*/ use dokuwiki\Extension\Plugin; use dokuwiki\Extension\Event; use dokuwiki\plugin\oauth\Adapter; require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'); // @todo can be removed with next dw release /** * Basic helper methods for the oauth flow */ class helper_plugin_oauth extends Plugin { /** * Load the needed libraries and initialize the named oAuth service * * @param string $servicename * @return null|Adapter */ public function loadService($servicename) { $services = $this->listServices(true); if (!isset($services[$servicename])) return null; return $services[$servicename]; } /** * The redirect URI used in all oAuth requests * * @return string */ public function redirectURI() { if ($this->getConf('custom-redirectURI') !== '') { return $this->getConf('custom-redirectURI'); } else { return DOKU_URL . DOKU_SCRIPT; } } /** * List available Services * * Services returned here, do not have initialized oAuth providers yet! * * @param bool $enabledonly list only services that have been configured * @triggers PLUGIN_OAUTH_BACKEND_REGISTER * @return Adapter[] list of service objects */ public function listServices($enabledonly = true) { $services = []; $event = new Event('PLUGIN_OAUTH_BACKEND_REGISTER', $services); $event->advise_before(false); $event->advise_after(); // filter out unconfigured services if ($enabledonly) { $services = array_filter($services, static fn($service) => /** @var Adapter $service */ (bool)$service->getKey()); } return $services; } /** * @return array */ public function getValidDomains() { if ($this->getConf('mailRestriction') === '') { return []; } $validDomains = explode(',', trim($this->getConf('mailRestriction'), ',')); return array_map('trim', $validDomains); } /** * @param string $mail * * @return bool */ public function checkMail($mail) { $validDomains = $this->getValidDomains(); if (empty($validDomains)) return true; foreach ($validDomains as $validDomain) { if (str_ends_with($mail, $validDomain)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Display an exception to the user * * @param Exception $e * @param string $friendly - user friendly explanation if available */ public function showException(Exception $e, $friendly = '') { global $conf; $msg = $e->getMessage(); // translate the message if possible, using context if available $trans = $this->getLang($msg); if ($trans) { if ($e instanceof \dokuwiki\plugin\oauth\Exception) { $context = $e->getContext(); $trans = sprintf($trans, ...$context); } $msg = $trans; } msg('OAuth: ' . $friendly . ' ' . hsc($msg), -1); if ($conf['allowdebug']) { $msg = get_class($e) . ' at ' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine() . '
'; $msg .= hsc($e->getTraceAsString()); msg("
", -1); } } }