* @license GPL 2 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html * @author Evan Colwell */ /******************************************************************************/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/search.php'); define('DEBUG_MODE_ACTIVE',TRUE); //to show some information if set to true /****************************************************************************** * All DokuWiki plugins to extend the parser/rendering mechanism * need to inherit from this class */ class syntax_plugin_orphanmedia2 extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { /******************************************************************************/ /* return some info */ function getInfo(){ return confToHash(dirname(__FILE__).'/plugin.info.txt'); } function getType() { return 'substition';} function getPType(){ return 'block';} function getSort() { return 999;} /******************************************************************************/ /* Connect pattern to lexer */ function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('~~ORPHANMEDIA:[0-9a-zA-Z_:!;|]+~~',$mode,'plugin_orphanmedia2'); } /******************************************************************************/ /* Handle the match */ function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler){ $match_array = array(); $o_syntax = $match; //strip ~~ORPHANMEDIA: from start and ~~ from end $match = substr($match,14,-2); // split parameters $match_array = explode("!", $match); // $match_array[0] mandatory; can be summary, missing or orphan followed by the optional perf term // separated by colon media type/extension filter settings can be added (positive match) // $match_array[1] positive match, contains a single namespace to be ignored; delimiter mandatory if Parameter 2, else optional // $match_array[2] positive match, contains use cases not to be executed (relative, external); optional // $match_array[99] contains the syntax of the page and will be displayed within performance measurement $match_array[99] = $o_syntax; return $match_array; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Create output */ function render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { if($format !== 'xhtml'){ return false; } // cancel if not xhtml global $INFO, $conf; if((DEBUG_MODE_ACTIVE != false) || (stripos($data[0],"perf") !== false)) { $this->get_execution_time(); } // skip ns if (strlen($data[1])>0) { $data[1] = str_replace(':','/',$data[1]); // strip ending slash if exist $data[1] = rtrim($data[1], '/'); // echo $data[1].': Länge = '.strlen($data[1])." -> Letzte Position = ".strrpos($data[1],'/').'
'; } // Media Filter by Extension --------------------------------------- $defFileTypes = explode(':',$data[0]); // split use case entry and file extensions $data[0] = $defFileTypes[0]; // store pure use case entry back to data unset($defFileTypes[0]); // delete the use case entry to keep file extensions only $defFileTypes2 = implode(', ',$defFileTypes); // just for output the filter on summary $defFileTypes = implode('',$defFileTypes); // string of file extensions to easily compare it by strpos if($defFileTypes2==false) $defFileTypes2='none'; // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // $data is an array // $data[0] is the report type: 'all' or 'valid' or 'missing' or 'orphan' or 'summary' // $defFileTypes is string of excluded media file types // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ! CHECK: Where are the excluded namespaces ? // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // retrive all media files $listMediaFiles = array(); $listMediaFiles = $this->_get_allMediaFiles($conf['mediadir'], $defFileTypes); $listMediaFiles = $this->array_flat($listMediaFiles); $media_file_counter = count($listMediaFiles); /* echo '
        echo '
'; */ if((DEBUG_MODE_ACTIVE != false) || (stripos($data[0],"perf") !== false)) { $output .= '


'.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL; } // retrieve all page files $listPageFiles = array(); $listPageFiles = $this->_get_allPageFiles($conf['datadir'], $data); $listPageFiles = $this->array_flat($listPageFiles); $page_counter = count($listPageFiles); if((DEBUG_MODE_ACTIVE != false) || (stripos($data[0],"perf") !== false)) { $output .= ''.NL; } // retrieve all media links per page file $listPageFile_MediaLinks = array(); $listPageFile_MediaLinks = $this->_get_allMediaLinks($listPageFiles, $defFileTypes, $data[1]); // echo sprintf("


