* 2019-09-01 - resuscitation & realignment with "Greebo" * * Licensed under the GPL 2 [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html] * **/ if(!defined('DOKU_INC')) define('DOKU_INC',realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../').'/'); if(!defined('DOKU_PLUGIN')) define('DOKU_PLUGIN',DOKU_INC.'lib/plugins/'); define('OEMBED_BASE',DOKU_PLUGIN.'oembed/'); require_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'syntax.php'); require_once(DOKU_INC.'inc/HTTP/HTTPClient.php'); class syntax_plugin_oembed extends DokuWiki_Syntax_Plugin { var $errors = array(); var $version = '1.0'; var $regex_master = '/^{{>\s*(?.+?)(?:\s+(?.+?))??\s*}}$/'; function getType(){ return 'substition'; } function getAllowedTypes() { return array(); } function getPType(){ return 'block'; } function getSort(){ return 285; } function connectTo($mode) { $this->Lexer->addSpecialPattern('{{>.+?}}', $mode, 'plugin_oembed'); } function handle($match, $state, $pos, Doku_Handler $handler){ if($state == DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL){ if($parsed_tag = $this->parseTag($match)){ $oembed_data = $this->resolve($parsed_tag); return array('oembed_data' => $oembed_data, 'tag' => $parsed_tag, 'errors' => $this->errors); } } return false; } function render($mode, Doku_Renderer $renderer, $data) { if($mode == 'xhtml'){ $renderer->doc .= $this->renderXHTML($data); } return false; } /*************************************************************************** * PARSE FUNCTIONS * Convert input strings to a usable form **************************************************************************/ /* * Parse the entire matched string * * $tag: The entire matched string * * returns: * false on error otherwise * array of parsed data: * url: the target url * params: array of parsed parameters, see parseParams() */ function parseTag($tag){ if(preg_match($this->regex_master, $tag, $matches)){ return array('url' => $matches['url'], 'params' => $this->parseParams($matches['params'])); } return false; } /* * Parse the tag parameters * * $params: whitespace delimited list of parameters (no trailing or leading * whitespace) * * returns: * array of parsed parameters: * provider: array of provider parameters: * name => value * plugin: array of plugin parameters * name => value */ function parseParams($params){ $parsed_params = array('provider' => array(), 'plugin' => array()); if($params != null){ foreach(preg_split('/\s+/', $params) as $param){ if(preg_match('/^(?!|\?)(?\S+?)(?:=(?\S+?))?$/', $param, $matches)){ if($matches['type'] == '?'){ $parsed_params['provider'][$matches['name']] = $matches['value']; } else if($matches['type'] == '!'){ $parsed_params['plugin'][$matches['name']] = $matches['value']; } } } } return $parsed_params; } /* * Parse an HTTP response containing OEmbed data * * $response: array of HTTP response data * status: numerical HTTP status code * headers: array of HTTP headers * name => value * body: body of the response * * returns: false on error or array of parsed oembed data: * name => value */ function parseResponse($response){ if($response['status'] != 200) return $this->error("Provider returned HTTP Status {$response['status']} for {$tag['url']}"); if(!$type = $this->parseContentType($response['headers']['content-type'])) return false; $oembed = array(); switch($type){ case 'xml': if(!$xml = simplexml_load_string($response['body'])) return $this->error("Unable to parse XML: {$response['body']}"); foreach($xml as $element){ $oembed[$element->getName()] = (string) $element; } break; case 'json': $oembed = json_decode($response['body']); break; default: return $this->error("Internal error occured. Found type: {$type}"); } //if($oembed['version'] != '1.0') return $this->error("Unsupported OEmbed version: {$oembed['version']}"); return $oembed; } /* * Parse a content-type string from an HTTP header * * $header: The content-type string * * returns: false on error or 'json' for JSON content or 'xml' for XML content */ function parseContentType($header){ if(!preg_match('/^\s*(?[^;\s]+)(.*)?/', $header, $matches)){ return $this->error("Invalid Content-Type header: {$header}"); } switch($matches['type']){ case 'text/xml': return 'xml'; case 'application/json': return 'json'; // non-spec content-types, only supported for compatibility case 'application/xml': return 'xml'; case 'text/json': return 'json'; case 'text/plain': return 'json'; default: return $this->error("Unsupported Content-Type: {$matches['type']}"); } } /*************************************************************************** * RESOLVE FUNCTIONS * Given parsed tag data get OEmbed data **************************************************************************/ /* * Given parsed tag information, return OEmbed data * * $tag: Parsed tag information, as from parseTag() * * returns: false on error or array of OEmbed data * oembed: array of OEmbed data as returned from provider * query_url: URL used to get the