/*** * http://www.page2images.com * * ************demo start************ * // the first para is apikey, default is free key. * // the second para is preload, if you want to load images when document load * // the third para is includeinnerlink, if your screenshots include current domain. * p2iQuery().run("Free", false, false); * // Please notice your domain when use YOUR_DIRECTLINK_KEY. * p2iQuery().run(YOUR_DIRECTLINK_KEY, false, true); * * Please add below scripts in your html. * =========================================================================== * * * =========================================================================== * ************demo end************ ***/ (function () { var p2iQuery = function () { return p2iQuery.fn.init(); }; p2iQuery.fn = p2iQuery.prototype = { p2iQuery: "1.0.0", init: function() { return this; }, run: function(apikey, preload, includeinnerlink) { this.apikey = apikey || "Free"; this.preload = preload || false; this.includeinnerlink = includeinnerlink || false; this.isonmouseover = true; var is_free = apikey == "Free"; this.add_page2images_popup(is_free); this.preload_all_a_link_tags(); }, add_page2images_popup: function(is_free) { if (document.getElementById('page2images_popup') == null) { var p2i_pop = "
"; if (is_free) { p2i_pop += '
Website Preview By Page2Images
'; } p2i_pop += "
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