[Gag] */ $conf['debugLvl'] = 1; // debug mode level -- more verbose ( 0: no display; 1: display error msg; 3: display&log error msg all msg; 3: display&log all ) $conf['logFile'] = ''; // log File where $this->_msg write with debugLvl >= 2 $conf['formDisplayRule'] = 'odt2dw,edit,show'; // which action will display the odt2dw upload form in newpage $conf['showimportbutton'] = 1; $conf['formIntroMessage'] = 'default'; // personnalized message - if "default", display the language default message $conf['formMaxFileSize'] = 2097152; // maxsize for upload odtFile $conf['parserPostDisplay'] = 'show'; // which action perform after parsing the odt file $conf['parserXslFile'] = 'odt2dw.xsl'; // name of the xslpage use to transform the odtFile $conf['parserLinkToOriginalFile'] = 1; // display a link to the original odtFile 0=no link; 1=link $conf['parserCoreTimeOut'] = 300; // the parserCoreTimeOut give specific timeout to parse the xmlFile with the xslFile. Bigger is the odtFile, longer will the parser take. $conf['parserUploadDir'] = '/tmp/odt2dw/'; // systeme path where the file will be move after upload but before parse $conf['parserMimeTypeAuthorized'] = 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text application/octetstream'; // mimetype authorized to be upload