\n", var_dump($listPageFile_MediaLinks)); if((DEBUG_MODE_ACTIVE != false) || (stripos($data[0],"perf") !== false)) { $output .= ''.NL; } // analyse matches of media files and pages->media links // what if savedir option is used ? => $conf['mediadir'] $doku_media = $conf['mediadir'].'/'; $doku_pages = $conf['datadir'].'/'; //$doku_media = str_replace("\\","/",DOKU_MEDIA); //$doku_pages = str_replace("\\","/",DOKU_PAGES); $listMediaFiles = array($listMediaFiles,array_pad(array(),count($listMediaFiles),'0')); $position = 0; foreach($listMediaFiles[0] as &$media_file_path) { // strip ...dokuwiki/data/media path $media_file_path = str_replace("\\","/",$media_file_path); $media_file_path = str_replace($doku_media,"",$media_file_path); // underline maybe a blank on windows systems // so we have to replace the blanks of $media_file_path by underline characters $media_file_path = str_replace(" ","_",$media_file_path); // 1. direct matches where pages->media links are identical to media file path foreach($listPageFile_MediaLinks as &$perPage_MediaLinks) { for($i = 1; $i < count($perPage_MediaLinks); $i++) { // prevent destroying unc path if((stripos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],":\\")===false) && stripos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"://")===false) { $perPage_MediaLinks[$i] = str_replace(":","/",$perPage_MediaLinks[$i]); } // strip initial slash if exist if(strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"/") === 0) $perPage_MediaLinks[$i] = ltrim($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"/"); // case 1: find full qualified links: Page_MediaLink = media_file path if($perPage_MediaLinks[$i] === $media_file_path) { $perPage_MediaLinks[$i] .= "|valid"; $listMediaFiles[1][$position] = "found"; continue; } // case 2: find relative links: Page_path + Page_MediaLink = media_file path //example: Page = tst:start with a media link syntax like {{picture}} = mediafile(tst:picture) if (stripos($data[2],"relativ")===false) { if((strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"|valid")===false) && (strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"|relative")===false)) { $pagePath = rtrim($perPage_MediaLinks[0],end(explode("/",$perPage_MediaLinks[0] ))).$perPage_MediaLinks[$i]; // strip ...dokuwiki/data/pages path $pagePath = str_replace("\\","/",$pagePath); $pagePath = str_replace($doku_pages,"",$pagePath); //echo $pagePath.'
'; if($pagePath === $media_file_path) { $perPage_MediaLinks[$i] .= "|relative"; $listMediaFiles[1][$position] = "found"; continue; } } } // case 3: it is an external linked media by http or https if (stripos($data[2],"extern")===false) { if((strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],'http:')!==false) || (strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],'https:')!==false)) { if((strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"|valid")===false) && (strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"|relative")===false)) { $t_flag = $this->url_exist($perPage_MediaLinks[$i]); if($t_flag !== false) { $perPage_MediaLinks[$i] .= "|relative"; $listMediaFiles[1][$position] = "found"; continue; } } } } } } $position++; } if((DEBUG_MODE_ACTIVE != false) || (stripos($data[0],"perf") !== false)) { $output .= ''.NL; } // 2. missing media files $ok_img = "ok.png"; $nok_img= "nok.png"; if(strlen($defFileTypes) > 1) $filterInfo.= 'Filter settings: '.$defFileTypes.'
'; $output_valid = '
'. ' The following existing media files are referenced by full qualified path:
'. '
used syntax: '.$data[99].'
list of media files created: '.$this->get_execution_time().' s
list of page files created: '.$this->get_execution_time().' s
media links extracted from pages: '.$this->get_execution_time().' s
local and relative media found: '.$this->get_execution_time().' s
'. ''; $output_relative = '
'. ' The following existing media files are referenced by relative path:
'. '
i # Page files valid Media
'. ''; $output_missing = '
'. ' The following media files are missing:
'. '
i # Page files relative Media
'. ''; $output_orphan = '
'. ' The following media files are orphan:
'. '
i # Page files missing Media
'. ''; foreach($listPageFile_MediaLinks as $perPage_MediaLinks) { for($i = 1; $i < count($perPage_MediaLinks); $i++) { $refLink_counter ++; if((strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"|valid")>0)) { $valid_counter++; $output_valid .= $this->_prepare_output(rtrim($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"|valid"),$perPage_MediaLinks[0],$ok_img,$valid_counter); } if((strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"|relative")>0)) { $relative_counter++; $output_relative .= $this->_prepare_output(rtrim($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"|relative"),$perPage_MediaLinks[0],$ok_img,$relative_counter); } if((strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"|valid")===false) && (strpos($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],"|relative")===false)) { $missing_counter++; $output_missing .= $this->_prepare_output($perPage_MediaLinks[$i],$perPage_MediaLinks[0],$nok_img,$missing_counter); } } } if((DEBUG_MODE_ACTIVE != false) || (stripos($data[0],"perf") !== false)) { $output .