var titlebartext = "PasswordGenerator"; var removeSelection = JSINFO.plugin_passwordgenerator_removeSelection, generator1Length = JSINFO.plugin_passwordgenerator_generator1Length, selectioncache = ""; if (removeSelection === 1) { titlebartext = "Passwordgenerator (remove selection enabled): Generate a new password. If any text is selected a validation will be made and if necessary a new password will be generated."; } else { titlebartext = "Passwordgenerator (remove selection disabled): Generate a new password. If any text is selected a validation will be made and if necessary a new password will be generated. When you click again and the selection still has the same value (generated or validated) you will get a new password."; } function addBtnActionPasswordgenerator($btn, props, edid) { // base code for passwordgenerator was from function generatePassword(type, plen){ // content of spl again in regex some lines below! var lwrAlph = JSINFO.plugin_passwordgenerator_charset1, uprAlph = JSINFO.plugin_passwordgenerator_charset2, nums = JSINFO.plugin_passwordgenerator_charset3, spl = JSINFO.plugin_passwordgenerator_charset4, passwd = [], maxLen = 2048, defLen = 10, minLen = 1; /*Parameter Manipulations */ type = type || "all"; type = isNaN(type)?type.toLowerCase():"all"; plen = plen || defLen; plen = (plen < 0?defLen:(plen <= maxLen? (plen < minLen?defLen:plen): maxLen)); /*Choosing the password source characters*/ src = type === "alpha"? [lwrAlph, uprAlph]:type === "alphanum"?[lwrAlph, uprAlph, nums]:[lwrAlph, uprAlph, nums, spl]; /*Password construction*/ for (var i = 0; i < plen; i++) { var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * src.length), charBuild = src[rnd].split(""); /*force only one special char*/ if (rnd === 3) {src = [lwrAlph, uprAlph, nums]}; rnd = Math.floor(Math.random() * charBuild.length); passwd.push(charBuild[rnd]); } return passwd.join(""); } $ { // your click handler var opts; var selection = DWgetSelection(jQuery('#'+edid)[0]); // is something selected? sample = selection.getText(); if (removeSelection===1) { opts = {nosel: true}; } else { opts = {nosel: false}; if (sample === selectioncache) {sample = "";} }; // Generate password with atleast one of this chars and replace selection only not matching this expression while ([!@#$%*()_=+,.:]/) < 0) { sample = generatePassword('all',generator1Length); } pasteText(selection,sample,opts); selectioncache = sample; return false; }); return 'click'; } // add a new toolbar button, but first check if there is a toolbar if (typeof window.toolbar !== 'undefined') { window.toolbar[window.toolbar.length] = { type: "passwordgenerator", title: titlebartext, key: "g", icon: "../../plugins/passwordgenerator/toolbaricon_password.png" }; }