* @author Anika Henke * @author Martin Schulte * @license GPL 2 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html) */ // must be run from within DokuWiki if (!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); $fileid = -1; ?> <?php echo hsc(tpl_img_getTag('IPTC.Headline',$IMG))?> [<?php echo strip_tags($conf['title'])?>]
'.$ERROR.''; else: ?>

wikiIDToPath($IMG); $dir = dirname($path); $isDir = $helper->isMediaDir($path); if(!$isDir) echo nl2br(hsc(tpl_img_getTag('simple.title'))); else echo nl2br(hsc('/'.$path)); ?>


"; $type = trim(strstr($mime, '/'),'/'); // without application/ , text/, ... } } ?>
getIDForFilename($helper->wikiIDToPath($IMG)); } if(!$isDir){ // @todo: logic should be transferred to backend $config_files = getConfigFiles('mediameta'); foreach ($config_files as $config_file) { if(@file_exists($config_file)) { include($config_file); } } foreach($fields as $key => $tag){ $t = array(); if (!empty($tag[0])) { $t = array($tag[0]); } if(is_array($tag[3])) { $t = array_merge($t,$tag[3]); } $value = tpl_img_getTag($t); if ($value) { echo '
'; if ($tag[2] == 'date') { echo dformat($value); } else { echo hsc($value); } echo '
'; } } if(isset($type) && !empty($type)) echo "
"; echo "
/'.$path.'  ('; }else{ echo $helper->filelist($fileid,''); } if($dir == "." || $dir == "") $dir=":";// We are at the top echo $helper->internalmedia('',$helper->pathToWikiID($dir),$helper->getLang('parentFolder')); if(!$isDir) echo ")
"; ?>
mediaMetaStart($path); echo $helper->mediaInUse($fileid); } ?>
*/ ?>