= ''.NL; } $position = 0; $prviewcounter = 0; foreach($listMediaFiles[1] as $check) { if($check === '0') { $orphan_counter++; if(!$conf['useslash']) $rt2 = str_replace("/", ":", $listMediaFiles[0][$position]); else $rt2 = $listMediaFiles[0][$position]; $m_link = $conf['mediadir'].'/'.$listMediaFiles[0][$position]; $style = ''; $w_max = 200; $h_max = 75; if ((preg_match("/\.(jpe?g|gif|png)$/", $m_link) && file_exists($m_link)) && ($prviewcounter<$this->getConf('prev_limit'))) { $minfo = getimagesize($m_link); $w = (int) $minfo[0]; $h = (int) $minfo[1]; if($w > $w_max || $h > $h_max) { if($h > $h_max) { $ratio = $h_max / $h; $h = $h_max; $w = floor($w * $ratio); } else { $ratio = $w_max / $w; $w = $w_max; $h = floor($h * $ratio); } } $prviewcounter++; //$style = ' style="width: '.$w.'px; height: '.$h.'px;"'; $picturepreview = ''; } else { list($ext,$mime,$dl) = mimetype(mediaFN($m_link),false); if (@file_exists(DOKU_INC.'lib/images/fileicons/'.$ext.'.png')) { $icon = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/fileicons/'.$ext.'.png'; } else { $icon = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/fileicons/file.png'; } $icon = ''.$m_link.''; $picturepreview = ''.$icon.' '.$rt2.''; } $output_orphan .= ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL. ''.NL.''.NL; } $position++; } if((DEBUG_MODE_ACTIVE != false) || (stripos($data[0],"perf") !== false)) { $output .= '
i # Media files Preview orphan Media
missing media detected: '.$this->get_execution_time().' s
'.NL. 'nok'.NL. ''.$orphan_counter.''.$listMediaFiles[0][$position].''.$picturepreview.'
orphans detected: '.$this->get_execution_time().' s

'.NL; } $output_valid .= ''; $output_relative .= ''; $output_missing .= ''; $output_orphan .= ''; $output_summary = '
'.NL. ' Summary
'.NL. ''.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.NL. '
 Page files'.$page_counter.'
Media files'.$media_file_counter.'
Media references'.$refLink_counter.'
Valid, qualified references'.$valid_counter.'
Valid, relative references'.$relative_counter.'
Missing media files'.$missing_counter.'
Orphan media files'.$orphan_counter.'
'.NL; if((stristr($data[0], "valid")===false) && (stristr($data[0], "all")===false)){ $output_valid=''; } if((stristr($data[0], "relative")===false) && (stristr($data[0], "all")===false)){ $output_relative=''; } if((stristr($data[0], "missing")===false) && (stristr($data[0], "all")===false)){ $output_missing=''; } if((stristr($data[0], "orphan")===false) && (stristr($data[0], "all")===false)){ $output_orphan=''; } $renderer->doc .= $output.$output_summary.$output_valid.$output_relative.$output_missing.$output_orphan; return true; } /******************************************************************************/ /* loop through media directory and collect all media files /* consider: filter for media file extension if given */ function _get_allMediaFiles($dir, $defFileTypes) { $listDir = array(); if(is_dir($dir)) { if($handler = opendir($dir)) { while (FALSE !== ($sub = readdir($handler))) { if ($sub !== "." && $sub !== "..") { if(is_file($dir."/".$sub)) { //get the current file extension --------------------- $parts = explode(".", $sub); if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 1) { $extension = end($parts); $extension = ltrim($extension, "."); } //-------------------------------------------- if($defFileTypes === '') { // Thumb.db is created automatically sometimes and to be ignored always if(stripos($sub,"thumbs.db")===false) $listDir[] = $dir."/".$sub; //echo sprintf("


\n", $dir."/".$sub); } // if media file extension filters are set on syntax line the $defFileTypes containing a string of all // and is the string to search the current file extension in elseif(strpos($defFileTypes, $extension)!==false) { $listDir[] = $dir."/".$sub; //echo sprintf("


\n", $dir."/".$sub); } } elseif(is_dir($dir."/".$sub)) { $listDir[$sub] = $this->_get_allMediaFiles($dir."/".$sub, $defFileTypes); //echo sprintf("


\n", $dir."/".$sub);; } } } closedir($handler); } } return $listDir; } /******************************************************************************/ /* loop through data/pages directory and collect all page files */ function _get_allPageFiles($dir, $data) { $listDir = array(); if(is_dir($dir)) { if($handler = opendir($dir)) { while (FALSE !== ($sub = readdir($handler))) { if ($sub !== "." && $sub !== "..") { if(is_file($dir."/".$sub)) { //get the current file extension --------------------- $parts = explode(".", $sub); if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 1) { $extension = end($parts); $extension = ltrim($extension, "."); } //-------------------------------------------- if(($extension === "txt")){ $listDir[] = $dir."/".$sub; //echo sprintf("


\n", $dir."/".$sub); } } elseif(is_dir($dir."/".$sub)) { // echo $data[1]." : ".stripos($dir."/".$sub,$data[1])." -> dir/sub: ".$dir."/".$sub."
