* * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * @phpcs:disable Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps */ use dokuwiki\Extension\SyntaxPlugin; use geoPHP\Geometry\Point; use dokuwiki\Logger; /** * DokuWiki Plugin openlayersmap (Syntax Component). * Provides for display of an OpenLayers based map in a wiki page. * * @author Mark Prins */ class syntax_plugin_openlayersmap_olmap extends SyntaxPlugin { /** * defaults of the known attributes of the olmap tag. */ private $dflt = ['id' => 'olmap', 'width' => '550px', 'height' => '450px', 'lat' => 50.0, 'lon' => 5.1, 'zoom' => 12, 'autozoom' => 1, 'controls' => true, 'baselyr' => 'OpenStreetMap', 'gpxfile' => '', 'kmlfile' => '', 'geojsonfile' => '', 'summary' => '']; /** * * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::getType() */ public function getType(): string { return 'substition'; } /** * * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::getPType() */ public function getPType(): string { return 'block'; } /** * * @see Doku_Parser_Mode::getSort() */ public function getSort(): int { return 901; } /** * * @see Doku_Parser_Mode::connectTo() */ public function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern( '\n]*>.*?', $mode, 'plugin_openlayersmap_olmap' ); } /** * * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::handle() */ public function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler): array { // break matched data into its components $_tag = explode('>', substr($match, 7, -9), 2); $str_params = $_tag[0]; if (array_key_exists(1, $_tag)) { $str_points = $_tag[1]; } else { $str_points = ''; } // get the lat/lon for adding them to the metadata (used by geotag) preg_match('(lat[:|=]\"-?\d*\.?\d*\")', $match, $mainLat); preg_match('(lon[:|=]\"-?\d*\.?\d*\")', $match, $mainLon); $mainLat = substr($mainLat [0], 5, -1); $mainLon = substr($mainLon [0], 5, -1); if (!is_numeric($mainLat)) { $mainLat = $this->dflt ['lat']; } if (!is_numeric($mainLon)) { $mainLon = $this->dflt ['lon']; } $gmap = $this->extractParams($str_params); $overlay = $this->extractPoints($str_points); $_firstimageID = ''; $_nocache = false; // choose maptype based on the specified tag $imgUrl = "{{"; if (stripos($gmap ['baselyr'], 'google') !== false) { // Google $imgUrl .= $this->getGoogle($gmap, $overlay); $imgUrl .= "&.png"; } elseif (stripos($gmap ['baselyr'], 'bing') !== false) { // Bing if (!$this->getConf('bingAPIKey')) { // in case there is no Bing api key we'll use OSM $_firstimageID = $this->getStaticOSM($gmap, $overlay); $imgUrl .= $_firstimageID; if ($this->getConf('optionStaticMapGenerator') == 'remote') { $imgUrl .= "&.png"; } } else { // seems that Bing doesn't like the DW client, turn off caching $_nocache = true; $imgUrl .= $this->getBing($gmap, $overlay) . "&.png"; } /* elseif (stripos ( $gmap ['baselyr'], 'mapquest' ) !== false) { // MapQuest if (! $this->getConf ( 'mapquestAPIKey' )) { // no API key for MapQuest, use OSM $_firstimageID = $this->getStaticOSM ( $gmap, $overlay ); $imgUrl .= $_firstimageID; if ($this->getConf ( 'optionStaticMapGenerator' ) == 'remote') { $imgUrl .= "&.png"; } } else { $imgUrl .= $this->_getMapQuest ( $gmap, $overlay ); $imgUrl .= "&.png"; } } */ } else { // default OSM $_firstimageID = $this->getStaticOSM($gmap, $overlay); $imgUrl .= $_firstimageID; if ($this->getConf('optionStaticMapGenerator') == 'remote') { $imgUrl .= "&.png"; } } // append dw p_render specific params and render $imgUrl .= "?" . str_replace("px", "", $gmap ['width']) . "x" . str_replace("px", "", $gmap ['height']); $imgUrl .= "&nolink"; // add nocache option for selected services if ($_nocache) { $imgUrl .= "&nocache"; } $imgUrl .= " |" . $gmap ['summary'] . " }}"; $mapid = $gmap ['id']; // create a javascript parameter string for the map $param = ''; foreach ($gmap as $key => $val) { $param .