/** * PanoView Plugin Script * * This is a modified version of * Panoramic JavaScript Image Viewer (PanoJS) 1.0.2 * * * Orginal Description and copyright notices follow: * * Generates a draggable and zoomable viewer for images that would * be otherwise too large for a browser window. Examples would include * maps or high resolution document scans. * * Images must be precut into tiles, such as by the accompanying tilemaker.py * python library. * *
* + * - *
* * The "well" node is where generated IMG elements are appended. It * should have the CSS rule "overflow: hidden", to occlude image tiles * that have scrolled out of view. * * The "surface" node is the transparent mouse-responsive layer of the * image viewer, and should match the well in size. * * var viewerBean = new PanoJS(element, 'tiles', 256, 3, 1); * * To disable the image toolbar in IE, be sure to add the following: * * * Copyright (c) 2005 Michal Migurski * Dan Allen * * Redistribution and use in source form, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @author Michal Migurski * @author Dan Allen * * NOTE: if artifacts are appearing, then positions include half-pixels * TODO: additional jsdoc and package jsmin * TODO: Tile could be an object */ function PanoJS(viewer, options) { // listeners that are notified on a move (pan) event this.viewerMovedListeners = []; // listeners that are notified on a zoom event this.viewerZoomedListeners = []; if (typeof viewer == 'string') { this.viewer = document.getElementById(viewer); } else { this.viewer = viewer; } if (typeof options == 'undefined') { options = {}; } this.tileUrlProvider = new PanoJS.TileUrlProvider(options.tileBaseUri, options.image); this.tileSize = (options.tileSize ? options.tileSize : PanoJS.TILE_SIZE); // assign and do some validation on the zoom levels to ensure sanity this.zoomLevel = (typeof options.initialZoom == 'undefined' ? -1 : parseInt(options.initialZoom)); this.maxZoomLevel = (typeof options.maxZoom == 'undefined' ? 0 : Math.abs(parseInt(options.maxZoom))); if (this.zoomLevel > this.maxZoomLevel) { this.zoomLevel = this.maxZoomLevel; } this.imgsize = { 'x': 0, 'y': 0 }; this.imgsize.x = (typeof options.imageWidth == 'undefined' ? -1 : parseInt(options.imageWidth)); this.imgsize.y = (typeof options.imageHeight == 'undefined' ? -1 : parseInt(options.imageHeight)); this.scaleSize = { 'x': 0, 'y': 0 }; this.initialized = false; this.surface = null; this.well = null; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.top = 0; this.left = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.border = -1; this.mark = { 'x': 0, 'y': 0 }; this.pressed = false; this.tiles = []; this.cache = {}; var blankTile = options.blankTile ? options.blankTile : PanoJS.BLANK_TILE_IMAGE; var loadingTile = options.loadingTile ? options.loadingTile : PanoJS.LOADING_TILE_IMAGE; this.cache['blank'] = new Image(); this.cache['blank'].src = blankTile; if (blankTile != loadingTile) { this.cache['loading'] = new Image(); this.cache['loading'].src = loadingTile; } else { this.cache['loading'] = this.cache['blank']; } // employed to throttle the number of redraws that // happen while the mouse is moving this.moveCount = 0; this.slideMonitor = 0; this.slideAcceleration = 0; // add to viewer registry PanoJS.VIEWERS[PanoJS.VIEWERS.length] = this; } // project specific variables PanoJS.PROJECT_NAME = 'PanoJS'; PanoJS.PROJECT_VERSION = '1.0.0'; PanoJS.REVISION_FLAG = ''; // CSS definition settings PanoJS.SURFACE_STYLE_CLASS = 'surface'; PanoJS.WELL_STYLE_CLASS = 'well'; PanoJS.CONTROLS_STYLE_CLASS = 'controls'; PanoJS.TILE_STYLE_CLASS = 'tile'; // language settings PanoJS.MSG_BEYOND_MIN_ZOOM = 'Cannot zoom out past the current level.'; PanoJS.MSG_BEYOND_MAX_ZOOM = 'Cannot zoom in beyond the current level.'; // defaults if not provided as constructor options PanoJS.TILE_BASE_URI = 'tiles'; PanoJS.TILE_PREFIX = 'tile-'; PanoJS.TILE_EXTENSION = 'jpg'; PanoJS.TILE_SIZE = 256; PanoJS.BLANK_TILE_IMAGE = 'blank.gif'; PanoJS.LOADING_TILE_IMAGE = 'blank.gif'; PanoJS.INITIAL_PAN = { 'x': .5, 'y': .5 }; PanoJS.USE_LOADER_IMAGE = true; PanoJS.USE_SLIDE = true; PanoJS.USE_KEYBOARD = true; // performance tuning variables PanoJS.MOVE_THROTTLE = 3; PanoJS.SLIDE_DELAY = 40; PanoJS.SLIDE_ACCELERATION_FACTOR = 5; // the following are calculated settings PanoJS.DOM_ONLOAD = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('KHTML') >= 0 ? false : true); PanoJS.GRAB_MOUSE_CURSOR = (navigator.userAgent.search(/KHTML|Opera/i) >= 0 ? 