissions $AUTH_ACL = $this->_auth_loadACL(); //without user replacement $up = array(); // $for_user holds permissions that are assigned explicitly to the user $for_user = array(); foreach($AUTH_ACL as $a) { // Don't parse comments if(preg_match('/^#/', $a)) continue; if(preg_match($perm_regex, $a, $matches)) { $ns = str_replace('%USER%',auth_nameencode($username),$matches[1]); //replace %USER% with username $up[$ns] = (empty($up[$matches[1]])?0:$up[$matches[1]]) | $matches[3]; if(substr($matches[2], 0, 1) != "@") $for_user[$ns] = $matches[3]; } } ksort($up); ksort($for_user); $this->userPermissions = $up; $this->explicitUserPermissions = $for_user; } /** * Loads the ACL setup * * copyed from inc/auth -> auth_loadACL() * - removed substitute of user wildcard */ function _auth_loadACL() { global $config_cascade; global $USERINFO; if(!is_readable($config_cascade['acl']['default'])) return array(); $acl = file($config_cascade['acl']['default']); $out = array(); foreach($acl as $line) { $line = trim($line); if(empty($line) || ($line{0} == '#')) continue; // skip blank lines & comments list($id,$rest) = preg_split('/[ \t]+/',$line,2); // substitute group wildcard (its 1:m) if(strstr($line, '%GROUP%')){ // if user is not logged in, grps is empty, no output will be added (i.e. skipped) foreach((array) $USERINFO['grps'] as $grp){ $nid = str_replace('%GROUP%',cleanID($grp),$id); $nrest = str_replace('%GROUP%','@'.auth_nameencode($grp),$rest); $out[] = "$nid\t$nrest"; } } else { $out[] = "$id\t$rest"; } } return $out; } }