= is_numeric($val) ? "$key: $val, " : "$key: '" . hsc($val) . "', "; } if (!empty($param)) { $param = substr($param, 0, -2); } unset($gmap ['id']); // create a javascript serialisation of the point data $poi = ''; $poitable = ''; $rowId = 0; if ($overlay !== []) { foreach ($overlay as $data) { [$lat, $lon, $text, $angle, $opacity, $img] = $data; $rowId++; $poi .= ", {lat:$lat,lon:$lon,txt:'$text',angle:$angle,opacity:$opacity,img:'$img',rowId: $rowId}"; if ($this->getConf('displayformat') === 'DMS') { $lat = $this->convertLat($lat); $lon = $this->convertLon($lon); } else { $lat .= 'º'; $lon .= 'º'; } $poitable .= ' ' . $rowId . ' '
                    . substr($img, 0, -4) . $this->getlang('alt_legend_poi') . ' ' . $lat . ' ' . $lon . ' ' . $text . ' '; } $poi = substr($poi, 2); } if (!empty($gmap ['kmlfile'])) { $poitable .= ' KML file '
                . $this->getlang('alt_legend_kml') . ' KML track: ' . $this->getFileName($gmap ['kmlfile']) . ' '; } if (!empty($gmap ['gpxfile'])) { $poitable .= ' GPX file '
                . $this->getlang('alt_legend_gpx') . ' GPX track: ' . $this->getFileName($gmap ['gpxfile']) . ' '; } if (!empty($gmap ['geojsonfile'])) { $poitable .= ' GeoJSON file '
                . $this->getlang('alt_legend_geojson') . ' GeoJSON track: ' . $this->getFileName($gmap ['geojsonfile']) . ' '; } $autozoom = empty($gmap ['autozoom']) ? $this->getConf('autoZoomMap') : $gmap ['autozoom']; $js = "{mapOpts: {" . $param . ", displayformat: '" . $this->getConf('displayformat') . "', autozoom: " . $autozoom . "}, poi: [$poi]};"; // unescape the json $poitable = stripslashes($poitable); return [$mapid, $js, $mainLat, $mainLon, $poitable, $gmap ['summary'], $imgUrl, $_firstimageID]; } /** * extract parameters for the map from the parameter string * * @param string $str_params * string of key="value" pairs * @return array associative array of parameters key=>value */ private function extractParams(string $str_params): array { $param = []; preg_match_all('/(\w*)="(.*?)"/us', $str_params, $param, PREG_SET_ORDER); // parse match for instructions, break into key value pairs $gmap = $this->dflt; foreach ($gmap as $key => &$value) { $defval = $this->getConf('default_' . $key); if ($defval !== '') { $value = $defval; } } unset($value); foreach ($param as $kvpair) { [$match, $key, $val] = $kvpair; $key = strtolower($key); if (isset($gmap [$key])) { if ($key == 'summary') { // preserve case for summary field $gmap [$key] = $val; } elseif ($key == 'id') { // preserve case for id field $gmap [$key] = $val; } else { $gmap [$key] = strtolower($val); } } } return $gmap; } /** * extract overlay points for the map from the wiki syntax data * * @param string $str_points * multi-line string of lat,lon,text triplets * @return array multi-dimensional array of lat,lon,text triplets */ private function extractPoints(string $str_points): array { $point = []; // preg_match_all('/^([+-]?[0-9].*?),\s*([+-]?[0-9].*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*)$/um', // $str_points, $point, PREG_SET_ORDER); /* * group 1: ([+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?) * group 2: ([+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?) * group 3: (.*?) * group 4: (.*?) * group 5: (.*?) * group 6: (.*) */ preg_match_all( '/^([+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?),\s*([+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*?),(.