'pointer' : (document.attachEvent ? 'url(grab.cur)' : '-moz-grab')); PanoJS.GRABBING_MOUSE_CURSOR = (navigator.userAgent.search(/KHTML|Opera/i) >= 0 ? 'move' : (document.attachEvent ? 'url(grabbing.cur)' : '-moz-grabbing')); // registry of all known viewers PanoJS.VIEWERS = []; // utility functions PanoJS.isInstance = function (object, clazz) { // FIXME: can this just be replaced with instanceof operator? It has been reported that __proto__ is specific to Netscape while (object != null) { if (object == clazz.prototype) { return true; } object = object.__proto__; } return false; }; PanoJS.prototype = { /** * Resize the viewer to fit snug inside the browser window (or frame), * spacing it from the edges by the specified border. * * This method should be called prior to init() * FIXME: option to hide viewer to prevent scrollbar interference */ fitToWindow: function (border) { if (typeof border != 'number' || border < 0) { border = 0; } this.border = border; var calcWidth = 0; var calcHeight = 0; if (window.innerWidth) { calcWidth = window.innerWidth; calcHeight = window.innerHeight; } else { calcWidth = (document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat' ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth); calcHeight = (document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat' ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.clientHeight); } calcWidth = Math.max(calcWidth - 2 * border, 0); calcHeight = Math.max(calcHeight - 2 * border, 0); if (calcWidth % 2) { calcWidth--; } if (calcHeight % 2) { calcHeight--; } this.width = calcWidth; this.height = calcHeight; this.viewer.style.width = this.width + 'px'; this.viewer.style.height = this.height + 'px'; this.viewer.style.top = border + 'px'; this.viewer.style.left = border + 'px'; }, init: function () { if (document.attachEvent) { document.body.ondragstart = function () { return false; } } if (this.width == 0 && this.height == 0) { this.width = this.viewer.offsetWidth; this.height = this.viewer.offsetHeight; } this.calcScale(); var fullSize = this.tileSize; // explicit set of zoom level if (this.zoomLevel >= 0 && this.zoomLevel <= this.maxZoomLevel) { fullSize = this.tileSize * Math.pow(2, this.zoomLevel); } // calculate the zoom level based on what fits best in window else { this.zoomLevel = -1; fullSize = this.tileSize / 2; do { this.zoomLevel += 1; fullSize *= 2; } while (fullSize < Math.max(this.width, this.height)); // take into account picture smaller than window size if (this.zoomLevel > this.maxZoomLevel) { var diff = this.zoomLevel - this.maxZoomLevel; this.zoomLevel = this.maxZoomLevel; fullSize /= Math.pow(2, diff); } } //fixme fullsize from above not used anymore? // calculate the center this.x = Math.floor(this.scaleSize.x * 0.5 - this.width * 0.5) * -1; this.y = Math.floor(this.scaleSize.y * 0.5 - this.height * 0.5) * -1; // offset of viewer in the window for (var node = this.viewer; node; node = node.offsetParent) { this.top += node.offsetTop; this.left += node.offsetLeft; } for (var child = this.viewer.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { if (child.className == PanoJS.SURFACE_STYLE_CLASS) { this.surface = child; child.backingBean = this; // empty surface child.innerHTML = ''; } else if (child.className == PanoJS.WELL_STYLE_CLASS) { this.well = child; child.backingBean = this; } else if (child.className == PanoJS.CONTROLS_STYLE_CLASS) { child.style.display = ''; for (var control = child.firstChild; control; control = control.nextSibling) { if (control.className) { control.onclick = PanoJS[control.className + 'Handler']; } } } } this.viewer.backingBean = this; this.surface.style.cursor = PanoJS.GRAB_MOUSE_CURSOR; this.prepareTiles(); this.initialized = true; }, calcScale: function () { var inv = Math.max(this.imgsize.x, this.imgsize.y) / (this.tileSize * Math.pow(2, this.zoomLevel)); this.scaleSize.x = this.imgsize.x / inv; this.scaleSize.y = this.imgsize.y / inv; }, prepareTiles: function () { var rows = Math.ceil(this.height / this.tileSize) + 1; var cols = Math.ceil(this.width / this.tileSize) + 1; for (var c = 0; c < cols; c++) { var tileCol = []; for (var r = 0; r < rows; r++) { /** * element is the DOM element associated with this tile * posx/posy are the pixel offsets of the tile * xIndex/yIndex are the index numbers of the tile segment * qx/qy represents the quadrant location of the tile */ var tile = { 'element': null, 'posx': 0, 'posy': 0, 'xIndex': c, 'yIndex': r, 'qx': c, 'qy': r }; tileCol.push(tile); } this.tiles.push(tileCol); } this.surface.onmousedown = PanoJS.mousePressedHandler; this.surface.onmouseup = this.surface.onmouseout = PanoJS.mouseReleasedHandler; this.surface.ondblclick = PanoJS.doubleClickHandler; if (PanoJS.USE_KEYBOARD) { window.onkeypress = PanoJS.keyboardMoveHandler; window.onkeydown = PanoJS.keyboardZoomHandler; } this.positionTiles(); }, /** * Position the tiles based on the x, y coordinates of the * viewer, taking into account the motion offsets, which * are calculated by a motion event handler. */ positionTiles: function (motion, reset) { // default to no motion, just setup tiles if (typeof motion == 'undefined') { motion = { 'x': 0, 'y': 0 }; } for (var c = 0; c < this.tiles.length; c++) { for (var r = 0; r < this.tiles[c].length; r++) { var tile = this.tiles[c][r]; tile.posx = (tile.xIndex * this.tileSize) + this.x + motion.x; tile.posy = (tile.yIndex * this.tileSize) + this.y + motion.y; var visible = true; if (tile.posx > this.width) { // tile moved out of view to the right // consider the tile coming into view from the left do { tile.xIndex -= this.tiles.length; tile.posx = (tile.xIndex * this.tileSize) + this.x + motion.x; } while (tile.posx > this.width); if (tile.posx + this.tileSize < 0) { visible = false; } } else { // tile may have moved out of view from the left // if so, consider the tile coming into view from the right while (tile.posx < -this.tileSize) { tile.xIndex += this.tiles.length; tile.posx = (tile.xIndex * this.tileSize) + this.x + motion.x; } if (tile.posx > this.width) { visible = false; } } if (tile.posy > this.height) { // tile moved out of view to the bottom // consider the tile coming into view from the top do { tile.yIndex -= this.tiles[c].length; tile.posy = (tile.yIndex * this.tileSize) + this.y + motion.y; } while (tile.posy > this.height); if (tile.posy + this.tileSize < 0) { visible = false; } } else { // tile may have moved out of view to the top // if so, consider the tile coming into view from the bottom while (tile.posy < -this.tileSize) { tile.yIndex += this.tiles[c].length; tile.posy = (tile.yIndex * this.tileSize) + this.y + motion.y; } if (tile.posy > this.height) { visible = false; } } // initialize the image object for this quadrant if (!this.initialized) { this.assignTileImage(tile, true); tile.element.style.top = tile.posy + 'px'; tile.element.style.left = tile.posx + 'px'; } // display the image if visible if (visible) { this.assignTileImage(tile); } // seems to need this no matter what tile.element.style.top = tile.posy + 'px'; tile.element.style.left = tile.posx + 'px'; } } // reset the x, y coordinates of the viewer according to motion if (reset) { this.x += motion.x; this.y += motion.y; } }, /** * Determine the source image of the specified tile based * on the zoom level and position of the tile. If forceBlankImage * is specified, the source should be automatically set to the * null tile image. This method will also setup an onload * routine, delaying the appearance of the tile until it is fully * loaded, if configured to do so. */ assignTileImage: function (tile, forceBlankImage) { var tileImgId, src; var useBlankImage = (forceBlankImage ? true : false); // check if image has been scrolled too far in any particular direction // and if so, use the null tile image if (!useBlankImage) { var left = tile.xIndex < 0; var high = tile.yIndex < 0; var right = tile.xIndex >= Math.ceil(this.scaleSize.x / this.tileSize); var low = tile.yIndex >= Math.ceil(this.scaleSize.y / this.tileSize); if (high || left || low || right) { useBlankImage = true; } } if (useBlankImage) { tileImgId = 'blank:' + tile.qx + ':' + tile.qy; src = this.cache['blank'].src; } else { tileImgId = src = this.tileUrlProvider.assembleUrl(tile.xIndex, tile.yIndex, this.zoomLevel); } // only remove tile if identity is changing if (tile.element != null && tile.element.parentNode != null && tile.element.relativeSrc != src) { this.well.removeChild(tile.element); } var tileImg = this.cache[tileImgId]; // create cache if not exist if (tileImg == null) { tileImg = this.cache[tileImgId] = this.createPrototype(src); } if (useBlankImage || !PanoJS.USE_LOADER_IMAGE || tileImg.complete || (tileImg.image && tileImg.image.complete)) { tileImg.onload = function () { }; if (tileImg.image) { tileImg.image.onload = function () { }; } if (tileImg.parentNode == null) { tile.element = this.well.appendChild(tileImg); } } else { var loadingImgId = 'loading:' + tile.qx + ':' + tile.qy; var loadingImg = this.cache[loadingImgId]; if (loadingImg == null) { loadingImg = this.cache[loadingImgId] = this.createPrototype(this.cache['loading'].src); } loadingImg.targetSrc = tileImgId; var well = this.well; tile.element = well.appendChild(loadingImg); tileImg.onload = function () { // make sure our destination is still present if (loadingImg.parentNode && loadingImg.targetSrc == tileImgId) { tileImg.style.top = loadingImg.style.top; tileImg.style.left = loadingImg.style.left; well.replaceChild(tileImg, loadingImg); tile.element = tileImg; } tileImg.onload = function () { }; return false; }; // konqueror only recognizes the onload event on an Image // javascript object, so we must handle that case here if (!PanoJS.DOM_ONLOAD) { tileImg.image = new Image(); tileImg.image.onload = tileImg.onload; tileImg.image.src = tileImg.src; } } }, createPrototype: function (src) { var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = src; img.relativeSrc = src; img.className = PanoJS.TILE_STYLE_CLASS; img.style.width = this.tileSize + 'px'; img.style.height = this.tileSize + 'px'; return img; }, addViewerMovedListener: function (listener) { this.viewerMovedListeners.push(listener); }, addViewerZoomedListener: function (listener) { this.viewerZoomedListeners.push(listener); }, /** * Notify listeners of a zoom event on the viewer. */ notifyViewerZoomed: function () { var percentage = (100 / (this.maxZoomLevel + 1)) * (this.zoomLevel + 1); for (var i = 0; i < this.viewerZoomedListeners.length; i++) { this.viewerZoomedListeners[i].viewerZoomed( new PanoJS.ZoomEvent(this.x, this.y, this.zoomLevel, percentage) ); } }, /** * Notify listeners of a move event on the viewer. */ notifyViewerMoved: function (coords) { if (typeof coords == 'undefined') { coords = { 'x': 0, 'y': 0 }; } for (var i = 0; i < this.viewerMovedListeners.length; i++) { this.viewerMovedListeners[i].viewerMoved( new PanoJS.MoveEvent( this.x + (coords.x - this.mark.x), this.y + (coords.y - this.mark.y) ) ); } }, zoom: function (direction) { // ensure we are not zooming out of range if (this.zoomLevel + direction < 0) { if (PanoJS.MSG_BEYOND_MIN_ZOOM) { alert(PanoJS.MSG_BEYOND_MIN_ZOOM); } return; } else if (this.zoomLevel + direction > this.maxZoomLevel) { if (PanoJS.MSG_BEYOND_MAX_ZOOM) { alert(PanoJS.MSG_BEYOND_MAX_ZOOM); } return; } this.blank(); var coords = { 'x': Math.floor(this.width / 2), 'y': Math.floor(this.height / 2) }; var before = { 'x': (coords.x - this.x), 'y': (coords.y - this.y) }; var after = { 'x': Math.floor(before.x * Math.pow(2, direction)), 'y': Math.floor(before.y * Math.pow(2, direction)) }; this.x = coords.x - after.x; this.y = coords.y - after.y; this.zoomLevel += direction; this.calcScale(); this.positionTiles(); this.notifyViewerZoomed(); }, /** * Clear all the tiles from the well for a complete reinitialization of the * viewer. At this point the viewer is not considered to be initialized. */ clear: function () { this.blank(); this.initialized = false; this.tiles = []; }, /** * Remove all tiles from the well, which effectively "hides" * them