"; // $data[1] = skip ns if(stripos($dir."/".$sub,$data[1])>0) { // echo "dir/sub (skipped): ".$perPage_MediaLinks[$i]."
"; continue; } else $listDir[$sub] = $this->_get_allPageFiles($dir."/".$sub, $data); } } } closedir($handler); } } return $listDir; } /******************************************************************************/ /* loop through pages and extract their media links */ function _get_allMediaLinks($listPageFiles, $defFileTypes, $skip_NS) { $_all_links = array(); $pageCounter = 0; $linkCounter = 1; define('LINK_PATTERN', '/\{\{.*?\}\}/s'); define('LINK_PATTERNtwo', "/file=(?.*)\x26.*<\/flashplayer>|file=(?.*)<\/flashplayer>/"); define('LINK_PATTERNthree', "/\[\[(?\\\\.*)\|.*\]\]|\[\[(?\\\\.*)\]\]/"); define('LINK_PATTERNfour', "/'\{\{gallery>*?\}\}'/"); define('LINK_PATTERNfive', "/'\{\{map>*?\}\}'/"); // get all defined tags where media links inbetween are to be ignored $ignore_tags = array(); $ignore_tags = parse_ini_file(DOKU_PLUGIN."orphanmedia2/config.ini"); if (file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN."orphanmedia2/user_pattern.ini")) $ignore_tags = $ignore_tags + parse_ini_file(DOKU_PLUGIN."orphanmedia2/user_pattern.ini"); foreach($listPageFiles as $page_filepath) { $_all_links[$pageCounter][0] = $page_filepath; // read the content of the page file to be analyzed for media links $body = strtolower(file_get_contents($page_filepath)); // ----------------------------------- // ignore content between defined tags e.g. ' ... ' $body = preg_replace($ignore_tags,' ',$body); // find all page-> media links defined by Link pattern into $links $links = array(); { preg_match_all(LINK_PATTERN, $body, $links); $links = $this->array_flat($links); /* echo '
        echo '
'; */ } // ----------------------------------- // Exception for flashplayer plugin where file reference is not inside curly brackets // RegEx -> SubPattern and Alternate used as follows // /file=(?.*)\x26.*<\/flashplayer>|file=(?.*)<\/flashplayer>/ // check online at http://www.solmetra.com/scripts/regex/index.php // ----------------------------------- // Case 0: link with appended options -> initial pattern applies // Case 1: link without options -> alternate pattern applies // ----------------------------------- // results in: /* Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => file=/doku/_media/foo/bar.flv&autostart=true [1] => file=/doku/_media/foo/bar.flv ) [link] => Array ( [0] => /doku/_media/foo/bar.flv [1] => ) [1] => Array ( [0] => /doku/_media/foo/bar.flv [1] => ) [all] => Array ( [0] => [1] => /doku/_media/foo/bar.flv ) [2] => Array ( [0] => [1] => /doku/_media/foo/bar.flv ) ) */ $flashpl_links = array(); $a_links = array(); if( preg_match(LINK_PATTERNtwo, $body) ) { preg_match_all(LINK_PATTERNtwo, $body, $flashpl_links); //finally loop through link and all and pick-up all non-empty fields foreach($flashpl_links['link'] as $flashpl_link) { if(strlen($flashpl_link)>3) $a_links[] = $flashpl_link; } foreach($flashpl_links['all'] as $flashpl_link) { if(strlen($flashpl_link)>3) $a_links[] = $flashpl_link; } unset($flashpl_links); $flashpl_links = $a_links; } // ----------------------------------- // Exception for Windows Shares like [[\\server\share|this]] are recognized, too. // RegEx -> SubPattern and Alternate used as follows // /\[\[(?\\\\.*)\x7c.*\]\]|\[\[(?\\\\.*)\]\]/ // check online at http://www.solmetra.com/scripts/regex/index.php // ----------------------------------- // Case 0: link with appended options -> initial pattern applies // Case 1: link without options -> alternate pattern applies // ----------------------------------- // results in: /*Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => [[\\server\share|this]] [1] => [[\\server\share]] ) [link] => Array ( [0] => server\share [1] => ) [1] => Array ( [0] => server\share [1] => ) [all] => Array ( [0] => [1] => server\share ) [2] => Array ( [0] => [1] => server\share ) ) */ $fileshares = array(); $b_links = array(); if( preg_match(LINK_PATTERNthree, $body) ) { preg_match_all(LINK_PATTERNthree, $body, $fileshares); //finally loop through link and all and pick-up all non-empty fields