*)$/um', $str_points, $point, PREG_SET_ORDER ); // create poi array $overlay = []; foreach ($point as $pt) { [$match, $lat, $lon, $angle, $opacity, $img, $text] = $pt; $lat = is_numeric($lat) ? $lat : 0; $lon = is_numeric($lon) ? $lon : 0; $angle = is_numeric($angle) ? $angle : 0; $opacity = is_numeric($opacity) ? $opacity : 0.8; // TODO validate using exist & set up default img? $img = trim($img); $text = p_get_instructions($text); // dbg ( $text ); $text = p_render("xhtml", $text, $info); // dbg ( $text ); $text = addslashes(str_replace("\n", "", $text)); $overlay [] = [$lat, $lon, $text, $angle, $opacity, $img]; } return $overlay; } /** * Create a Google maps static image url w/ the poi. * * @param array $gmap * @param array $overlay */ private function getGoogle(array $gmap, array $overlay): string { $sUrl = $this->getConf('iconUrlOverload'); if (!$sUrl) { $sUrl = DOKU_URL; } switch ($gmap ['baselyr']) { case 'google hybrid': $maptype = 'hybrid'; break; case 'google sat': $maptype = 'satellite'; break; case 'terrain': case 'google relief': $maptype = 'terrain'; break; case 'google road': default: $maptype = 'roadmap'; break; } // TODO maybe use viewport / visible instead of center/zoom, // see: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/staticmaps/index#Viewports // http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?center=51.565690,5.456756&zoom=16&size=600x400&markers=icon:http://wild-water.nl/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/openlayersmap/icons/marker.png|label:1|51.565690,5.456756&markers=icon:http://wild-water.nl/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/openlayersmap/icons/marker-blue.png|51.566197,5.458966|label:2&markers=icon:http://wild-water.nl/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/openlayersmap/icons/parking.png|51.567177,5.457909|label:3&markers=icon:http://wild-water.nl/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/openlayersmap/icons/parking.png|51.566283,5.457330|label:4&markers=icon:http://wild-water.nl/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/openlayersmap/icons/parking.png|51.565630,5.457695|label:5&sensor=false&format=png&maptype=roadmap $imgUrl = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/staticmap?"; $imgUrl .= "&size=" . str_replace("px", "", $gmap ['width']) . "x" . str_replace("px", "", $gmap ['height']); //if (!$this->getConf( 'autoZoomMap')) { // no need for center & zoom params } $imgUrl .= "¢er=" . $gmap ['lat'] . "," . $gmap ['lon']; // max is 21 (== building scale), but that's overkill.. if ($gmap ['zoom'] > 17) { $imgUrl .= "&zoom=17"; } else { $imgUrl .= "&zoom=" . $gmap ['zoom']; } if ($overlay !== []) { $rowId = 0; foreach ($overlay as $data) { [$lat, $lon, $text, $angle, $opacity, $img] = $data; $imgUrl .= "&markers=icon%3a" . $sUrl . "lib/plugins/openlayersmap/icons/" . $img . "%7c" . $lat . "," . $lon . "%7clabel%3a" . ++$rowId; } } $imgUrl .= "&format=png&maptype=" . $maptype; global $conf; $imgUrl .= "&language=" . $conf ['lang']; if ($this->getConf('googleAPIkey')) { $imgUrl .= "&key=" . $this->getConf('googleAPIkey'); } return $imgUrl; } /** * Create a MapQuest static map API image url. * * @param array $gmap * @param array $overlay */ /* private function _getMapQuest($gmap, $overlay) { $sUrl = $this->getConf ( 'iconUrlOverload' ); if (! $sUrl) { $sUrl = DOKU_URL; } switch ($gmap ['baselyr']) { case 'mapquest hybrid' : $maptype = 'hyb'; break; case 'mapquest sat' : // because sat coverage is very limited use 'hyb' instead of 'sat' so we don't get a blank map $maptype = 'hyb'; break; case 'mapquest road' : default : $maptype = 'map'; break; } $imgUrl = "http://open.mapquestapi.com/staticmap/v4/getmap?declutter=true&"; if (count ( $overlay ) < 1) { $imgUrl .= "?center=" . $gmap ['lat'] . "," . $gmap ['lon']; // max level for mapquest is 16 if ($gmap ['zoom'] > 16) { $imgUrl .= "&zoom=16"; } else { $imgUrl .= "&zoom=" . $gmap ['zoom']; } } // use bestfit instead of center/zoom, needs upperleft/lowerright corners // $bbox=$this->calcBBOX($overlay, $gmap['lat'], $gmap['lon']); // $imgUrl .= "bestfit=".$bbox['minlat'].",".$bbox['maxlon'].",".$bbox['maxlat'].",".$bbox['minlon']; // TODO declutter option works well for square maps but not for rectangular, maybe compensate for that // or compensate the mbr.. $imgUrl .