OEmbed data * target_url: URL to which the OEmbed data refers */ function resolve($tag){ // try to resolve using cache if($data = $this->resolveCache($tag)) return $data; // try to resolve directly if(array_key_exists('direct', $tag['params']['plugin'])){ if($this->getConf('enable_direct_link')){ return $this->resolveDirect($tag); } } if($this->getConf('resolution_priority') == 'link discovery'){ // try link discovery if($this->getConf('enable_link_discovery')){ if($data = $this->resolveDiscovery($tag)) return $data; } // try local provider list if($this->getConf('enable_provider_list')){ if($data = $this->resolveProviderList($tag)) return $data; } } else if($this->getConf('resolution_priority') == 'provider list'){ // try local provider list if($this->getConf('enable_provider_list')){ if($data = $this->resolveProviderList($tag)) return $data; } // try link discovery if($this->getConf('enable_link_discovery')){ if($data = $this->resolveDiscovery($tag)) return $data; } } return $this->error("All resolution methods failed"); } /* * Analogous to resolve(), using the cache for resolution */ function resolveCache($tag){ return false; } /* * Analogous to resolve(), using a directly entered API endpoint for * resolution */ function resolveDirect($tag){ $query_url = $this->buildURL($tag['url'], $tag['params']['provider']); if(!$response = $this->fetch($query_url)) return false; if(!$oembed = $this->parseResponse($response)) return false; return array('oembed' => $oembed, 'query_url' => $query_url, 'target_url' => $tag['params']['provider']['url']); } /* * Analogous to resolve(), using link discovery for resolution */ function resolveDiscovery($tag){ if(!$response = $this->fetch($tag['url'])) return false; if(!$link_url = $this->getOEmbedLink($response['body'])) return false; $query_url = $this->buildURL($link_url, $tag['params']['provider']); if(!$response = $this->fetch($query_url)) return false; if(!$oembed = $this->parseResponse($response)) return false; return array('oembed' => $oembed, 'query_url' => $query_url, 'target_url' => $tag['url']); } /* * Analogous to resolve(), using the local provider list for resolution */ function resolveProviderList($tag){ if(!$api = $this->getProviderAPI($tag['url'])) return false; $api = str_replace("{format}", $this->getConf('format_preference'), $api); $params = array_merge($tag['params']['provider'], array('url' => $tag['url'])); $query_url = $this->buildURL($api, $params); if(!$response = $this->fetch($query_url)) return false; if(!$oembed = $this->parseResponse($response)) return false; return array('oembed' => $oembed, 'query_url' => $query_url, 'target_url' => $tag['url']); } /*************************************************************************** * RENDER FUNCTIONS * Convert OEmbed data to a presentable form **************************************************************************/ /* * Given OEmbed data as returned by resolve(), produces a valid XHTML * representation * * $data: OEmbed data as returned by resolve() * * returns: XHTML representation of OEmbed data */ function renderXHTML($data){ $content = ''; if(!$data['oembed_data']){ $content .= "OEmbed Error"; $content .= "
    "; foreach($data['errors'] as $error){ $content .= "
  • ".$error."
  • "; } $content .= "
"; return $content; } $oembed = $this->sanitizeOEmbed($data['oembed_data']['oembed']); if(array_key_exists('thumbnail', $data['tag']['params']['plugin'])){ if($oembed['thumbnail_url']){ $img = ''.$oembed['title'].''; $content = ''.$img.''; } else{ $content = $this->renderXHTMLLink($data); } } else{ switch($oembed['type']){ case 'photo': if($this->getConf('fullwidth_images')){ $content = ''.$oembed['title'].''; } else { $content = ''.$oembed['title'].''; } break; case 'video': $content = $oembed['html']; break; case 'link': $content = $this->renderXHTMLLink($data); break; case 'rich': $content = $oembed['html']; break; default: $content = "OEmbed Error
  • Unsupported media type: {$oembed['type']}
"; } } return $content; } /* * Given OEmbed data as returned by resolve(), produces a valid XHTML * representation as a simple link * * $data: OEmbed data as returned by resolve() * * returns: XHTML representation of OEmbed data as a simple link */ function renderXHTMLLink($data){ $text .= ($data['oembed_data']['oembed']['provider_name'] != null) ? $data['oembed_data']['oembed']['provider_name'].': ' : ''; $text .= $data['oembed_data']['oembed']['title']; $text .= ($data['oembed_data']['oembed']['author_name'] != null) ? ' – '.$data['oembed_data']['oembed']['author_name'] : ''; return ''.$text.''; } /*************************************************************************** * UTILITY FUNCTIONS * Provides shared functionality **************************************************************************/ /* * Stores a message in the errors array and returns false * * $msg: message to store * * returns: false */ function error($msg){ array_push($this->errors, $msg); return false; } /* * Performs an HTTP GET request on the given URL * * $url: URL to perform the request on * * returns: false on error or array representing the HTTP response * status: numerical HTTP status code * headers: array of HTTP headers * name => value * body: HTTP response body */ function fetch($url){ $client = new DokuHTTPClient(); if(!