foreach($fileshares['link'] as $flshare_link) { if(strlen($flshare_link)>3) $b_links[] = $flshare_link; } foreach($fileshares['all'] as $flshare_link) { if(strlen($flshare_link)>3) $b_links[] = $flshare_link; } unset($fileshares); $fileshares = $b_links; } $imgmaps = array(); $c_links = array(); if( preg_match(LINK_PATTERNfour, $body) ) { preg_match_all(LINK_PATTERNfour, $body, $imgmaps); //finally loop through link and all and pick-up all non-empty fields foreach($imgmaps['link'] as $imgmaps_link) { if(strlen($imgmaps_link)>3) $c_links[] = $imgmaps_link; } foreach($imgmaps['all'] as $imgmaps_link) { if(strlen($imgmaps_link)>3) $c_links[] = $imgmaps_link; } unset($imgmaps); $imgmaps = $c_links; } $galary = array(); $d_links = array(); if( preg_match(LINK_PATTERNfive, $body) ) { preg_match_all(LINK_PATTERNfive, $body, $galary); echo var_dump($galary); //finally loop through link and all and pick-up all non-empty fields foreach($galary['link'] as $galary_link) { if(strlen($galary_link)>3) $d_links[] = $galary_link; } foreach($galary['all'] as $imgmaps_link) { if(strlen($galary_link)>3) $d_links[] = $galary_link; } unset($galary); $galary = $d_links; } // ----------------------------------- // loop through page-> media link array and prepare links foreach($links as $media_link) { // exclude http, tag and topic links if(strlen($media_link)<3) continue; //if(stristr($media_link, "http:")!==false) continue; if(stristr($media_link, "tag>")!==false) continue; if(stristr($media_link, "blog>")!==false) continue; if(stristr($media_link, "topic>")!==false) continue; if(stristr($media_link, "wikistatistics>")!==false) continue; // --------------------------------------------------------------- $media_link = $this->clean_link($media_link); if(!$media_link) continue; // ignore empty fields // --------------------------------------------------------------- // filter according $defFileTypes if($defFileTypes !==""){ $parts = explode(".", $media_link); if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 1) { $extension = end($parts); $extension = ltrim($extension, "."); } if(stristr($defFileTypes, $extension)===false) continue; } // collect all media links of the current page //$page_filepath .= "|" . strtolower($media_link); $_all_links[$pageCounter][$linkCounter] = strtolower($media_link); $linkCounter++; } // loop through page-> flashplayer link array and prepare links if(count($flashpl_links)>0) { foreach($flashpl_links as $flashpl_link) { if(strlen($flashpl_link)<3) continue; // filter according $defFileTypes if($defFileTypes !==""){ $parts = explode(".", $flashpl_link); if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 1) { $extension = end($parts); $extension = ltrim($extension, "."); } if(stristr($defFileTypes, $extension)===false) continue; } // exclude external flashplayer links if((strlen($flashpl_link)>1) && strpos($flashpl_link, "://")<1) { // collect all flashplayer links of the current page $_all_links[$pageCounter][$linkCounter] = strtolower($flashpl_link); $linkCounter++; } } } // loop through page-> fileshare link array and prepare links if(count($fileshares)>0) { foreach($fileshares as $fileshare_link) { if(strlen($fileshare_link)<3) continue; // filter according $defFileTypes if($defFileTypes !==""){ $parts = explode(".", $fileshare_link); if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 1) { $extension = end($parts); $extension = ltrim($extension, "."); } if(stristr($defFileTypes, $extension)===false) continue; } // exclude external flashplayer links if((strlen($fileshare_link)>1) && strpos($fileshare_link, "://")<1) { // collect all flashplayer links of the current page $_all_links[$pageCounter][$linkCounter] = strtolower($fileshare_link); $linkCounter++; } } } // loop through page-> imgmaps link array and prepare links if(count($imgmaps)>0) { foreach($imgmaps as $imgmaps_link) { if(strlen($imgmaps_link)<3) continue; // filter according $defFileTypes if($defFileTypes !