= "&size=" . str_replace ( "px", "", $gmap ['width'] ) . "," . str_replace ("px","",$gmap['height']); // TODO mapquest allows using one image url with a multiplier $NUMBER eg: // $NUMBER = 2 // $imgUrl .= DOKU_URL."/".DOKU_PLUGIN."/".getPluginName()."/icons/".$img.",$NUMBER,C," // .$lat1.",".$lon1.",0,0,0,0,C,".$lat2.",".$lon2.",0,0,0,0"; if (! empty ( $overlay )) { $imgUrl .= "&xis="; foreach ( $overlay as $data ) { list ( $lat, $lon, $text, $angle, $opacity, $img ) = $data; // $imgUrl .= $sUrl."lib/plugins/openlayersmap/icons/".$img.",1,C,".$lat.",".$lon.",0,0,0,0,"; $imgUrl .= $sUrl . "lib/plugins/openlayersmap/icons/" . $img . ",1,C," . $lat . "," . $lon . ","; } $imgUrl = substr ( $imgUrl, 0, - 1 ); } $imgUrl .= "&imageType=png&type=" . $maptype; $imgUrl .= "&key=".$this->getConf ( 'mapquestAPIKey' ); return $imgUrl; } */ /** * Create a static OSM map image url w/ the poi from http://staticmap.openstreetmap.de (staticMapLite) * use http://staticmap.openstreetmap.de "staticMapLite" or a local version * * @param array $gmap * @param array $overlay * * @return false|string * @todo implementation for http://ojw.dev.openstreetmap.org/StaticMapDev/ */ private function getStaticOSM(array $gmap, array $overlay) { global $conf; if ($this->getConf('optionStaticMapGenerator') === 'local') { // using local basemap composer if (($myMap = plugin_load('helper', 'openlayersmap_staticmap')) === null) { Logger::error( 'openlayersmap_staticmap plugin is not available for use.', $myMap ); } if (($geophp = plugin_load('helper', 'geophp')) === null) { Logger::debug('geophp plugin is not available for use.', $geophp); } $size = str_replace("px", "", $gmap ['width']) . "x" . str_replace("px", "", $gmap ['height']); $markers = []; if ($overlay !== []) { foreach ($overlay as $data) { [$lat, $lon, $text, $angle, $opacity, $img] = $data; $iconStyle = substr($img, 0, -4); $markers [] = ['lat' => $lat, 'lon' => $lon, 'type' => $iconStyle]; } } $apikey = ''; switch ($gmap ['baselyr']) { case 'mapnik': case 'openstreetmap': $maptype = 'openstreetmap'; break; case 'transport': $maptype = 'transport'; $apikey = '?apikey=' . $this->getConf('tfApiKey'); break; case 'landscape': $maptype = 'landscape'; $apikey = '?apikey=' . $this->getConf('tfApiKey'); break; case 'outdoors': $maptype = 'outdoors'; $apikey = '?apikey=' . $this->getConf('tfApiKey'); break; case 'cycle map': $maptype = 'cycle'; $apikey = '?apikey=' . $this->getConf('tfApiKey'); break; case 'hike and bike map': $maptype = 'hikeandbike'; break; case 'mapquest hybrid': case 'mapquest road': case 'mapquest sat': $maptype = 'mapquest'; break; default: $maptype = ''; break; } $result = $myMap->getMap( $gmap ['lat'], $gmap ['lon'], $gmap ['zoom'], $size, $maptype, $markers, $gmap ['gpxfile'], $gmap ['kmlfile'], $gmap ['geojsonfile'], $apikey ); } else { // using external basemap composer // https://staticmap.openstreetmap.de/staticmap.php?center=47.000622235634,10 //.117187497601&zoom=5&size=500x350 // &markers=48.999812532766,8.3593749976708,lightblue1|43.154850037315,17.499999997306, // lightblue1|49.487527053077,10.820312497573,ltblu-pushpin|47.951071133739,15.917968747369, // ol-marker|47.921629720114,18.027343747285,ol-marker-gold|47.951071133739,19.257812497236, // ol-marker-blue|47.180141361692,19.257812497236,ol-marker-green $imgUrl = "https://staticmap.openstreetmap.de/staticmap.php"; $imgUrl .= "?center=" . $gmap ['lat'] . "," . $gmap ['lon']; $imgUrl .= "&size=" . str_replace("px", "", $gmap ['width']) . "x" . str_replace("px", "", $gmap ['height']); if ($gmap ['zoom'] > 16) { // actually this could even be 18, but that seems overkill $imgUrl .= "&zoom=16"; } else { $imgUrl .= "&zoom=" . $gmap ['zoom']; } if ($overlay !== []) { $rowId = 0; $imgUrl .