* @author Andy Webber * @author Federico Ariel Castagnini * @author Cyrille37 * @author Matthias Schulte * @author Rik Blok * @author Christian Paul * @author alexdraconian */ // must be run within Dokuwiki if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) die(); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/search.php'); class helper_plugin_orphanswanted extends DokuWiki_Plugin { // three choices // $params_array used to extract excluded namespaces for report // orphans = orph_report_table($data, true, false, $params_array); // wanted = orph_report_table($data, false, true), $params_array; // valid = orph_report_table($data, true, true, $params_array); /** * Find all page list with wiki's internal indexer. */ function _get_page_data() { $all_pages = idx_get_indexer()->getPages(); $pages = array(); foreach($all_pages as $pageid) { $pages[$pageid] = array("exists"=>page_exists($pageid), "links"=>0); } foreach($all_pages as $pageid) { if (!page_exists($pageid)) continue; $relation_data = p_get_metadata($pageid, 'relation references', METADATA_DONT_RENDER); if (!is_null($relation_data)) { foreach($relation_data as $name => $exists) { $pages[$name]['exists'] = $exists; $pages[$name]['links'] = isset($pages[$name]['links']) ? $pages[$name]['links'] + 1 : 1; } } } return $pages; } function orphan_pages($params_array) { $data = $this->_get_page_data(); $result = ''; $result .= $this->orph_report_table($data, true, false, $params_array, 'orphan'); return $result; } function wanted_pages($params_array) { $data = $this->_get_page_data(); $result = ''; $result .= $this->orph_report_table($data, false, true, $params_array, 'wanted'); return $result; } function valid_pages($params_array) { $data = $this->_get_page_data(); $result = ''; $result .= $this->orph_report_table($data, true, true, $params_array, 'valid'); return $result; } function all_pages($params_array) { $data = $this->_get_page_data(); $result = ''; $result .= "


"; $result .= $this->orph_report_table($data, true, false, $params_array, 'orphan'); $result .= "


"; $result .= $this->orph_report_table($data, false, true, $params_array, 'wanted'); $result .= "


"; $result .= $this->orph_report_table($data, true, true, $params_array, 'valid'); return $result; } function orph_report_table($data, $page_exists, $has_links, $params_array, $caller = null) { global $conf; $ignoredPages = $this->getConf('ignoredpages'); // Fetch pages which shouldn't be listed if($ignoredPages != '') { $ignoredPages = explode(';', $ignoredPages); } else { $ignoredPages = null; } $show_heading = ($page_exists && $conf['useheading']) ? true : false ; //take off $params_array[0]; $include_array = $params_array[1]; $exclude_array = $params_array[2]; $count = 1; $output = ''; // for valid html - need to close the

that is feed before this $output .= '

'; $output .= '' . ($show_heading ? '' : '' ) . ($caller != "orphan" ? '' : '') . '' . "\n" ; // Sort by namespace and name ksort($data); // Sort descending by existing links. // This does not make sense for orphans since they don't have links. if ($caller != "orphan") { arsort($data); } foreach($data as $id=>$item) { if( ! ((array_key_exists('exists', $item)) and ($item['exists'] == $page_exists) and (array_key_exists('links', $item)) and (($item['links'] <> 0)== $has_links)) ) continue ; // $id is a string, looks like this: page, namespace:page, or namespace::page $match_array = explode(":", $id); //remove last item in array, the page identifier $match_array = array_slice($match_array, 0, -1); //put it back together $page_namespace = implode (":", $match_array); //add a trailing : $page_namespace = $page_namespace . ':'; if (empty($include_array)) { // if inclusion list is empty then show all namespaces $show_it = true; } else { // otherwise only show if in inclusion list $show_it = false; foreach ($include_array as $include_item) { //add a trailing : to each $item too $include_item = $include_item . ":"; // need === to avoid boolean false // strpos(haystack, needle) // if exclusion is beginning of page's namespace, block it if (strpos($page_namespace, $include_item) === 0) { //there is a match, so show it and move on $show_it = true; break; } } } if(!is_null($ignoredPages) && in_array($id, $ignoredPages)) { if ($conf['allowdebug']) echo "Skipped page (global ignored): " . $id . "
"; $show_it = false; } elseif(isHiddenPage($id)) { if ($conf['allowdebug']) echo "Skipped page (global hidden): " . $id . "
"; $show_it = false; } elseif ( $show_it ) { //check if blocked by exclusion list foreach ($exclude_array as $exclude_item) { //add a trailing : to each $item too $exclude_item = $exclude_item . ":"; // need === to avoid boolean false // strpos(haystack, needle) // if exclusion is beginning of page's namespace , block it if (strpos($page_namespace, $exclude_item) === 0) { //there is a match, so block it and move on $show_it = false; break; } } } if($show_it) { $output .= "
' . ($show_heading ? '' : '' ); if($caller != "orphan") { // Skip "link" column if user wants orphan pages only $output .= '"; } $output .= "\n"; $count++; } } $output .= "
# ID TitleLinks
$count" . $id .'' . hsc(p_get_first_heading($id)) .'' . $item['links'] . ($has_links ? " : Show backlinks" : '') . "
\n"; //for valid html = need to reopen a

$output .= '

'; return $output; } }