*/ // settings must be present and set appropriately for the language $lang['encoding'] = 'utf-8'; $lang['direction'] = 'ltr'; // for admin plugins, the menu prompt to be displayed in the admin menu // if set here, the plugin doesn't need to override the getMenuText() method $lang['menu'] = 'Page/Namespace Move/Rename...'; $lang['desc'] = 'Page/Namespace Move/Rename Plugin'; $lang['pm_notexist'] = 'This topic does not exist yet'; $lang['pm_notstart'] = 'The Start page cannot be moved or renamed'; $lang['pm_notwrite'] = 'You do not have sufficient rights to modify this page'; $lang['pm_badns'] = 'Invalid characters in namespace.'; $lang['pm_badname'] = 'Invalid characters in pagename.'; $lang['pm_nochange'] = 'Document name and namespace are unchanged.'; $lang['pm_existing'] = 'A document called %s already exists in %s'; $lang['pm_root'] = '[Root namespace]'; $lang['pm_current'] = '(Current)'; $lang['pm_movedfrom'] = 'Document moved from '; $lang['pm_movedto'] = 'Document moved to '; $lang['pm_renamed'] = 'Page name changed from %s to %s'; $lang['pm_moved'] = 'Page moved from %s to %s'; $lang['pm_move_rename'] = 'Page moved and renamed from %s to %s'; $lang['pm_norights'] = 'You have insufficient permissions to edit one or more backlinks for this document.'; $lang['pm_tryagain'] = 'Try again latter.'; $lang['pm_filelocked'] = 'This file is locked - '; $lang['pm_fileslocked'] = 'These files are locked - '; $lang['pm_linkchange'] = 'Links to %s changed to %s'; $lang['pm_newname'] = 'New document name :'; $lang['pm_newnsname'] = 'Use new Name for Namespace:'; $lang['pm_targetns'] = 'Select new Namespace :'; $lang['pm_newtargetns'] = 'Create a new Namespace'; $lang['pm_movepage'] = 'Move page'; $lang['pm_movens'] = 'Move Namespace'; $lang['pm_previewpage'] = ' get moved to '; $lang['pm_previewns'] = 'All pages and namespaces in the namespace %s: get moved in the namespace'; $lang['pm_delete'] = 'Deleted by PageMove plugin'; $lang['pm_preview'] = 'Preview'; $lang['pm_submit'] = 'Submit'; ?>