= "&markers="; foreach ($overlay as $data) { [$lat, $lon, $text, $angle, $opacity, $img] = $data; $rowId++; $iconStyle = "lightblue$rowId"; $imgUrl .= "$lat,$lon,$iconStyle%7c"; } $imgUrl = substr($imgUrl, 0, -3); } $result = $imgUrl; } return $result; } /** * Create a Bing maps static image url w/ the poi. * * @param array $gmap * @param array $overlay */ private function getBing(array $gmap, array $overlay): string { switch ($gmap ['baselyr']) { case 've hybrid': case 'bing hybrid': $maptype = 'AerialWithLabels'; break; case 've sat': case 'bing sat': $maptype = 'Aerial'; break; case 've normal': case 've road': case 've': case 'bing road': default: $maptype = 'Road'; break; } $imgUrl = "https://dev.virtualearth.net/REST/v1/Imagery/Map/" . $maptype;// . "/"; if ($this->getConf('autoZoomMap')) { $bbox = $this->calcBBOX($overlay, $gmap ['lat'], $gmap ['lon']); //$imgUrl .= "?ma=" . $bbox ['minlat'] . "," . $bbox ['minlon'] . "," // . $bbox ['maxlat'] . "," . $bbox ['maxlon']; $imgUrl .= "?ma=" . $bbox ['minlat'] . "%2C" . $bbox ['minlon'] . "%2C" . $bbox ['maxlat'] . "%2C" . $bbox ['maxlon']; $imgUrl .= "&dcl=1"; } if (strpos($imgUrl, "?") === false) $imgUrl .= "?"; //$imgUrl .= "&ms=" . str_replace ( "px", "", $gmap ['width'] ) . "," // . str_replace ( "px", "", $gmap ['height'] ); $imgUrl .= "&ms=" . str_replace("px", "", $gmap ['width']) . "%2C" . str_replace("px", "", $gmap ['height']); $imgUrl .= "&key=" . $this->getConf('bingAPIKey'); if ($overlay !== []) { $rowId = 0; foreach ($overlay as $data) { [$lat, $lon, $text, $angle, $opacity, $img] = $data; // TODO icon style lookup, see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701719.aspx for iconStyle $iconStyle = 32; $rowId++; // NOTE: the max number of pushpins is 18! or we have to use POST // (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff701724.aspx) if ($rowId == 18) { break; } //$imgUrl .= "&pp=$lat,$lon;$iconStyle;$rowId"; $imgUrl .= "&pp=$lat%2C$lon%3B$iconStyle%3B$rowId"; } } global $conf; $imgUrl .= "&fmt=png"; $imgUrl .= "&c=" . $conf ['lang']; return $imgUrl; } /** * Calculate the minimum bbox for a start location + poi. * * @param array $overlay * multi-dimensional array of array($lat, $lon, $text, $angle, $opacity, $img) * @param float $lat * latitude for map center * @param float $lon * longitude for map center * @return array :float array describing the mbr and center point */ private function calcBBOX(array $overlay, float $lat, float $lon): array { $lats = [$lat]; $lons = [$lon]; foreach ($overlay as $data) { [$lat, $lon, $text, $angle, $opacity, $img] = $data; $lats [] = $lat; $lons [] = $lon; } sort($lats); sort($lons); // TODO: make edge/wrap around cases work $centerlat = $lats [0] + ($lats [count($lats) - 1] - $lats [0]); $centerlon = $lons [0] + ($lons [count($lats) - 1] - $lons [0]); return ['minlat' => $lats [0], 'minlon' => $lons [0], 'maxlat' => $lats [count($lats) - 1], 'maxlon' => $lons [count($lats) - 1], 'centerlat' => $centerlat, 'centerlon' => $centerlon]; } /** * convert latitude in decimal degrees to DMS+hemisphere. * * @param float $decimaldegrees * @todo move this into a shared library */ private function convertLat(float $decimaldegrees): string { if (strpos($decimaldegrees, '-') !== false) { $latPos = "S"; } else { $latPos = "N"; } $dms = $this->convertDDtoDMS(abs($decimaldegrees)); return hsc($dms . $latPos); } /** * Convert decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds format * * @param float $decimaldegrees * @return string dms * @todo move this into a shared library */ private function convertDDtoDMS(float $decimaldegrees): string { $dms = floor($decimaldegrees); $secs = ($decimaldegrees - $dms) * 3600; $min = floor($secs / 60); $sec = round($secs - ($min * 60), 3); $dms .