$client->sendRequest($url)){ return $this->error("Error sending request to provider: {$url}"); } return array('status' => $client->status, 'headers' => $client->resp_headers, 'body' => $client->resp_body); } /* * Given a base URL, create a new URL using the given parameters. Query * values are URL encoded. * * $base: base URL, any existing parameter values should be URL encoded. * $params: array of parameters to add to URL * name => value * * returns: the new URL */ function buildURL($base, $params){ $url = $base; $first = strpos($base,"?") === false ? true : false; foreach($params as $name => $value){ if($first){ $url .= "?"; $first = false; } else { $url .= "&"; } $url .= $name."=".rawurlencode($value); } return $url; } /* * Given raw HTML, tries to extract oembed discovery link * * Based on code by Keith Devens: * http://keithdevens.com/weblog/archive/2002/Jun/03/RSSAuto-DiscoveryPHP * * Parameters: * $html: raw HTML * * Returns: false on error or no link present or an OEmbed discovery link */ function getOEmbedLink($html){ $ret_link = false; if(!$html) return false; // search through the HTML, save all tags // and store each link's attributes in an associative array preg_match_all('//si', $html, $matches); $links = $matches[1]; $final_links = array(); $link_count = count($links); for($n=0; $n<$link_count; $n++){ $attributes = preg_split('/\s+/s', $links[$n]); foreach($attributes as $attribute){ $att = preg_split('/\s*=\s*/s', $attribute, 2); if(isset($att[1])){ $att[1] = preg_replace('/([\'"]?)(.*)\1/', '$2', $att[1]); $final_link[strtolower($att[0])] = $att[1]; } } $final_links[$n] = $final_link; } // now figure out which one points to the OEmbed data for($n=0; $n<$link_count; $n++){ if(strtolower($final_links[$n]['rel']) == 'alternate'){ if(strtolower($final_links[$n]['type']) == 'application/json+oembed'){ if($this->getConf('format_preference') == 'json'){ return $final_links[$n]['href']; } else{ $ret_link = $final_links[$n]['href']; } } // application/xml+oembed only exists for compatability not in spec if(strtolower($final_links[$n]['type']) == 'text/xml+oembed' or strtolower($final_links[$n]['type']) == 'application/xml+oembed'){ if($this->getConf('format_preference') == 'xml'){ return $final_links[$n]['href']; } else{ $ret_link = $final_links[$n]['href']; } } } } return $ret_link; } /* * Given a URL, finds a OEmbed provider API endpoint which can be used with * it from the local provider list. * * $url: URL to search a provider for * * Returns: false on error or no provider find or the API endpoint of an * appropriate provider */ function getProviderAPI($url){ $providers_path = OEMBED_BASE.'providers.xml'; if(!$providers = simplexml_load_file($providers_path)) return false; foreach($providers->provider as $provider){ foreach($provider->scheme as $scheme){ $regex = "@^".str_replace("@","\@",$scheme)."$@i"; if(preg_match($regex, trim($url))){ $attrs = $provider->attributes(); if(($api = $attrs['api']) != null){ return $api; } } } } return false; } /* * Runs htmlspecialchars() on values in OEmbed data EXCEPT for html values * * $oembed: array of OEmbed data from parseResponse() * * Returns: identical array to $oembed in which all values except for html * are run through htmlspecialchars() */ function sanitizeOEmbed($oembed){ $retarray = array(); foreach($oembed as $key => $value){ if($key == 'html'){ $retarray[$key] = $value; } else{ $retarray[$key] = htmlspecialchars($value); } } return $retarray; } /*************************************************************************** * DEBUG FUNCTIONS * For testing and devlopment, not regularly used **************************************************************************/ function _log($msg){ $fh = fopen(OEMBED_BASE."oembed.log",'a'); $curtime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); fwrite($fh, "[{$curtime}] {$msg}\n"); fclose($fh); } function _logParsedTag($parsed_tag){ $this->_log("Parsed Tag"); $this->_log(" URL: {$parsed_tag['url']}"); $this->_log(" Provider Params:"); foreach($parsed_tag['params']['provider'] as $key => $value){ $this->_log(" {$key} => {$value}"); } $this->_log(" Plugin Params:"); foreach($parsed_tag['params']['plugin'] as $key => $value){ $this->_log(" {$key} => {$value}"); } } function _logOEmbedData($oembed){ $this->_log("OEmbed Data:"); $this->_log(" target_url: {$oembed['target_url']}"); $this->_log(" query_url: {$oembed['query_url']}"); $this->_log(" Response:"); foreach($oembed['oembed'] as $name => $value){ $this->_log(" {$name}: {$value}"); } } function _logErrors($errors){ $this->_log("Errors:"); foreach($errors as $error){ $this->_log(" {$error}"); } } }