getArgs(); $cli->raw_commandLineOpts($cli_opts, $opts, 1); return; } else if($screen) { $this->screen = $screen; } if($nosave) { $this->nosave = $nosave; } if (!empty($template)) { if ($this->screen) { echo "Template: $template \n"; } $tpl = $this->pagefromtemplate($opts['tmpl'], $opts['page'], $opts['usrrepl'], $opts['user']); if ($this->screen) { echo htmlentities($tpl) . "\n"; } } else if (isset($opts['ini'])) { $this->output_ini($user, $ini,$usrreplace); return; } echo $this->writePage($page,$tpl); } function writePage($page, $tpl) { if($this->nosave && $this->nosave == 'true') { return "Not Saving $page\n"; } $file = wikiFn($page); if($this->nosave && $this->nosave == 'existing') { if(file_exists($file)) { return "Not Saving existing page: $page\n"; } } $summary = 'pagetemplate cli'; saveWikiText($page, $tpl, $summary, $minor = false); $this->setOwnership($file); $ns = getNS($page); $ns = preg_replace("/\.txt$/","",wikiFn($ns)); $this->setOwnership($ns,true); $meta = metaFN($page,'.meta'); $this->setOwnership($meta); $meta = metaFN($page,'.changes'); $this->setOwnership($meta); return "Saving $page\n"; } function setOwnership($page, $ns = false) { $owner = $this->getConf('web_owner'); $group = $this->getConf('web_group'); chown($page, $owner); chgrp($page, 'www-data'); if($ns) return; chmod($page, 0664); } function pagefromtemplate($template, $page, $newpagevars, $user = "") { global $conf; global $INFO; $ID = $page; $tpl = io_readFile(wikiFN($template)); if ($this->getConf('userreplace')) { $stringvars = array_map(function ($v) { return explode(",", $v, 2); }, explode(';', $newpagevars)); foreach ($stringvars as $value) { $tpl = str_replace(trim($value[0]), hsc(trim($value[1])), $tpl); } } if ($this->getConf('standardreplace')) { $file = noNS($ID); $page = cleanID($file); if ($this->getConf('prettytitles')) { $title = str_replace('_', ' ', $page); } else { $title = $page; } if (class_exists('\dokuwiki\\Utf8\PhpString')) { $ucfirst = '\dokuwiki\Utf8\PhpString::ucfirst'; $ucwords = '\dokuwiki\\Utf8\PhpString::ucwords'; $ucupper = '\dokuwiki\\Utf8\PhpString::strtoupper'; } else { $ucfirst = 'utf8_ucfirst'; $ucwords = 'utf8_ucwords'; $ucupper = 'utf8_strtoupper'; } $tpl = str_replace(array( '@ID@', '@NS@', '@CURNS@', '@!CURNS@', '@!!CURNS@', '@!CURNS!@', '@FILE@', '@!FILE@', '@!FILE!@', '@PAGE@', '@!PAGE@', '@!!PAGE@', '@!PAGE!@', '@USER@', '@DATE@', '@EVENT@' ), array( $ID, getNS($ID), curNS($ID), $ucfirst(curNS($ID)), $ucwords(curNS($ID)), $ucupper(curNS($ID)), $file, $ucfirst($file), $ucupper($file), $page, $ucfirst($title), $ucwords($title), $ucupper($title), $user, $conf['dformat'], $event->name, ), $tpl); // we need the callback to work around strftime's char limit $tpl = preg_replace_callback('/%./',function ($m) {return strftime($m[0]); },$tpl); } if ($this->getConf('skip_unset_macros')) { $tpl = preg_replace("/@.*?@/ms", "", $tpl); } return $tpl; } function output_ini($user="", $ini, $usrreplace) { if ($ini == 'config') { $ini_file = $this->getConf('default_ini'); $ini_file = DOKU_INC . "lib/plugins/newpagetemplate/$ini_file"; } else { $ini_file = DOKU_INC . "lib/plugins/newpagetemplate/$ini"; } $ini = parse_ini_file($ini_file, 1); $templ = array_keys($ini); foreach ($templ as $t) { $pages = $ini[$t]['page']; $newpagevars = $ini[$t]['newpagevars']; if (is_array($newpagevars)) { $this->process_array($pages, $newpagevars, $t, $user,$usrreplace); } else { $this->process_single($pages, $newpagevars, $t, $user,$usrreplace); } } } function process_array($pages, $newpagevars, $tpl, $user="",$usrreplace) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($pages); $i++) { if(!empty($usrreplace)) { $newpagevars[$i] = "$usrreplace;" . $newpagevars[$i]; } $res = $this->pagefromtemplate($tpl, $pages[$i], $newpagevars[$i], $user); $result = $this->writePage($pages[$i], $res); if ($this->screen) { if($this->screen == 'admin') { echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; if($result) { echo "\n\n"; } echo "
Template: $tpl
Output: " . "\n" . htmlentities($res) . "
"; } else { echo "\n===================\n"; echo "Template: $tpl\n"; echo "$res\n"; if($result) { echo "$result\n"; } } } } } function process_single($pages, $newpagevars, $tpl, $user="",$usrreplace) { /* handles mutiple pages but single instance of newpagevars */ if(!empty($usrreplace)) { $newpagevars = "$usrreplace;$newpagevars"; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($pages); $i++) { $res = $this->pagefromtemplate($tpl, $pages[$i], $newpagevars, $user); $result = $this->writePage($pages[$i], $res); if ($this->screen) { if($this->screen == 'admin') { echo "\n"; echo "\n\n"; echo "\n"; if($result) { echo "\n\n"; echo "
Template: $tpl
Output: " . "\n" . htmlentities($res) . "
"; } } else { echo "\n===================\n"; echo "Template: $tpl\n"; echo "$res\n"; if($result) { echo "$result\n"; } } } } } }