str('title'); } } else if($argc > 1) { $title = $argv[1]; } else if(isset($_GET) && isset($_GET['feed'])) { $title = $INPUT->str('feed'); } if(isset($_POST) || isset($_GET) ) { if(isset($_REQUEST['test']) && !is_writable(DOKU_INC) ) { echo DOKU_INC . " is not writable by the web server.
Please check your permissions."; return; } } $minute = 60; $default_ttl = 720*$minute; $ttl = 0; $filetime = 0; $curent_time = time(); if($title) { $xml_file = DOKU_INC . $title . '_news.xml'; } else { $xml_file = DOKU_INC . 'news_feed.xml'; } if(file_exists($newsfeed_ini)) { $ini_array = parse_ini_file($newsfeed_ini, true); $which = isset($ini_array[$title]) ? $title : 'default'; $newsChannelTitle = $ini_array[$which]['title']; $newsChannelDescription = $ini_array[$which]['description'] ; $newsChannelTtl = isset($ini_array[$which]['ttl']) ? $ini_array[$which]['ttl'] : $helper->ttl(); } if(isset($conf['plugin']['news'])) { if(isset($conf['plugin']['news']['ttl'])) { $ttl = $conf['plugin']['news']['ttl']; if($ttl) $ttl *= $minute; } if(!$newsChannelTitle && isset($conf['plugin']['news']['title'])) { $newsChannelTitle = $conf['plugin']['news']['title']; } if(!$newsChannelDescription && isset($conf['plugin']['news']['desc'])) { $newsChannelDescription = $conf['plugin']['news']['desc']; } if(!$newsChannelTtl && isset($conf['plugin']['news']['ttl'])) { $newsChannelTtl = $conf['plugin']['news']['ttl']; } if(isset($conf['plugin']['news']['url'])) { $newsFeedURL = $conf['plugin']['news']['url']; } } if(!$ttl) $ttl = $default_ttl; if(@file_exists($xml_file)) { $filetime = filemtime($xml_file); } $time_elapsed = ($curent_time - $filetime); if($time_elapsed >= $ttl || $lib_exe || $refresh) { new externalNewsFeed($xml_file,$ttl/$minute,$title); if($lib_exe) { chmod($xml_file, 0666); } } if(!$lib_exe && ! $refresh) { header('Content-type: application/xml'); readfile($xml_file); } if($refresh) { header('Content-type: text/html'); if(@file_exists($xml_file)) { $create_time= filectime($xml_file); if($create_time >= $current_time) { echo ''; echo 'Feed generated: ' . date('r',$create_time) , '
'; } else echo "New Feed may not have been not created
"; } $id = htmlentities(urldecode($INPUT->str('feed_ref'))); $ret_url = DOKU_URL . 'doku.php?id=' . $id; echo '
Return to ' . $id . ''; } exit; ?>