for a repaint. */ blank: function () { for (imgId in this.cache) { var img = this.cache[imgId]; img.onload = function () { }; if (img.image) { img.image.onload = function () { }; } if (img.parentNode != null) { this.well.removeChild(img); } } }, /** * Method specifically for handling a mouse move event. A direct * movement of the viewer can be achieved by calling positionTiles() directly. */ moveViewer: function (coords) { this.positionTiles({ 'x': (coords.x - this.mark.x), 'y': (coords.y - this.mark.y) }); this.notifyViewerMoved(coords); }, /** * Make the specified coords the new center of the image placement. * This method is typically triggered as the result of a double-click * event. The calculation considers the distance between the center * of the viewable area and the specified (viewer-relative) coordinates. * If absolute is specified, treat the point as relative to the entire * image, rather than only the viewable portion. */ recenter: function (coords, absolute) { if (absolute) { coords.x += this.x; coords.y += this.y; } var motion = { 'x': Math.floor((this.width / 2) - coords.x), 'y': Math.floor((this.height / 2) - coords.y) }; if (motion.x == 0 && motion.y == 0) { return; } if (PanoJS.USE_SLIDE) { var target = motion; var x, y; // handle special case of vertical movement if (target.x == 0) { x = 0; y = this.slideAcceleration; } else { var slope = Math.abs(target.y / target.x); x = Math.round(Math.pow(Math.pow(this.slideAcceleration, 2) / (1 + Math.pow(slope, 2)), .5)); y = Math.round(slope * x); } motion = { 'x': Math.min(x, Math.abs(target.x)) * (target.x < 0 ? -1 : 1), 'y': Math.min(y, Math.abs(target.y)) * (target.y < 0 ? -1 : 1) }; } this.positionTiles(motion, true); this.notifyViewerMoved(); if (!PanoJS.USE_SLIDE) { return; } var newcoords = { 'x': coords.x + motion.x, 'y': coords.y + motion.y }; var self = this; // TODO: use an exponential growth rather than linear (should also depend on how far we are going) // FIXME: this could be optimized by calling positionTiles directly perhaps this.slideAcceleration += PanoJS.SLIDE_ACCELERATION_FACTOR; this.slideMonitor = setTimeout(function () { self.recenter(newcoords); }, PanoJS.SLIDE_DELAY); }, resize: function () { // IE fires a premature resize event if (!this.initialized) { return; } var newWidth = this.viewer.offsetWidth; var newHeight = this.viewer.offsetHeight; this.viewer.style.display = 'none'; this.clear(); var before = { 'x': Math.floor(this.width / 2), 'y': Math.floor(this.height / 2) }; if (this.border >= 0) { this.fitToWindow(this.border); } else { this.width = newWidth; this.height = newHeight; } this.prepareTiles(); var after = { 'x': Math.floor(this.width / 2), 'y': Math.floor(this.height / 2) }; if (this.border >= 0) { this.x += (after.x - before.x); this.y += (after.y - before.y); } this.positionTiles(); this.viewer.style.display = ''; this.initialized = true; this.notifyViewerMoved(); }, /** * Resolve the coordinates from this mouse event by subtracting the * offset of the viewer in the browser window (or frame). This does * take into account the scroll offset of the page. */ resolveCoordinates: function (e) { return { 'x': (e.pageX || (e.clientX + (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft))) - this.left, 'y': (e.pageY || (e.clientY + (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop))) - this.top }; }, press: function (coords) { this.activate(true); this.mark = coords; }, release: function (coords) { this.activate(false); var motion = { 'x': (coords.x - this.mark.x), 'y': (coords.y - this.mark.y) }; this.x += motion.x; this.y += motion.y; this.mark = { 'x': 0, 'y': 0 }; }, /** * Activate the viewer into motion depending on whether the mouse is pressed or * not pressed. This method localizes the changes that must be made to the * layers. */ activate: function (pressed) { this.pressed = pressed; this.surface.style.cursor = (pressed ? PanoJS.GRABBING_MOUSE_CURSOR : PanoJS.GRAB_MOUSE_CURSOR); this.surface.onmousemove = (pressed ? PanoJS.mouseMovedHandler : function () { }); }, /** * Check whether the specified point exceeds the boundaries of * the viewer's primary