==""){ $parts = explode(".", $imgmaps_link); if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 1) { $extension = end($parts); $extension = ltrim($extension, "."); } if(stristr($defFileTypes, $extension)===false) continue; } // exclude external imgmaps links if((strlen($imgmaps_link)>1) && strpos($imgmaps_link, "://")<1) { // collect all imgmaps links of the current page $_all_links[$pageCounter][$linkCounter] = strtolower($imgmaps_link); $linkCounter++; } } } // loop through page-> galary link array and prepare links if(count($galary)>0) { foreach($galary as $galary_link) { if(strlen($galary_link)<3) continue; // filter according $defFileTypes if($defFileTypes !==""){ $parts = explode(".", $galary_link); if (is_array($parts) && count($parts) > 1) { $extension = end($parts); $extension = ltrim($extension, "."); } if(stristr($defFileTypes, $extension)===false) continue; } // exclude external galary links if((strlen($galary_link)>1) && strpos($galary_link, "://")<1) { // collect all galary links of the current page $_all_links[$pageCounter][$linkCounter] = strtolower($galary_link); $linkCounter++; } } } // do merge media and flashplayer arrays // $page_filepath string does already contain all local media and flashplayer links separated by "|" //$page_filepath = preg_replace(":","/",$page_filepath); //$page_filepath = preg_replace("|","
",$page_filepath); // echo var_dump($_all_links[$pageCounter]).'
'; $pageCounter++; $linkCounter = 1; } return $_all_links; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // flatten the hierarchical arry to store path + file at first "column" function array_flat($array) { $out=array(); foreach($array as $k=>$v){ if(is_array($array[$k])) { $out=array_merge($out,$this->array_flat($array[$k])); } else { $out[]=$v; } } return $out; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function clean_link($xBody) { // evaluate the media link by DW embedded function $link = Doku_Handler_Parse_Media($xBody); if (stripos($link['src'],'>') === false) $xBody = $link['src']; else $xBody = ''; return $xBody; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- function _prepare_output($m_link,$page,$img,$counter,$class=NULL) { global $conf; // all media files checked with current media link from current page //extract page file name $p_filename = basename($page); //cut everything before pages/ from link $y_pos=strpos($page, "pages"); $t1 = substr($page, $y_pos); $t1 = substr(str_replace( ".txt" , "" , $t1 ) , 5, 9999); if(!$conf['useslash']) $t2 = str_replace("/", ":", $t1); else $t2 = $t1; $t2 = '' . $t1 . ''; $output.= ''.NL. ' '.NL. ' '.$counter.''.NL. ' ' . $t1 . "" . $m_link . ''. ''.NL; return $output; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- function url_exist($url){ $fb_url = $url; $url = @parse_url($url); if (!$url) return false; $url = array_map('trim', $url); $url['port'] = (!isset($url['port'])) ? 80 : (int)$url['port']; $path = (isset($url['path'])) ? $url['path'] : ''; if ($path == '') $path = '/'; $path .= (isset($url['query'])) ? "?$url[query] " : ''; if (isset($url['host']) AND $url['host'] != gethostbyname($url['host'])) { $headers = @get_headers( "$url[scheme]://$url[host]:$url[port]$path "); $headers = (is_array($headers)) ? implode( "n ", $headers) : $headers; // return (bool)preg_match('#^HTTP/.*s+[(200|301|302)]+s#i', $headers); return true; } return false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- function getResizeRatio($maxwidth,$maxheight=0){ if(!$maxheight) $maxheight = $maxwidth; $ratio = 1; if($w >= $h) { if($w >= $maxwidth){ $ratio = $maxwidth/$w; } elseif($h > $maxheight) { $ratio = $maxheight/$h; } } else { if($h >= $maxheight) { $ratio = $maxheight/$h; } elseif($w > $maxwidth) { $ratio = $maxwidth/$w; } } return $ratio; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- /******************************************************************************/ /* get execution time in seconds at current point of call * * @return float Execution time at this point of call * * source: http://www.php.net/microtime */ function get_execution_time() { static $microtime_start = null; if($microtime_start === null) { $microtime_start = microtime(true); return 0.0; } return round(microtime(true) - $microtime_start, 3); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- }