2015-07-18 LarsDW223 * Added syntax tag for changing the page format, orientation and page margins. E.g. '{{odt>page:A3,landscape,1,1,1,1}}' sets the page format to A3, landscape orientation with a 1cm margin on each side. If the margins are omitted, 2cm margins are assumed. 2015-07-09 LarsDW223 * Changed the locallink() implementation from just inserting text to inserting a link to the corresponding heading. 2015-07-08 LarsDW223 * Added syntax tag for including a TOC in the exported ODT file. 2015-07-04 LarsDW223 * Added/merged support for exporting books to ODT (interface to bookcreator plugin). This is a contribution from Klap-in. Thanks a lot! 2015-06-08 LarsDW223 * Fixed issue 'Table does not span across 100% of the page #40'. Thanks to Klap-in. * Fixed issue 'IntelliJ IDEA inspections doesn't like "empty ($picture) === true" lines #41' 2015-05-25 LarsDW223 * Refactored CSS import * Added support for @media rules (with simplified comparison method) * Refactored stylefactory.php * Fixed wrong handling of border-color, border-width and background-color in function _odtOpenTextBoxUseProperties() * Import all DokuWiki CSS. Plugins can use the functions getCSSProperties() and getODTProperties() instead of importing their CSS files on their own 2015-05-16 LarsDW223 * Fixed wrong protoyping of function 'register' in action.php * Added missing shorthand handling in CSS import helper class for: list-style, flex, transition, outline, animation, border-bottom, columns * Added test code for CSS import helper class (incomplete) 2015-05-15 LarsDW223 * Improved table support: + Columns can be added after opening the table + Support for padding in table cells + Support relative width for columns 2015-05-14 LarsDW223 * Added support for language and country settings. These are both taken from the property 'lang', e.g. 'de-de' sets the language to german and country to germany. If there is no '-' it is assumed that only the language shall be set. 2015-05-12 LarsDW223 * Added support for text indentation for the first line of a paragraph. Use property 'text-indent'. 2015-05-11 LarsDW223 * Added function to insert a pagebreak. 2015-05-10 LarsDW223 * Bugfix: Fixed issue 'Multi column frame with 2 columns does not span across all columns #33'. * Bugfix: Fixed issue 'Frames have wrong size #34'. * Support for 'display' attribute in text spans and paragraphs 2015-05-09 LarsDW223 * Bugfix: Re-Sized images were only displayed in a very small size. Fixes issue "exported images are just sized of some little pixels #11". 2015-05-07 LarsDW223 * Added support for multi column frames (to provide it to the wrap plugin). New functions are: createMultiColumnFrameStyle (stylefactory), _odtOpenMultiColumnFrame, _odtCloseMultiColumnFrame. 2015-05-05 LarsDW223 * Bugfix: The function 'adjustValueForODT' did not convert the color name 'black' to '#000000'. This is fixed now. * Refactored style functions: Every function that only builds the ODT style from given properties has been moved to the new helper class 'stylefactory'. * Added CSS based functions for tables: + _odtTableOpenUseCSS, _odtTableOpenUseCSSStyle, _odtTableOpenUseProperties + _odtTableHeaderOpenUseCSS, _odtTableHeaderOpenUseCSSStyle, _odtTableHeaderOpenUseProperties + _odtTableRowOpenUseCSS, _odtTableRowOpenUseCSSStyle, _odtTableRowOpenUseProperties + _odtTableCellOpenUseCSS, _odtTableCellOpenUseCSSStyle, _odtTableCellOpenUseProperties * Adjustment for Wrap plugin: New function _odtDivOpenAsFrameUseProperties, _processCSSClass and _processCSSStyle are now public * Bugfix: close paragraph (if open) before opening a header. Otherwise headers would disappear if opened inbetween a paragraph. * Bugfix: do not open nested frames in nested calls to _odtDivOpenAsFrameUseCSS/_odtDivOpenAsFrameUseProperties. Reason: a nested frame will not be displayed, only the first, outer one. Nested calls will be ignored and do not open frames and DO NOT lead to errors. 2015-05-02 LarsDW223 * Output paragraphs with style "Quotation 1" up to "Quotation 5" for quotes. The styles are defined in styles.xml. Each style increases the indentation by 1cm and has it's own border color. Fixes issue "quote conversion #31". 