= 'º' . $min . '\'' . $sec . '"'; return $dms; } /** * convert longitude in decimal degrees to DMS+hemisphere. * * @param float $decimaldegrees * @todo move this into a shared library */ private function convertLon(float $decimaldegrees): string { if (strpos($decimaldegrees, '-') !== false) { $lonPos = "W"; } else { $lonPos = "E"; } $dms = $this->convertDDtoDMS(abs($decimaldegrees)); return hsc($dms . $lonPos); } /** * Figures out the base filename of a media path. * * @param string $mediaLink */ private function getFileName(string $mediaLink): string { $mediaLink = str_replace('[[', '', $mediaLink); $mediaLink = str_replace(']]', '', $mediaLink); $mediaLink = substr($mediaLink, 0, -4); $parts = explode(':', $mediaLink); $mediaLink = end($parts); return str_replace('_', ' ', $mediaLink); } /** * * @see DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin::render() */ public function render($format, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data): bool { // set to true after external scripts tags are written static $initialised = false; // incremented for each map tag in the page source so we can keep track of each map in this page static $mapnumber = 0; [$mapid, $param, $mainLat, $mainLon, $poitable, $poitabledesc, $staticImgUrl, $_firstimage] = $data; if ($format === 'xhtml') { $olscript = ''; $stadiaEnable = $this->getConf('enableStadia'); $osmEnable = $this->getConf('enableOSM'); $enableBing = $this->getConf('enableBing'); $scriptEnable = ''; if (!$initialised) { $initialised = true; // render necessary script tags only once $olscript = ' '; $scriptEnable = ''; } $renderer->doc .= "$olscript\n$scriptEnable"; $renderer->doc .= '
' . $this->locale_xhtml("help") . '
'; if ($this->getConf('enableA11y')) { $renderer->doc .= '
' . p_render($format, p_get_instructions($staticImgUrl), $info) . '
'; } $renderer->doc .= '


'; if ($this->getConf('enableA11y')) { // render a table of the POI for the print and a11y presentation, it is hidden using javascript $renderer->doc .= '
'; if ($poitabledesc != '') { $renderer->doc .= ''; } $renderer->doc .= '' . $poitable . '
' . $this->getLang('olmapPOItitle') . '
id ' . $this->getLang('olmapPOIicon') . ' ' . $this->getLang('olmapPOIlat') . ' ' . $this->getLang('olmapPOIlon') . ' ' . $this->getLang('olmapPOItxt') . '
' . $poitabledesc . '
'; $renderer->doc .= "\n"; } // render inline mapscript parts $renderer->doc .= ''; $mapnumber++; return true; } elseif ($format === 'metadata') { if (!(($this->dflt ['lat'] == $mainLat) && ($this->dflt ['lon'] == $mainLon))) { // render geo metadata, unless they are the default $renderer->meta ['geo'] ['lat'] = $mainLat; $renderer->meta ['geo'] ['lon'] = $mainLon; if (($geophp = plugin_load('helper', 'geophp')) !== null) { // if we have the geoPHP helper, add the geohash try { $renderer->meta['geo']['geohash'] = (new Point($mainLon, $mainLat))->out('geohash'); } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::error("Failed to create geohash for: $mainLat, $mainLon"); } } } if (($this->getConf('enableA11y')) && (!empty($_firstimage))) { // add map local image into relation/firstimage if not already filled and when it is a local image global $ID; $rel = p_get_metadata($ID, 'relation', METADATA_RENDER_USING_CACHE); // $img = $rel ['firstimage']; if (empty($rel ['firstimage']) /* || $img == $_firstimage*/) { //Logger::debug( // 'olmap::render#rendering image relation metadata for _firstimage as $img was empty or same.', // $_firstimage); // This seems to never work; the firstimage entry in the .meta file is empty // $renderer->meta['relation']['firstimage'] = $_firstimage; // ... and neither does this; the firstimage entry in the .meta file is empty // $relation = array('relation'=>array('firstimage'=>$_firstimage)); // p_set_metadata($ID, $relation, false, false); // ... this works $renderer->internalmedia($_firstimage, $poitabledesc); } } return true; } return false; } }