tmp = io_mktmpdir(); if ($this->tmp === false) { // no tmpdir return false; } $this->media = array(); // begin data collecting // add CSS $http = new DokuHTTPClient(); $css = $http->get(DOKU_URL.'lib/exe/css.php?s=all&t='.$conf['template']); $this->_addFile('all.css',$css); $css = $http->get(DOKU_URL.'lib/exe/css.php?t='.$conf['template']); $this->_addFile('screen.css',$css); $css = $http->get(DOKU_URL.'lib/exe/css.php?s=print&t='.$conf['template']); $this->_addFile('print.css',$css); $css = io_readFile(dirname(__FILE__).'/export.css',false); $this->_addFile('export.css',$css); return parent::init_packing($pages); } public function pack_page($ID_PAGE) { global $conf; global $lang; global $ID; $ID = $ID_PAGE; // create relative path to top directory $deep = substr_count($ID,':'); $ref = ''; for($i=0; $i<$deep; $i++) $ref .= '../'; // create the output $this->Renderer = new renderer_plugin_nsexport_xhtml; $this->Renderer->smileys = getSmileys(); $this->Renderer->entities = getEntities(); $this->Renderer->acronyms = getAcronyms(); $this->Renderer->interwiki = getInterwiki(); $instructions = p_cached_instructions(wikiFN($ID,''),false,$ID); foreach ( $instructions as $instruction ) { // Execute the callback against the Renderer call_user_func_array(array(&$this->Renderer, $instruction[0]), $instruction[1]); } $html = $this->Renderer->doc; $output = ''.DOKU_LF; $output .= '' . DOKU_LF; $output .= ''.DOKU_LF; $output .= ' '.DOKU_LF; $output .= ' '.$ID.''.DOKU_LF; $output .= ' '.DOKU_LF; $output .= ' '.DOKU_LF; $output .= ' '.DOKU_LF; $output .= ' '.DOKU_LF; $output .= ''.DOKU_LF; $output .= ''.DOKU_LF; $output .= '
' . DOKU_LF; $output .= tpl_toc(true); $output .= $html; $output .= '
'; $output .= ''.DOKU_LF; $output .= ''.DOKU_LF; $this->_addFile(str_replace(':','/',$ID).'.html',$output); $this->media = array_merge($this->media, $this->Renderer->_media); } public function finish_packing() { global $conf; // now embed the media $this->media = array_map('cleanID',$this->media); $this->media = array_unique($this->media); foreach($this->media as $id) { if( auth_quickaclcheck($id) < AUTH_READ ) continue; @set_time_limit(30); $this->_addFile('_media/'.str_replace(':','/',$id),io_readFile(mediaFN($id),false)); } // add the merge directory contents $this->recursive_add(dirname(__FILE__).'/merge'); // finished data collecting $to = $conf['tmpdir'] . '/wrk-' . $this->fileid . '.zip'; // append wiki export $zipper = new nsexport_ziplib(); $zipper->setup($this); $zipper->compress($this->tmp, $to); // cleanup $this->rmdirr($this->tmp); // rename so ajax can find it rename($to, $this->result_filename()); } /** * add a single file. * * @param string $filename filename to store * @param string $content the file content */ public function _addFile($filename, $content) { $filename = $this->tmp . "/$filename"; io_makeFileDir($filename); file_put_contents($filename , $content); } /** * add a whole dir with subdirs. */ public function recursive_add($base, $dir='') { $fh = @opendir("$base/$dir"); if(!$fh) return; while(false !== ($file = readdir($fh))) { @set_time_limit(30); if($file === '..' || $file[0] === '.') continue; if(is_dir("$base/$dir/$file")) { $this->recursive_add($base,"$dir/$file"); }else { $this->_addFile("$dir/$file",io_readFile("$base/$dir/$file",false)); } } closedir($fh); } /** * Delete a file, or a folder and its contents (recursive algorithm) * * @author Aidan Lister * @version 1.0.3 * @link * @param string $dirname Directory to delete * @return bool Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */ public function rmdirr($dirname) { // Sanity check if (!file_exists($dirname)) { return false; } // Simple delete for a file if (is_file($dirname) || is_link($dirname)) { return unlink($dirname); } // Loop through the folder $dir = dir($dirname); while (false !== $entry = $dir->read()) { // Skip pointers if ($entry === '.' || $entry === '..') { continue; } // Recurse $this->rmdirr($dirname . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry); } // Clean up $dir->close(); return rmdir($dirname); } }