image. */ pointExceedsBoundaries: function (coords) { return (coords.x < this.x || coords.y < this.y || coords.x > (this.tileSize * Math.pow(2, this.zoomLevel) + this.x) || coords.y > (this.tileSize * Math.pow(2, this.zoomLevel) + this.y)); }, // QUESTION: where is the best place for this method to be invoked? resetSlideMotion: function () { // QUESTION: should this be > 0 ? if (this.slideMonitor != 0) { clearTimeout(this.slideMonitor); this.slideMonitor = 0; } this.slideAcceleration = 0; } }; PanoJS.TileUrlProvider = function (baseUri, image) { this.baseUri = baseUri; this.image = image; }; PanoJS.TileUrlProvider.prototype = { assembleUrl: function (xIndex, yIndex, zoom) { return this.baseUri + '?tile=' + zoom + '-' + xIndex + '-' + yIndex + '&image=' + encodeURIComponent(this.image); } }; PanoJS.mousePressedHandler = function (e) { e = e ? e : window.event; // only grab on left-click if (e.button < 2) { var self = this.backingBean; var coords = self.resolveCoordinates(e); if (self.pointExceedsBoundaries(coords)) { e.cancelBubble = true; } else { self.press(coords); } } // NOTE: MANDATORY! must return false so event does not propagate to well! return false; }; PanoJS.mouseReleasedHandler = function (e) { e = e ? e : window.event; var self = this.backingBean; if (self.pressed) { // OPTION: could decide to move viewer only on release, right here self.release(self.resolveCoordinates(e)); } }; PanoJS.mouseMovedHandler = function (e) { e = e ? e : window.event; var self = this.backingBean; self.moveCount++; if (self.moveCount % PanoJS.MOVE_THROTTLE == 0) { self.moveViewer(self.resolveCoordinates(e)); } }; PanoJS.zoomInHandler = function (e) { e = e ? e : window.event; var self = this.parentNode.parentNode.backingBean; self.zoom(1); return false; }; PanoJS.zoomOutHandler = function (e) { e = e ? e : window.event; var self = this.parentNode.parentNode.backingBean; self.zoom(-1); return false; }; PanoJS.maximizeHandler = function (e) { var self = this.parentNode.parentNode.backingBean; var $viewer = jQuery(self.viewer); if (self.is_maximized) { // restore original style $viewer.css(self.originalCSS); self.resize(); self.is_maximized = false; } else { // remember original style self.originalCSS = {}; self.originalCSS.position = $viewer.css('position'); self.originalCSS.top = $viewer.css('top'); self.originalCSS.left = $viewer.css('left'); self.originalCSS.width = $viewer.css('width'); self.originalCSS.height = $viewer.css('height'); // set new style $viewer.css({ position: 'fixed', top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', 'z-index': 999 }); self.resize(); self.is_maximized = true; } }; PanoJS.doubleClickHandler = function (e) { e = e ? e : window.event; var self = this.backingBean; coords = self.resolveCoordinates(e); if (!self.pointExceedsBoundaries(coords)) { self.resetSlideMotion(); self.recenter(coords); } }; PanoJS.keyboardMoveHandler = function (e) { e = e ? e : window.event; for (var i = 0; i < PanoJS.VIEWERS.length; i++) { var viewer = PanoJS.VIEWERS[i]; if (e.keyCode == 38) viewer.positionTiles({'x': 0, 'y': -PanoJS.MOVE_THROTTLE}, true); if (e.keyCode == 39) viewer.positionTiles({'x': -PanoJS.MOVE_THROTTLE, 'y': 0}, true); if (e.keyCode == 40) viewer.positionTiles({'x': 0, 'y': PanoJS.MOVE_THROTTLE}, true); if (e.keyCode == 37) viewer.positionTiles({'x': PanoJS.MOVE_THROTTLE, 'y': 0}, true); } }; PanoJS.keyboardZoomHandler = function (e) { e = e ? e : window.event; for (var i = 0; i < PanoJS.VIEWERS.length; i++) { var viewer = PanoJS.VIEWERS[i]; if (e.keyCode == 109) viewer.zoom(-1); if (e.keyCode == 107) viewer.zoom(1); } }; PanoJS.MoveEvent = function (x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; PanoJS.ZoomEvent = function (x, y, level, percentage) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.percentage = percentage; this.level = level; }; jQuery(function () { var $panos = jQuery('div.panoview_plugin'); for (var i = 0; i < $panos.length; i++) { var pano = $panos[i]; var opts = jQuery('div.options', pano)[0]; var conf; eval('conf =' + opts.innerHTML); //JSON var viewerBean = new PanoJS(pano, conf); viewerBean.init(); } });