2015-04-10 Florian Lamml (info@florian-lamml.de) * new odt.png (up-to-date style) * some cleanups 2015-03-31 LarsDW223 Improved CSS based functions: * Divided CSS based functions into 3 parts/functions: + A function importing CSS from a file + A function which directly imports a CSS style (similar to HTML code like 'style="color:red;"') + A function which takes the properties from an assoziative array (this is called by the other two) * Added CSS based functions for opening a paragraph * Added support for font-family, font-variant, letter-spacing and vertical-align in CSS functions for opening a span and paragraph * Added support for line-height in CSS based paragraph open functions * Added support for font-size in percent (e.g. 'font-size:200%;') in CSS based span and paragraph functions. This requires to save the common styles in ODT documents not using templates. 2015-03-18 LarsDW223 * Added new helper class 'cssimport' for rudimentary CSS import (incomplete!). The class support reading of CSS and DokuWiki replacement files. The CSS properties can be queried by the ODT renderer to use it as parameters for ODT style definitions. * Added new functions to renderer for CSS based span and div export: _odtSpanOpenUseCSS/_odtSpanClose, _odtDivOpenAsFrameUseCSS/_odtDivCloseAsFrame 2015-02-26 Florian Lamml (info@florian-lamml.de) * changes to the pagetools-button 2015-02-06 jaller94 * Valid Button for HTML5 2014-11-24 intersel * Fix the "FIXME internalmedia:xxxx" problem for PDF 2014-10-14 Florian Lamml (info@florian-lamml.de) * Change info.txt to plugin.info.txt - fix install error 2014-10-13 LarsDW223 * Moved 'csscolors.php' to subdirectory helper and converted it into a DokuWiki helper plugin. 2014-10-12 LarsDW223 * Added new file 'csscolors.php'. It is a helper class to convert CSS color names into their corresponding color values. This might be needed by other plugins for ODT rendering because ODT does not know CSS color names. 2014-10-04 LarsDW223 * Added a function to insert svg code as an svg image. Added a function to store an image in the document without automatically inserting it in the content. * Added functions for querying page size and margins. Added functions for conversion of percentage witdth and height values. 2014-02-10 Florian Lamml (info@florian-lamml.de) * Create pagetools-odtexport-sprite.png (adapt from dw2pdf plugin) * add pagetools-button support in action.php (adapt from dw2pdf plugin) 2010-10-30 Aurélien Bompard * action.php: Add getInfo() method, fixes bug #8 * renderer.php: Convert tabs in preformatted text (closes: #9) * renderer.php: Add table rowspan support (closes: #4) * lang/uk/: Add Ukrainian translation (by Oleksiy Zagorskyi) * renderer.php: Remove empty paragraphs from output * renderer.php: Fix zh translation PHP syntax * renderer.php: Add manifest entries when using template * renderer.php: Download external images 2010-08-12 Aurélien Bompard * renderer.php, styles.xml: Syntax highlighting support 2010-07-24 Aurélien Bompard * action.php, syntax.php: Better handling of the cache system * lang/ru/: Add translation by Yuri Timofeev * lang/zh/: Add Chinese translation by lainme 2010-04-04 Aurélien Bompard * renderer.php: Fix a small syntax error * renderer.php: Add options to cut off a part of the ODT template * renderer.php: Better tag replacement in the template ODT file * renderer.php: replace with unicode entities instead of HTML (not always defined) * syntax.php: Fix button link to export old revisions 2009-07-02 Aurélien Bompard * renderer.php: Fixes from Andy Webber (thanks !) 2009-06-07 Aurélien Bompard * renderer.php: Make the renderer class a singleton Only make a single instance of the renderer. This is needed for Dokuwiki >= rc2009-02-06. For details, see: http://bugs.splitbrain.org/index.php?do=details&task_id=1598 * renderer.php: typo * renderer.php: add patch by Korsani * renderer.php: use $['savedir'] as suggested on the wiki page 2009-01-15 Aurélien Bompard * lang/ja: Add Japanese translation from Ikuo Obataya. Thanks ! * renderer.php: more safeguards. wiki:syntax now passes validators * renderer.php: don't compress mimetype declaration 2008-05-07 Aurélien Bompard * lang/es/: spanish translation 2008-05-05 Aurélien Bompard * admin.php: administation interface * lang/: translations * README.txt: documentation * renderer.php: fix tag in list items * renderer.php: extract template before checking for the styles * renderer.php: fix quotes * renderer.php: dokuwiki's future temp dir is data/tmp, not data/temp * renderer.php: choose appropriate ZipLib file * renderer.php: use new headers/caching system if available 2008-04-08 Aurélien Bompard * global: bugfixes 2008-03-04 Aurélien Bompard * global: initial release